170 years ago today - Apr 23, 1845

[Nauvoo Neighbor] Letter: Letter to John Taylor about the Whistling and Whittling Brigade [a group that intimidates critics] -- Signed, "A.H." -- Describes some recent actions taken by the whistling and whittling brigade.

- Story: Rigdon Forms New Church Leadership -- Signed, "Pelagaram" -- Announces Sidney Rigdon's appointment of a new quorum of Twelve and Seventy....

- Announcement: Sale of Some of Joseph Smith's Estate -- Emma Smith -- Emma signs as "Guardian," and offers some of Joseph's Land for sale.

[Source: http://boap.org/LDS/Nauvoo-Neighbor]


  1. "PELAGORAM" was the secret name for Sidney Rigdon. See 1835 D&C sec.98 (Apr.23,1834), current D&C 104.

  2. The Sidney Rigdon--William Bickerton organization is still thriving and growing throughout the earth today! It is THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST (WHQ: Monongahela, Pennsylvania), the true succession of the restored gospel.


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