50 years ago today - Feb 2, 1963

DESERET NEWS recommends official biography of Hyrum Smith, which describes his family artifacts as including "Emblematic parchments" and steel dagger with "Masonic symbols on blade." Photographs of these artifacts published in 1982 demonstrate that the parchments are "lamens" or parchments of ceremonial magic: one to summon a good spirit, another to ward of evil spirits and witches, and a third against thieves. Instead of "Masonic symbols," the Smith family's dagger is inscribed with astrological sign of Mars, the magic sigil or leas for the Intelligence of Mars, and the zodiac sign for Scorpio. In astrology Mars is the governing planet for Joseph Smith, Sr., whose non-Mormon neighbors claim he dug for treasure by drawing magic circles and using books of ceremonial magic.

[Source: Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower]

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