The Dead Goat Saloon wins in a lawsuit brought against it by the LDS Church. The Church maintained that, although the Saloon/strip club's door was more than 165 feet from a main "gateway corridor" street, its stage was less than 165 feet "as the mole crawls." KUTV news reports that "In her 29-page ruling, [Judge Denise] Lindberg noted how strange it was for lawyers representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the city attorney to sit at the same table during oral arguments since the church was suing the city."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
25 years ago today - Mar 31, 1990
Elaine L. Jack is called as the twelfth general president of the Relief Society, with Chieko Nishimura Okazaki and Aileen Hales Clyde as counselors.
25 years ago today - Mar 31, 1990
Conference sustains first general authority of black African descent, Second Quorum of Seventy-s Helvecio Martins of Brazil (who is released in 1995). Chieko Nishimura Okazaki is sustained as first counselor in general presidency of Relief Society, first non-Caucasian member of auxiliary presidency in Mormon history.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
65 years ago today - Mar 31, 1950
[David O. McKay] I said that the only reason I could see that we employ another secretary at this time is that two of the girls in the Council of the Twelve offices are planning to be married, and inasmuch as the Church does not hire married women, that this new girl could take the place of one of these girls. I said that although there are a few married women in the building, it is against the policy of the Church to employ married women.
[Source: David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
140 years ago today - Mar 31, 1875
George Reynolds's trial for breaking the antipolygamy Morrill Act of 1862 commences in the Third District Court. Reynolds was asked by the First Presidency to submit to this trial in an effort to test the constitutionality of the Morrill Act. The next day he is found guilty, which sets the stage for a series of appeals that eventually lead to a hearing before the United States Supreme Court. The Court upholds the constitutionality of the Morrill Act, paving the way for several more antipolygamy bills in the 1880s.
145 years ago today - Mar 31, 1870
A large group of "citizens of Salt Lake City" approve a memorial to Congress: "We - are believers in the principle of plural marriage or polygamy," the petition declared, "not simply as an elevating social relationship and a preventive of many terrible evils which afflict our race, but as a principle revealed by god, underlying our every hope of eternal salvation and happiness in heaven." Encouraging the Senate to reject the Cullom Bill, the petitioners expressed the predicament they would be in should the bill become law. "It gives us no alternative but the cruel one of rejecting God's command and abjuring our religion, or disobeying the authority of a government we desire to honor and respect." The Cullom bill would bar believers in polygamy from serving on juries and would not allow polygamists to hold public office, voting, or becoming naturalized citizens. It passes the house but does not pass the Senate.
25 years ago today - Mar 30, 1990
Apostle Boyd K. Packer, speaks at a Regional Representative Seminar. In a talk titled "Let Them Govern Themselves," he reiterates the importance of the announcement on tithes and offerings and its purpose in reducing "the overregimentation of the Church. This overregimentation is a direct result of too many programmed instructions" He acknowledges that "smaller budgets and fewer activities, fewer programs . . . will leave a vacuum," he pleads with the Regional Representatives to "absolutely resist the temptation to program that vacuum. . . . Please, for this one time, honor the agency of the members, the families." He also significantly in this context, points out that "the term `free' agency is not found in the revelations. It is a moral agency"
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
45 years ago today - Mar 30, 1970
First Presidency statement quotes Church Historian's Office against alleged "Horse Shoe Prophecy." It attributes prophecy to John Taylor rather than to Joseph Smith and concludes: "There is no record by any of the General Authorities about it; nor is there anything in the diaries of which we have copies." Current LDS president Joseph Fielding Smith recently ends fifty-year service as church historian.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
50 years ago today - Mar 30, 1965
Former Czech missionary writes that a prophecy of Apostle John A. Widsoe that was made in 1932 when Widsoe was president of the European mission is coming true. Widsoe said, "Communism is the work of the devil. The Lord is using it to break down the hold of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches over the minds of men."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
60 years ago today - Mar 30,1955
Quorum of Twelve recommends establishment of separate unit or branch for African-American members in Salt Lake City.
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996,]
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996,]
80 years ago today - Mar 30, 1935
[Heber J. Grant] ...I am surprised to learn that young girls of our communities are being enticed into bathing beauty contests, and I am wholly in sympathy with your attitude towards such contests. I am sure that some day your sister will appreciate even more fully than she seems to do now your interest in her welfare. The very name, 'bathing beauty contests' signifies the desire of those promoting such to display the forms of our girls. ... I wish more of our girl would heed counsel as readily. ...
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Ben W. Infanger, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Ben W. Infanger, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
95 years ago today - Mar 30, 1920
[James E. Talmage] In the evening I spoke in the 20th Ward under M. I. A. auspices on 'Spirits and Spiritualism.' This topic is claiming attention throughout the country, and many of our young people are being influenced by the vagaries afloat.
[Source: James E. Talmage Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: James E. Talmage Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
170 years ago today - Mar 30, 1845
[Brigham Young] if you have a pure law of the celestial kingdom you will never catch a woman going to be baptized for a man - I'll prove that and a man cannot be a prophet unless he is first called to be an apostle.
[Source: Thomas Bullock Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Thomas Bullock Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
75 years ago today - 75 years ago - Mar 29, 1940
First Presidency asks Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith to chair "Literature Censorship Committee authorized by Quorum of the Twelve last Thursday." Results of a poll conducted in BYU theology classes is published in the "Y NEWS." It finds, that, despite frequent warnings by the Honor Tradition Committee, at least 20 percent of the student body continued to cheat on graded homework.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
105 years ago today - 105 years ago - Mar 29, 1910
[Joseph F. Smith and Anthon H. Lund to Don C. Walker and counselors Mar. 29, 1910] All of the children who are of age have [the] right to express their own individual choice as to whom they desire to be sealed, while those who have not yet attained to their majority should wait before expressing their choice. In fact in such an important matter as this it would be well for all the younger children to wait until their judgment becomes mature before deciding to leave their father.
[Source: Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,]
[Source: Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,]
115 years ago today - 115 years ago - Mar 29, 1900; Thursday
Elder Francis M. Lyman stated that he had had a conversation with President J[oseph]. T. Kingsbury of the University of Utah who complained that Dr. James E. Talmage, who is professor of geology in the State university was not performing the amount of labor for that institution that his salary warranted and that Dr. Talmage was not inclined to add more time to the interests of the institution ... The Council felt that Dr. Talmage ought to comply with this request and President Cannon was asked to see him and convey the mind of the Council to him in regard to the matter. ...
[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
115 years ago today - 115 years ago - Thursday, Mar 29, 1900
Apostle J. H. Smith reported his visit to the Fremont Stake. Said the high council of the Fremont Stake was released and reorganized. The change was made necessary owing to the status of some of its members. A number of the council was in the habit of getting drunk; others neglected the law of tithing. Two of the old council were brought in again.
I called attention to the fact that the free-will offerings at the Salt Lake Temple for the year 1898 amounted to $5807.25, and for the year 1899, $6856.83; that the total membership of the church in the stakes of the temple district was 78,915. The amount contributed per capita was, therefore, between 8c and 9c per year. I thought this a poor showing and suggested that there were a great many who would contribute if the matter was properly brought to their attention. It seemed to be the mind of the brethren that it would be better to preach up tithing rather than to make an effort in the direction of the free-will offerings to the temple. Pres. Snow stated that there were 10,000 non-tithe-payers in 1899. The apostles should take up this matter in the stakes. It was reported that there were 30,000 non-tithe-payers in 1898. The number of tithe-payers in 1899 were 62,000.
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,]
I called attention to the fact that the free-will offerings at the Salt Lake Temple for the year 1898 amounted to $5807.25, and for the year 1899, $6856.83; that the total membership of the church in the stakes of the temple district was 78,915. The amount contributed per capita was, therefore, between 8c and 9c per year. I thought this a poor showing and suggested that there were a great many who would contribute if the matter was properly brought to their attention. It seemed to be the mind of the brethren that it would be better to preach up tithing rather than to make an effort in the direction of the free-will offerings to the temple. Pres. Snow stated that there were 10,000 non-tithe-payers in 1899. The apostles should take up this matter in the stakes. It was reported that there were 30,000 non-tithe-payers in 1898. The number of tithe-payers in 1899 were 62,000.
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,]
120 years ago today - 120 years ago - Friday, Mar 29, 1895
[President of the Quorum of Seventy] B. H. Roberts and A. C. Lund spoke against equal suffrage. C. S. Varian, C. C. Goodwin, J. R. Murdock in favor of it.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
130 years ago today - 130 years ago - Mar 29, 1885
[Heber J. Grant] Sunday the 22nd the Salt Lake Tribune published quite a lengthy articles [sic] claiming to be part of a sermon preached by me. It was quite laughable. Tuesday they published a second article which was quite a production in as much as it virtually admited [sic] that the Sunday's article was their own production. ...
[Source: Diary of Heber J. Grant,]
[Source: Diary of Heber J. Grant,]
160 years ago today - 160 years ago - Mar 29, 1855
Church Historian, George A. Smith, under the direction of Brigham Young, while revising the History of the Church, alters Joseph Smiths statement at the founding of the Relief Society from "I now turn the key to you in the name of God and this Society shall rejoice and knowledge and intelligence shall flow down from this time." to read "I now turn the key in your behalf in the name of the Lord. . . ."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
175 years ago today - Mar 29, 1840. Sunday.
[William Clayton] ... Robert Crooks stood up previous to confirmation to shew why he suffered himself to be cut off and how he had felt since. He said he was sincere and believed it was false, through reading a tract against the Book of Mormon. He had prayed much that he might be right. But never could get peace not even as much as before he joined the church. He prayed that the Lord would let him die sooner than let him go astray &c. He was standing by the fire one night lately and was suddenly taken very ill almost lost the use of his limbs. He prayed and said if the Lord would raise him again he would go and be baptized. He found immediate relief and his former peace returned to him. He rejoiced and soon got better. He says if this church is not right there is none right in the world. ...
[Source: George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,]
[Source: George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,]
175 years ago today - Mar 29, 1840
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff] ... Baptized 13 persons 2 of which were Preachers. ...
I am informed this day that the Ministers of the Church of England are holding meetings & councils to petition Parliment to Stop my preaching & to cause our religion to scease out of the land. But may the Lord order all things aright I pray.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
I am informed this day that the Ministers of the Church of England are holding meetings & councils to petition Parliment to Stop my preaching & to cause our religion to scease out of the land. But may the Lord order all things aright I pray.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
185 years ago today - Mar 29, 1830
David Marks, a Free-will Baptist evangelist, stops at the Whitmers house in Fayette, New York. The eight witnesses "affirmed, that an angel had showed them certain plates of metal, having the appearance of gold that were dug out of the ground by one Joseph Smith." They explain to Marks certain basic points about the Book of Mormon and its contents but claim to have viewed the plates in vision only.
At the Palmyra Presbyterian Church it is "Resolved that Hiram Smith, Lucy Smith, and Samuel Harrison Smith be and they hereby are suspended from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper." They are suspended for 18 months for "Neglect of public worship and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper" and for not appearing a the hearing concerning the matter despite having been issued two citations to appear.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
At the Palmyra Presbyterian Church it is "Resolved that Hiram Smith, Lucy Smith, and Samuel Harrison Smith be and they hereby are suspended from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper." They are suspended for 18 months for "Neglect of public worship and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper" and for not appearing a the hearing concerning the matter despite having been issued two citations to appear.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
35 years ago today - Mar 28, 1980
Bonneville Satellite Corporation formed in Salt Lake City.
[Source: Sherry Baker: Mormon Media History Timeline: 1827-2007,]
[Source: Sherry Baker: Mormon Media History Timeline: 1827-2007,]
80 years ago today - Mar 28, 1935
[Heber J. Grant letter] Herewith we hand you President J. Robert Price's letter of March 21, recommending that former blessings be restored to John Thomas Lisonbee, who is dead, he having been excommunicated from the Church some years ago for teaching that the practice of plural marriage should continue. We also enclose a carbon copy of our letter of this date to President Price, from which you will note we have granted permission for the ordinance of baptism to be performed in behalf of John Thomas Lisonbee. Authorization is hereby given for one of the brethren of the Twelve, when visiting in the Maricopa Stake to officiate in restoring former blessings, by proxy, to this man.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Rudger Clawson, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Rudger Clawson, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
120 years ago today - Mar 28, 1895
Spencer Woolley Kimball,was born in Salt Lake City on 28 March 1895 to Andrew Kimball and Olive Woolley. His grandfathers were Heber C. Kimball and Edwin D. Woolley.
[Source: Utah History Encyclopedia: Spencer W. Kimball,]
[Source: Utah History Encyclopedia: Spencer W. Kimball,]
170 years ago today - Mar 28, 1845, Friday
[William Clayton] He played with the band at a party at the mansion house, and he was accompanied by three wives. Margaret Moon and Diantha Farr were not publicly known to be his wives, but since they were all friends anyway this did not look peculiar and it was Clayton's way of making sure all his wives had as good a social life as possible.
[Source: Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.]
[Source: Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.]
175 years ago today - Mar 28, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] I spent the night at the Hill farm & Dreamd of being with several others in a small Boat in a storm on the River. We had to paddle ashore with our hands having no paddles. There was a serpent oralled into the Boat & I flung him out with my hands & reached the shore in safety.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
180 years ago today - Mar 28, 1835 (and November 1831)
Section 107, known as the "Revelation on Priesthood," is a composite of two revelations, and verses 1-58 were received while the Prophet met with members of the Twelve on 28 March 1835. In the late afternoon of the day, members of the quorum confessed their sins, committed themselves to greater service, and received instruction from Joseph Smith. Knowing that they would soon depart for the East, members of the quorum requested that the Prophet "enquire of God for us and obtain a written revelation (if consistent) that we may look upon it when we are separated that our hearts may be comforted." ...
Organizationally, verses 21-37 were significant because they tempered the earlier supremacy of the presidency of the high priesthood by equally dispersing presiding priesthood authority among five quorums of church government. Verses 76 and 82 established the machinery of Church government by which a member of the presidency of the high priesthood could be tried for misconduct. The revelation specified that such a case must be heard by the "common council" (i.e., a bishop, his counselors, and twelve high priests).
[Source: Cook, Lyndon, Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants,]
Organizationally, verses 21-37 were significant because they tempered the earlier supremacy of the presidency of the high priesthood by equally dispersing presiding priesthood authority among five quorums of church government. Verses 76 and 82 established the machinery of Church government by which a member of the presidency of the high priesthood could be tried for misconduct. The revelation specified that such a case must be heard by the "common council" (i.e., a bishop, his counselors, and twelve high priests).
[Source: Cook, Lyndon, Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants,]
55 years ago today - Mar 27, 1960
The Sydney and Manchester Stakes, the first stakes in Australia and England, are organized.
65 years ago today - Mar 27, 1950
[First Presidency letter] "Merchandising of books or other materials should not be carried on in L.D.S. Church chapels or meetinghouses. Such operations are contrary to the spirit of worship and may make the buildings subject to taxation."
[Source: 1950-March 27-Original circular letter, L.D.S. Church Archives, as quoted in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
[Source: 1950-March 27-Original circular letter, L.D.S. Church Archives, as quoted in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
80 years ago today - Mar 27, 1935
[Heber J. Grant] In your letter of March 19 you make inquiry regarding 'Mormon health tea.'
There is no such thing as 'Mormon tea.' Water with milk and sugar in it, has sometimes been christened as such, but this is the only drink that I have ever heard called by that nem.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Mr. R.W. Talley, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
There is no such thing as 'Mormon tea.' Water with milk and sugar in it, has sometimes been christened as such, but this is the only drink that I have ever heard called by that nem.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Mr. R.W. Talley, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
105 years ago today - Mar 27, 1910
Hugh W. Nibley, later a renowned educator, linguist, author, scriptorian, and social critic, is born in Portland, Oregon.
110 years ago today - Monday, Mar 27, 1905
[John Henry Smith] [Mexico:] The Governor wanted to sell us a plantation.
I have seen no evidences of immorality or drunkenness although everybody drinks alcohol. Many both men and women, boys and girls are Smokers.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
I have seen no evidences of immorality or drunkenness although everybody drinks alcohol. Many both men and women, boys and girls are Smokers.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
130 years ago today - Fri. Mar. 27th, 1885
[General Authority Abraham H. Cannon] Father [George Q. Cannon] explained the object of his recent visit to the east. He said he visited [U.S.] Pres. Cleveland three times and had lengthy conversations with him; he also presented him a letter concerning our question. The Pres. assured Father that he would endeavor to treat us with fairness. With each member of the Cabinet Father also had interviews and they seemed disposed to give us fair play. It was suggested that the businessmen hold meetings and use all their influence to put a stop to the unholy crusade against this people.
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
145 years ago today - Mar 27, 1870
[Emma Smith Bidamon] Now the first that my <husband> translated, was translated by the use of the Urim, and Thummim, and that was the part that Martin Harris lost, after that he used a small stone, not exactly, black, but was rather a dark color ...
[Source: Emma Smith Bidamon, Letter to Emma Pilgrim, 27 March 1870, Emma Smith Papers, RLDS Church Library-Archives, Independence, Missouri. Published in The Return 4 (15 July 1895): 2., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Emma Smith Bidamon To Emma Pilgrim]
[Source: Emma Smith Bidamon, Letter to Emma Pilgrim, 27 March 1870, Emma Smith Papers, RLDS Church Library-Archives, Independence, Missouri. Published in The Return 4 (15 July 1895): 2., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Emma Smith Bidamon To Emma Pilgrim]
170 years ago today - Mar 27, 1845
[Hosea Stout] ... and had a talk with Br Lee who gave me some light on some spiritual matters[.] I then went to Brother Willard Richards ... I went to the police and we all went to Leonard Schusslers Brewery and got what Beer we could drink ...
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
170 years ago today - Mar 27, 1845
[Heber C. Kimball] In the Evning recieved the washing of my feet by Sarah N. [Noon, his first plural wife.]
[Source: Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]
[Source: Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]
175 years ago today - Mar 27, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] ... if their had been water convenient their would have been 20 Baptized. But as it was a great distance to the water most concluded to omit it untill another day.
Some however would not take no for an answer, & they followed me untill 2 oclock at night in search of water & we finally found a stream & Baptized 5 persons in a place whare we had to let them down 8 feet perpendicular by the Bank before we reached the water, & 3 of this number were Preachers, & one an aged woman who had followed us the whole time leaning upon her Staves.
... I Baptized 7 during the day 4 of which were preachers. Two females had a fit in the evening. I lade hands upon them & they soon recovered. ...
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
Some however would not take no for an answer, & they followed me untill 2 oclock at night in search of water & we finally found a stream & Baptized 5 persons in a place whare we had to let them down 8 feet perpendicular by the Bank before we reached the water, & 3 of this number were Preachers, & one an aged woman who had followed us the whole time leaning upon her Staves.
... I Baptized 7 during the day 4 of which were preachers. Two females had a fit in the evening. I lade hands upon them & they soon recovered. ...
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
155 years ago today - Mar 26, 1860
[Brigham Young] (Bro. John Louring Nielson who has found a seer stone called in and reported he had discovered coal about 10 miles from here, was using a pump to draw off the water; he said he had seen gold in the stone.) The President said to him if you can find gold use it to bring out the poor saints from England, and then perhaps you might find more; The President observed there are but few men who are wise enough to have a stone just yet. Nielson further said he had seen in his stone many seer stones on the Bank of Missouri, and he would submit himself to counsel all the time as he only wanted to do good. -- Salt Lake City
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
170 years ago today - Mar 26, 1845. Wednesday.
[William Clayton] ...I am a perfect slave to them all the while. I have as much work to receive the tithings for the Temple as an ordinary penman could keep up with, but more than this I spend about 3 and 4 days a week in council and recording records of the kingdom [Council of Fifty]. I have also spent day after day writing brother Kimball's journal for the press, besides writing letters and attending to a multitude of contingent business. I have two dollars a day for six days in the week and spend near every sabbath for no compensation. Other men who don't do half the work have a great deal more money and good property for their comfort than I have and they seem to be extolled to the skies. The church has given me a poor lot for an inheritance but they have also given other men better lots who work no harder than I do and have more money to sport in.
[Source: George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,]
[Source: George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,]
170 years ago today - Mar 26, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessing of Matthias Cowley] ... 'tis is thy privilege to enjoy every blessing which the Lord hath promised to his saints in the last days; and thou shall be clothed with the power of the Priesthood in due time, and thou shalt be a Mighty man in the House of Israel, and thou cause thine enemies to flee before thee, and thou shalt be able to put ten thousand of them to flight, thou shalt have the spirit of Prophecy, and Revelation, the gift of tongues, and be able to do many miracles in the name of [the] Lord - shalt live to see Israel gathered in fulness - the City of Zion built in Jackson County, Missouri, and the House of the Lord, and the cloud rest upon it, according to the Revelation. ...
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
175 years ago today - Mar 26, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] 26th I walked to Stokes Lane & preached at the House of Joseph Evins & spent the night at br. William Davis, & had the following Dream: I saw by night a River in which were many fish. I cast an hook & caught some of them & while fishing I saw some large ones near shore. I put the hook to their mouth. They bit it & I caught them, & one vary notable one exceding all other fish that I had caught.
And as I was taking care of them, I saw a still larger River. It appear like Farmington River in the U.S.A. at the Mill which my Father is tending, & on the other side of the River was a Boat to which was tied many fish lines. On one hook was a fish so large that the captain of the Boat Israel Dormon by name could not bring him into the Boat, & he sailed the Boat across the River whare I was, & the fish was taken out & a Bellman was called for to divide the fish & after the Bell was rung each man took a part, & while dividing the fish, one man said to another man I saw Baptizing last night. Was not you Baptized? I also saw a trunk representing to have Elder Turleys trunk & it ought to be taken care of for he is cast into prison.)
What this Dream means time will soon Determin. Their is to be much Baptizing done soon somewhare. Some of our Brethren will soon come from the U.S.A. & be divided among the people & I shall soon Baptize many & some noted persons. Distance of the Day 5 miles.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
And as I was taking care of them, I saw a still larger River. It appear like Farmington River in the U.S.A. at the Mill which my Father is tending, & on the other side of the River was a Boat to which was tied many fish lines. On one hook was a fish so large that the captain of the Boat Israel Dormon by name could not bring him into the Boat, & he sailed the Boat across the River whare I was, & the fish was taken out & a Bellman was called for to divide the fish & after the Bell was rung each man took a part, & while dividing the fish, one man said to another man I saw Baptizing last night. Was not you Baptized? I also saw a trunk representing to have Elder Turleys trunk & it ought to be taken care of for he is cast into prison.)
What this Dream means time will soon Determin. Their is to be much Baptizing done soon somewhare. Some of our Brethren will soon come from the U.S.A. & be divided among the people & I shall soon Baptize many & some noted persons. Distance of the Day 5 miles.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
185 years ago today - Mar 26, 1830
Within a few days [of the first printing of the Book of Mormon] Martin Harris is on the streets of Palmyra, trying to sell copies for $1.25. Harris is by now legally separated from his wife. As soon as the books are printed, Solomon Chamberlain takes eight or ten copies and goes on a preaching mission, selling one. On this mission he meets Brigham and Phinehas Young at a reformed Methodist conference.
[Source: Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
[Source: Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
185 years ago today - 26-Mar 31, 1830
Smith receives a revelation (D&C 19) in Manchester (NY) for Martin Harris, commanding him to sell his property to finance the printing of the Book of Mormon . This revelation was probably received within a few days of Smith's arrival in Manchester.
[Source: Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831,]
[Source: Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831,]
185 years ago today - Mar 26, 1830
The Book of Mormon is first advertised for sale. 5000 copies are printed and the WAYNE SENTINAL publishes the title page of the Book of Mormon with the announcement: "The above work, containing about 600 pages, large Deuodecimo, is now for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Palmyra Bookstore, by E. B. Grandin." A few days later Joseph Smith gives Oliver Cowdery the brown "seer stone" with which Smith discovered the gold plates (according to Brigham Young) and translated the Book of Mormon into English (according to Smith's wife Emma, Cowdery's wife Elizabeth, Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Hyrum Smith, and William Smith who witnessed the translation process). Smith had previously used this seer stone in his family's quest for enchanted treasure.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
40 years ago today - Mar 25, 1975
BYU's DAILY UNIVERSE reports that at a Marriott Center concert of the rock band "Tower of Power" they played "with enough volume to shake the rafters," The article reports that the audience went "almost out of control," with people dancing in the aisles. Several fans had to be escorted out by BYU security officers. One group of students writes a letter to the editor calling the event "the finest and most enjoyable concert of the year" However BYU president Dallin Oaks responds by vowing "there will be no more 'rock concerts at BYU." For 1977 homecoming the featured performer is Andy Williams who fills less than half of the seats in the Marriott Center.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
65 years ago today - Mar 25, 1950
President George Albert Smith writes, "I have not seen the Father or the Son, neither have I heard their voices in an audible way, but I have felt their presence and have enjoyed the whispering of the Still Small Voice that comes from them, the result of which has given me a testimony of the truth."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
130 years ago today - Mar 25, 1885
[Caroline Rockwell (neighbor of the Smith's)] ... I saw a large hole dug on Nathaniel Smith's farm, which was sandy. I saw Joshua Stafford's peep-stone which looked like white marble and had a hole through the center. Sallie Chase, a Methodist, had one and people would go for her to find lost and hidden or stolen things. My mother [Sarah Witt Rockwell] was one of the first Mormon converts. Father [Orin Rockwell] copied the "Book of Mormon" for the printer, or part of it. I heard Martin Harris say that the first part of the "Book of Mormon" was stolen and that he thought his wife took it and it was not printed in the "Book of Mormon." Father joined the Mormons after my parents went West. Catherine Smith, sister of the prophet, showed me in their house a chest with lock where the plates were kept, but they feared they would be stolen, and then she took up four bricks in the hearth and said they had been buried there. Jo Smith's mother doctored many persons in Palmyra. My sister, with whom mother died in California, was opposed to her being a Mormon. I hope sometime it will be known whether Mormonism is true or not. My brother, Orrin Porter Rockwell, made me a visit in 1844 or '45. When ten years old he broke his leg and a young doctor in Palmyra set it so one leg was shorter than the other and it always troubled him so he could not work at farming.
[Source: statement by Caroline Rockwell, sister of Orrin Porter Rockwell in Naked Truths About Mormonism (April 1888): 1., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Caroline Rockwell Smith Statement]
[Source: statement by Caroline Rockwell, sister of Orrin Porter Rockwell in Naked Truths About Mormonism (April 1888): 1., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Caroline Rockwell Smith Statement]
135 years ago today - Thurs. Mar 25, 1880
[Abraham H. Cannon] "–". . . were talking for a while about rebaptism and Bro. Enz told me that he was rebaptized a short time after coming on his mission; as I felt it my duty, and felt I must also be rebaptized before I could receive a full measure of God's blessings, I requested the same at Bro. Enz's hands. . , . About 8 o'clock on this lovely moonlight evening, we went down on the banks of the Rhine, and after praying, Bro. Enz rebaptized and reconfirmed me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; I will now try and live better than I have done in the past, and be the instrument in the Lord's hands of doing much good; may my Heavenly (Father) help me so to do. I have felt for some time that I should do this, and now it is done, a load seems to be taken from my shoulders."
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
155 years ago today - Mar 25, 1860
[Brigham Young] Brother Hyde compared the departure of the spirit from the body to going into another room, and referred to a statement made by Andrew Jackson Davis. He placed himself in a clairvoyant state beside the bed of a sick person and observed the spirit of the lady leave her body. He saw the spirit ascend from the head of the mortal tenement'"saw it walk out into the open air in company with another spirit that came to escort her away. They appeared to him to ascend an inclined plane, and continued to walk away until they were out of his sight. Do you not believe that your spirit will be in existence after it leaves the body? I care not whether it goes out from the head or from some other portion. Mr. Davis says that, after the spirit was fully out of the body, he saw as it were an umbilical cord that yet retained the spirit to the body; and that when that was separated, the spirit was free, and the body was consigned to dissolution. Whether this be true or not, it is as certain that the spirit leaves the body, it dwells in the spirit-world until the body is raised up by the power of God ...
[Source: Journal of Discourses. Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 8:27-31 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Journal of Discourses. Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 8:27-31 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
160 years ago today - Mar 25, 1855
In the P.M. Prest. B. Young spoke to the meeting in a very interesting manner referring to several points touched upon in the morning by Bro. Pratt. Did not seem fully to fancy Orson's idea about the '"Great Almighty God,'" referring so especially to his attributes. Priesthood was the Principle by which all beings have become Gods, or will become Gods, they must follow the principles of government as revealed in the Priesthood.
Adam and Eve were made of the dust of the earth from which they came, they brought their bodies with them. They had lived and died and been resurrected before they came here and they came with immortal bodies, and had to partake of the fruit of this earth in order to bring forth mortal bodies, or natural bodies, that their seed might be of the dust of the Earth as they were of the dust of the earth from which they came' ...
[Source: Samual Richards diary, quoted in Sermons and Writings of the Restoration. 4 Vols. Ogden Kraut, ed. Pioneer Press, 1994.R 64 which is quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
Adam and Eve were made of the dust of the earth from which they came, they brought their bodies with them. They had lived and died and been resurrected before they came here and they came with immortal bodies, and had to partake of the fruit of this earth in order to bring forth mortal bodies, or natural bodies, that their seed might be of the dust of the Earth as they were of the dust of the earth from which they came' ...
[Source: Samual Richards diary, quoted in Sermons and Writings of the Restoration. 4 Vols. Ogden Kraut, ed. Pioneer Press, 1994.R 64 which is quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
170 years ago today - Mar 25, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Prayer circle meeting in evening; anointing and endowment for "E. B." . Could be Emmeline B. Woodward (plural wife of Newel Whitney), or Elizabeth Brotherton (plural wife of Parley P. Pratt who was in the eastern states at this time). William Clayton refers to "E. B." accepting Heber Kimball's polygamous "instructions" on 20 Sept. 1845.
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,]
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,]
45 years ago today - Mar 24, 1970
First Presidency shortens "the standard term of service for lady missionaries" from 24 months to 18 months.
[Source: (cached, based on]
[Source: (cached, based on]
55 years ago today - Mar 24, 1960
First Presidency writes General Priesthood Committee about "very urgent need of a correlation of studies among the auxiliaries of the Church," which Apostle Harold B. Lee had unsuccessfully advocated to Presidency since 1948 and publicly announces on Sept 30, 1961. However, Lee expands "Correlation Program" beyond instruction manuals, and throughout 1960s and early 1970s, he revolutionizes church administratively by means of Correlation Program.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
115 years ago today - Saturday, Mar 24, 1900
In going up [to Brigham City] I had a long and interesting talk with Elder B. H. Roberts, relative to his experience in Congress in fighting to maintain his rights there to secure the seat he was justly entitled to, but which, because of his being a polygamist, he failed to get.
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,]
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,]
130 years ago today - Mar 24, 1885 (Tuesday)
Parley P. Pratt was arrested in Salt Lake City on a charge of polygamy and u.c.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
165 years ago today - Mar 24, 1850
[Brigham Young] To those who wish to be saints - be careful in the days of ease and plenty and comfort and health and fiddling and dancing ... a winter of frolicking, feasting and visiting has been spent ... in the name of Israel's God I say a few years will not pass over you but a heavier curse will fall on you ... - I ask my friends, don't ask me to any more of your parties - I don't want to hear another fiddle or see another dance - but prepare yourselves to preach salvation to the world.
[Source: Thomas Bullock Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Thomas Bullock Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
170 years ago today - 1845 24 Mar.
A disaffected Mormon writes that Theodore Turley, of the Council of Fifty, has prepared a press in Nauvoo for counterfeiting, and that Turley gave the man a counterfeit $5.00 bill.
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,]
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,]
185 years ago today - Mar 24, 1830
Records of Presbyterian Church of Palmyra note: "Hiram Smith, Lucy Smith, and Samuel Harrison Smith not appearing pursuant to the citation served upon them by P[elatiah] West-Resolved that they be again cited to appear before his session on Monday the 29th inst. At this place at 2 o'clock P.M.- and that P[elatiah] West serve said citation." When they do not appear on the 29th they are "suspended from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
60 years ago today - Mar 23, 1955
Professors Hugh Nibley of the Brigham Young University and Sterling M. McMurrin of the University of Utah read papers at the Great Issues Forum at the University of Utah under the general title "Do Religion and History Conflict?"
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
80 years ago today - Mar 23, 1935
[Heber J. Grant] In your letter of March 21 you ask if the use of coffee substitutes, such as fig-co, postum and cocoa is contrary to the advice given in the Word of Wisdom?
As I understand it these drinks do not create an appetite for themselves, and when not used to excess or taken too hot are not contrary to the Word of Wisdom, and so far as I know there is no stimulant in them such as is the case in ta and coffee. When I am traveling on the train, as I do not like the milk that is served on the diner, I drink postum. When I am at home one of my favorite drinks is made from roasted barley.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Francis M. Whitworth, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
As I understand it these drinks do not create an appetite for themselves, and when not used to excess or taken too hot are not contrary to the Word of Wisdom, and so far as I know there is no stimulant in them such as is the case in ta and coffee. When I am traveling on the train, as I do not like the milk that is served on the diner, I drink postum. When I am at home one of my favorite drinks is made from roasted barley.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Letter to Francis M. Whitworth, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
130 years ago today - (23) March 1885
[Cornelius Stafford (neighbor of Joseph Smith)] ... The Mormon Smith family lived near our house. I was well acquainted with them, and attended school with the younger children. There was much digging for money on our farm and about the neighborhood. I saw Uncle John and Cousin Joshua Stafford dig a hole twenty feet long, eight broad and seven deep. They claimed that they were digging for money but were not successful in finding any. Jo Smith kept it up after our neighbors had abandoned it. A year or two after Jo claimed to find the plates of the "Book of Mormon." He had men dig a tunnel near fifty feet long in a hill about two miles north of the hill where he claimed to find the plates. I tried to look into a peep-stone in my hat in a dark room; I saw nothing, some claimed they could. I saw old Jo Smith, his wife [Lucy Smith] and Mrs. [Sarah Witt] Rockwell baptized by prophet Jo Smith. I have seen Jo in drunken fights ; father and son were frequently drunk. I remember when a man (Hurlbut) came to our school house and took statements about the bad character of the Mormon Smith family, and saw them swear to them. Jo Smith, the prophet, told my uncle, William Stafford, he wanted a fat, black sheep. He said he wanted to cut its throat and make it walk in a circle three times around and it would prevent a pot of money from leaving. Jo's family ate the sheep; he duped many people in similar ways. He claimed to receive revelations from the Lord. The Smiths stole six hogs-heads from us; everything missing was claimed by our neighbors to be in possession of the Smiths. ...
[Source: Cornelius R. Stafford statement, Naked Truths About Mormonism (January 1888): 3., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Cornelius R. Stafford Statement]
[Source: Cornelius R. Stafford statement, Naked Truths About Mormonism (January 1888): 3., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Cornelius R. Stafford Statement]
130 years ago today - Mar 23, 1885
[Christopher Stafford (neighbor of Joseph Smith)] Jo got drunk while we were haying for my uncle, Wm. Stafford ; also at a husking at our house, and stayed overnight. I have often seen him drunk. Jo was the laziest one of the family, and a dull scholar, as were all the Smiths except Harrison and Catherine. ...
Jo claimed he could tell where money was buried, with a witch hazel consisting of a forked stick of hazel. He held it one fork in each hand and claimed the upper end was attracted by the money. I heard my stepfather, Robert Orr, say he had been digging for money one night. Some of my neighbors also said they were digging for money nights. My mother-in-law, Mrs. [Sarah Witt] Rockwell, said that Prophet Jo Smith told her there was money buried in the ground and she spent considerable time digging in various places for it. I never knew of her finding any. Jo Smith told me there was a peep-stone for me and many others if we could only find them. Jo claimed to have revelations and tell fortunes. He told mine by looking in the palm of my hand and said among other things that I would not live to be very old.
When he claimed to find gold plates of the Mormon Bible no attention was paid to them or him by his neighbors. Some time after Jo had men dig on a tunnel forty or fifty feet long on a hill about two miles north of where he claimed to find the plates. I have been in it. Some people surmised it was intended for counterfeiting. Jo was away much of the time summers. He claimed to have a revelation that Manchester, N.Y., was to be destroyed and all the Mormons must leave for Kirkland, ...
[Source: Christopher M. Stafford statement, Naked Truths About Mormonism (April 1888): 1., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Christopher M. Stafford Statement]
Jo claimed he could tell where money was buried, with a witch hazel consisting of a forked stick of hazel. He held it one fork in each hand and claimed the upper end was attracted by the money. I heard my stepfather, Robert Orr, say he had been digging for money one night. Some of my neighbors also said they were digging for money nights. My mother-in-law, Mrs. [Sarah Witt] Rockwell, said that Prophet Jo Smith told her there was money buried in the ground and she spent considerable time digging in various places for it. I never knew of her finding any. Jo Smith told me there was a peep-stone for me and many others if we could only find them. Jo claimed to have revelations and tell fortunes. He told mine by looking in the palm of my hand and said among other things that I would not live to be very old.
When he claimed to find gold plates of the Mormon Bible no attention was paid to them or him by his neighbors. Some time after Jo had men dig on a tunnel forty or fifty feet long on a hill about two miles north of where he claimed to find the plates. I have been in it. Some people surmised it was intended for counterfeiting. Jo was away much of the time summers. He claimed to have a revelation that Manchester, N.Y., was to be destroyed and all the Mormons must leave for Kirkland, ...
[Source: Christopher M. Stafford statement, Naked Truths About Mormonism (April 1888): 1., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Christopher M. Stafford Statement]
135 years ago today - Mar 23, 1880
[Wilford Woodruff] I had My Great Grand Father {Josiah Meded} & wife & 3 [Lougass?] adopted to me to day.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
155 years ago today - Mar 23, 1860
[Brigham Young] W[illia]m A. Hickman said he wanted to do right and to this day he did not know the cause of his present affliction; for what wrong he had done he was sorry and he was ready to take the thunder. He supposed Lot Huntington had feelings because he would not liberate Ferguson from his prison that was the only cause he could assign for their feelings towards him. President Young enquired of W[illia]m Hickman the hardest thing your brother told you I had said about you. W[illia]m A Hickman said drinking, swearing, and taking the name of the Lord in vain, and had lost my religion. President said the worst thing I said was that Lot Huntington and you had got to shooting each other, and you ought to stop it. Hickman said in regard to Lot's feelings I certainly took my knife out and brandished it in front of Lot but not with the intention of killing him, then Lot got mad and fired twice at me; and then I run and fired at Lot. Jas. Luce said he shot 11 times at Lot Huntington. -- Salt Lake City
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
175 years ago today - Mar 23, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] Elder Richards wished me to enquire of the Lord his will concerning Brother & sister Richards for they ware in deep affliction.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
40 years ago today - Mar 22, 1975
The Salt Lake Tribune asked the President of BYU, Dallin Oaks, if "BYU security checked known homosexual haunts looking for BYU students" to which Oaks replied he did not know but "wouldn't be surprised if security officers made such investigations over a period of time."
[Source: Timeline of Mormon Thinking About Homosexuality,]
[Source: Timeline of Mormon Thinking About Homosexuality,]
45 years ago today - Mar 22, 1970
The first stake in Africa was organized in Transvaal, South Africa.
[Source: Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,]
[Source: Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,]
80 years ago today - Mar 22, 1935
[Heber J. Grant] Sister Levi Edgar Young called and made serious complaints about Brother Widtsoe's criticism of her husband. Denied that they had ever served tea in their home except on one occasion when one of her daughters was entertaining some school girls. She acknowledged that that was a mistake, but any statement that her husband had brewed tea at the university and drank it was a falsehood. I couldn't quote the charges that have been made against him because they are second-hand.
[Source: Diary of Heber J. Grant,]
[Source: Diary of Heber J. Grant,]
115 years ago today - Mar 22, 1900; Thursday
President Snow requested the brethren, in their visits to the Stakes, to hold meetings with the Bishops and their counselors and the Stake Presidencies, and urge upon them the necessity of their taking up a private labor themselves with the non-tithe-payers of their several wards, and not leave such matters to the ward Teachers. It was suggested that a former action of the council was that this very thing should be done. ...Referring to the increased work of the ward clerks, President Cannon asked if it would not be a good plan to permit the presidents of Stakes to authorize the ward clerks to charge a fee of ten cents as a means of remuneration, since for the work they do they receive no compensation. Agreeable to this Elder Lyman moved that the clerks be permitted to charge ten cents for each recommend issued by him, either of removal or to the Temple. The motion was carried.
[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
130 years ago today - Mar 22, 1885
The United States Supreme Court annuls the Utah Commission's "test oath," which had been designed to prevent polygamists in Utah from voting. This restores the right to vote to a number of Saints in the territory.
155 years ago today - Mar 22, 1860
President Young Called in half past 3 oclok said that He had been out to pick out a location for a powder mill North East part of the Church farm. ... Brother Young spoke of leaching Earth for Saltpeter. Thought we ought to make our own powder and lead. He spoke of the dealing of the government with us.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
170 years ago today - Mar 22, 1845
[Heber C. Kimball] At 9 Oclock at the Seventies Hall the Kingdom [Council of 50] met in council 39 present. O Lord bless my dear Brethren and remember Thy Servent H. C. K. for he is redy and wants Thy grace to helpe him to be faithfull. Bless his dear wife V. M. [Vilate Murray] and his children and spare them to see old age. My Father in heaven, Strengthen my faith and my Body to indure to the end, and that to an old age and that I may never go astray from The[e] in anny thing while he [I] shall live or anny one of his [my] Brethren the Twelve.
[Source: Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]
[Source: Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]
70 years ago today - Mar 21, 1945
First Counselor J. Reuben Clark says that "one of the reasons why the so-called 'Fundamentalists' had made such inroads among our young people was because we had failed to teach them the truth."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
110 years ago today - Mar 21, 1905
Shortly after testifying before the U.S. Senate's hearings on seating Reed Smoot that the church was adhering to the Wilford Woodruff manifesto, James E. Talmage writes in his journal: "Interview with the First Presidency regarding cases of misrepresentation of the attitude of the Church Authorities in the matter of polygamous marriage. Some people claiming a standing in the church and many of them even officers in ward and stake capacities, unwisely and erroneously affirm lack of sincerity on the part of the General Authorities. My position as a witness in the recent proceedings in Washington places me before this class of people as a sort of target for their arrows of criticism; and I have referred several individuals to the First Presidency for investigation of their words and acts."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
120 years ago today - Mar 21, 1895
[Apostle Francis M. Lyman] The questions whether we should favor Woman Suffrage and prohibition came up. I concluded the former should be favored, the latter not so vigorously as there was danger it would get in the way of statehood.
[Source: Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries,]
[Source: Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries,]
140 years ago today - Mar 21, 1875
A missionary preaching at a temperance hall in Wolverhampton, England is asked by a man in the audience how many wives he had. The missionary answers "enough to leave his neighbors alone."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
170 years ago today - Mar 21, 1845
Prayer circle meeting of "the Holy order" at Joseph B. Noble's house; second anointing for Heber C. Kimball and Sarah Ann Whitney (Smith, Kingsbury, Kimball), and for Brigham Young and Lucy Decker (Seeley, Young) .
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,]
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,]
15 years ago today - Mar 20, 2000
Daniel Oswald of the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS) at Brigham Young University meets with Vatican officials and signs a publishing agreement between the Vatican Apostolic Library and BYU's Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts (CPART).
30 years ago today - Mar 20, 1985
Article in CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: "Tough Challenge for a Basketball Recruiter: Finding Blacks to Play at Brigham Young U."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
130 years ago today - Mar 20, 1885
[Sylvia Walker recollection] ... When Jo told his neighbors about finding gold plates no one believed him nor paid any attention to it, he had humbugged them so much. ... The Mormons said the price of the "Book of Mormon" was established at $1.75 by revelation. It did not sell well and they claimed to receive another to sell it at $1.25. The people were amused that the Mormon Deity did not know what price to set upon the book. It was freely talked among the neighbors that Jo Smith said he had a revelation to go to Pennsylvania and get him a wife. Jo claimed to receive a revelation to dig forty feet into a hill about two miles north of where he pretended to find the gold plates of the "Book of Mormon," where he would find a cave that contained gold furniture, chairs and table. The Mormons dug into the hill horizontally over forty feet without finding any cave. The boys troubled them so they placed a door with lock at the entrance. The boys placed brush against it and destroyed it with fire. The Mormons abandoned it. ...
[Source: Naked Truths About Mormonism (April 1888): 1., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Sylvia Walker Statement]
[Source: Naked Truths About Mormonism (April 1888): 1., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Sylvia Walker Statement]
135 years ago today - Mar 20, 1880
The SUSQUEHANNA JOURNAL (PA) reprints the money-digging agreement of Nov. 1, 1825, signed by Joseph Smith Jr., his father, and seven other men including Josiah Stowell and Isaac Hale, Joseph's future father-in-law: "We, the undersigned, do firmly agree, & by these presents bind ourselves, to fulfill and abide by the hereafter specified articles: Firs-That if anything of value should be obtained at a certain place in Pennsylvania near a Wm Hale's, supposed to be a valuable mine of either Gold or Silver and also to contain coined money and bars or ingots of Gold or Silver, and at wich several hands have been at work during a considerable part of the past summer, we do agree to have it divided in the following manner, viz.: Josiah Stowell, Calvin Stowell and Wm. Hale to take two-thirds, and Charles Newton, Wm. I. Wiley, and the Widow Harper to take the other third. And we further agree that Joseph Smith, Sen. and Joseph Smith, Jr. shall be considered as having two shares, two elevenths of all the property that may be obtained, the shares to be taken equally from each third. . . ."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
135 years ago today - Mar 20, 1880
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff] I had one live man and [ ] dead adopted to me. ...
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
140 years ago today - Mar 20, 1875
Some two hundred Shivwit Indians are baptized at St. George, Utah. This is one of the largest groups of North American Indians to be baptized in a single day.
160 years ago today - Mar 20, 1855
[Patriarchal Blessing of Hannah Holbrook] ... Thou favored among women to enjoy the blessings of seeing the morning of the fulness of times when all things will be gathered in one ...
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
160 years ago today - Mar 20, 1855
[Patriarchal Blessing of Caroline Frances Holbrook] ... Be comforted for thou shalt receive the seals and blessings of thy washings and thy anointing in the house of the Lord that shall be built in the midst of mountains. It will be thy privilege to live and see the sons of Ephraim crowned and see the house of the Lord covered with a pillow of cloud by day and a fire by night. ...
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
165 years ago today - Mar 20, 1850
William Smith: Revelation 20 Mar. 1850 to move church to Texas, ratified by Apr. 1850 conference, delayed by rumors of polygamy-polyandry
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,]
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,]
175 years ago today - Mar 20, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] [After baptizing several including a preacher] "... some of the baser sort armed themselves with rotten Eggs & flung them at me. One hit me in the head but did not break untill it struck the ground. ..."
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
45 years ago today - Mar 19, 1970
A First Presidency letter stated: "There is much concern on the part of the brethren concerning the apparent increase in homosexuality and other deviations, and we call to your attention a program designed. . . to counsel and direct them back to total normalcy and happiness." The letter designated Apostles Spencer W. Kimball and Mark E. Petersen to "send material and give counsel." Apostle Kimball's "New Horizons for Homosexuals" (later titled "A Letter to a Friend") had sections titled "It is Curable" and "Multiply and Replenish," which recommended that homosexually-oriented young men should get married and father children as signs of overcoming their same-sex desires.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
110 years ago today - Mar 19, 1905; Sunday
President Joseph F. Smith, alluding to his testimony on the subject of revelation, which was given on the occasion of the Reed Smoot investigation in Washington [D.C.], and over which much controversy had arisen, declared that while he had never received from God a revelation on some new doctrine or commandment, to be written and preserved and handed down as a law to the Church, he had been guided, from the day of his baptism to the present, by divine influence, and had been aided time and again by the spirit of God in his work in the ministry, and strongly expressed the wish that if, in his day, some new revelation should be needed by the Church, he might be worthy to receive it.
[Source: Salt Lake Stake High Council Minutes]
[Source: Salt Lake Stake High Council Minutes]
115 years ago today - Monday, Mar 19, 1900
F. M. L[yman]. The ordination of a bishop; to set apart alone is not sufficient, but a man to be a bishop must be ordained to that office.
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,]
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,]
130 years ago today - Mar 19, 1885 (Thursday)
U.S. deputy marshals raided the houses of Geo. Q. Cannon, Geo. Dunford and Mrs. J.C. Little, in an unsuccessful search for witnesses in polygamy cases.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
135 years ago today - Mar 19, 1880
[Wilford Woodruff] I went to the Temple & spent the day. ... I had 15 single women sealed to me & 9 couple for the dead Total 24. Adoptions 16 dead 1 Living 17. Endowments 121. 42 ordinations. 43 sealing. 4 Children sealed to Parents.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
155 years ago today - Mar 19, 1860
Brigham Young's office journal notes: "Pres. Joseph Young reported that Almerin Grow would attend his councils at the Seventies Hall. The President requested Bro. A. Carrington to read an affidavit made by Almerin Grow that the Library was destroyed by Brigham Young. President Young observed he ought not to attend Seventies or Bishops Meetings."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
175 years ago today - Mar 19, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] I dreamed at night that Brother Thompson was dead & left a wife & two children. I caught a large fish & [dressed?] it.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
180 years ago today - Mar 19, 1835
[Patriarchal Blessing of Samuel Rolfe given by Joseph Smith, Sr] ... And by the power of the holy priesthood you are now sealed up unto eternal life. ...
[Source: Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor),]
[Source: Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor),]
185 years ago today - Mar 19, 1830
The completed Book of Mormon is advertised for sale in this and the next three issues of the Wayne Sentinel: 2, 9, and 26 March. The complete run of 5,000 copies is not finished until the summer of 1831.
[Source: Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books,]
[Source: Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books,]
120 years ago today - Mar 18, 1895 (Monday)
Woman suffragists appeared in the constitutional convention in Salt Lake City and presented memorials.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
125 years ago today - Mar 18, 1890 (Tuesday)
Bishop Anthon L. Skanchy, of Logan, was discharged from the Penitentiary.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
95 years ago today - Mar 18, 1920
First Presidency selects Elder George F. Richards to chair a committee to prepare a new edition of the Book of Mormon. Committee members included Anthony W. Ivins, Melvin J. Ballard, and James E. Talmage. Later John A. Widtsoe and Joseph Fielding Smith are added. After finishing with the Book of Mormon the committee takes up preparing a new edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. The main change is the removal of the "Lectures on Faith" which were published in the 1835 edition and called "the Doctrine of the Church."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
130 years ago today - Wed. March 18th, 1885
[Abraham H. Cannon] This morning I received word from Charles Richards that [future Utah senator, and brother to Abraham] Frank is some place in town on another drunk. I gave John Q. and the police notice and urged them to be on the lookout for him. ... I started out with the determination to learn of his whereabouts. I first visited his mother at Aunt M.A. Lambert's and then went on Main Street and searched until about 11 o'clock. The horrible information I obtained was that he was in Kate Flint's establishment and that his associations with that notorious prostitute are well known to several police officers. He has been drinking deeply and spending money very lavishly with fast women. Some of his suppers are said to have cost him $35. I was assured that he would go to Ogden in the morning and I therefore did not attempt to force an entrance to his stopping place.
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
135 years ago today - Mar 18, 1880
[Wilford Woodruff] D H Cannon sealed 20 single Dead women to me sister Eyring officiating for my females. ...
I was suffering with a severe Cold and head ake all day.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
I was suffering with a severe Cold and head ake all day.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
155 years ago today - Mar 18, 1860
Brigham Young's office journal records: "[Heber C. Kimball] observed that mormonism had made him all that he was: he was worth $20,000 now; and if he had remained in the States he would have been a poor man to this day."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
155 years ago today - Mar 18, 1860
I then took a walk with Brother Kimball about his premises. He spoke upon the subject of Famine. Said he was satisfied that it would Come.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
170 years ago today - Mar 18, 1845
[Wilford Woodruff] ... dreamed a rattle snake bit me on the ancle. I pulled him off squoze him to death & much poison came out of his mouth. The interpetation is when we arive at Edinborough I shall be opposed by (the presiding elder> for appointing Br Banks to preside over that branch of the Church & conference.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
1 year ago - 2014-03-17
Church PR Department rejected Ordain Women's Ticket Request
The Church PRDepartment published a letter in the Deseret News rejecting Ordain Women's request for 250 tickets to the Priesthood Session of Conference. The letter states that the press will be barred from Temple Square and states the Ordain Women should be relegated to the "Free Speech Zones" located outside of Temple Square. "
[Source: Mormon Women's History Timeline,]
The Church PRDepartment published a letter in the Deseret News rejecting Ordain Women's request for 250 tickets to the Priesthood Session of Conference. The letter states that the press will be barred from Temple Square and states the Ordain Women should be relegated to the "Free Speech Zones" located outside of Temple Square. "
[Source: Mormon Women's History Timeline,]
20 years ago today - Mar 17, 1995
Utahs LDS governor, Michael Leavitt, signs the countrys first DOMA legislation which indicated that the state of Utah recognizes only marriages between persons of different sex, including those that might be performed in other states.
[Source: Crapo, Richley, Chronology Of Mormon / LDS Involvement In Same-Sex Marriage Politics]
[Source: Crapo, Richley, Chronology Of Mormon / LDS Involvement In Same-Sex Marriage Politics]
55 years ago today - Mar 17, 1960
As Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson says he supports Richard Nixon for president because he has no other choice.
[Source: David Pietrusza, "1960 Election Chronology," http://www.davidpietrusza/.com/1960-election-chronology.html]
[Source: David Pietrusza, "1960 Election Chronology," http://www.davidpietrusza/.com/1960-election-chronology.html]
115 years ago today - Mar 17, 1900
[Brigham Young Jr.] [In Durango, Colorado:] Clint Burnham & girl arr[anged]. to have me seal them but I did not. They took one room opposite mine. I suggested they should dust off with door open and when I knocked at their door Clint said you can't come in. I said do you want to be married before you go down to dinner. he said just as you say. I was astounded that they locked themselves in one room. Soon they came out and Clint then said this is my wife. after your departure from Fruitland [New Mexico] I wrote to Pres[ident] [Lorenzo] Snow and obtained permission to have our Bishop marry and I would come to the Temple later. Did you say that you were to meet me at Durango and be sealed. No. well then you must fulfill your agreement with Pres[ident]. S[now]. I decline to seal you here.
[Source: Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
155 years ago today - Mar 17, 1860
Prest. Young alluded to William Smith, brother of the Prophet and said the last he heard of him his head was as white as a sheet; and so poor that he could not provide a morsel of food for his wife. Pres[ident] remarked a woman purporting to be his wife used to lecture against Mormonism in the States; and a man used to accompany her as a protector, they were caught in bed together and published in the Eastern papers. -- Salt Lake City
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
170 years ago today - Mar 17, 1845
[Heber C. Kimball marriage] wife #16. Sarah Ann Whitney (Smith Kimball), 1825-1873; 7 children, including David Heber, Newel Whitney, Horace Heber, Sarah (Jenkins), Joshua Heber, time only. Former wife of Joseph Smith's.
[Source: Hatch, Charles M. and Compton, Todd M. editors, 'A Widow's Tale: 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney' p. 37]
[Source: Hatch, Charles M. and Compton, Todd M. editors, 'A Widow's Tale: 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney' p. 37]
65 years ago today - Mar 16, 1950
[Frank Evans] At about 1:30 Joseph (Wirthlin) and I went to President Smith's office, again regarding an allowance for Patriarch Eldred G. Smith, the matter having been referred to us by President Smith for consideration and report to him. Decision was reached to increase Eldred's allowance to the extent of $100 per month retroactive to January 1. I was requested to so inform Eldred. Accordingly he came to my office at 3:30 p.m. and I gave him the result of the interview and also informed Rulon H. Tingey so that he could place it on the payroll.
[Source: Frank Evans Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Frank Evans Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
65 years ago today - Mar 16, 1950
[David O. McKay] Immediately after Council meeting I accompanied President Smith into his office, and laying my coat on the back of a chair,'not stopping to go to my own office first'I presented to him the question submitted regarding the advisability or the necessity of adjusting certain inequities in allowances made the General Authorities, this question having been submitted to the Presidency by the Committee of adjustment of salaries of church employees.
I had in mind the allowance paid to each of the members of the Council of the Twelve, of the Assistants to the Twelve, of the First Council of 70, and of the Presiding Bishopric.
President Smith remembered why certain increases had already been made to the following:
George F. Richards
Joseph Fielding Smith
John A. Widtsoe
Ezra T. Benson
Matthew Cowley of the Twelve, and
Levi Edgar Young
Oscar Kirkham
Milton R. Hunter of the Seventies also
Eldred G. Smith, presiding patriarch
We considered the fact that three 10% increases had been made to the Church employees as an emergency allowance in view of the depreciation of the dollar and the continued high price of clothing and other personal necessities. After due consideration, President Smith said: 'You go right ahead and report back, and suggest to the committee that they consider the entire matter and submit to us their recommendation for an equalizing of the allowances made to General Authorities.'
[Source: David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
I had in mind the allowance paid to each of the members of the Council of the Twelve, of the Assistants to the Twelve, of the First Council of 70, and of the Presiding Bishopric.
President Smith remembered why certain increases had already been made to the following:
George F. Richards
Joseph Fielding Smith
John A. Widtsoe
Ezra T. Benson
Matthew Cowley of the Twelve, and
Levi Edgar Young
Oscar Kirkham
Milton R. Hunter of the Seventies also
Eldred G. Smith, presiding patriarch
We considered the fact that three 10% increases had been made to the Church employees as an emergency allowance in view of the depreciation of the dollar and the continued high price of clothing and other personal necessities. After due consideration, President Smith said: 'You go right ahead and report back, and suggest to the committee that they consider the entire matter and submit to us their recommendation for an equalizing of the allowances made to General Authorities.'
[Source: David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
90 years ago today - Mar 16, 1925
First Presidency rules, in response to an inquiry asking if it was proper to remove garments from patients during operations, that "the wishes of the patients should be considered." but there had been a previous ruling that because of sanitary reasons it "might be wise to remove the garments from the patient, and where it is thought best to do so, this may be done."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
125 years ago today - Sunday, Mar 16, 1890
[John Henry Smith] President Woodruff['s] instructions to us was read and three letters from W. W. Damron to President G. Q. Cannon complaining about the course pursued by [Stake] Prest. C. Layton were also read and Bro. Damton made a statement. He charged Bro. Layton with using ardent spirits and using profane language and of associating with bad men at Tucson. Witnesses were examined and a very free us[e] of ardent spirits was fairly proven. Also the use of bad language was fairly well sustained but the other charge fell to the ground. Bro. C. Layton confessed wrongdoing and asked forgiveness, which was granted.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
135 years ago today - Mar 16, 1880
[Franklin D. Richards] A letter from Delegate [George Q.] Cannon bro[ugh]t. the key of B[o]x containing Records of 'Kingdom of God & his laws with the Keys & powers thereof & judgment in the hands of his servants' [Council of Fifty] which Br[other]. [L. John] Nuttall obtained & read from the first volume of the history of its origin and Organization some near 200 pages to Pres[iden]t. [John] Taylor J[oseph]. F. Smith & myself. This reading continued till about eleven o,clock at night at Elder Taylors house'-Took my turn in reading'-The whole reading was exceedingly interesting & wonderful to contemplate.
[Source: Franklin D. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Franklin D. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
155 years ago today - Mar 16, 1860
Brigham Young discusses "the abuses of the Postal arrangements, they are a set of thieves from beginning to end, In one instance they opened a communication that Geo[rge] A. Smith sent to his bro[ther] and published it."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
170 years ago today - Mar 16, 1845
[Brigham Young Sermon] S. Rigdon said when Joseph fell - Martin Harris go up and testified by the '"Holy Roll'" that it is all true, W. Law's face is as long as ever, and him and Sidney are one in spirit, and I do not know but why they may yet be twain in flesh.
[Source: Thomas Bullock—LDS Church Reporter, 1844-56.C, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[Source: Thomas Bullock—LDS Church Reporter, 1844-56.C, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
170 years ago today - Mar 16, 1845
[Brigham Young] I would rather have a six-shooter than all the lawyers in Illinois. I am sworn not to pay lawyers, but to pay our debts, and it will relieve us from an immense tax. ... I am going to drop the name Nauvoo and call this the "City of Joseph". ...
Brother Wm. Marks [former Stake President] has gone without being "whittled" [intimidated] out. He would hire a man for twenty-five cents a day and would make a man work two days in the harvest field for one bushel of wheat, which is one of the most low, dishonest, mean things a person can do.
[Source: Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)]
Brother Wm. Marks [former Stake President] has gone without being "whittled" [intimidated] out. He would hire a man for twenty-five cents a day and would make a man work two days in the harvest field for one bushel of wheat, which is one of the most low, dishonest, mean things a person can do.
[Source: Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)]
175 years ago today - Mar 16, 1840
In England Wilford Woodruff obtains a preaching license. He has to classify himself as a "protestant" and swear allegiance to Queen Victoria. A few days later an Anglican rector sends a constable to arrest Woodruff for preaching without a license. Woodruff shows his license and invites the constable to stay for the sermon. The constable remains and afterwards asks to be baptized.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
95 years ago today - 95 years ago - Mar. 15, Tues. [1920]
[James E. Talmage] [Springville] I then went to the home of Mrs. Crandall, to meet her daughter, Mrs. Erma Gudmundson, who appears to have been a victim of many painful conditions arising from the immoral state of affairs [wife sacrifice] at West Tintic. She is the wife of Moses S. Gudmundson, who was excommunicated at the earlier trial. I found her to be virtually a physical wreck. She has been harassed by occasional visits and more frequent messages from her husband; the nature of some of which was disclosed. Thus, he told her that should she say a word or do a thing against the interest of the people accused of wrongdoing at West Tintic, she would be the cause of his death, as it had been shown to him in vision that such action on her part would bring about his murder, and that calamity would be visited upon herself and her children. In her impressionable state, such messages as these threaten her sanity and even her life. She was really in the grip of an evil power; and I have seldom experienced a meeting with such a potent adversary as the evil spirit by which she was possessed. She seemed to crave my aid, and yet she persistently refused to look me in the face, saying that my face and my eyes were so bright as to terrify her. I was not conscious of any unusual condition of this sort, but she turned her head and shaded her eyes whenever for the moment I caught her gaze. I proceeded to administer to her, and rebuked the evil power, conscious all the while of a real struggle and conflict. Immediately after the administration she turned her eyes upon me and smiled, and was not disturbed by my gaze, but kept her eyes directed toward me. When I left her she was holding her baby and was in a state of comparative peace. I confess, however, that because of her weakened condition and of her state of nervous disturbance, I have not full faith that she will not suffer a relapse.
... They [several Bishops] informed me of conditions that have long existed in Springville, this consisting essentially in the holding of meetings by women, and participated in by a few men, at which meetings messages were asked for. They told of alleged inspiration and revelation coming through women, and particularly of the frequency with which the gift of tongues was indulged in; and averred that by these means directions were sought as to individual and other affairs. Thus, they say, that business enterprises, land purchases, change of residence, mating in marriage, etc., were determined by this clique, as through prayer and fasting some "message" had been given directing them what to do.
... In all these alleged proceedings, many of which were conducted with semi-secrecy, the dominant thought seems to have been that individual inspiration, direction through speaking in tongues, and particularly dreams, were superior to all counsel or direction through the ordinary Church channels. ...
[Source: James E. Talmage Journal, Transcription reproduced by Trevor Antley, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University]
... They [several Bishops] informed me of conditions that have long existed in Springville, this consisting essentially in the holding of meetings by women, and participated in by a few men, at which meetings messages were asked for. They told of alleged inspiration and revelation coming through women, and particularly of the frequency with which the gift of tongues was indulged in; and averred that by these means directions were sought as to individual and other affairs. Thus, they say, that business enterprises, land purchases, change of residence, mating in marriage, etc., were determined by this clique, as through prayer and fasting some "message" had been given directing them what to do.
... In all these alleged proceedings, many of which were conducted with semi-secrecy, the dominant thought seems to have been that individual inspiration, direction through speaking in tongues, and particularly dreams, were superior to all counsel or direction through the ordinary Church channels. ...
[Source: James E. Talmage Journal, Transcription reproduced by Trevor Antley, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University]
110 years ago today - 110 years ago - Monday, Mar 15, 1905
[Apostle John Henry Smith] Paso dela Mina, Tabasco
I slept very nicely. Pigs, Dogs. Cats. Trinkies and chickens occupied my room with me and James Mack, Ben Cluff, and John A. McAllister...
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
I slept very nicely. Pigs, Dogs. Cats. Trinkies and chickens occupied my room with me and James Mack, Ben Cluff, and John A. McAllister...
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990,]
170 years ago today - 170 years ago - Mar 15, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessing of Alexander Neibaur by John Smith] A blessing by John Smith Patriarch upon the head of Alexander son of Nathan and Rebecca Neibaur, born Jan 8, 1808, Ehrenbreitenstein, Prussia, Europe, thou art of the house of Abraham and through the lineage of Judah, and thou art called to preach the gospel to gentile and Jew and thou shalt be an instrument in the hands of the Lord in bringing many of thy brethren of the house of Judah to a knowledge of salvation through a crucified Savior ... thou shalt break down the prejudices of thy brethren the Jews, through thy teaching the scales of darkness shall fall from their eyes, and of thou shalt [bring] thousands into the waters of baptism ... [you] shall stand in the earth when the Savior sets his foot upon the Mount of Olive and behold all the glory and power which shall be manifested that day, shall see with thine eyes and hear with thine ears the joy manifested among the Jews, when they acknowledge the Savior who was wounded in the house of his friends, inasmuch Bro. Neibaur as thy faith does not fail everyone of this blessing shall be fulfilled with every desire of thy heart ...
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
170 years ago today - Mar 15, 1845
[Minutes of the Apostles] [Heber C. Kimball] asked when you [George J. Adams] came home if there had been any women sealed to W[illiam] S[mith]. you denied it. And I can prove that that there has scores been sealed to both you & him or you have gone to bed with them'I know you have done it by revelation. You have lied to us to day and I will not bear it. and I want you to confess it today or if you dont we will have to prove it before the world and cut you off. I am all the time receiving letters from the East giving account of your prostituting young women and ruining the churches. A[dams]. In regard to women'himself & W[illia]m [Smith]'what W[illiam] had done he made him promise not to tell. He is glad to have them talk all thats in them for he wants to be saved. ... B[righam] Young said who wants to follow W[illia]m Smith. There is but one principle that can save William. He has a brother who is a prophet in the church.... B[righam] Y[oung] we dont want you to say a word against W[illia]m because is bound to be saved. Joseph [Smith] got a promise of it. ...
[Source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
185 years ago today - Mid-March 1830
The printing of the Book of Mormon is finished . The binding begins about this time.
[Source: Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831,]
[Source: Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831,]
80 years ago today - Mar 14, 1935
Utah makes unlawful cohabitation a felony. Even federal anti-polygamy crusade of 1880's did not do this. With encouragement for First Presidency, stake president Hugh B. Brown writes this bill and Mormon legislators pass it.
95 years ago today - Mar. 14, Mon. [1920]
[James E. Talmage] Gerald H. Lowry, who was disfellowshipped ... and in view of the conclusive testimony that he had been a party to the infamous "wife-sacrifice" practise [sic]..
J. Leo Hafen, who, prior to the disorganization of the West Tintic branch three weeks ago, was president of that branch, was also excommunicated from the Church. There was no direct evidence that he had been an active participant in any "wife-sacrifice" atrocity; but his dereliction in failing to report the condition of affairs to the Stake Presidency, his refusal to give information to the Stake President when called upon, and his persistent refusal to comply with the usual and well established order and regulations of the Church, were deemed sufficient to warrant the penalty imposed upon him.
Ralph B. Weight, his wife Mrs. Minerva B. Weight, Thomas D. Nisbet, Levi G. Metcalf Jr., and his wife Mrs. Lucy Warren Metcalf, were disfellowshipped from the Church. ...
[Note: "A practice of "Wife Sacrifice" was practiced in the area, conceptually related to the United Order. Men would sacrifice their wives to other men for sexual relations.]
[Source: James E. Talmage Journal, Transcription reproduced by Trevor Antley, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University]
J. Leo Hafen, who, prior to the disorganization of the West Tintic branch three weeks ago, was president of that branch, was also excommunicated from the Church. There was no direct evidence that he had been an active participant in any "wife-sacrifice" atrocity; but his dereliction in failing to report the condition of affairs to the Stake Presidency, his refusal to give information to the Stake President when called upon, and his persistent refusal to comply with the usual and well established order and regulations of the Church, were deemed sufficient to warrant the penalty imposed upon him.
Ralph B. Weight, his wife Mrs. Minerva B. Weight, Thomas D. Nisbet, Levi G. Metcalf Jr., and his wife Mrs. Lucy Warren Metcalf, were disfellowshipped from the Church. ...
[Note: "A practice of "Wife Sacrifice" was practiced in the area, conceptually related to the United Order. Men would sacrifice their wives to other men for sexual relations.]
[Source: James E. Talmage Journal, Transcription reproduced by Trevor Antley, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University]
120 years ago today - Thursday, Mar 14, 1895
[Apostle Abraham H. Cannon] BYU Academy is so much in debt that the building will be sold unless the mortgage is paid immediately. "The Catholics will buy the structure, it is said. All felt that the property must be saved if the money to do it can possible be obtained."
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
[Source: Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,]
155 years ago today - Mar 14, 1860
[Heber C. Kimball] I feel vaxed in spirit this morni[n]g ['-] we have many Brothran in our midst who feel vary important who care nothing for me ownly to come to me for favors and when thay got thare end sarve[d] thay naver come to me nigh me again nor care Nothing for me no more than thay do for an old horse untill thay want another Favor than thay will come again. I have made many enemies by trying to do good. Many that occupy high positions in the Church Feel vary important and feel as though the whole Church depends upon them and such think as to Brother Heber he is of No account. he has been a good man in his day but his usefulness is about over ... I might get the revelation of the Lord and teach the people the doctrin[e] of Christ and many that profess to be good Brethren will say it is nobody but Brother Heber ['-] what is a revelation from Brother Heber ['-] we have to carry around manypeople bythe ass of their Breeches that want to trample upon me but I shall live to see the ass of their Breeches come off and they will go down while I shall rise. ...
['-] Many man in the days of Joseph tried to make a division between Joseph & the Twelve & to destroy the Twelve ['-] it is just so now & they try to make a division between the First Presidency of the Church ['-] ... Irefared to Brother Benson yes to Brother Ezra T. Benson ['-] his Course is disgusting to President Young[,] it is to me & to Brother Wells. He would rather Believe his wife than to Believe all the prophets & Apostles in this Church and he is governed by a woman possesg [possessing] the spirit of whoredom and his mind is darkened & he does not see anything and if he has got a virtuous woman in his Family she ought to leave it. President Young has thought a great Deal of Ezra & he has been made a great Deal of, and Ezra has Felt as though he was of much Consequence. But he is in a bad road and his course is disgusting And President Young wants to get him away from hare. ...
[Source: Heber C. Kimball speaking to Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Samuel W. Richards, Joseph B. Noble, Seymour B. Young, and Samuel Sprague in Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
['-] Many man in the days of Joseph tried to make a division between Joseph & the Twelve & to destroy the Twelve ['-] it is just so now & they try to make a division between the First Presidency of the Church ['-] ... Irefared to Brother Benson yes to Brother Ezra T. Benson ['-] his Course is disgusting to President Young[,] it is to me & to Brother Wells. He would rather Believe his wife than to Believe all the prophets & Apostles in this Church and he is governed by a woman possesg [possessing] the spirit of whoredom and his mind is darkened & he does not see anything and if he has got a virtuous woman in his Family she ought to leave it. President Young has thought a great Deal of Ezra & he has been made a great Deal of, and Ezra has Felt as though he was of much Consequence. But he is in a bad road and his course is disgusting And President Young wants to get him away from hare. ...
[Source: Heber C. Kimball speaking to Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Samuel W. Richards, Joseph B. Noble, Seymour B. Young, and Samuel Sprague in Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
165 years ago today - Mar 14, 1850
Senator Thomas H. Benton of Missouri checks out BOOK OF MORMON from Library of Congress. He does not return it until Jun 3, 1851, first national leader to voluntarily show interest in Mormon scriptures.
185 years ago today - about Mar 14, 1830
Palmyra, New York. Joseph Smith wrote what became the preface to the first edition of the Book of Mormon.
[Source: BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith,]
[Source: BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith,]
20 years ago today - Mar 13, 1995
LDS president answers questions at press conference, first time in 22 years.
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
35 years ago today - Mar 13, 1980
The NON-MORMON NEWS, a BYU student paper for and by non-Mormons reports that when one student raised a question in class, his instructor told him to "go home and repent and put [his] thoughts in harmony with the teachings of the brethren."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
65 years ago today - Mar 13, 1950
[George Albert Smith] At ten o'clock Sterling Sill asked for an appointment and came in to discuss front page editorial that was published in the Deseret News, Sunday, March 5, reprimanding the University of Utah for the publication of a magazine called 'The Pen' which contained a compilation of articles and poems and stories and distributed in connection with the centennial program of the University of Utah. Unfortunately, a number of these articles were written by people known to be bitter anti- Mormons, and condensations of some of their works were published in this magazine. ... The editorial was rather firmly worded and naturally caused some comment, particularly by University people. Yesterday another editorial was printed acknowledging some explanations that were made by the University and indicating that as far as the paper was concerned the matter was now closed. Brother Sill, Chairman of the Board of Regeants, came to discuss this matter and said that he had come to see me because he was going up to a meeting of the Board of Regeants. ... It was observed that if such a spirit continued we would have an anti-Mormon Board of Trustees, an anti-Mormon President of the University, and the old fight would be on again. Brother Sill said that he did not think Governor Lee could get Olpin out as the President. He said he would rather count on Clarence Bamberger and William O'Conner. ... The other day I visited with Dr. Olpin at his home, and he showed me a letter which he had written in answer to the editorials which had been published. He felt quite keenly about it, because he was out of town at the time that the magazine was published and knew nothing of its contents, although he is listed as one of the editors. After talking with him at some length I discouraged him from publishing his letter as he had intended to do and to just let the matter drop. He thanked me for my advice and counsel.
[Source: George Albert Smith Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: George Albert Smith Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
85 years ago today - Mar 13, 1930
Probable date for the creation of the Los Lunas Ten Commandment Stone. "Eva and Hobie 3-13-30" is carved on a rock nearby the notorious "Ten Commandment Stone.". The stone contains a Phonecian inscription of the Ten Commandments and has achieved some fame in the Mormon community as evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon. In 1953 Welby Ricks (President of the University Archaeological Society at BYU), Milton R. Hunter, Sidney B. Sperry, Hugh Nibley, and John L. Sorenson made a trip to New Mexico to investigate the inscription on the stone. Sorenson notes: "We were quite thrilled at first sight and fascinated by its contents." Sorenson "took some shots of surrounding petroglyphs and was surprised to find they were heavily patinated, whereas none of the carvings on the Phoenician stone were thus darkened. (Patination is the discoloration due to oxidation which develops on exposed surfaces of stone over very long periods of time.)" The "Eva and Hobie" stone shows similar lack of patination. Welby Ricks issues a report concluding: "I am fully convinced that the Ten Commandment stone found near Los Lunas, New Mexico is a fraud. Its age does not go back into ancient times. It is probably from thirty to fifty years old, perhaps even dating to as late as Mar 13, 1930."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
95 years ago today - Mar 13, 1920; Saturday
[Apostle Anthony Ivins] Left home with Stephen L. Richards for Los Angeles. Report had come to us that Jos. E. Robinson, former president of the Cal. Mission had been guilty of improper conduct with lady missionaries and other women, when he was presiding over the Cal. mission & we went out to investigate these reports. ... He admitted the charges made against him.
[Source: Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) -]
[Source: Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) -]
100 years ago today - Mar 13, 1915
President Joseph F. Smith is in receipt of your letter of the 27th ult. He has requested me to say to you that if you were sealed to your husband and he has forefeited his right to you and the children on account of adultry or other crimes the children will go with you, and they need not be sealed to any man to whom you may again be sealed, as they were born under the covenant and go with the one who has ke[pt] the covenant.
[Source: Harold G. Reynolds, Letter to Lorah Whitaker, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Harold G. Reynolds, Letter to Lorah Whitaker, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
115 years ago today - Mar 13, 1900; Tuesday
All three members of the First Presidency were at the office today. A cash order for $1,500. was issued today in favor of the Brigham Young College. ...
Bishop [Hiram B.] Clawson and Elder John Henry Smith met with President Snow this morning. The Bishop had just returned from Washington [D.C.] and stated that the President of the United States and quite a number of the prominent senators felt very friendly towards the Latter-day Saints, and the State of Utah...
It had been under consideration for some time to appoint a committee to whom Church literature about to be published could be referred for revision. Brother [James E.] Talmage has been revising the Pearl of Great Price, arranging it into chapters and verses, and it was thought that a committee should be appointed to sit with him in making his report. A standing committee was now appointed...
[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
Bishop [Hiram B.] Clawson and Elder John Henry Smith met with President Snow this morning. The Bishop had just returned from Washington [D.C.] and stated that the President of the United States and quite a number of the prominent senators felt very friendly towards the Latter-day Saints, and the State of Utah...
It had been under consideration for some time to appoint a committee to whom Church literature about to be published could be referred for revision. Brother [James E.] Talmage has been revising the Pearl of Great Price, arranging it into chapters and verses, and it was thought that a committee should be appointed to sit with him in making his report. A standing committee was now appointed...
[Source: First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
125 years ago today - Mar 13, 1890
[Heber J. Grant] After we had had our Prayer Circle I asked the Presidency to give me their counsel and advice with reference to what action should be taken about Hyrum Grant or me marrying the widow of [of their brother] Geo. Grant [as a Levirate marriage]. I told them that I was better able to care for four wives from a financial stand point than Hyrum was one [sic]. Told them that I had no desire to turn away from this matter in case there was a feeling that I should marry the widow. They were unanimously of the opinion that it would not be wise for me to take the step and suggested that I encourage Hyrum to do it.
[Source: Diary of Heber J. Grant,]
[Source: Diary of Heber J. Grant,]
155 years ago today - Mar 13, 1860
[Brigham Young Sermon] President Young remarked if a man has not the means to pay tithing and would if he could, I can fellowship him just as well as if he did; but if he has the means and will not pay; and [h]as no disposition to pay; not believing the revelation upon that subject, I would cut him off from the Church; and let him go to California or where he pleases'
- The Pres[iden]t observed they would like to make a Congressional religion for the purpose of putting their hand on Mormonism; not that they care about religion at all; nor do they care about the existence of infidelity, profanity or sin of any kind'- The President continued his remarks observing this Government would do as the Catholics would establish a system of religion and let that prevail to the putting down of all others. -- Salt Lake City
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
- The Pres[iden]t observed they would like to make a Congressional religion for the purpose of putting their hand on Mormonism; not that they care about religion at all; nor do they care about the existence of infidelity, profanity or sin of any kind'- The President continued his remarks observing this Government would do as the Catholics would establish a system of religion and let that prevail to the putting down of all others. -- Salt Lake City
[Source: Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
165 years ago today - Mar 13, 1850
Isaac Morley, leader of the Saints settling San Pete County, Utah, baptizes Ute Indian Chief Wakara ("Walker").
20 years ago today - Mar 12, 1995
Gordon B. Hinckley is ordained and set apart as the fifteenth President of the Church, with Thomas S. Monson and James E. Faust as Counselors; Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Twelve is set apart as Acting President of the Twelve.
40 years ago today - Mar 12, 1975
Thomas Stuart Ferguson, founder of the New World Archeological Association at BYU, writes a paper for a written symposium on Book of Mormon Archaeology. He concludes: "The evidence supporting the geographical views of Norman and Sorenson, under the exacting tests laid down by the text of the Book of Mormon, is indeed very meager. We have the cylinder seal from Chiapa de Corzo, the cylinder seal from Tlatilco and the toys with wheels. That's about all. This paucity of specific support presents, at least to me, a dilemma. One way out of the dilemma is to say that everything was scrambled and lost because of the upheavals described in 3 Nephi for the time of the crucifixion. In my personal opinion, this is not a satisfactory escape hatch. . . . . I don't have the answer to the dilemma. I just call it up. I'm afraid that up to this point, I must agree with Dee Green, who has told us that to date there is no Book-of-Mormon geography. I, for one, would be happy if Dee were wrong."
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
[Source: On This Day in Mormon History,]
65 years ago today - Mar 12, 1950
[Frank Evans] I promised President Smith that I would try, in connection with Bishop Wirthlin, to recommend an adjustment which would relieve this situation without maladjustment of the payroll in other respects. He also mentioned the difficulties now experienced by Patriarch Eldred Smith who is receiving but $400 per month, the amount received generally by all general authorities except Presidents of Seventy and the members of the Presiding Bishopric, this $400 allowance having prevailed during normal times. I did mention the fact that some precedents had intervened, there being about six instances where members of the Council of the Twelve have received special allowances of $100 each, and some instances where Presidents of Seventy have received $50 each as special allowances. President Smith said he would discuss Eldred's situation with the other brethren and arrive at a decision and give us a written directive for our payroll.
[Source: Frank Evans Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Source: Frank Evans Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
125 years ago today - Mar 12, 1890
Pres[iden]t Woodruff feels afflicted with the course Apostles M. Thatcher & John W. Taylor are taking about the mining interests they are engaged in.
[Source: Diary Excerpts of Franklin D. Richards, 1887-1897,]
[Source: Diary Excerpts of Franklin D. Richards, 1887-1897,]
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