A national news magazine in the United States has recently announced the results of a survey of a group of historians who selected the top 100 most influential Americans of all time. The panel of historians placed both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young on their list of influencers.
[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, United Kingdom, "On This Day," https://www.lds.org.uk/show_oda.php]
125 years ago today - Nov 30, 1896
[Franklin D. Richards]
Listened to reading of a letter from President L[orenzo]. Snow, by C[harles] W Penrose to appear in this evening's '[Deseret Evening] News' A statement of circumstances in which Moses Thatcher been not in harmony with his brethren Apostles several years was published in This Evening News.
[Franklin D. Richards, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
Listened to reading of a letter from President L[orenzo]. Snow, by C[harles] W Penrose to appear in this evening's '[Deseret Evening] News' A statement of circumstances in which Moses Thatcher been not in harmony with his brethren Apostles several years was published in This Evening News.
[Franklin D. Richards, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
135 years ago today - Nov 30, 1886
[John Taylor]
You state in your letter of the 24th that you understand from the teaching of the brethren of the apostles, that such as do not fully keep the Word of Wisdom, should not be recommended for ordinances to the temple; and you ask whether such persons shall be excluded from the House of the Lord. ... no rule has been formulated, nor law proclaimed, nor counsel given since that time which makes its strict observance, necessary to receive ordinances of life and salvation in the temples. There are many cases where people may violate the strict letter of the Word of Wisdom, and yet be following its spirit in doing so. To say that aged people who have been accustomed to the use of tea and coffee in early life, and who feel that in their old age they need beverages of this character, shall not receive the blessings of the House of the Lord, is going beyond that which we think proper. ... No person who flagrantly violates that word should ask for a recommend[.]
[John Taylor to John D. T. McAllister and David H. Cannon, Nov. 30, 1886, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
You state in your letter of the 24th that you understand from the teaching of the brethren of the apostles, that such as do not fully keep the Word of Wisdom, should not be recommended for ordinances to the temple; and you ask whether such persons shall be excluded from the House of the Lord. ... no rule has been formulated, nor law proclaimed, nor counsel given since that time which makes its strict observance, necessary to receive ordinances of life and salvation in the temples. There are many cases where people may violate the strict letter of the Word of Wisdom, and yet be following its spirit in doing so. To say that aged people who have been accustomed to the use of tea and coffee in early life, and who feel that in their old age they need beverages of this character, shall not receive the blessings of the House of the Lord, is going beyond that which we think proper. ... No person who flagrantly violates that word should ask for a recommend[.]
[John Taylor to John D. T. McAllister and David H. Cannon, Nov. 30, 1886, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
160 years ago today - Nov 30, 1861
[Brigham Young]
This morning br. A. Carrington was conversing with the President about the movement of the federal government and the Southern Confederacy. The President remarked he expects to see nothing but folly in their movements. The President traces the source of their troubles to the killing of the Prophet Joseph and the rejection of the Gospel, the driving of the Saints years ago and finally sending an army here to afflict our people. -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
This morning br. A. Carrington was conversing with the President about the movement of the federal government and the Southern Confederacy. The President remarked he expects to see nothing but folly in their movements. The President traces the source of their troubles to the killing of the Prophet Joseph and the rejection of the Gospel, the driving of the Saints years ago and finally sending an army here to afflict our people. -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
165 years ago today - Nov 30, 1856
... Then some remarks [ware] made By President Young concerning the Hand Cart Company who was now entering the City. He wished the inhabitants to take the people in to their houses & nurse them up. He said He would take all that was left.
... We then went into the street & saw the poor saints who had Just arived. Their was about 100 waggons containing the Company. Many were Cripples. Had their hands & feet froze nearly off. They were immediately distributed through the City.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
... We then went into the street & saw the poor saints who had Just arived. Their was about 100 waggons containing the Company. Many were Cripples. Had their hands & feet froze nearly off. They were immediately distributed through the City.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
110 years ago today - Nov 29, 1911
The LDS church organizes its first Boy Scout troops. One of Lord Baden-Powell's original English Scout troop is LDS Arthur William Sadler. The LDS Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association formally affiliates with Boy Scouts of America in May 1913. In 1932 Apostle George Albert Smith becomes the first general authority elected to the national executive boeard of BSA. Boy Scouts of America has conferred its highest award ("Silver Buffalo") on the following LDS general authorities: George Albert Smith (1934), Heber J. Grant (1939), David O. McKay (1953), N. Eldon Tanner (1969), Thomas S. Monson (1978), Spencer W. Kimball (1984), Robert L. Backman (1986), Marion D. Hanks (1988), Vaughn J. Featherstone (1988), George R. Hill III (1993), Gordon B. Hinckley (1994), Jack H. Goaslind (1995) (and possibly more).
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
165 years ago today - Nov 29, 1856
President Grant Had a vary sick night the worst that He has [had] since he had been sick. The Devil worked hard all night to kill his body. The brethren laid on hands upon him many times & rebuked the devel. The devel would lay upon him a strong hand from his feet to his head all through his limbs & stomach & a rib at a time & it seemed as though He would Crush his body. Brother Grant though vary weak would rebuke him for an hour at a time from Limb to Limb & rib to rib. It was a perfect warfare all night. He is easier this morning.
We get word this morning from the Hand Cart company that they will Camp to night at killions at the foot of the Little Mountain. Many of them are frozen. Their fingers & toes are droping off & flesh droping off their bones. It has been vary bad management in starting out Companies so late upon the plains. ... The Cattle are dying & also the people. There has never been so much suffering among any people as their is this season. It is truly deploriable. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
We get word this morning from the Hand Cart company that they will Camp to night at killions at the foot of the Little Mountain. Many of them are frozen. Their fingers & toes are droping off & flesh droping off their bones. It has been vary bad management in starting out Companies so late upon the plains. ... The Cattle are dying & also the people. There has never been so much suffering among any people as their is this season. It is truly deploriable. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Nov 29, 1841
Denunciation of Thieves-... TO THE PUBLIC. The occurrence of recent events makes it criminal for me to remain longer silent. ... It has been proclaimed upon the house top and in the secret chamber, in the public walks and private circle, throughout the length and breadth of this vast continent, that stealing by the Latter-day Saints has received my approval; nay, that I have taught the doctrine, encouraged them in plunder, and led on the van-than which nothing is more foreign from my heart. I disfellowship the perpetrators of all such abominations...
Before me, John C. Bennett, Mayor of the City of Nauvoo, personally came Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church), who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith, that he has never directly or indirectly encouraged the purloining of property, or taught the doctrine of stealing, or any other evil practice, and that all such vile and unlawful acts will ever receive his unreserved and unqualified disapproval, and the most vigorous opposition of the Church over which he presides; and further this deponent saith not. ...
[1841-November 29-DHC 4:461-462, in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
Before me, John C. Bennett, Mayor of the City of Nauvoo, personally came Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church), who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith, that he has never directly or indirectly encouraged the purloining of property, or taught the doctrine of stealing, or any other evil practice, and that all such vile and unlawful acts will ever receive his unreserved and unqualified disapproval, and the most vigorous opposition of the Church over which he presides; and further this deponent saith not. ...
[1841-November 29-DHC 4:461-462, in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
190 years ago today - Nov 29, 1831
[Ezra Booth]
... and should he [Joseph Smith] presume "to get another man's wife," and commit adultery; and "by the shedding of blood, seek to kill her husband," if he retains the use of his tongue, so as to be able to utter his jargon, he can continue as long as he pleases in the bed of adultery, and wrap himself with garments stained with blood, shed by his own hands, and still retain the spotless innocence of the holiest among mortals; and must be continued in the office of revelator, and head of the Church.
... "Thou shalt take thy brother Hiram between him and thee alone, and tell him the things he hath written from that stone," &c. Hiram Page, one of the eight witnesses, and also one of the "money diggers," found a smooth stone, upon which there appeared to be a writing, which when transcribed upon paper, disappeared from the stone, and another impression appeared in its place. This when copied, vanished as the former had done, and so it continued alternately appearing and disappearing; in the meanwhile, he continued to write, until he had written over considerable paper. It bore striking marks of a Mormonite revelation, and was received as an authentic document by most of the Mormonites, till Smith, by his superior sagacity, discovered it to be a Satanic fraud.
A female, professing to be a prophetess, made her appearance in Kirtland, and so ingratiated herself into the esteem and favor of some of the Elders, that they received her, as a person commissioned to act a conspicuous part in Mormonizing the world. Rigdon, and some others, gave her the right hand of fellowship, and literally saluted her with what they called the kiss of charity. But Smith viewing her as encroaching upon his sacred premises, declared her an impostor, and she returned to the place from whence she came. Her visit, however, made a deep impression on the minds of many, and the barbed arrow which she left in the hearts of some, is not yet eradicated. Yours affectionately,
[Ohio Star]
... and should he [Joseph Smith] presume "to get another man's wife," and commit adultery; and "by the shedding of blood, seek to kill her husband," if he retains the use of his tongue, so as to be able to utter his jargon, he can continue as long as he pleases in the bed of adultery, and wrap himself with garments stained with blood, shed by his own hands, and still retain the spotless innocence of the holiest among mortals; and must be continued in the office of revelator, and head of the Church.
... "Thou shalt take thy brother Hiram between him and thee alone, and tell him the things he hath written from that stone," &c. Hiram Page, one of the eight witnesses, and also one of the "money diggers," found a smooth stone, upon which there appeared to be a writing, which when transcribed upon paper, disappeared from the stone, and another impression appeared in its place. This when copied, vanished as the former had done, and so it continued alternately appearing and disappearing; in the meanwhile, he continued to write, until he had written over considerable paper. It bore striking marks of a Mormonite revelation, and was received as an authentic document by most of the Mormonites, till Smith, by his superior sagacity, discovered it to be a Satanic fraud.
A female, professing to be a prophetess, made her appearance in Kirtland, and so ingratiated herself into the esteem and favor of some of the Elders, that they received her, as a person commissioned to act a conspicuous part in Mormonizing the world. Rigdon, and some others, gave her the right hand of fellowship, and literally saluted her with what they called the kiss of charity. But Smith viewing her as encroaching upon his sacred premises, declared her an impostor, and she returned to the place from whence she came. Her visit, however, made a deep impression on the minds of many, and the barbed arrow which she left in the hearts of some, is not yet eradicated. Yours affectionately,
[Ohio Star]
80 years ago today - Nov 28, 1941
[J. Reuben Clark]
[Regarding the marriage of John F. Burton and Florence A. Porter, performed as polygamous marriage in 1901 by Matthias F. Cowley:]
Sister Muzetta Burton called to see me regarding her personal situation. in brief, the story is this:
She married John Burton. She was childless. She wanted her husband to have a family. The husband showed interest in her sister. Her father-in-law urged the husband to raise a family if there was any possible way of doing it. They made two trips to Salt Lake City at intervals of a few months apart, after each of which they reported back to her they had seen President Joseph F. Smith who had given them some encouragement; that she had previously, upon first seeing signs of intimacy between her husband and her sister, suggested that he should take another wife if possible; on the occasion of the second alleged visit to President Joseph F. Smith there evidently was a marriage performed by someone, (Sister Burton never asked by whom, and was never told) this marriage being performed in 1901 (either February or November); that the other wife, her sister, began immediately to rear a family; and that the husband then suggested that in order to regularize the situation Sister Burton go to California and get a divorce; that she went, but after some six or eight months she returned, at his request, without getting a divorce; ... she retaining only enough barely to maintain her with food and clothes; ... and since that time she has done nothing but sorrow and repent for her misdeeds; that her question now was, as she wanted her husband to have his family in the Hereafter, whether she should get a divorce, civil and Church, from her husband so that h could be sealed in the temple to the woman by whom he has reared the family. She has never had a divorce.
She said she had never told her husband of her slip or indeed told anyone but myself.
...I explained to her the situation which existed prior to 1904; that I could not accept her thought that President Smith had married them unless I made him a liar to all his Brethren, and I was sure he had not been that; that at the period which this supposed marriage occurred, some of the Brethren of the Quorum were still performing marriages; that since people entering into that supposed relationship had done so under the advice and counsel of the Apostles, the Church had never handled them up to this time; and that I would not be surprised if the facts were that the ceremony between her husband and her sister was performed by one of the Quorum.
With reference to her own question also to whether she should get a civil and Church divorce, I suggested that she just let matters ride as they are and get as much comfort as she could out of the situation and cease to worry about it, and I felt very sure that ultimately the matter would be straightened out.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
[Regarding the marriage of John F. Burton and Florence A. Porter, performed as polygamous marriage in 1901 by Matthias F. Cowley:]
Sister Muzetta Burton called to see me regarding her personal situation. in brief, the story is this:
She married John Burton. She was childless. She wanted her husband to have a family. The husband showed interest in her sister. Her father-in-law urged the husband to raise a family if there was any possible way of doing it. They made two trips to Salt Lake City at intervals of a few months apart, after each of which they reported back to her they had seen President Joseph F. Smith who had given them some encouragement; that she had previously, upon first seeing signs of intimacy between her husband and her sister, suggested that he should take another wife if possible; on the occasion of the second alleged visit to President Joseph F. Smith there evidently was a marriage performed by someone, (Sister Burton never asked by whom, and was never told) this marriage being performed in 1901 (either February or November); that the other wife, her sister, began immediately to rear a family; and that the husband then suggested that in order to regularize the situation Sister Burton go to California and get a divorce; that she went, but after some six or eight months she returned, at his request, without getting a divorce; ... she retaining only enough barely to maintain her with food and clothes; ... and since that time she has done nothing but sorrow and repent for her misdeeds; that her question now was, as she wanted her husband to have his family in the Hereafter, whether she should get a divorce, civil and Church, from her husband so that h could be sealed in the temple to the woman by whom he has reared the family. She has never had a divorce.
She said she had never told her husband of her slip or indeed told anyone but myself.
...I explained to her the situation which existed prior to 1904; that I could not accept her thought that President Smith had married them unless I made him a liar to all his Brethren, and I was sure he had not been that; that at the period which this supposed marriage occurred, some of the Brethren of the Quorum were still performing marriages; that since people entering into that supposed relationship had done so under the advice and counsel of the Apostles, the Church had never handled them up to this time; and that I would not be surprised if the facts were that the ceremony between her husband and her sister was performed by one of the Quorum.
With reference to her own question also to whether she should get a civil and Church divorce, I suggested that she just let matters ride as they are and get as much comfort as she could out of the situation and cease to worry about it, and I felt very sure that ultimately the matter would be straightened out.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
135 years ago today - Nov 28, 1886 (Sunday)
Wilford H. Halliday shot and killed Joseph Dobson, the seducer of the former's wife, at Kanab, Kane Co.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
140 years ago today - Mon. Nov. 28th, 1881
[Abraham H. Cannon]
"In the evening six persons came here to be baptized; ... I baptized them all, the first named being also baptized for his health, he having a lame back."
[Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4]
"In the evening six persons came here to be baptized; ... I baptized them all, the first named being also baptized for his health, he having a lame back."
[Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4]
180 years ago today - Nov 28, 1841
[Wilford Woodruff]
Joseph Said the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any Book on Earth & the key stone of our religion & a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Joseph Said the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any Book on Earth & the key stone of our religion & a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Nov 28, 1841
[S]even weeks after Joseph called "... the Book of Mormon ... the most correct of any book on earth," he was at it again, full of energy to make it even more correct, reading the "... American stereotype edition [1840] ... for the purpose of correcting the stereotype plates of some errors which escaped notice in the first edition."
[Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source]
[Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source]
125 years ago today - Nov 27, 1896
[Brigham Young Jr.]
Met with Presidency and brethren in the office. I was added to the a committee. Considered situation is it our duty to publish anything containing the facts concerning the duplicity and rascally doings of [former apostle] Moses Thatcher. The people can't know the truth which we have kept back heretofore to screen this same Bro[ther]. M[oses]. T[hatcher]. Communications of importance made by Senator Brown. I see the pot is boiling and I trust for good to the Saints. God will over rule I am satisfied and Zion will triumph. May He grant it for His servant[s] are sore oppressed.
[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
Met with Presidency and brethren in the office. I was added to the a committee. Considered situation is it our duty to publish anything containing the facts concerning the duplicity and rascally doings of [former apostle] Moses Thatcher. The people can't know the truth which we have kept back heretofore to screen this same Bro[ther]. M[oses]. T[hatcher]. Communications of importance made by Senator Brown. I see the pot is boiling and I trust for good to the Saints. God will over rule I am satisfied and Zion will triumph. May He grant it for His servant[s] are sore oppressed.
[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
140 years ago today - Nov 27, 1881
[Wilford Woodruff]
Peter Jens Jenson of Round Valley was adopted to W Woodruff.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Peter Jens Jenson of Round Valley was adopted to W Woodruff.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
150 years ago today - Nov 27, 1871 (Monday)
Through intense malice, Judge McKean called up the case of Pres. Brigham Young and thus compelled him to travel all the way from St. George to Salt Lake City in the dead of winter. The judge fixed the trial for Dec. 4th.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
125 years ago today - Nov 26, 1896
[J. Golden Kimball]
The question to be considered was as to the advisability of opposing Moses Thatchers election as a Senator to Congress. He was being sustained by many enemies to the Church, and sustained because he was not in harmony with the Pres[idency] of the Church and the Twelve Apostles. B. H. Roberts was just as much of an idol of the Democratic party as Moses Thatcher, and more so. but as soon as he harmonized with his brethren and accepted the rule of discipline, the Democratic party had no further use for him. When I speak of the Democratic party in these cases I speak of men that are enemies to the Church of Jesus Christ. ... It was explained the intense feeling that has been worked up against Geo[rge]. Q. Cannon. He was dumbfounded and wept. ... I learned many things that it is not wise for me to write... Apostles John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant, and C[harles]. W. Penrose, F[ranklin]. S. Richards and myself were appointed to act as a committee in adopting some plan to defeat Moses Thatchers election, and do so without the Church dominating the State.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
The question to be considered was as to the advisability of opposing Moses Thatchers election as a Senator to Congress. He was being sustained by many enemies to the Church, and sustained because he was not in harmony with the Pres[idency] of the Church and the Twelve Apostles. B. H. Roberts was just as much of an idol of the Democratic party as Moses Thatcher, and more so. but as soon as he harmonized with his brethren and accepted the rule of discipline, the Democratic party had no further use for him. When I speak of the Democratic party in these cases I speak of men that are enemies to the Church of Jesus Christ. ... It was explained the intense feeling that has been worked up against Geo[rge]. Q. Cannon. He was dumbfounded and wept. ... I learned many things that it is not wise for me to write... Apostles John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant, and C[harles]. W. Penrose, F[ranklin]. S. Richards and myself were appointed to act as a committee in adopting some plan to defeat Moses Thatchers election, and do so without the Church dominating the State.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
125 years ago today - Nov 26, 1896; Thursday
President Woodruff stated that ever since the death of President John Taylor Brother Moses Thatcher had been influenced by an apostate spirit. It took Brother Thatcher about a week to confess Brother Cannon's sins for him, without making any confession whatever of his own. ... Brother Thatcher had come to him when Brother Cannon was in prison and declared he was going to sue Brother Cannon before the law. Such an expression from an Apostle struck him (Brother Woodruff) like a clap of thunder. ...
President Snow said what President Woodruff had stated was true, and the brethren of the Twelve understood that President Woodruff had sounded the key note of Brother Thatcher's apostasy. ... President Snow said he thought the course pursued by Brother Thatcher in the Bullion-Beck business ought to be fully exposed.
... President Woodruff said he knew that if the people would receive it the mind of the Lord was that we should be represented in the Senate of the United States by Brother George Q. Cannon.
... It was decided that every proper effort should be made to have the brethren who were elected to the Legislature to go there un pledged to any individual, and to counteract the influence that had been used by the emissaries of Moses Thatcher to bind the members of the Legislature to his support.
The following brethren were appointed to see that this was done: namely, F[ranklin]. S. Richards, C[harles]. W. Penrose, J. G[olden]. Kimball, John Henry Smith and H[eber]. J. Grant.
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
President Snow said what President Woodruff had stated was true, and the brethren of the Twelve understood that President Woodruff had sounded the key note of Brother Thatcher's apostasy. ... President Snow said he thought the course pursued by Brother Thatcher in the Bullion-Beck business ought to be fully exposed.
... President Woodruff said he knew that if the people would receive it the mind of the Lord was that we should be represented in the Senate of the United States by Brother George Q. Cannon.
... It was decided that every proper effort should be made to have the brethren who were elected to the Legislature to go there un pledged to any individual, and to counteract the influence that had been used by the emissaries of Moses Thatcher to bind the members of the Legislature to his support.
The following brethren were appointed to see that this was done: namely, F[ranklin]. S. Richards, C[harles]. W. Penrose, J. G[olden]. Kimball, John Henry Smith and H[eber]. J. Grant.
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
125 years ago today - Nov 26, 1896
[Franklin D. Richards]
Pres[iden]t WW [Wilford Woodruff] Stated that Pres[iden]t Cannon will be absent for a while & he wished us to consider some important matters--it being represented that [former apostle] Moses Thatcher would try hard to get elected Senator. It appearing impracticable to run GQC [George Q. Cannon] or any other churchman for Senator it seemed favorable to give our support to [non-Mormon] Judge P.H. Henderson. We must prevent MT [Moses Thatcher] election if possible.
[Diary Excerpts of Franklin D. Richards, 1887-1897, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Pres[iden]t WW [Wilford Woodruff] Stated that Pres[iden]t Cannon will be absent for a while & he wished us to consider some important matters--it being represented that [former apostle] Moses Thatcher would try hard to get elected Senator. It appearing impracticable to run GQC [George Q. Cannon] or any other churchman for Senator it seemed favorable to give our support to [non-Mormon] Judge P.H. Henderson. We must prevent MT [Moses Thatcher] election if possible.
[Diary Excerpts of Franklin D. Richards, 1887-1897, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
125 years ago today - Nov 26, 1896
[Brigham Young Jr.]
[At a meeting of the Pres[ident] and 12] fully decided in equity we should morally support a gentile as senator to U.S.
[Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[At a meeting of the Pres[ident] and 12] fully decided in equity we should morally support a gentile as senator to U.S.
[Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
140 years ago today - Nov 26, 1881
[J.D.T. McAllister Diary]
10 A.M. at the Temple 1 Sealing for the dead Adoptions 1 living and 9 dead, Allen Wilkison and Kindred Adopted to the Prophet Joseph Smith John L and L.G. Knight at the Alter I performed the Ceremony P.M. placed the Ceremonies of the Temple Parts and C in the hands of Apostle E Snow to be delivered to President John Taylor Salt Lake City.
[Diary Excerpts of J.D.T. McAllister, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
10 A.M. at the Temple 1 Sealing for the dead Adoptions 1 living and 9 dead, Allen Wilkison and Kindred Adopted to the Prophet Joseph Smith John L and L.G. Knight at the Alter I performed the Ceremony P.M. placed the Ceremonies of the Temple Parts and C in the hands of Apostle E Snow to be delivered to President John Taylor Salt Lake City.
[Diary Excerpts of J.D.T. McAllister, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
145 years ago today - Nov 26, 1876
[Brigham Young]
Spoke of finding money in his pocket when he first went to preach the gospel to England, just enough to take him from place to place, and he testified that he never put it there, showing that it was just as easy for the Angels to put money in his pocket to help him on his mission as it was for them to deliver the ancient apostles from prison and the hands of wicked men who sought to slay them.... Showed that He had never spent a day to build up a gentile city since he entered the Church
[Diary of Charles Lowell Walker. Andrew Karl Larson, ed. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1980, 435, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
Spoke of finding money in his pocket when he first went to preach the gospel to England, just enough to take him from place to place, and he testified that he never put it there, showing that it was just as easy for the Angels to put money in his pocket to help him on his mission as it was for them to deliver the ancient apostles from prison and the hands of wicked men who sought to slay them.... Showed that He had never spent a day to build up a gentile city since he entered the Church
[Diary of Charles Lowell Walker. Andrew Karl Larson, ed. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1980, 435, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
150 years ago today - Nov 26, 1871 (Sunday)
The Roman Catholic Church in Salt Lake City was dedicated.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
180 years ago today - Nov 26, 1841
Nauvoo, Illinois. Joseph Smith presented and passed a bill at the Nauvoo City Council meeting for -"an Ordinance in relation to Hawkers, Peddlers, Public Shows, and Exhibitions, in order to prevent any immoral or obscene exhibition.-",
[BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith, http://byustudies.byu.edu]
[BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith, http://byustudies.byu.edu]
125 years ago today - Nov 25, 1896
[J. Golden Kimball]
Bro[ther] George Reynolds explained to me in detail regarding ... Moses Thatcher rebelling against the plan. That the first trouble commenced when Moses Thatcher preached in Cache Co[unty]. [Utah] especially about Joseph Smith being resurrected, and being raised up like as Moses to lead us out of bondage &c. The brethren of the Authorities called him to question but he never felt right about it.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
Bro[ther] George Reynolds explained to me in detail regarding ... Moses Thatcher rebelling against the plan. That the first trouble commenced when Moses Thatcher preached in Cache Co[unty]. [Utah] especially about Joseph Smith being resurrected, and being raised up like as Moses to lead us out of bondage &c. The brethren of the Authorities called him to question but he never felt right about it.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
175 years ago today - Nov 25, 1846
[Hosea Stout]
When the city was first divided into Wards and Bishops put over them some were ordained who were of the Seventies & as the Bishopric belonged to the High Priest unless the person was a literal decendant of Aaron President Young stated that those who had been appointed Bishops of the Seventies were not under any obligations to serve & if they retained their Bishopric they must go out of the Seventies & be in the High Priests Quorum[.]
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
When the city was first divided into Wards and Bishops put over them some were ordained who were of the Seventies & as the Bishopric belonged to the High Priest unless the person was a literal decendant of Aaron President Young stated that those who had been appointed Bishops of the Seventies were not under any obligations to serve & if they retained their Bishopric they must go out of the Seventies & be in the High Priests Quorum[.]
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
185 years ago today - Nov 25, 1836
[Wilford Woodruff]
I then set out in company with Elder Smoot on foot in a hard snowstorm for Kirtland. We Came in Sight of the Temple of the Lord before we reached the village & I truly felt to rejoice at the Sight as it was the first time that mine eyes ever beheld the house of the Lord built by Commandment & Revelation.
We soon entered the village & I spent one of the happiest days of my life at this time in visiting Kirtland & the House of the Lord & the Presidents & Elders of the Church. I was truly edified to again strike hands with President Joseph Smith Jr. & many other beloved saints of God who are rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after being seperated from them for 2 1/2 years ... There is an enjoyment in meeting our brethren & companions in tribulation that the world Knows not off because it flows from a Celestial Source.
After Spending a short time in Conversing With my friends A more important scene was now to open to my view than Kings ever saw or Princes ever Knew in this generation Which was to visit the Temple of the Lord & its contents. Elder Smoot & myself visited each appartment of the House accompanied by Elder Parrish & I must confess the scenery is indisscribable. When I entered the threshhold of the house & Passed into the lower room their was great Solemnity if not Awe immediately overwhelmed me. I felt indeed as if my footsteps were in the Temple of the Lord.
..Two & a half years since I left Kirtland [for a mission in the south] with my Brethren in their Poverty to go fourth to visit our brethren in tribulation in Zion. ....
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I then set out in company with Elder Smoot on foot in a hard snowstorm for Kirtland. We Came in Sight of the Temple of the Lord before we reached the village & I truly felt to rejoice at the Sight as it was the first time that mine eyes ever beheld the house of the Lord built by Commandment & Revelation.
We soon entered the village & I spent one of the happiest days of my life at this time in visiting Kirtland & the House of the Lord & the Presidents & Elders of the Church. I was truly edified to again strike hands with President Joseph Smith Jr. & many other beloved saints of God who are rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after being seperated from them for 2 1/2 years ... There is an enjoyment in meeting our brethren & companions in tribulation that the world Knows not off because it flows from a Celestial Source.
After Spending a short time in Conversing With my friends A more important scene was now to open to my view than Kings ever saw or Princes ever Knew in this generation Which was to visit the Temple of the Lord & its contents. Elder Smoot & myself visited each appartment of the House accompanied by Elder Parrish & I must confess the scenery is indisscribable. When I entered the threshhold of the house & Passed into the lower room their was great Solemnity if not Awe immediately overwhelmed me. I felt indeed as if my footsteps were in the Temple of the Lord.
..Two & a half years since I left Kirtland [for a mission in the south] with my Brethren in their Poverty to go fourth to visit our brethren in tribulation in Zion. ....
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
30 years ago today - Nov 24, 1991.
John Sillito, a Salt Lake City Sunstone participant, receives a telephone call from the stake executive secretary, stating that his stake president, W. Bruce Woodruff, wants to meet with him "to get to know you better." John responds that he is aware that a number of people are getting calls from their stake presidents and asks that the request be put in writing. On 9 December John receives a letter from Woodruff requesting a meeting "to discuss your feelings with regard to sustaining our church leaders" on Sunday, 15 December. Sillito writes back saying he sees no benefit in a meeting and stating that he has done nothing in his ward or stake to cause any concerns. He adds that he cannot meet on 15 December because it is the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights and, as a teacher of American history, he plans to spend "a portion of that day contemplating [the] guarantees" of "freedom of speech and conscience." During a follow-up phone call from Woodruff on 29 December, John repeats his preference for continuing future discussions in writing and reiterates his belief that he has not done anything that legitimately falls within the stake president's area of concern. During the course of the conversation, Woodruff confirms that the issue was Sillito's Sunstone paper on excommunicated apostle Richard R. Lyman and further confirms that "somebody has brought this to my attention." When Sillito asks if it is someone in his ward or stake, Woodruff pauses, then says, "It was someone in our region." Sillito suggests that anyone who has a problem should consult him directly and that his number is in the phone book. On 31 March Woodruff again writes requesting a meeting about John's "lack of responsiveness" and querying, "Can I assume by your letter that you do not sustain the leaders of the church, since you have declined to meet with me?" On 1 April John writes back stating that he has fully discussed the issues during the telephone conversation. There has been no further ecclesiastical contact.
[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1]
[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1]
125 years ago today - Nov 24, 1896
[Apostle Brigham Young Jr.]
[["General buzz about Moses Thatcher and how cruel he has been dealt by." Prays that the Presidency and 12 may always have a spirit of long suffering towards M. T., as a mother towards her infant child. "so have the brethren dealt with him."]]
[Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[["General buzz about Moses Thatcher and how cruel he has been dealt by." Prays that the Presidency and 12 may always have a spirit of long suffering towards M. T., as a mother towards her infant child. "so have the brethren dealt with him."]]
[Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
135 years ago today - Nov. 24th, 1886
[General Authority Abraham H. Cannon]
For several months he has been courting another girl and has made proposition of marriage Mamie E. C. On Wed, Nov. 24th, 1886 "She was baptized today preparatory to going to the temple to have her endowments."
[Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4]
For several months he has been courting another girl and has made proposition of marriage Mamie E. C. On Wed, Nov. 24th, 1886 "She was baptized today preparatory to going to the temple to have her endowments."
[Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4]
135 years ago today - Wednesday, Nov 24, 1886
[Apostle John Henry Smith]
The day was spent in examining witnesses and in the speeches of the attorneys. The jury returned after the Judge had given a severe charge which plainly showed that he desired the defendant convicted. The jury came in twice for instructions and after being out for about six hours brought in a verdict Of Not Guilty. The crowd being overjoyed shouted for joy and the Judge fined two of them five dollars each. Judge Henderson displayed the utmost fairness in all of his rullings until he gave his charge to the jury.
[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
The day was spent in examining witnesses and in the speeches of the attorneys. The jury returned after the Judge had given a severe charge which plainly showed that he desired the defendant convicted. The jury came in twice for instructions and after being out for about six hours brought in a verdict Of Not Guilty. The crowd being overjoyed shouted for joy and the Judge fined two of them five dollars each. Judge Henderson displayed the utmost fairness in all of his rullings until he gave his charge to the jury.
[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
145 years ago today - 1876 November 24
Joseph Smith III publishes Eliza R. Snow's denial of conceiving a child by Joseph Smith: "If my father had many polygamous wives, why was it that none of these women bore him children? Eliza R. Snow, whom it is said gave birth to a child of his, denies it" (Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 24, 1876; 4)
[Mormon Polygamy Timeline of Events, https://hemlockknots.com/monogamy-polygamy-timeline/?fbclid=IwAR3ozoB8xZ8CffCz_HsV4eKupT3z_e0r0NeNmYwMorzgDXj7Wx3HKgyN_lc]
[Mormon Polygamy Timeline of Events, https://hemlockknots.com/monogamy-polygamy-timeline/?fbclid=IwAR3ozoB8xZ8CffCz_HsV4eKupT3z_e0r0NeNmYwMorzgDXj7Wx3HKgyN_lc]
160 years ago today - Nov 24, 1861
[Brigham Young]
President Young ... spoke upon practical religion. Requested the Elders to Quit drinking whiskey, Coffee, using tobacco &c and lay aside every bad practice. -- Salt Lake City
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal. 9 Vols. Scott G. Kenney, ed. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1983-85. 5:603, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
President Young ... spoke upon practical religion. Requested the Elders to Quit drinking whiskey, Coffee, using tobacco &c and lay aside every bad practice. -- Salt Lake City
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal. 9 Vols. Scott G. Kenney, ed. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1983-85. 5:603, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
175 years ago today - Nov 24, 1846
[Hosea Stout]
[Let us be thankful today for what we have -- when we consider the trials of the pioneers. Winter Quarters.]
To day I was employed in moving into my little house now partly finished it being 12 feet square on the outside[.] ...
Tonight myself and family had the pleasure of once more sleping in our own house for the first time since we left Nauvoo on the 9th day of last February, making nine months and fifteen days that we lived without a house. During which time we have undere went allmost every change of fortune that could be imagined. One half of my family so dear to me has been consigned to the silent grave & we who yet remain have often been brought to the verge of deathoften in storms & rains have I stood to hold my tent from uncovering my sick family expecting every moment to see them exposed to the rain & wind which would have been certain death.often have I lain and contemplated my own sickness & feeble situation, without any thing for myself and family to eat with death staring me in the face and could only contemplate what would become of them in case I was called away.
And worse yet how often have I behel[d] my family one by one yielding up the Ghost & bereaving me of every earthly prospect with the melancholy reflection that there was yet more soon to follow. How often in sorrow & anguish have I said in my heart. When shall my trials and tribulations end. But amid all these adverse changes, these heart wrending trials not once yet have I ever regretted that I set out to follow the council of the people of God & to obey the voice of the spirit to flee from the land of the Gentiles.
But to return home again. We did not enjoy much comifort tonight for my house was yet open[.] Neither door nor windowsnot even but few of the craks was yet stoped and hard North wind blowing. We were exposed to it all & could not sleep but little but lay shivering in the cold all night.
The only thing that was any satisfaction to us was that we were out of the tent for if we had been there in addition to our troubles & cold we would have been expecting the tent to blow down every moment and thus left to the "merciless blast" which to be delivered from was even a great satisfaction. This day was the first day that my only living child [daughter of Louisa Taylor] now 7 months & 2 days old ever was in a house, being born in the wild rude and unhabited prairies and remained so till now "a perfect child of nature. So much for my "New house or more properly speaking my little shanty
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
[Let us be thankful today for what we have -- when we consider the trials of the pioneers. Winter Quarters.]
To day I was employed in moving into my little house now partly finished it being 12 feet square on the outside[.] ...
Tonight myself and family had the pleasure of once more sleping in our own house for the first time since we left Nauvoo on the 9th day of last February, making nine months and fifteen days that we lived without a house. During which time we have undere went allmost every change of fortune that could be imagined. One half of my family so dear to me has been consigned to the silent grave & we who yet remain have often been brought to the verge of deathoften in storms & rains have I stood to hold my tent from uncovering my sick family expecting every moment to see them exposed to the rain & wind which would have been certain death.often have I lain and contemplated my own sickness & feeble situation, without any thing for myself and family to eat with death staring me in the face and could only contemplate what would become of them in case I was called away.
And worse yet how often have I behel[d] my family one by one yielding up the Ghost & bereaving me of every earthly prospect with the melancholy reflection that there was yet more soon to follow. How often in sorrow & anguish have I said in my heart. When shall my trials and tribulations end. But amid all these adverse changes, these heart wrending trials not once yet have I ever regretted that I set out to follow the council of the people of God & to obey the voice of the spirit to flee from the land of the Gentiles.
But to return home again. We did not enjoy much comifort tonight for my house was yet open[.] Neither door nor windowsnot even but few of the craks was yet stoped and hard North wind blowing. We were exposed to it all & could not sleep but little but lay shivering in the cold all night.
The only thing that was any satisfaction to us was that we were out of the tent for if we had been there in addition to our troubles & cold we would have been expecting the tent to blow down every moment and thus left to the "merciless blast" which to be delivered from was even a great satisfaction. This day was the first day that my only living child [daughter of Louisa Taylor] now 7 months & 2 days old ever was in a house, being born in the wild rude and unhabited prairies and remained so till now "a perfect child of nature. So much for my "New house or more properly speaking my little shanty
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
180 years ago today - Nov 24, 1841
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]
24th + I Commenced taking charge of the provision store for the committee of the Nauvoo House. I also cut & drew two loads of wood to my door.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
24th + I Commenced taking charge of the provision store for the committee of the Nauvoo House. I also cut & drew two loads of wood to my door.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
55 years ago today - Nov 23, 1966
[David O. McKay]
Clare [Middlemiss] came up to Huntsville with a folder full of correspondence which had accumulated for sometime now, and also with some forty cases of petitions for cancellation of Temple sealings. We went over these without any disturbance in two hours, and I was very happy that this work had been cleared away. There were one or two cases on the cancellations which were doubtful, so I allowed a second sealing for the woman, leaving to the next life and the Lord's decision which man the woman would have.
[David O. McKay diary, Nov. 23, 1966, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
Clare [Middlemiss] came up to Huntsville with a folder full of correspondence which had accumulated for sometime now, and also with some forty cases of petitions for cancellation of Temple sealings. We went over these without any disturbance in two hours, and I was very happy that this work had been cleared away. There were one or two cases on the cancellations which were doubtful, so I allowed a second sealing for the woman, leaving to the next life and the Lord's decision which man the woman would have.
[David O. McKay diary, Nov. 23, 1966, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
115 years ago today - 1906 November 23
Joseph F. Smith goes to trial on charges of "unlawful cohabitation" with 4 women in addition to his lawful wife. He pleads guilty and pays a fine of $300. He wasn't excommunicated, dispite his warning threat in the 2nd manifesto. 13 months earlier, President Smith forced the resignation of apostles Matthias F. Cowley and John W. Taylor for their continued involvement in polygamy (Deseret Evening News, November 23, 1906)
[Hemlock Knots: Monogamy polygamy timeline in the LDS Mormon church]
[Hemlock Knots: Monogamy polygamy timeline in the LDS Mormon church]
115 years ago today - Nov 23, 1906
Joseph F. Smith pleads guilty to unlawful cohabitation for which he pays a $300 fine.
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
125 years ago today - Nov 23, 1896
[Brigham Young Jr.]
Quite a talk about [demoted apostle] Moses T[hatcher]. many sympathisers. The explanations given by the President [Wilford] Woodruff and Twelve last Conference have not been generally understood by the people. I am almost forced to the conclusion that the saints do not take the [Deseret Evening] News.
[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
Quite a talk about [demoted apostle] Moses T[hatcher]. many sympathisers. The explanations given by the President [Wilford] Woodruff and Twelve last Conference have not been generally understood by the people. I am almost forced to the conclusion that the saints do not take the [Deseret Evening] News.
[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
135 years ago today - Nov 23, 1886 (Tuesday)
In the Third District Court, H.H. Hawthorne, the "Gentile" polygamist, was sentenced to four years' imprisonment and $100 fine, and taken to the Penitentiary.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
140 years ago today - Nov 23, 1881
[Heber J. Grant]
When I look at my old friends & associates I cannot but recall the many pleasant times we had had together in years gone bye, and I cannot but feel to thank my Heavenly Father that in his mercy I have been lead in a different path from that of my old associates they are nearly all living for the pleasures of this life have no faith in many of the principles of our Faith and almost all of them are emphatic in renouncing the doctrine of 'Polygamy'. They are all good hearted hole souled people & strictly honest but I am sorry to say have but little faith'I like to be in their company but not so much as that of men like Apostles F. M. Lyman & Jno Hy Smith. I take greater joy in associating with men that love to talk of the principles of the Gospel than I do in dancing with my old friends.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
When I look at my old friends & associates I cannot but recall the many pleasant times we had had together in years gone bye, and I cannot but feel to thank my Heavenly Father that in his mercy I have been lead in a different path from that of my old associates they are nearly all living for the pleasures of this life have no faith in many of the principles of our Faith and almost all of them are emphatic in renouncing the doctrine of 'Polygamy'. They are all good hearted hole souled people & strictly honest but I am sorry to say have but little faith'I like to be in their company but not so much as that of men like Apostles F. M. Lyman & Jno Hy Smith. I take greater joy in associating with men that love to talk of the principles of the Gospel than I do in dancing with my old friends.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
135 years ago today - Nov 20, 1886
O. V. Avy's letter received yesterday, granting him & Bro[ther] Emil Buchmiller the privilege of taking each a wife among the Mayas of Yucatan, in case they found it would aid them in the more perfect accomplishment of the mission they proposed; but telling them there must be no plural marriages or other sexual relations with the women of that race.
[First Presidency Office Journal, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[First Presidency Office Journal, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
140 years ago today - Nov 20, 1881
[Erastus Snow]
It was revealed here in St. George to the prophet Brigham Young that there should be variations made in the temples to be built. This was given unto the Prophet Brigham in answer to his question, "Oh Lord show unto thy servants if we shall build all temples after the same pattern?" The answer came. "Do you all build your houses after the same pattern? Do you[,] after increasing your families[,] build after the same pattern used when your family is small? So shall the growth of the knowledge of the principles of the Gospel among my people cause diversity in the pattern of Temples."
[St. George Stake Historical Record, Nov. 20, 1881 , typed excerpt in Buerger Papers, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
It was revealed here in St. George to the prophet Brigham Young that there should be variations made in the temples to be built. This was given unto the Prophet Brigham in answer to his question, "Oh Lord show unto thy servants if we shall build all temples after the same pattern?" The answer came. "Do you all build your houses after the same pattern? Do you[,] after increasing your families[,] build after the same pattern used when your family is small? So shall the growth of the knowledge of the principles of the Gospel among my people cause diversity in the pattern of Temples."
[St. George Stake Historical Record, Nov. 20, 1881 , typed excerpt in Buerger Papers, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
165 years ago today - Nov 20, 1856 (Thursday)
The ladies of Cedar City, Iron Co., organized a Female Benevolent [Relief] Society, with Mrs. Lydia Hopkins as president.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
175 years ago today - Nov 20, 1846
[Mormon Battalion]
Several days after leaving the line of the Rio Grande River, battalion scouts are unable to determine the correct way forward.
After lighting a signal fire at the top of a high mound, the men attract Apache Indians and Mexican traders who help them find the right westward trail.
[Mormon Battalion Timeline, Herald Extra, March 25, 2010]
Several days after leaving the line of the Rio Grande River, battalion scouts are unable to determine the correct way forward.
After lighting a signal fire at the top of a high mound, the men attract Apache Indians and Mexican traders who help them find the right westward trail.
[Mormon Battalion Timeline, Herald Extra, March 25, 2010]
90 years ago today - Nov 21, 1931
[James E. Talmage]
The address of August 9 appears in the Church section of this day's Deseret News, and the delivery of the pamphlets carrying the address was made to us today. The cause of the long delay in publishing this address, and some incidental points of interest, should perhaps be noted here. The subject is 'THE EARTH AND MAN.' A copy of the complete pamphlet will be bound in with this Journal. See entry herein for Tuesday, April 7, 1931. On April 5, 1930, Elder Joseph Fielding Smith of the Council of the Twelve made an address at the Genealogical conference, which was published in 'The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine' of October, 1930. This address was entitled 'Faith Leads to a Fulness of Truth and Righteousness.' The following is taken from page 148 of the magazine referred to: 'No Death on the Earth Before Adam' 'As I have read, the Lord pronounced the earth good when it was finished. Everything upon its face was called good. There was no death in the earth before the fall of Adam. I do not care what the scientists say in regard to dinosaurs and other creatures upon the earth millions of years ago that lived and died and fought and struggled for existence. ... '
Elder B. H. Roberts, Senior President of the First Council of Seventy, inquired by letter addressed to the First Presidency as to whether these utterances of Elder Smith were to be construed as an expression of his personal opinion or as a doctrine of the Church. The Twelve considered the matter in several sessions and reported to the First Presidency whose action is noted herein under date of April 7 last. Many of our students have inferred from Elder Smith's address that the Church refuses to recognize the findings of science if there be a word in scriptural record in our interpretation of which we find eve a seeming conflict with scientific discoveries or deductions, and that therefore the 'policy' of the Church is in effect opposed to scientific research. In speaking at the Tabernacle on August 9 last I had not forgotten that in the pronouncement of the First Presidency mentioned under date of April 7 last it was advised and really required that the General Authorities of the Church refrain from discussing in public, that is preaching, the debatable subject of the existence of human kind upon the earth prior to the beginning of Adamic history as recorded in scripture; but, I had been present at a consultation in the course of which the First Presidency had commented somewhat favorably upon the suggestion that sometime, somewhere, something should be said by one or more of us to make plain that the Church does not refuse to recognize the discoveries and demonstrations of science, especially in relation to the subject at issue. President Anthony W. Ivins, of the First Presidency, presided at the Tabernacle meeting, and three members of the Council of the Twelve were present ' Elders George F. Richards, Joseph Fielding Smith and Richard R. Lyman. Of course, Elder Smith, and in fact all of us, recognize that my address was in some important respects opposed to his published remarks, but the other brethren named, including President Ivins, expressed their tentative approval of what I had said. I am very grateful that my address has come under a very thorough consideration, and I may say investigation, by the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve. The discussions throughout as relating to the matter have been forceful but in every respect friendly, and the majority of the Twelve have been in favor of the publication of the address from the time they first took it under consideration. I have hoped and fervently prayed that the brethren would be rightly guided in reaching a decision, and, as the Lord knows my heart, I have had no personal desire for triumph or victory in the matter, but have hoped that the address would be published or suppressed as would be for the best. The issue is now closed; the address is in print.
[James E. Talmage, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
The address of August 9 appears in the Church section of this day's Deseret News, and the delivery of the pamphlets carrying the address was made to us today. The cause of the long delay in publishing this address, and some incidental points of interest, should perhaps be noted here. The subject is 'THE EARTH AND MAN.' A copy of the complete pamphlet will be bound in with this Journal. See entry herein for Tuesday, April 7, 1931. On April 5, 1930, Elder Joseph Fielding Smith of the Council of the Twelve made an address at the Genealogical conference, which was published in 'The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine' of October, 1930. This address was entitled 'Faith Leads to a Fulness of Truth and Righteousness.' The following is taken from page 148 of the magazine referred to: 'No Death on the Earth Before Adam' 'As I have read, the Lord pronounced the earth good when it was finished. Everything upon its face was called good. There was no death in the earth before the fall of Adam. I do not care what the scientists say in regard to dinosaurs and other creatures upon the earth millions of years ago that lived and died and fought and struggled for existence. ... '
Elder B. H. Roberts, Senior President of the First Council of Seventy, inquired by letter addressed to the First Presidency as to whether these utterances of Elder Smith were to be construed as an expression of his personal opinion or as a doctrine of the Church. The Twelve considered the matter in several sessions and reported to the First Presidency whose action is noted herein under date of April 7 last. Many of our students have inferred from Elder Smith's address that the Church refuses to recognize the findings of science if there be a word in scriptural record in our interpretation of which we find eve a seeming conflict with scientific discoveries or deductions, and that therefore the 'policy' of the Church is in effect opposed to scientific research. In speaking at the Tabernacle on August 9 last I had not forgotten that in the pronouncement of the First Presidency mentioned under date of April 7 last it was advised and really required that the General Authorities of the Church refrain from discussing in public, that is preaching, the debatable subject of the existence of human kind upon the earth prior to the beginning of Adamic history as recorded in scripture; but, I had been present at a consultation in the course of which the First Presidency had commented somewhat favorably upon the suggestion that sometime, somewhere, something should be said by one or more of us to make plain that the Church does not refuse to recognize the discoveries and demonstrations of science, especially in relation to the subject at issue. President Anthony W. Ivins, of the First Presidency, presided at the Tabernacle meeting, and three members of the Council of the Twelve were present ' Elders George F. Richards, Joseph Fielding Smith and Richard R. Lyman. Of course, Elder Smith, and in fact all of us, recognize that my address was in some important respects opposed to his published remarks, but the other brethren named, including President Ivins, expressed their tentative approval of what I had said. I am very grateful that my address has come under a very thorough consideration, and I may say investigation, by the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve. The discussions throughout as relating to the matter have been forceful but in every respect friendly, and the majority of the Twelve have been in favor of the publication of the address from the time they first took it under consideration. I have hoped and fervently prayed that the brethren would be rightly guided in reaching a decision, and, as the Lord knows my heart, I have had no personal desire for triumph or victory in the matter, but have hoped that the address would be published or suppressed as would be for the best. The issue is now closed; the address is in print.
[James E. Talmage, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
115 years ago today - Nov 21, 1906; Wednesday
We herewith submit answers to the questions contained in yours of the 14th inst.
Question: Where we grant a brother and sister the privilege of second blessings, and they desire the same blessings in behalf of their deceased parents who were true and faithful members of the Church while they lived, shall we grant their request?
Answer: Yes, provided they can be properly recommended.
Question, Where the husband is dead and his widow living, is it alright for her to receive these blessings and have someone who has received them to stand for him, provided of course he was a worthy man?
Answer: Yes.
Question: A brother who was recommended for this purpose a year or two ago asked permission to receive this ordinance in behalf of his son, a worthy young man who had died. Would you approve of this request being granted?
Answer: Not at present.
Question: If the good record of a man is broken by his falling into transgression, say adultery or fornication, and he repents and makes restitution as far as he can do so, and has received forgiveness, can he afterwards, by living a faithful and good life, be entitled to receive these higher ordinances?
Answer: Every such case should stand on its own merits. In some instances it may be highly proper to recommend for second anointings, in others improper. For instance, a man who commits adultery after receiving his endowments should not be recommended to receive second blessings. Let the cases of all such men be considered and determined by the authority on the other side of the veil. But where a man commits adultery before joining the Church or even after baptism but before receiving his endowments his condition is different, and yourself and counselors must be the judges as to his worthiness to receive these blessings.
Question: We have not recommended anyone, only in exceptional cases, who have not reached the age of 50. Is that age limit alright?
Answer: If a man 50 years of age has been faithful he may be recommended for higher blessings.
[Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund to C. N. Lund and Counselors, LDS Archives]
Question: Where we grant a brother and sister the privilege of second blessings, and they desire the same blessings in behalf of their deceased parents who were true and faithful members of the Church while they lived, shall we grant their request?
Answer: Yes, provided they can be properly recommended.
Question, Where the husband is dead and his widow living, is it alright for her to receive these blessings and have someone who has received them to stand for him, provided of course he was a worthy man?
Answer: Yes.
Question: A brother who was recommended for this purpose a year or two ago asked permission to receive this ordinance in behalf of his son, a worthy young man who had died. Would you approve of this request being granted?
Answer: Not at present.
Question: If the good record of a man is broken by his falling into transgression, say adultery or fornication, and he repents and makes restitution as far as he can do so, and has received forgiveness, can he afterwards, by living a faithful and good life, be entitled to receive these higher ordinances?
Answer: Every such case should stand on its own merits. In some instances it may be highly proper to recommend for second anointings, in others improper. For instance, a man who commits adultery after receiving his endowments should not be recommended to receive second blessings. Let the cases of all such men be considered and determined by the authority on the other side of the veil. But where a man commits adultery before joining the Church or even after baptism but before receiving his endowments his condition is different, and yourself and counselors must be the judges as to his worthiness to receive these blessings.
Question: We have not recommended anyone, only in exceptional cases, who have not reached the age of 50. Is that age limit alright?
Answer: If a man 50 years of age has been faithful he may be recommended for higher blessings.
[Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund to C. N. Lund and Counselors, LDS Archives]
120 years ago today - Nov 21, 1901; Thursday
Elder [Reed] Smoot informed the Council that a man in Nebo [Utah] Stake had recently been baptized in a tank, the water having been warmed and the tank especially built for the purpose, the man officiating standing outside of the tank. There had been considerable criticism down there about it to the effect that such a baptism was not lawful. It was a case however where the man was sick nigh unto death and a recent convert. Brother Smoot desired to know the mind of President Smith upon the point. President Smith replied by saying that if the man were still living, and his health permitted it that he be baptized again in the proper way, but if dead, that he be baptized for in the Temple. ...
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
120 years ago today - Thursday, Nov 21, 1901
Remarks, Pres. Jos. F. Smith. He expressed pleasure and satisfaction in being present and spoke in a very delightful strain upon the important subject of marriage and urged the bishops to see to it that the young people in their wards entered into these sacred relations. No man or woman could enter into a fullness of exaltation and glory outside of the marriage covenant. Spoke very strongly and forcibly upon the evil of indebtedness and counseled the bishops and counselors present who are financially involved to free themselves at the earliest possible moment from every such obligation. If you wish to get out of debt, pay your tithing. I prophesy that the man who will do this will be able to free himself sooner than he could otherwise do.
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
125 years ago today - Nov 21, 1896
[J. Golden Kimball]
[Just demoted, former apostle] Bro[ther]. Moses Thatcher was on the train. As we reached Salt Lake City, Bro[ther] Thatcher said he wished to talk to me a few moments. He said, I am now a lay member in the Church but I have no feelings against any man that lives, and I desire to remain in the church, live my religion and teach my children to do the same' He then explained that he heard that he had hurt my feelings. I acknoweldged he had, and he asked my pardon, for which I readily granted. He then said: 'Golden you will live to see me vindicated.' Reached home feeling weighed down with sorrow, I was blue and dispondent beyond description.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Just demoted, former apostle] Bro[ther]. Moses Thatcher was on the train. As we reached Salt Lake City, Bro[ther] Thatcher said he wished to talk to me a few moments. He said, I am now a lay member in the Church but I have no feelings against any man that lives, and I desire to remain in the church, live my religion and teach my children to do the same' He then explained that he heard that he had hurt my feelings. I acknoweldged he had, and he asked my pardon, for which I readily granted. He then said: 'Golden you will live to see me vindicated.' Reached home feeling weighed down with sorrow, I was blue and dispondent beyond description.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
160 years ago today - Nov 21, 1861
President Young mentioned a story he had heard, (but did not vouch for the truth of it) that one Nathan Hall had been employed by an ancient Nephite to do some work for him, upon one occasion the young man remarked to the Ancient Nephite that his father might be displeased with his absence and neglect of his duty; the Nephite requested that he and his father should meet at the foot of a mountain; when they had done so, the young man was conveyed through the mountain and then came round to his father. This convinced him that the Ancient Nephite was possessed of extraordinary power; he mentioned also that a box supposed to contain gold was discovered, a piece was broken off by a blow with a pick the box then suddenly disappeared; the piece is now in possession of mother Smith, he remarked that faith had kept the people from making gold discoveries in Utah, and from being overrun with Gold diggers. -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
180 years ago today - Nov 21, 1841
[Wilford Woodruff]
... I then met the Twelve at B. Youngs untill 4 o-clock at which time we repaired to the Baptismal Font in the Temple for the purpose of Baptizing for the dead, for the remision of Sins & for healing. It was truly an interesting seene. It was the first FONT erected for this glorious purpose in this last dispensation. It was dedicated By President Joseph Smith & The Twelve for Baptizing for the Dead &c & this was the first time the font had been prepared for the reception of candidates.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
... I then met the Twelve at B. Youngs untill 4 o-clock at which time we repaired to the Baptismal Font in the Temple for the purpose of Baptizing for the dead, for the remision of Sins & for healing. It was truly an interesting seene. It was the first FONT erected for this glorious purpose in this last dispensation. It was dedicated By President Joseph Smith & The Twelve for Baptizing for the Dead &c & this was the first time the font had been prepared for the reception of candidates.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
135 years ago today - Nov 20, 1886
O. V. Avy's letter received yesterday, granting him & Bro[ther] Emil Buchmiller the privilege of taking each a wife among the Mayas of Yucatan, in case they found it would aid them in the more perfect accomplishment of the mission they proposed; but telling them there must be no plural marriages or other sexual relations with the women of that race.
[First Presidency Office Journal, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[First Presidency Office Journal, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
140 years ago today - Nov 20, 1881
[Erastus Snow]
It was revealed here in St. George to the prophet Brigham Young that there should be variations made in the temples to be built. This was given unto the Prophet Brigham in answer to his question, "Oh Lord show unto thy servants if we shall build all temples after the same pattern?" The answer came. "Do you all build your houses after the same pattern? Do you[,] after increasing your families[,] build after the same pattern used when your family is small? So shall the growth of the knowledge of the principles of the Gospel among my people cause diversity in the pattern of Temples."
[St. George Stake Historical Record, Nov. 20, 1881 , typed excerpt in Buerger Papers, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
It was revealed here in St. George to the prophet Brigham Young that there should be variations made in the temples to be built. This was given unto the Prophet Brigham in answer to his question, "Oh Lord show unto thy servants if we shall build all temples after the same pattern?" The answer came. "Do you all build your houses after the same pattern? Do you[,] after increasing your families[,] build after the same pattern used when your family is small? So shall the growth of the knowledge of the principles of the Gospel among my people cause diversity in the pattern of Temples."
[St. George Stake Historical Record, Nov. 20, 1881 , typed excerpt in Buerger Papers, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
165 years ago today - Nov 20, 1856 (Thursday)
The ladies of Cedar City, Iron Co., organized a Female Benevolent [Relief] Society, with Mrs. Lydia Hopkins as president.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
175 years ago today - Nov 20, 1846
[Mormon Battalion]
Several days after leaving the line of the Rio Grande River, battalion scouts are unable to determine the correct way forward.
After lighting a signal fire at the top of a high mound, the men attract Apache Indians and Mexican traders who help them find the right westward trail.
[Mormon Battalion Timeline, Herald Extra, March 25, 2010]
Several days after leaving the line of the Rio Grande River, battalion scouts are unable to determine the correct way forward.
After lighting a signal fire at the top of a high mound, the men attract Apache Indians and Mexican traders who help them find the right westward trail.
[Mormon Battalion Timeline, Herald Extra, March 25, 2010]
95 years ago today - Nov 19, 1926
[Heber J. Grant]
At 11:00 A.M. Sister Willard G. Smith [Huldah Cornelia Thurston] called and I had a long talk with her regarding the sealing of her mother-in-law to the Prophet Joseph Smith. She said the grandchildren were anxious to undo this sealing and have their mother sealed to their grandfather. She explained all the circumstances leading up to the sealing, etc. My own impression is that it had better be left just as it stands.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
At 11:00 A.M. Sister Willard G. Smith [Huldah Cornelia Thurston] called and I had a long talk with her regarding the sealing of her mother-in-law to the Prophet Joseph Smith. She said the grandchildren were anxious to undo this sealing and have their mother sealed to their grandfather. She explained all the circumstances leading up to the sealing, etc. My own impression is that it had better be left just as it stands.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
125 years ago today - Nov 19, 1896
[J. Golden Kimball]
Bro[ther] [Heber J.] Grant stated that to his knowledge, that Pres[ident]. John Taylor, Geo[rge]. Q. Cannon and Moses Thatcher agreed to dedicate 60% of their Bullion Beck Stock to the Church of Jesus Christ, and that Moses Thatcher after wards refused to do so. That the fight that was made by the Taylor family and Moses Thatcher took from the Church about one million dollars. Heber Grant said Moses Thatcher was a traitor to his brethren. ... It was with sorrow that I read in the Deseret Evening News of the 19th inst that Elder Moses Thatcher had been severed from the Council of the Twelve Apostles and that he be deprived of his Apostleship, and other offices in the Priesthood. This is a most sorrowful incident that has happened in the Church my life. True some have apostatised but the Apostles during my life time have remained true.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
Bro[ther] [Heber J.] Grant stated that to his knowledge, that Pres[ident]. John Taylor, Geo[rge]. Q. Cannon and Moses Thatcher agreed to dedicate 60% of their Bullion Beck Stock to the Church of Jesus Christ, and that Moses Thatcher after wards refused to do so. That the fight that was made by the Taylor family and Moses Thatcher took from the Church about one million dollars. Heber Grant said Moses Thatcher was a traitor to his brethren. ... It was with sorrow that I read in the Deseret Evening News of the 19th inst that Elder Moses Thatcher had been severed from the Council of the Twelve Apostles and that he be deprived of his Apostleship, and other offices in the Priesthood. This is a most sorrowful incident that has happened in the Church my life. True some have apostatised but the Apostles during my life time have remained true.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
125 years ago today - Nov 19, 1896
"The quorum met in the Historian's Office to consider the case of [apostle] Moses Thatcher. He had been notified that a meeting would be held there to consider and take action on his case. ... He has expressed himself that he would fight the encroachments of the Church and protect the youth from its tyranny. What influence can he have to inspire the young men with faith in divine institutions? He professes to believe in the divinity of the Church and then pours into doubting minds the suspicion that the prophets of God would be tyrants and abusers of power! It was unanimously resolved that his priesthood and apostleship be taken from him. This was sent to the news and published."
[Diary of Apostle Anthon H. Lund, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[Diary of Apostle Anthon H. Lund, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
165 years ago today - Nov 19, 1856
[Hosea Stout]
[Handcard company rescue] Still snowing this morning all hand stirring for a Start,With the addition of the teams which arrived last evening the entire company could be put in wagons as comfortably as the nature of the case would permit and travel at the rate of 25 miles a day. Some teams were sent back to the assistance of the ox train some Eight miles below. ... all the rest proceeded facing the drifting falling snow and encamped on a dry ravine some 20 miles having no water for men or animals to night[.]
This evening I went with Eph Hanks to visit and administer to the sick and had an opportunity of seeing the suffering and privations through which they had passed. Some were merry and cheerfull some dull and stupid some sick some frosted & some lazy and mean but all seemed to be elated more or less with the idea of speedily arriving in the Valley.
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
[Handcard company rescue] Still snowing this morning all hand stirring for a Start,With the addition of the teams which arrived last evening the entire company could be put in wagons as comfortably as the nature of the case would permit and travel at the rate of 25 miles a day. Some teams were sent back to the assistance of the ox train some Eight miles below. ... all the rest proceeded facing the drifting falling snow and encamped on a dry ravine some 20 miles having no water for men or animals to night[.]
This evening I went with Eph Hanks to visit and administer to the sick and had an opportunity of seeing the suffering and privations through which they had passed. Some were merry and cheerfull some dull and stupid some sick some frosted & some lazy and mean but all seemed to be elated more or less with the idea of speedily arriving in the Valley.
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
40 years ago today - Nov 18, 1981.
The Seventh East Press publishes D. Michael Quinn's 4 November address to Phi Alpha Theta, the BYU student history association. He responds point by point to Elder Packer's address, warning that "a history which makes LDS leaders `flawless and benignly angelic' . . . borders on idolatry."
[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1]
[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1]
75 years ago today - Nov 18, 1946
Liberal justice William O. Douglas announces the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court which upholds the conviction of six polygamist Fundamentalists for violating Mann "White Slavery" Act, for driving across the Utah border with their plural wives. Congress originally passed the Mann Act against interstate transportation of prostitutes. This is the first U.S. Supreme Court decision about Mormon polygamy since 1890.
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
90 years ago today - Nov 18, 1931
[James E. Talmage to John A. Widstoe]
[The council meeting on August 29, 1931] revealed a very strong feeling on the part of a minority of the brethren against giving public sanction to the views of geologists as set forth in the address [i.e., 'The Earth and Man'] ... the insistence on the part of three of our brethren'really to the effect that all geologists and all geology are wrong in matters relating to the sequence of life on earth'has been surprising. The author of the genealogical society address [i.e., Joseph Fielding Smith] holds tenaciously to his view that prior to the fall of Adam there was no death of animals or plants upon the earth.
[James E. Talmage, Letter to John A. Widtsoe, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[The council meeting on August 29, 1931] revealed a very strong feeling on the part of a minority of the brethren against giving public sanction to the views of geologists as set forth in the address [i.e., 'The Earth and Man'] ... the insistence on the part of three of our brethren'really to the effect that all geologists and all geology are wrong in matters relating to the sequence of life on earth'has been surprising. The author of the genealogical society address [i.e., Joseph Fielding Smith] holds tenaciously to his view that prior to the fall of Adam there was no death of animals or plants upon the earth.
[James E. Talmage, Letter to John A. Widtsoe, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
120 years ago today - Monday, Nov 18, 1901
[Rudger Clawson]
Having completed the statement of assets and liabilities of the church, showing the financial condition thereof at the beginning of Pres. Jos F. Smith's administration, and also showing incidentally what had been accomplished during Pres. Lorenzo Snow's incumbency in office during the past three years of his life, I submitted the same to the First Presidency, going carefully over every detail....
In order that the reader may have a clear idea of conditions that prevailed in Feb. 1899 (when the first report was made) and also the conditions that now prevail, I record below a recapitulation of each report: ... The report, which covered eleven sheets of extra large ledger paper, was listened to with rapt attention by the First Presidency, who were greatly surprised and gratified with the excellent showing made and marvelled at what had been accomplished in so short a time by Pres. Lorenzo Snow under the special blessing of the Lord: for it will be seen that the assets of the church had not only increased in value to the extent of $111,879.62, but that the church indebtedness had been decreased $687,283.80. In addition to this, it will also be seen that the contingent indebtedness of Feb. 18, 1899, amounting to $1,568,954.29, had been entirely wiped out, while the net assets of the church jumped from $82,628.40 in Feb. 1899 to $881,791.82. And such was the glorious work accomplished by Pres. Lorenzo Snow and the saints under divine favor in the short period of three years. ...
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
Having completed the statement of assets and liabilities of the church, showing the financial condition thereof at the beginning of Pres. Jos F. Smith's administration, and also showing incidentally what had been accomplished during Pres. Lorenzo Snow's incumbency in office during the past three years of his life, I submitted the same to the First Presidency, going carefully over every detail....
In order that the reader may have a clear idea of conditions that prevailed in Feb. 1899 (when the first report was made) and also the conditions that now prevail, I record below a recapitulation of each report: ... The report, which covered eleven sheets of extra large ledger paper, was listened to with rapt attention by the First Presidency, who were greatly surprised and gratified with the excellent showing made and marvelled at what had been accomplished in so short a time by Pres. Lorenzo Snow under the special blessing of the Lord: for it will be seen that the assets of the church had not only increased in value to the extent of $111,879.62, but that the church indebtedness had been decreased $687,283.80. In addition to this, it will also be seen that the contingent indebtedness of Feb. 18, 1899, amounting to $1,568,954.29, had been entirely wiped out, while the net assets of the church jumped from $82,628.40 in Feb. 1899 to $881,791.82. And such was the glorious work accomplished by Pres. Lorenzo Snow and the saints under divine favor in the short period of three years. ...
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
135 years ago today - Nov 18, 1886
[John Taylor]
In reply to your letter of the 12th of November, there is no objection to Brother Noah Brimhall receiving his second anointing and I have endorsed his recommend accordingly. But his present wife cannot be anointed to him as she is only his wife for time, and when she receives her anointings to her deceased husband, Bailey Lake, his [Lake's] other two wives should also receive theirs. If Brother Brimhall were to act for Bailey Lake and she were to be anointed to him as proxy, it might lead to confusion. The better way, in order that the records may be straight, is for someone to act for Brother Lake and the three wives [to] be anointed at the same time. Brother George Lake[,] having one [of] these wives and being his brothers heir[,] could do this with the greatest propriety, if he should be worthy of the ordinance. Under the circumstances I think Brother Brimhall had better get a relative of his own, or of his deceased wifes, or in the absence of such a relative, some friend who has had her second anointing to act as proxy for his deceased wife, and let Sister Lavina Jones Lake Brimhall wait for this ordinance until arrangements can be made for the other wives of Brother Lake to join her in obtaining this ordinance[.]
[John Taylor to John D. T. McAllister, Nov. 18, 1886, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
In reply to your letter of the 12th of November, there is no objection to Brother Noah Brimhall receiving his second anointing and I have endorsed his recommend accordingly. But his present wife cannot be anointed to him as she is only his wife for time, and when she receives her anointings to her deceased husband, Bailey Lake, his [Lake's] other two wives should also receive theirs. If Brother Brimhall were to act for Bailey Lake and she were to be anointed to him as proxy, it might lead to confusion. The better way, in order that the records may be straight, is for someone to act for Brother Lake and the three wives [to] be anointed at the same time. Brother George Lake[,] having one [of] these wives and being his brothers heir[,] could do this with the greatest propriety, if he should be worthy of the ordinance. Under the circumstances I think Brother Brimhall had better get a relative of his own, or of his deceased wifes, or in the absence of such a relative, some friend who has had her second anointing to act as proxy for his deceased wife, and let Sister Lavina Jones Lake Brimhall wait for this ordinance until arrangements can be made for the other wives of Brother Lake to join her in obtaining this ordinance[.]
[John Taylor to John D. T. McAllister, Nov. 18, 1886, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
135 years ago today - Thursday, Nov 18, 1886
[John Henry Smith]
It seems that word had leaked out a Bishop was to be ordained and two letters were written to me objecting [to] the parties named. I adjourned the meeting, granting time for any to withdraw who might desire to do so. Our meeting was again opened with prayer and I read from the Doctrine and Covenants whose right it was to nominate a Bishop.
I put each man separate and two received a unanimous vote and four votes were given against Wm. Thomas on the ground that too many of a kind would not work good together. A good spirit prevailed. I gave the parties some instruction and then Bro. R. L. Bybee and I laid our hands upon the heads of them and ordained them, I being mouth in each case.
[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
It seems that word had leaked out a Bishop was to be ordained and two letters were written to me objecting [to] the parties named. I adjourned the meeting, granting time for any to withdraw who might desire to do so. Our meeting was again opened with prayer and I read from the Doctrine and Covenants whose right it was to nominate a Bishop.
I put each man separate and two received a unanimous vote and four votes were given against Wm. Thomas on the ground that too many of a kind would not work good together. A good spirit prevailed. I gave the parties some instruction and then Bro. R. L. Bybee and I laid our hands upon the heads of them and ordained them, I being mouth in each case.
[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
140 years ago today - Nov 18, 1881
[Joseph F. Smith]
Permit me to draw your attention to the fact that a few days ago you signed a recommend in favor of a young man, residing in Brigham City, who had not been re-baptized, and whose first baptism took place as long ago as 1863. The consequence was we were compelled to rebaptize him before he could receive his blessing. When such things occur it causes inconveniences and delay to the whole company passing through on that day, and is also contrary to the rules that govern in such matters. Will you please notify the Bishops in your Stake that all persons whose first baptisms have not taken place within a very recent period must be re-baptized before they receive their recommends to pass through the House of the Lord.
[Joseph F. Smith to Oliver G. Snow, Nov. 18, 1881, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
Permit me to draw your attention to the fact that a few days ago you signed a recommend in favor of a young man, residing in Brigham City, who had not been re-baptized, and whose first baptism took place as long ago as 1863. The consequence was we were compelled to rebaptize him before he could receive his blessing. When such things occur it causes inconveniences and delay to the whole company passing through on that day, and is also contrary to the rules that govern in such matters. Will you please notify the Bishops in your Stake that all persons whose first baptisms have not taken place within a very recent period must be re-baptized before they receive their recommends to pass through the House of the Lord.
[Joseph F. Smith to Oliver G. Snow, Nov. 18, 1881, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
155 years ago today - Nov 18, 1866
[Brigham Young]
There is not a prophesy ever delivered in any generation by any prophet, or Apostle or inspired man who spoke as they were moved upon by the spirit of God but what will be fulfilled in this world or the next Father Smith the first patriarch of the Church prophesied upon the head of a Woman said she should have Twelve Patriarchs she died without any posterity but she will fulfill that prophesy in some future estate.
[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
There is not a prophesy ever delivered in any generation by any prophet, or Apostle or inspired man who spoke as they were moved upon by the spirit of God but what will be fulfilled in this world or the next Father Smith the first patriarch of the Church prophesied upon the head of a Woman said she should have Twelve Patriarchs she died without any posterity but she will fulfill that prophesy in some future estate.
[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
165 years ago today - Nov 18, 1856
[Hosea Stout]
[Regarding the hardcart company rescue] ... Soon they began to come in some in wagons, some on horses some on foot, while some. hed to be lead or carried on the backs of men.
This presented a sad sight to see men women & children thinly clad poor and worn out with hunger & fatigue trudging along in this dreary country facing a severe snow storm and the wind blowing hard in their face.
The wagons could not accommodate the half of those not able to walk. Many were sick and many frosted and some severely. G. D. Grant when he met them left a company of 20 men at the Devils Gate at an abandoned Station where he left a very great portion of the loading of the ox train besides wagons, Hand Carts, and worn out cattle and horses, with provisions to winter them. The snow storm increased all evening but the tents were reared and the poor sick saints hand many of them to be carried in.
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
[Regarding the hardcart company rescue] ... Soon they began to come in some in wagons, some on horses some on foot, while some. hed to be lead or carried on the backs of men.
This presented a sad sight to see men women & children thinly clad poor and worn out with hunger & fatigue trudging along in this dreary country facing a severe snow storm and the wind blowing hard in their face.
The wagons could not accommodate the half of those not able to walk. Many were sick and many frosted and some severely. G. D. Grant when he met them left a company of 20 men at the Devils Gate at an abandoned Station where he left a very great portion of the loading of the ox train besides wagons, Hand Carts, and worn out cattle and horses, with provisions to winter them. The snow storm increased all evening but the tents were reared and the poor sick saints hand many of them to be carried in.
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
80 years ago today - Nov 17, 1941
[J. Reuben Clark]
[Transcript of telephone conversation between Clark and Franklin S. Harris concerning Arthur Gaeth giving a Brigham Young University extension course in Salt Lake City on the history of modern Europe in light of Gaeth's anti-Nazi speeches and his resistence to tempering his talks as counseled by Clark:]
President Clark: Of course we can stress suppress him, I do not know how long it will last, but we still can speak, but I do not believe he ought to be representing a Church institution, and then showing this disrespect and hate which he tries to show.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
[Transcript of telephone conversation between Clark and Franklin S. Harris concerning Arthur Gaeth giving a Brigham Young University extension course in Salt Lake City on the history of modern Europe in light of Gaeth's anti-Nazi speeches and his resistence to tempering his talks as counseled by Clark:]
President Clark: Of course we can stress suppress him, I do not know how long it will last, but we still can speak, but I do not believe he ought to be representing a Church institution, and then showing this disrespect and hate which he tries to show.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
175 years ago today - Nov 17, 1846
[Hosea Stout]
I met the guard at Rockwoods tent as had been previously called together to be organized into a "Regular Standing Police" Guard, President Young & Kimball was there with myself as the committee spoken of before to organized them which was done & I was chosen Captain by the unanimous vote of all present....
President Young gave us the necessary instructions and also said that our number will be perhaps increased [from 25] to thirty-two
It appears by the foregoing organization that the system of the "Old Police" so much feared despised and beloved in Nauvoo is now revived on precisely the same plan and mostly the same men as there was which composed the old Police in Nauvoo & with the same Captain at their headthose who dreaded us because of their wickedness there may well have the same fears now. For the same men and the same organization the same leader, the same circumstances to act on will naturally produce the same results.
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
I met the guard at Rockwoods tent as had been previously called together to be organized into a "Regular Standing Police" Guard, President Young & Kimball was there with myself as the committee spoken of before to organized them which was done & I was chosen Captain by the unanimous vote of all present....
President Young gave us the necessary instructions and also said that our number will be perhaps increased [from 25] to thirty-two
It appears by the foregoing organization that the system of the "Old Police" so much feared despised and beloved in Nauvoo is now revived on precisely the same plan and mostly the same men as there was which composed the old Police in Nauvoo & with the same Captain at their headthose who dreaded us because of their wickedness there may well have the same fears now. For the same men and the same organization the same leader, the same circumstances to act on will naturally produce the same results.
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
190 years ago today - Nov 17, 1831
Ezra Booth letter: Independence was selected for proximity to Indians, who are to be converted. But they are not interested. Laying of the temple cornerstone is a disappointment. An expensive trip of little value. Joseph announces great work to do in Kirtland, so gathering to Missouri no longer a high priority.
[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
60 years ago today - Nov 16, 1961
Mormon Congressman, David S. King (D-Utah), warned McKay that the church seemed to be abandoning its position of neutrality in politics, to the extent that "Sunday School teachers are making broad hints and innuendoes in classes that those who follow the Democratic program are handmaidens of Communists, and cannot expect to consider themselves in full fellowship in the Church."
[Notes on a meeting between McKay, Brown, and King in McKay's office, David O. McKay diary as referenced in Gregory A. Prince and Wm. Robert Write, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press (2005)]
[Notes on a meeting between McKay, Brown, and King in McKay's office, David O. McKay diary as referenced in Gregory A. Prince and Wm. Robert Write, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press (2005)]
165 years ago today - Nov 16, 1856
[Wilford Woodruff]
I attended the prayer Circle in the evening & President Young said that all that would not Come direct from the tabernacle to the Council room for Prayers might consider themselves Cut off from the Circle.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I attended the prayer Circle in the evening & President Young said that all that would not Come direct from the tabernacle to the Council room for Prayers might consider themselves Cut off from the Circle.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
165 years ago today - Nov 16, 1856
[Brigham Young]
I rise to make a few remarks, to satisfy the feelings of the people and correct their minds and judgment. You have heard concerning the sufferings of the people in the handcart trains. ... Count the living and the dead, and you will find that not half the number died in brother Willie's handcart company, in proportion to the number in that company, as have died in past seasons by the cholera in single companies travelling with wagons and oxen, with carriages and horses, and that too in the forepart of the season. ... they have not suffered one hundredth part so much as did our brethren and sisters who have died with the cholera. Some of those who have died in the hand-cart companies this season, I am told, would be singing, and, before the tune was done, would drop over and breathe their last; and others would die while eating, and with a piece of bread in their hands. I should be pleased when the time comes, if we could all depart from this life as easily as did those our brethren and sisters. I repeat, it will be a happy circumstance, when death overtakes me, if I am privileged to die without a groan or struggle, while yet retaining a good appetite for food. I speak of these things, to forestall indulgence in a misplaced sympathy. ...
[Journal of Discourses. Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 4:89-94, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
I rise to make a few remarks, to satisfy the feelings of the people and correct their minds and judgment. You have heard concerning the sufferings of the people in the handcart trains. ... Count the living and the dead, and you will find that not half the number died in brother Willie's handcart company, in proportion to the number in that company, as have died in past seasons by the cholera in single companies travelling with wagons and oxen, with carriages and horses, and that too in the forepart of the season. ... they have not suffered one hundredth part so much as did our brethren and sisters who have died with the cholera. Some of those who have died in the hand-cart companies this season, I am told, would be singing, and, before the tune was done, would drop over and breathe their last; and others would die while eating, and with a piece of bread in their hands. I should be pleased when the time comes, if we could all depart from this life as easily as did those our brethren and sisters. I repeat, it will be a happy circumstance, when death overtakes me, if I am privileged to die without a groan or struggle, while yet retaining a good appetite for food. I speak of these things, to forestall indulgence in a misplaced sympathy. ...
[Journal of Discourses. Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 4:89-94, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
185 years ago today - Nov 16, 1836
[Wilford Woodruff]
Visited the big bone lick in Boone County KY. which is the Place Whare those large bones of enormous size were dug from the earth & have been exhibited in many Parts of America & Europe. It is conjectured that those animals while in the lick got mired & Perished. It is said or judged from the measurment of those bones that the animal was 36 feet in length & 15 in highth. No record yet gives us an account of those animals. Will not some record of the Nephites yet tell us?
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Visited the big bone lick in Boone County KY. which is the Place Whare those large bones of enormous size were dug from the earth & have been exhibited in many Parts of America & Europe. It is conjectured that those animals while in the lick got mired & Perished. It is said or judged from the measurment of those bones that the animal was 36 feet in length & 15 in highth. No record yet gives us an account of those animals. Will not some record of the Nephites yet tell us?
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
185 years ago today - Nov 16, 1836
Fanny Alger (Smith) [first plural wife of Joseph Smith] marries Solomon Custer in Wayne county, Indiana.
[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
40 years ago today - Nov 15, 1981-Thursday
[Leonard Arrington]
Several years ago Duane was called in about something he had written about the publication of the Earth and Man by James E. Talmage. Seems that Joseph Fielding Smith had published that this was published by violating instruction from the First Presidency, and that in no sense was it published with Church approval or permission. Joseph Fielding had pulled out of the files a letter signed by J. Reuben Clark and his associates in the First Presidency which reviewed events connected with the publication of that paper and saying that it was published specifically without their approval. And yet it was obvious that Talmage would not have published it without their approval. How explain? Duane got approval from someone (I assume Don Schmidt but not sure) to examine the papers of Heber J. Grant and found that on a certain day there is an entry in his diary which says that he and other members of the First Presidency had met with Elder [James E.] Talmage, reviewed the paper, and gave explicit approval to its publication. How explain the later letter? It is obviously something Joseph Fielding had gotten J. Reuben Clark to do. He had written the letter and got others to sign it without fully informing them of its nature and importance. Anyway, Duane is about to publish, I think in Dialogue, this matter, so that the Earth and Man is no longer under a cloud.
Max Parkin told me the best population estimates [of Mormons in Missouri] are by Milt Backman or Lyndon Cook.61 I telephoned Lyndon and he said the number of LDS in Missouri in 1838 was about eight thousand. Evidence suggests that about 6,500 left Missouri for Illinois. He suggests about two to three thousand settled around Quincy [Illinois] for a temporary period. He says our previous estimates have been too high.
[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]
Several years ago Duane was called in about something he had written about the publication of the Earth and Man by James E. Talmage. Seems that Joseph Fielding Smith had published that this was published by violating instruction from the First Presidency, and that in no sense was it published with Church approval or permission. Joseph Fielding had pulled out of the files a letter signed by J. Reuben Clark and his associates in the First Presidency which reviewed events connected with the publication of that paper and saying that it was published specifically without their approval. And yet it was obvious that Talmage would not have published it without their approval. How explain? Duane got approval from someone (I assume Don Schmidt but not sure) to examine the papers of Heber J. Grant and found that on a certain day there is an entry in his diary which says that he and other members of the First Presidency had met with Elder [James E.] Talmage, reviewed the paper, and gave explicit approval to its publication. How explain the later letter? It is obviously something Joseph Fielding had gotten J. Reuben Clark to do. He had written the letter and got others to sign it without fully informing them of its nature and importance. Anyway, Duane is about to publish, I think in Dialogue, this matter, so that the Earth and Man is no longer under a cloud.
Max Parkin told me the best population estimates [of Mormons in Missouri] are by Milt Backman or Lyndon Cook.61 I telephoned Lyndon and he said the number of LDS in Missouri in 1838 was about eight thousand. Evidence suggests that about 6,500 left Missouri for Illinois. He suggests about two to three thousand settled around Quincy [Illinois] for a temporary period. He says our previous estimates have been too high.
[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]
140 years ago today - Nov 15, 1881
[Helen Mar Kimball]
The Prophet said that the practice of this principle would be the hardest trial the Saints would ever have to test their faith. It was not his work, but that of the Almighty, and he said it would cause the damnation of all who entered into it with impure motives, and none who acted unrighteously could stand, the trial would be so great; and there would be but few men who would be capable of being saviors upon Mount Zion.
He taught the principle to his wife, Emma, who humbly received it and gave to him three young women to wife, who had been living with her in her family, and had been like adopted daughters. Until she lost the spirit and her heart became hardened, they lived happily together. They respected and loved her as though she had been their mother, and might have remainded with her afterwards had they been willing to have severed the ties between themselves and the Prophet; but choosing to remain true to their covenants, which they considered binding here and hereafter, they preferred to leave the Mansion.
Emma deceived her children and denied to everyone that the Prophet had ever received a revelation on celestial marriage, or had ever practiced it, although she had heard the revelation and was an eye witness to the marriage of the three wives above mentioned. Besides, he told her of every one that had been sealed to him.
Some of those who apostatized from the Church, and knew more than she did about the practice of polygamy, also denied it; but there are too many of the Prophet's wives still living in Utah—as well as hundreds of other witnesses—who can testify to the hypocrisy of those men who, like William Marks, apostatized because they could not manage matters pertaining to the Church as they desired, and who afterwards volunteered their services to help Emma Smith, she having, according to her own acknowledgment, founded the Josephite church to revenge herself upon Brigham Young.
... My father was often called a prophet, and years ago in Nauvoo I heard him predict that it would yet become a law of this nation that men should marry a plurality of wives.
[Whitney, Helen Mar, Jeni Broberg Holzapfel, and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, A Woman's View: Helen Mar Whitney's Reminiscences of Early Church History, Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997]
The Prophet said that the practice of this principle would be the hardest trial the Saints would ever have to test their faith. It was not his work, but that of the Almighty, and he said it would cause the damnation of all who entered into it with impure motives, and none who acted unrighteously could stand, the trial would be so great; and there would be but few men who would be capable of being saviors upon Mount Zion.
He taught the principle to his wife, Emma, who humbly received it and gave to him three young women to wife, who had been living with her in her family, and had been like adopted daughters. Until she lost the spirit and her heart became hardened, they lived happily together. They respected and loved her as though she had been their mother, and might have remainded with her afterwards had they been willing to have severed the ties between themselves and the Prophet; but choosing to remain true to their covenants, which they considered binding here and hereafter, they preferred to leave the Mansion.
Emma deceived her children and denied to everyone that the Prophet had ever received a revelation on celestial marriage, or had ever practiced it, although she had heard the revelation and was an eye witness to the marriage of the three wives above mentioned. Besides, he told her of every one that had been sealed to him.
Some of those who apostatized from the Church, and knew more than she did about the practice of polygamy, also denied it; but there are too many of the Prophet's wives still living in Utah—as well as hundreds of other witnesses—who can testify to the hypocrisy of those men who, like William Marks, apostatized because they could not manage matters pertaining to the Church as they desired, and who afterwards volunteered their services to help Emma Smith, she having, according to her own acknowledgment, founded the Josephite church to revenge herself upon Brigham Young.
... My father was often called a prophet, and years ago in Nauvoo I heard him predict that it would yet become a law of this nation that men should marry a plurality of wives.
[Whitney, Helen Mar, Jeni Broberg Holzapfel, and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, A Woman's View: Helen Mar Whitney's Reminiscences of Early Church History, Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997]
140 years ago today - Nov 15, 1881
[Heber J. Grant]
Emily & I took a ride for nearly 2 hours. While riding talked on old times the Wasatch crowd etc. I asked Emily to marry me and got a most decided refusal. I must confess it hurt my pride as well as my feelings to get 'set down on' the way I was, but I should have contented myself by not asking.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
Emily & I took a ride for nearly 2 hours. While riding talked on old times the Wasatch crowd etc. I asked Emily to marry me and got a most decided refusal. I must confess it hurt my pride as well as my feelings to get 'set down on' the way I was, but I should have contented myself by not asking.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
170 years ago today - Nov 15, 1851 (Saturday)
The Deseret News, which had been suspended for lack of paper since Aug. 19th, commenced its second volume.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
190 years ago today - Nov 15, 1831
On a fund-raising mission with Reynolds Cahoon, David Whitmer seals the Shalersville branch "up unto Eternial life."
[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
190 years ago today - Mid-Nov. 1831
Shortly after D&C 1 is given, there is some question and criticism about the language in the revelations, and Joseph receives D&C 67. In it, the Lord bears witness that the revelations are from him, and challenges the wisest among the elders to write a revelation on his own to see if he can duplicate Joseph's ability. After this revelation is received, McLellin tries to write a commandment but fails. Joseph records, "It was an awful responsibility to write in the name of the Lord." After this episode, the faith of the elders is increased, and they draw up a testimony to Joseph's revelations, which can be seen in D&C, p. iv. (History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (7 volumes) 1:226.) Four elders inquire of Joseph the mind of the Lord concerning them, and he receives D&C 68.
[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
80 years ago today - Nov 14, 1941
[Marion G. Romney]
Met this morning at 8:00 o'clock with the Friday morning welfare meeting. At this meeting was President Clark. He broke into the business of the meeting stating that he was trying to keep
himself form getting excited but while he might forgive he could not forget that under the leadership of a group of men who had no concern for the future of our people, Salt Lake City was becoming the center of one of the most heavily fortified areas in the United States, 'Fort Douglas on the east, the Ordnance Plant west of the city, the bombing fields our west of Tooele, and now the government is talking of putting $24,000,000 in igloos for the storing of ammunition near the airport.
He remarked that this group was headed by the Governor, H. B. Maw. He further stated that he could not help but feel that we are facing difficult times, that it looked very much like the President was going to take over all key industries in the country and he, President Clark, had a feeling that labor was cooperating by creating situations which seem to force the President's hand. The advice given in this meeting was that we urge our people to stay on their farms and in their permanent jobs and not to flock to defense industries for work.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015, Appendix 2, The Diaries of Marion G. Romney, 1941-1961, Abridged]
Met this morning at 8:00 o'clock with the Friday morning welfare meeting. At this meeting was President Clark. He broke into the business of the meeting stating that he was trying to keep
himself form getting excited but while he might forgive he could not forget that under the leadership of a group of men who had no concern for the future of our people, Salt Lake City was becoming the center of one of the most heavily fortified areas in the United States, 'Fort Douglas on the east, the Ordnance Plant west of the city, the bombing fields our west of Tooele, and now the government is talking of putting $24,000,000 in igloos for the storing of ammunition near the airport.
He remarked that this group was headed by the Governor, H. B. Maw. He further stated that he could not help but feel that we are facing difficult times, that it looked very much like the President was going to take over all key industries in the country and he, President Clark, had a feeling that labor was cooperating by creating situations which seem to force the President's hand. The advice given in this meeting was that we urge our people to stay on their farms and in their permanent jobs and not to flock to defense industries for work.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015, Appendix 2, The Diaries of Marion G. Romney, 1941-1961, Abridged]
105 years ago today - Nov 14, 1916
Simon Bamberger, a Jew, is elected as Utah state's first non-Mormon governor. Utah state's other non-Mormon governors are George H. Dern (1925-33) and J. Bracken Lee (1949-57).
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
120 years ago today - Thursday, Nov 14, 1901
[Rudger Clawson]
A question arose as to the distribution of the 10% allowed bishops for the handling of tithes in the stakes of Zion, and it was decided by unanimous vote that the distribution be made by the presidency of each stake, associated with the bishops.
Pres. Smith directed attention to the necessity of taking some steps, looking to the revision and publication of the Book of Mormon in the Hawaiian language, and also suggested that the Book of Mormon be published in the Tahitian language as soon as someone was found who could do this work properly. The views of Pres. Smith were adopted by unanimous vote.
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
A question arose as to the distribution of the 10% allowed bishops for the handling of tithes in the stakes of Zion, and it was decided by unanimous vote that the distribution be made by the presidency of each stake, associated with the bishops.
Pres. Smith directed attention to the necessity of taking some steps, looking to the revision and publication of the Book of Mormon in the Hawaiian language, and also suggested that the Book of Mormon be published in the Tahitian language as soon as someone was found who could do this work properly. The views of Pres. Smith were adopted by unanimous vote.
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
130 years ago today - Nov 14, 1891
[Brigham Young Jr.]
Wrote A[ngus]. M. Cannon stated I thought the first wives should join the plural wives, who were thrown out by the cursed laws of the U.S.A. Congress, and force their husbands to keep the law where they had promised to obey us. I believe the women should all band together and reject the secular and cling to the eternal laws of God. What right has a first wife to enjoy all the blessings when her sisters who have suffered and ventured as much as she, are wickedly thrust out from all rights of wives & mothers given them of their Father who is in heaven.
[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
Wrote A[ngus]. M. Cannon stated I thought the first wives should join the plural wives, who were thrown out by the cursed laws of the U.S.A. Congress, and force their husbands to keep the law where they had promised to obey us. I believe the women should all band together and reject the secular and cling to the eternal laws of God. What right has a first wife to enjoy all the blessings when her sisters who have suffered and ventured as much as she, are wickedly thrust out from all rights of wives & mothers given them of their Father who is in heaven.
[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
130 years ago today - Nov 14, 1891
[Anthon H. Lund]
"We had a nice time with Pres[iden]t Smith after meeting discussing temple matters especially the law of adoption."
[Diary of Apostle Anthon H. Lund, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
"We had a nice time with Pres[iden]t Smith after meeting discussing temple matters especially the law of adoption."
[Diary of Apostle Anthon H. Lund, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Nov 14, 1841
A collection of Shaker revelations includes "I will anoint them priests and kings"... "The children of the Church of Christ are ... the children of the New Jerusalem, and they are numbered, and their names are written in the Book of Life." ... "I was an angel of Wisdom's delight long ere this earth was formed, or dust was fashioned into man. Many worlds before this I have seen; some bright, and some dark, and some that were empty and void ..."
[The Youth's Guide in Zion, and Holy Mother's Promises, in Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source]
[The Youth's Guide in Zion, and Holy Mother's Promises, in Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source]
185 years ago today - Nov 14, 1836
Patriarchal Blessing of Benjamin Kempton given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... Thou shalt have posterity, have children. some of them shall be prophets & prophets and prophetesses, ... Thou shalt have power over winds & waves. Shall have power to say to them peace, be still, and they shall obey thee. The Lord thy God shall speak from the heavens and till [tell] thee what to do. Thou shalt have power to translate thyself from one place to another. Thou shalt be blessed with long life and good days with all the gifts of the gospel The messengers of heaven shall visit thee. Shall have power to go forth and prevail as Enoch & Jared of old, power to learn that song which can only be sung by the 144 thousand.
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:98-99, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:98-99, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
35 years ago today - Nov 13, 1986
General authority Loren C. Dunn represents the LDS church at the conference of Religious Alliance Against Pornography in Washington, D.C.
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
75 years ago today - Nov 13, 1946
[J. Reuben Clark]
Talked with Dr. White about Pres. McKay. Dr. White said he thought Pres. McKay ought to go away somewhere for about a month, he is being bothered too much at his home by these disgruntled politicians, etc. Pres. Clark told him he would get behind him and he was sure Pres Smith would, and that the three doctors ought to get together and order him out of town.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
Talked with Dr. White about Pres. McKay. Dr. White said he thought Pres. McKay ought to go away somewhere for about a month, he is being bothered too much at his home by these disgruntled politicians, etc. Pres. Clark told him he would get behind him and he was sure Pres Smith would, and that the three doctors ought to get together and order him out of town.
[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
110 years ago today - Nov 13, 1911
The attitude of the Church with regard to members who commit suicide is that no temple work can be done in their behalf, neither should public funeral services be held over their remains. Members committing suicide after receiving their endowments should not be buried in temple clothing.
[First Presidency, Letter to R. L. Bybee, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[First Presidency, Letter to R. L. Bybee, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
130 years ago today - Nov 13, 1891
[Marriner W. Merrill]
Friday. On yesterday one Gentile by the name of Miller viewed the interior of Logan Temple by permission of President Woodruff, which is the first outsider that has ever seen the inside of this Temple.
[Notes from the Miscellaneous Record Book, 1886-1906: Selected diary notes from the journal books of Marriner Wood Merrill, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Friday. On yesterday one Gentile by the name of Miller viewed the interior of Logan Temple by permission of President Woodruff, which is the first outsider that has ever seen the inside of this Temple.
[Notes from the Miscellaneous Record Book, 1886-1906: Selected diary notes from the journal books of Marriner Wood Merrill, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
145 years ago today - Nov 13, 1876
[Wilford Woodruff]
I went down to the Temple with Br Angel and looked over the rooms to see how we would [be] organized to prepare for Endowments. I wrote the [Endowment] Ceremony (or assisted Br Mcallister in doing it) for work in the Temple.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I went down to the Temple with Br Angel and looked over the rooms to see how we would [be] organized to prepare for Endowments. I wrote the [Endowment] Ceremony (or assisted Br Mcallister in doing it) for work in the Temple.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
165 years ago today - Nov 13, 1856
[Wilford Woodruff]
I herd early this morning that an express had Come in from the Hand Carts company. I went to the Presidents office with all the Presi dency. The following is a synopsis of what I learned in the morning:
... David Kimball & others went ahead picked out Camp grounds made up fires shoveled off snow. When the Camp Came up they would take the old men & women & Children that Could not walk & carry them to the fire & help them get supper & then would dance around their fires & sing & Shout to keep up the spirits of the people & while Journeying during the day & would wade over all the streams & [-] the Hand Carts over & carry over all the lame women men & Children. ...
Elder G. D. Grant ... says that not more than one third of the Hand Cart Company wer able to walk & many were barefoot & freezeing ther toes.
The Conversation turned to Brother Vancott & Claudious Spencer & Elder Kimball said Brother Young has got much better Eyes than I have for I never Could see Brother Spencer He is so small & President Young said that Brother Vancott took after Orson Pratt in Philosophy. If he had the spirit of God with him he would not have turned that Company back but I am not agoing to blame them.
Among other things the subject of miracles came up & President Young said I have had a $5 gold piece put into my pocket now two days in succession. I do not know from what source it came from. Brother Kimball said it was an Angel. Broth Young then related a circumstance that when He & Broth Kimball was travelling East to gether they had $13.50 ownly & they travelled untill they paid out $87 out of it & had sixpence left & they received no addition by any known hand. Brother Kimball said that an Angel had taken that money out of some body pocket & put it into our trunk.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I herd early this morning that an express had Come in from the Hand Carts company. I went to the Presidents office with all the Presi dency. The following is a synopsis of what I learned in the morning:
... David Kimball & others went ahead picked out Camp grounds made up fires shoveled off snow. When the Camp Came up they would take the old men & women & Children that Could not walk & carry them to the fire & help them get supper & then would dance around their fires & sing & Shout to keep up the spirits of the people & while Journeying during the day & would wade over all the streams & [-] the Hand Carts over & carry over all the lame women men & Children. ...
Elder G. D. Grant ... says that not more than one third of the Hand Cart Company wer able to walk & many were barefoot & freezeing ther toes.
The Conversation turned to Brother Vancott & Claudious Spencer & Elder Kimball said Brother Young has got much better Eyes than I have for I never Could see Brother Spencer He is so small & President Young said that Brother Vancott took after Orson Pratt in Philosophy. If he had the spirit of God with him he would not have turned that Company back but I am not agoing to blame them.
Among other things the subject of miracles came up & President Young said I have had a $5 gold piece put into my pocket now two days in succession. I do not know from what source it came from. Brother Kimball said it was an Angel. Broth Young then related a circumstance that when He & Broth Kimball was travelling East to gether they had $13.50 ownly & they travelled untill they paid out $87 out of it & had sixpence left & they received no addition by any known hand. Brother Kimball said that an Angel had taken that money out of some body pocket & put it into our trunk.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
115 years ago today - Nov 12, 1906 (Monday)
The Ricks Academy at Rexburg, Idaho, was dedicated by Elder John Henry Smith.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
125 years ago today - Nov 12, 1896
[Brigham Young Jr.]
Met in Temple; long letter from Bro[ther]. [Apostle] Moses Thatcher. He declines to meet his Quorum any more, says he must be examined public before the people. Makes a number of mis[s]tatements so we proved by Bro[ther] F[ranklin] D R[ichards. and Pres[ident] L[orenzo]. Snows letters. Informed him to appear that his case would be handled at His[torian's] office in one week from today. at least that is the tenor of the note dispatched. Pres[iden]t. [Wilford] Woodruff remarked to Council that 'Bro[ther] M[oses]. T[hatcher]. would not yeild to his brethren.' Now it looks like he was giving his apostleship for a bare chance of getting into the U.S. Senate. Poor man how our hearts ache for him and his family. God help them for Moses is beyond reach.
[Brigham Young Jr., Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
Met in Temple; long letter from Bro[ther]. [Apostle] Moses Thatcher. He declines to meet his Quorum any more, says he must be examined public before the people. Makes a number of mis[s]tatements so we proved by Bro[ther] F[ranklin] D R[ichards. and Pres[ident] L[orenzo]. Snows letters. Informed him to appear that his case would be handled at His[torian's] office in one week from today. at least that is the tenor of the note dispatched. Pres[iden]t. [Wilford] Woodruff remarked to Council that 'Bro[ther] M[oses]. T[hatcher]. would not yeild to his brethren.' Now it looks like he was giving his apostleship for a bare chance of getting into the U.S. Senate. Poor man how our hearts ache for him and his family. God help them for Moses is beyond reach.
[Brigham Young Jr., Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
160 years ago today - Nov 12, 1861
[Pres. Young said:] see that all books containing false doctrine should be put in the pulp tub or otherwise destroyed. -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
165 years ago today - Nov 12, 1856
Patriarchal Blessing of William P Smith "... Thou art a descendent from a numerous posterity which is thy right even thy birthright to become a Saviour to them, and I say unto thee thou shalt be blest in officiating by proxy for their redemption... I seal thee up to enjoy the blessings of immortality and eternal life even so, Amen & Amen"
[Patriarchal Blessings]
[Patriarchal Blessings]
165 years ago today - Nov 12, 1856
Patriarchal Blessing of Mary Smith "... thou art an Ephraimite, thou art a legal heiress to the seals of Pr'd [Priesthood] which will grant unto thee an everlasting inheritance. Thou shalt not want for bread or for friends in thy sojourning here below.... I seal thee up by the authority of the Holy Priesthood unto the enjoyment of eternal lives in the Mansions of thy Father even so Amen & Amen."
[Patriarchal Blessings]
[Patriarchal Blessings]
190 years ago today - 12 November 1831 - Saturday
Br. Joseph Smith jr. said one item he wished acted upon was that our brs. Oliver Cowdery & John Whitmer & the sacred writings which they have entrusted to them to carry to Zion be dedicated to the Lord by the prayer of faith. Secondly, Br. Oliver has labored with me from the beginning in writing &c. Br. Martin [Harris] has labored with me from the begining, & brs. John & Sidney also for a considerable time, & as these sacred writings are now going to the Church for their benefit, that we may have claim on the church for recompence...
After deliberate consideration in consequence of the book of Revelation now to be printed ...
And also that in consequence of the families of Joseph Smith [Sr.] Hiram [Hyrum] Smith Peter Whitmer [Sr.] Christian Whitmer. Jacob Whitmer Hiram Page & David Whitmer in administering to their wants in temporal things, & also the labors of Samuel H. Smith Peter Whitmer jr. William Smith & Don Carlos Smith [p. 18]
Voted by this conference that the above named brethren be remembered to the Bishop in Zion as being worthy of inheritances ...
[Far West Record (Minute Book 2) The Joseph Smith Papers]
After deliberate consideration in consequence of the book of Revelation now to be printed ...
And also that in consequence of the families of Joseph Smith [Sr.] Hiram [Hyrum] Smith Peter Whitmer [Sr.] Christian Whitmer. Jacob Whitmer Hiram Page & David Whitmer in administering to their wants in temporal things, & also the labors of Samuel H. Smith Peter Whitmer jr. William Smith & Don Carlos Smith [p. 18]
Voted by this conference that the above named brethren be remembered to the Bishop in Zion as being worthy of inheritances ...
[Far West Record (Minute Book 2) The Joseph Smith Papers]
190 years ago today - Nov 12, 1831
Special Conference. Joseph Smith reveals that in order to enter the Law of Consecration, the bishop must recommend members. This is the earliest incarnation of "The Recommend" that would later become a "Temple Recommend."
[Exploring Mormonism: The Law of Consecration Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/the-law-of-consecration-timeline/]
[Exploring Mormonism: The Law of Consecration Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/the-law-of-consecration-timeline/]
55 years ago today - Nov 11, 1966
One professor called Benson's BYU address "a really violent anti-Lee talk," and even pro-Birch Ernest Wilkinson regarded the talk as "a little extreme."
[Louis C. Midgley to Ray C. Hillam, 11 Nov. 1966, folder 12, Hillam Papers, and box 34, Buerger Papers; Wilkinson diary, 25 Oct. 1966. From D. Michael Quinn, Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflicts, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26:2 (Summer 1992), also in Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power Salt Lake City (Signature Books, 1994), Chapter 3.]
[Louis C. Midgley to Ray C. Hillam, 11 Nov. 1966, folder 12, Hillam Papers, and box 34, Buerger Papers; Wilkinson diary, 25 Oct. 1966. From D. Michael Quinn, Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflicts, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26:2 (Summer 1992), also in Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power Salt Lake City (Signature Books, 1994), Chapter 3.]
55 years ago today - Nov 11, 1966
After discovering the details of the BYU "Spy Ring" from its participants and from meetings with Counselor N. Eldon Tanner and Apostle Harold B. Lee, one of BYU's vice-presidents confided that "the real home of the group was ETB [Ezra Taft Benson]."
Tanner and Lee declined to pursue the matter rigorously. They rejected demands for Ernest Wilkinson's resignation and merely asked BYU's president to apologize privately to the professors targeted for this espionage.
[Louis C. Midgley to Ray C. Hillam, 11 Nov. 1966, regarding a conversation of Edwin B. Morrell, Richard B. Wirthlin, and Louis C. Midgley with Earl C. Crockett on 9 November. From D. Michael Quinn, Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflicts, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26:2 (Summer 1992), also in Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power Salt Lake City (Signature Books, 1994), Chapter 3.]
Tanner and Lee declined to pursue the matter rigorously. They rejected demands for Ernest Wilkinson's resignation and merely asked BYU's president to apologize privately to the professors targeted for this espionage.
[Louis C. Midgley to Ray C. Hillam, 11 Nov. 1966, regarding a conversation of Edwin B. Morrell, Richard B. Wirthlin, and Louis C. Midgley with Earl C. Crockett on 9 November. From D. Michael Quinn, Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflicts, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26:2 (Summer 1992), also in Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power Salt Lake City (Signature Books, 1994), Chapter 3.]
130 years ago today - Nov 11, 1891 (Wednesday)
After a lengthy investigation in the Third District Court, Salt Lake City, Judge Charles S. Zane rendered a decree escheating the Tithing Office, the Gardo House, Historian's Office, and Church farm to the government.
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
140 years ago today - Nov 11, 1881
[George Reynolds]
President Joseph F. Smith desires me to draw your attention to the rules governing the recommendations of persons desiring to receive their endowments [in the Endowment House]. Only faithful couples about to be married (or any other marriages,) or couples still bearing children, should receive recommends, with the exception of very aged persons, whose age and infirmities make desirable a departure from the strict observance of the above rule, and then, it should be stated on the recommend, that age or ill health is the reason why it is given. All others will have to wait for their blessings until one of the temples, now in the course of construction, is finished and work commenced therein, or they must go down to the temple at St. George.
[Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
President Joseph F. Smith desires me to draw your attention to the rules governing the recommendations of persons desiring to receive their endowments [in the Endowment House]. Only faithful couples about to be married (or any other marriages,) or couples still bearing children, should receive recommends, with the exception of very aged persons, whose age and infirmities make desirable a departure from the strict observance of the above rule, and then, it should be stated on the recommend, that age or ill health is the reason why it is given. All others will have to wait for their blessings until one of the temples, now in the course of construction, is finished and work commenced therein, or they must go down to the temple at St. George.
[Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
165 years ago today - Nov 11, 1856
[Hosea Stout]
An express came in from Fort Bridger to the effect that C. N. Spencer & John Van Cott having been to the Sweet Water and hearing nothing of the last train of Hand Carts had returned and returning had caused all the teams which had gone on the road to help them in in all 77 teams which had arrived at Bridger and was now only waiting word from Prest Young
This news was very unexpected as the Hand Cart Company was in a suffering condition being beyond the South pass and destitute of clothing and provisions[.] Immediately upon recieving the news the president sent W. H. Kimball, Joseph Simmons[.] James Furgerson & myself as an express to go and turn the teams East again and for us to find where the hand cart company was, according we started about Sun Set and went to John Killians about 5 miles up Emmigration Kanyon where we staid all night
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
An express came in from Fort Bridger to the effect that C. N. Spencer & John Van Cott having been to the Sweet Water and hearing nothing of the last train of Hand Carts had returned and returning had caused all the teams which had gone on the road to help them in in all 77 teams which had arrived at Bridger and was now only waiting word from Prest Young
This news was very unexpected as the Hand Cart Company was in a suffering condition being beyond the South pass and destitute of clothing and provisions[.] Immediately upon recieving the news the president sent W. H. Kimball, Joseph Simmons[.] James Furgerson & myself as an express to go and turn the teams East again and for us to find where the hand cart company was, according we started about Sun Set and went to John Killians about 5 miles up Emmigration Kanyon where we staid all night
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
170 years ago today - Nov 11, 1851
The University of the State of Deseret (now the University of Utah) in Salt Lake City was begun.
[Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, http://www.ldschurchnewsarchive.com/articles/58765/Historical-chronology-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints.html]
[Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, http://www.ldschurchnewsarchive.com/articles/58765/Historical-chronology-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints.html]
190 years ago today - Nov 11, 1831
Revelation indicated that there were to be presidents over each priesthood office in the church and that the men in each office were to be organized into quorums of twelve deacons, twenty-four teachers, forty-eight priests; and ninety-six elders. "It must needs be that one be appointed of the high Priesthood to preside over the priesthood and he shall be called President of the high priesthood of the Church; or, in other words the presiding high Priest over the high priesthood of the Church." (Kirtland Revelation Book, 84-86, Church Archives; corresponds to D&C 107:60-92, 99-100)
[Lisle G Brown, compiler, "Organizational Chronology of The Church of Christ, and The Church of the Latter Day Saints, 1829 - 1836"]
[Lisle G Brown, compiler, "Organizational Chronology of The Church of Christ, and The Church of the Latter Day Saints, 1829 - 1836"]
190 years ago today - Nov 11, 1831
Bishop becomes part of the authority of the calling of "High Priest." D&C 68 given. There in no First Presidency in the Church yet.
[Exploring Mormonism: The Law of Consecration Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/the-law-of-consecration-timeline/]
[Exploring Mormonism: The Law of Consecration Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/the-law-of-consecration-timeline/]
25 years ago today - Nov 10, 1996
The groundbreaking ceremony for a Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, Utah, where Hare Krishnas have operated a radio station since 1983. One of the least likely additions to Utah's religious landscape, the Krishna temple will have 10,000 square feet of floor space, larger than the LDS temple in Freiberg Germany, and the equivalent floor space of the LDS temples in Hawaii (original) and Peru.
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database (http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase)]]
120 years ago today - Nov 10, 1901
[J. Golden Kimball]
Pres[ident]. Jos[eph]. F. Smith explained the object of the conference which was to ratify the appointment and organization of the Seventy Presidency of the Church and the appointment of the boy Apostle and other officers. He also read a revelation on the order of the Priesthood and said that others of the Presidency and Apostles had not carried out the order of this revelation. I could not help but think, if Jos[eph]. Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow, together with the Twelve Apostles had erred in this matter, why should we believe that he so soon had received all the light and inspiration. He also said he would never take the bits into his mouth and the reins into his hands and ignore his councillors as others had done before him. I think he has already done this, when he nominated his son as an Apostle. To publicly arraign and criticize men that are his superiors in every way is to me a great mistake and will not add one cubit to his strength or height.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
Pres[ident]. Jos[eph]. F. Smith explained the object of the conference which was to ratify the appointment and organization of the Seventy Presidency of the Church and the appointment of the boy Apostle and other officers. He also read a revelation on the order of the Priesthood and said that others of the Presidency and Apostles had not carried out the order of this revelation. I could not help but think, if Jos[eph]. Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow, together with the Twelve Apostles had erred in this matter, why should we believe that he so soon had received all the light and inspiration. He also said he would never take the bits into his mouth and the reins into his hands and ignore his councillors as others had done before him. I think he has already done this, when he nominated his son as an Apostle. To publicly arraign and criticize men that are his superiors in every way is to me a great mistake and will not add one cubit to his strength or height.
[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
120 years ago today - Nov 10, 1901
[Anthony W. Ivins]
Special Conference
Pres. Jos. F. Smith presiding - Pres. Smith made opening remarks & among other things, said that properly the reorganization of the First Presidency of the Church should be effected within 24 hours of the death of President.
[Diary Excerpts of Anthony W. Ivins, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Special Conference
Pres. Jos. F. Smith presiding - Pres. Smith made opening remarks & among other things, said that properly the reorganization of the First Presidency of the Church should be effected within 24 hours of the death of President.
[Diary Excerpts of Anthony W. Ivins, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
130 years ago today - Nov 10, 1891
Presented Mahonri Moriancumr Bishops request to Pres[iden]ts W[ilford] W[oodruff]. & G[eorge] Q C[annon]. as to the safety & propriety of 1st wife being divorced at her own request marrying the 2nd wife by the law of the land & living with her. The Presidency feel as I do that it is unsafe and improper & cannot recommend it.
[Franklin D. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Franklin D. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
160 years ago today - Nov 10, 1861
[Brigham Young]
... He said He should follow his file leaders. He should not go back for any body or Be governed by any thing behind him. He would say to Brother Kimball & Brother Wells that if they wished to be united with him they must go with him & follow him. He should not follow them or go to them. So with the Twelve. They must follow the presidency for the Presidency would not follow them. The Seventies & High Priest must follow the Twelve & So on down through every department of the Church or Else there will be an Everlasting Separation. So with a man at the Head of his family. If every wife & Child does not follow the Husband & Father there will be an Eternal Separation & if a Man follows his wives or Children instead of leading himself there will be Confusion & destruction in that family. It is No business to any one what his file leader has done. I never found a word of fault with Brother Joseph in my life. He gave much valuable instruction to the people. -- SLC Bowery
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal. 9 Vols. Scott G. Kenney, ed. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1983-85. 5:600-601; Journal History of the Church, Selected Collections from the Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints DVD 2 (2002), in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
... He said He should follow his file leaders. He should not go back for any body or Be governed by any thing behind him. He would say to Brother Kimball & Brother Wells that if they wished to be united with him they must go with him & follow him. He should not follow them or go to them. So with the Twelve. They must follow the presidency for the Presidency would not follow them. The Seventies & High Priest must follow the Twelve & So on down through every department of the Church or Else there will be an Everlasting Separation. So with a man at the Head of his family. If every wife & Child does not follow the Husband & Father there will be an Eternal Separation & if a Man follows his wives or Children instead of leading himself there will be Confusion & destruction in that family. It is No business to any one what his file leader has done. I never found a word of fault with Brother Joseph in my life. He gave much valuable instruction to the people. -- SLC Bowery
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal. 9 Vols. Scott G. Kenney, ed. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1983-85. 5:600-601; Journal History of the Church, Selected Collections from the Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints DVD 2 (2002), in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
165 years ago today - Nov 10, 1856
[Wilford Woodruff]
Elder A O Smoot Brought in the Church train goods &c & Brother Willie the Hand Cart Company. There had been 60 deaths in that company. They were nearly chilled to death by the snows & Cold in the mountains.
...I attended the Meeting of the Presidents of the Seventies at the 70" Hall. President Joseph Young Called upon all the first Presidents of the seventies to Pray in there turn so that He Could feel of their spirits. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Elder A O Smoot Brought in the Church train goods &c & Brother Willie the Hand Cart Company. There had been 60 deaths in that company. They were nearly chilled to death by the snows & Cold in the mountains.
...I attended the Meeting of the Presidents of the Seventies at the 70" Hall. President Joseph Young Called upon all the first Presidents of the seventies to Pray in there turn so that He Could feel of their spirits. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
185 years ago today - Nov 10, 1836
Patriarchal Blessing of Jemima Johnson given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... If faithful thou shalt see even 93 years.... Thou shalt see great Salvation in Zion. shalt see great things on the earth. ... By the authority of Jesus Christ I seal thee up to eternal life. Amen
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:122-123, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:122-123, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
185 years ago today - Nov 10, 1836
Patriarchal Blessing of Huntington Johnson given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... At a blessing meeting held in the Lord's house in Kirtland ... Thou hast the promise of long life, even eighty seven years. ... Sickness shall flee away from thy touch * the lame man may leap like an hart * the dumb shall sing.
The Lord shall strengthen thee and quicken thine intelligence. quicken thy memory renovate the system of thy body, make thee sound in Soul and body. ... I seal thee up to Eternal life. Amen
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:121-122, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
The Lord shall strengthen thee and quicken thine intelligence. quicken thy memory renovate the system of thy body, make thee sound in Soul and body. ... I seal thee up to Eternal life. Amen
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:121-122, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
185 years ago today - Nov 10, 1836
Patriarchal Blessing of Phebe W. Carter Woodruff given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... Thou shalt be an ornament to thy sex. ... in the name of Jesus I seal thee up unto eternal life. Amen & Amen.
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:119, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:119, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
185 years ago today - Nov 10, 1836
Patriarchal Blessing of Mariah Clark given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... Thy children are of pure blood, yea thy system shall be pure. Sickness and disease shall not have power over thee. Thy sins are forgiven thee. ... I seal thee up to eternal life, Amen
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:114, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
[Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:114, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
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