35 years ago today - Sep 30, 1989

The first General Authorities called to serve for five years are released.

35 years ago today - Sep 30, 1989

Elder Paul H. Dunn, age 65, of the Presidency of the First Quorum of Seventy is given emeritus status "in consideration of factors of age and health." He continues, however, to participate in money-making ventures including tours of major-league baseball parks throughout the United States. [Dunn had been exaggerating stories about himself in talks.]

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

115 years ago today - Sep 30, 1909; Thursday


Committee meeting for further consideration of the article on "The Origin of Man". Meeting was held at my office.

[James E. Talmage, Diary]

125 years ago today - Sep 30, 1899

Reports that Apostle Franklin D. Richards "is losing his mind, [which] has been known for some time to his own family." First reported instance of mental instability in current general authority. He dies two months after this report.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

125 years ago today - Sep 30, 1899

There are reports that Apostle Franklin D. Richards "is losing his mind, [which] has been known for some time to his own family." First reported instance of mental instability in a current general authority. He dies two months after this report.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

180 years ago today - Sept 30. [1844]

[Brigham Young]

.... held a council along with my brethren the Twelve the conclusion of which was, that we were to use our influence to prevent the brethren & Sisters from attending the Ball which was in contemplation to be held at President Marks in the dining room of the mansion house on Wednesday evening.

[Brigham Young Journal # 4 in the handwriting of: William Clayton, Evan Greene, John D. Lee, Willard Richards. First person account kept by others. 'Lieut. Genl Brigham Young's Journal 1844']

195 years ago today - Sep 30, 1829

In Abner Cole's Palmyra Reflector, he accuses the editor of the anti-Masonic Palmyra Freeman of plagiarizing the Book of Mormon by using the phrase "Beware of SECRET ASSOCIATIONS". Cole notes that "The 'Gold Bible' is fast gaining credit; the rapid spread of Islamism was no touch to it!"

[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]

45 years ago today - Sep 29, 1979

A new 2,400-page edition of the King James version of the Bible, with many special features, including a topical guide, a Bible dictionary, and a revolutionary footnote system, was published by the Church.

[Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, http://www.ldschurchnewsarchive.com/articles/58765/Historical-chronology-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints.html]

90 years ago today - Sep 29, 1934

[Joseph Fielding Smith to Sterling B. Talmage]

While scientists are not atheists and are lead to believe in some kind of a God, yet the tendency of the times is to destroy the Son of God and the plan of redemption. Hence we see the pulpits of many so-called Christian Churches filled with men who refuse to accept Christ as the Only Begotten Son of God and the Redeemer of the world. They deny his resurrection and hence the resurrection of any other creature. These are the things I content against.

[Joseph Fielding Smith, Letter to Sterling B. Talmage, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

110 years ago today - Sep 29, 1914

Quorum of Twelve learns that mission president has "discovered that 15% of the [missionary] Elders in the Netherlands during the past two years, have been guilty of immoral practices, and that a much greater percentage of Elders have been exposed to these evils."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

110 years ago today - Sep 29, 1914

The Quorum of the Twelve learns that a mission president has "discovered that 15% of the [missionary] Elders in the Netherlands during the past two years, have been guilty of immoral practices, and that a much greater percentage of Elders has been exposed to these evils."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

110 years ago today - Sep 29, 1914; Tuesday

We took action in the case of Geo[rge]. W. Tolley of Gridley Cal[ifornia]. who took a plural wife within the past three years, Patriarch John Woolley performing the marriage according to his own confession. He was disfellowshipped.

[George F. Richards, Diary]

115 years ago today - Sep 29, 1909

Attended a reunion in 19th ward in honor of the widow of W. W. Phelps, a veteran of Missouri persecution times. She spoke in tongues, interpreted by a daughter of Orson Hyde, Sis M. White.

[An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty]

120 years ago today - Sep 29, 1904; Thursday

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

A meeting of the First Presidency and Apostles was held this morning in the temple as usual.

An informal talk was had upon the subject of the sealing of couples in Arizona and Mexico outside of the temple. President [Joseph F.] Smith remarked that if we allow the idea to prevail that these marriages outside the temple are just as good as those performed in the temple, it would not be very long before our young people of these far-away places would be loath to come to the temple at all, in consequence of the great expense attending the journey, and this would be a blow to the sanctity of temple ordinances. The President then said he would not be averse to Apostles marrying unmarried people, where it may be inconvenient for them to come to a temple; but, he said, it must be distinctly understood that all such marriages are for time only, performed under the laws of the land and known among us as legal marriages, and the contracting parties should so understand it. They should be told that all such marriages have nothing whatever to do with sealing for eternity, and
that they must therefore look forward to the time when they must come to the temple and be properly sealed, and have their children sealed to them.

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

135 years ago today - Sep 29, 1889

[President Wilford Woodruff]

Brigham Henry Roberts spoke one hour upon his imprisionment & 800 others and the Principle upon which they were imprisioned.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

140 years ago today - Sep 29, 1884

[Apostle Heber J. Grant]

[After arriving in Salt Lake City] I had no faith when Bro Young and I left Salt Lake for Orderville that anything could be accomplished in uniting the people of that place and getting them to continue to labor in the United Order. I felt in my heart as though the First Presidency were asking us to do something which was almost an impossibility. I have been thankful that our labors were successful. I don't know but what I should say we accomplished our mission without any labor. My heart is full of gratitude to think our Heavenly Father prepared the saints to continue to work unitedly without any counsel on our part.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

145 years ago today - Sep 29, 1879

I will give what I can from my own knowledge and memory and from what I heard at the time. When Emma Hale eloped with Joseph Smith, the Hale family was greatly exasperated, and perhaps it would not have been safe for Smith to have shown himself at his father-in-law's house. Emma was, or had been, the idol, or favorite, of the family, and they all still felt a strong attachment for her. Permission to return and reconciliation were effected and accomplished by her and perhaps her sister, Mrs. Wasson, who lived near Bainbridge, New York. The persuasions for Smith to return all came from the other side, not from Mr. Isaac Hale or his family in Harmony, Pa. The statement of Mr. Hale, made under oath before Esquire Dimon, was strictly true. * *

Reuben Hale is but little older than myself, was living with his father at the time of Smith's money-digging, and wrote for Smith when he first began to translate, before [Martin] Harris came to Harmony. It is true that Alva Hale went with his team to Palmyra, N.Y., one hundred miles or more, and moved Smith and wife to Harmony. It was stated by Alva Hale, at the time, that the "Gold Bible" was in a barrel of beans in his wagon, and that he (Hale) slept in his wagon to guard that barrel of beans and its treasure. I remember hearing my older brother Joseph tell Alva that if he, Joseph Lewis [Emma's cousin], had been in your place (Alva Hale's) he would have known whether that barrel of beans contained any golden Bible or not, perfectly regardless of Smith's statement that it would be certain death for any one to see the plates. The Hales seemed, for a time, to be kept in awe by Smith's statements, but that awe did not last long. Alva Hale is over eighty and his
memory has failed much in a few years past. Some things he remembers distinctly, and some things I have been able to help him to recall; for example, I asked him if he remembered the letter he wrote to Smith and Emma when they eloped. He said no, and had no recollection of writing a letter to them. When told the contents of the letter, which was as follows--"My Creed! I believe in love-powder, in gun-powder and hell fire," he replied, I recollect it as plain as if but yesterday. I asked Alva, on one of our late visits, if he remembered weighing the gold Bible; but he did not. My brother Joseph tried to refresh his memory, but in vain. Joseph remembers hearing it stated by Alva that he (Hale) was permitted to weigh the gold Bible in a pillow case, and, according to our memory, it weighed thirteen pounds! There were many persons in Harmony who had from Joe Smith positive promise that they should see the plates and the spectacles, but all say that they never saw them. Alva Hale
says he never saw them. I presume he saw that old glass-box that Isaac Hale spoke of, said to contain the plates. Smith's excuse for using his spectacles and hat to translate with, instead of those spectacles, was that he must keep the spectacles concealed; but any and all persons were permitted to inspect the peep-stone; and that he could translate just as well with the stone.

My sister Mrs. E[lizabeth]. L. McKune, says: "I worked in the families of Joseph Smith and uncle Isaac Hale for about nine months, during which time Mrs. Emma Smith had a child which was still-born and much deformed. The dwellings of Mr. Hale and Joseph Smith, jr., were near each other. I saw Smith translating his book by the aid of the stone and hat. Reuben Hale, acted as scribe, writing down the words from Joseph Smith's mouth, but after a short time Martin Harris did the writing. I heard Smith tell his wife Emma that he was nearly equal to Jesus Christ, and was as good to her as her Savior. The time when Smith told the story of the bleeding ghost was after the close of the money-digging, after Smith was married and had moved back to Harmony, and had commenced the translation of his book, I think, either before or about the time that Mrs. Harris had abstracted the 130 pages of their manuscript. The date I cannot precisely recall. I have a distinct recollection
about that bleeding ghost." Your idea that the first start of the book was a money speculation, not a new church, is perfectly correct. Your general idea of Smith's plates is also correct. He had something which he would permit a select few to handle, as they were done up in a cloth, or in a box, but doubtless the plates were something prepared for the occasion. Among the first of Smith's scribes was one Martin Harris who operated in our immediate neighborhood. His residence was then, I, think, in Palmyra, N.Y. He was a man of some property, and his wife was very strongly opposed to his spending his time and money in Smith's speculation, and once, while Harris was writing for Smith, she came to Harmony township and got hold of some of the manuscript they were making and carried it off, or destroyed it, and caused them considerable trouble. I am able to get near the exact date of Smith's joining the Methodist Episcopal Church. My sister, Elizabeth L. McKune, says she was
working in the family of Michael B. Morse the latter part of the winter and spring, and soon after that Joseph Smith, Jr., joined the Church, and while she was working for Mr. Morse he made her a chest and when he painted it put the date, 1828, in red paint on the inside of the chest. She has said chest and date now in her possession. Also my brother Joseph Lewis, from circumstances and business transactions, is able to fix the date to be Harmony, Susquehanna county, Pa., June--1828. The day of the month I am not able to ascertain. We have another witness to Smith's joining the Church, in Elder Cadwell's reply to my statement in the Amboy Journal. Yours Truly, HIEL LEWIS.

[Hiel Lewis (cousin to Emma Smith) to [James T. Cobb?], 29 September 1879, Salt Lake City Daily Tribune 18 (17 October 1879): 2., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Hiel Lewis To [James T. Cobb?]]

180 years ago today - 1844 29 Sep.

Young vacates the First Quorum of the Seventy by ordaining its 63 members as presidents of local quorums. This removes a quorum specified in the 1835 revelation as "equal in authority" with the Twelve.

[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]

180 years ago today - Sep 29, 1844

Brigham Young in a Sunday service sermon endorsed the Sisters' penny subscription fund for procuring glass and nails for the Temple.

[Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple]

185 years ago today - Sep 29, 1839

[Joseph Smith Sermon]

....Explained concerning the coming of the Son of Man &c that all will be raised to meet him, but the righteous will remain with him in the cloud whilst all the proud and all that do wickedly will have to return to the earth and suffer his vengeance which he will take upon them this is the second death &c &c

... Yet many of the righteous shall fall a prey to disease to pestilence &c by reason of the weakness of the flesh and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God So that it is an unhallowed principle to say that such and such have transgressed because they have been preyed upon by disease or death for all flesh is subject to death and the Saviour has said--"Judge not" lest ye be judged."

[Joseph Smith Diary, by James Mulholland as quoted in The Words of Joseph Smith by Joseph Smith by Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook]

200 years ago today - Sep 29, 1824

Joseph Smith, Sr. runs an add in the Wayne Sentinel for six weeks, announcing that he had exhumed Alvin's body, and that it was undisturbed. It also runs 6, 13, 20, 27 October and 3 November.

[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]

85 years ago today - Sep 28, 1939

Membership in the Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir was so important that Bishops and Stake Presidents are asked not to call members to additional Church duties unless such duties will not interfere with Choir duties. ". . . membership in the Tabernacle Choir will take precedence over any other assignment."

[1939-September 28-Original circular letter, L.D.S. in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]

110 years ago today - Sep 28, 1914; Monday

[James E. Talmage]

Was called to an important interview at the office of the First Presidency at which Dr. Fred J. Pack, my successor to the Professorship of Geology at the University of Utah, was present. We listened to Dr. Pack's statement of his views concerning the evolution hypothesis.

[James E. Talmage, Diary]

125 years ago today - Thursday, Sep 28, 1899

[Apostle Rudger Clawson]

I made remarks with reference to the object of the meeting, urging the necessity of collecting in the means due Brigham Young Monument Fund. I read a letter from the First Presidency, similar to the one read at Logan. Hoped the brethren would be united in whatever action should be taken.

Elder Jos. W. McMurrin made brief remarks on the same line. Pres. Parkinson spoke briefly, dwelling upon the life and character of Brigham Young and the great blessings that had come down to us through his administration. Explained the status of the fund in the Oneida Stake by saying that the apportionment was $835.00, amount already paid $234.95, amount due $600.05. He then read the apportionment as it was made to the wards and which was again accepted by unanimous vote, and the bishops expressed their intention of getting the means in at once.

[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

155 years ago today - Sep 28, 1869

DESERET NEWS advertises sale of BOOK OF MORMON "In Phonetics." Apostle Orson Pratt reports he translated it into the Deseret Alphabet in "four months of continuous labor."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

155 years ago today - Sep 28, 1869

Deseret News advertises the sale of the Book of Mormon "In Phonetics." Apostle Orson Pratt reports that he translated it into the Deseret Alphabet in "four months of continuous labor."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

180 years ago today - Sep 28, 1844

Brigham Young affirms to William [Smith, Joseph's only surviving brother] that the patriarchal right "rests upon your head" although he suggests "you can bestow it upon Uncle John or Uncle Asael."

[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books, http://bit.ly/lucys-book]

180 years ago today - Sep 28, 1844

[Apostle Amasa Mason Lyman]

Amasa Mason Lyman: Sealed to Eliza Maria Partridge Smith [plural wife of Joseph Smith] for time 28 September 1844. Five children: Don Carlos, Platte Dealton, Carlie Eliza, Joseph Alvin, and Lucy Zina.

[Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith]

50 years ago today - Sep 27, 1974-Friday

[Leonard Arrington]

Merv Hogan came in this morning and said that Reed Durham's talk about Mormonism and Masonry had been circulating on the underground [without Durham's permission] since April in [audio]tape and it had been transcribed and many copies distributed. He also said that he had been told by a friend of Jerald and Sandra Tanner that they had a copy of the tape. He did not know if they planned to publish it, but assumed that they would at least comment on it.

He said he had gone to Reed Durham approximately a month ago to tell him that the talk contained so many mistakes and was providing much fodder among the anti-Mormons, that he would be compelled to publish it together with criticisms. He asked Reed to furnish him with a copy, which Reed promised to do, but a month has elapsed and he has received nothing from Reed. Merv says he must meet the thing head on because of the underground copies and must let his fellow Masons know that he has answers to some of the problems raised. ...

It is fortunate in a way that Reed has withdrawn from participating in the preparation of our one-volume history. I am very much afraid that publication by the Masons on this piece by Reed may work adversely toward Reed's interests. It may prove embarrassing to him. He may be eased out of his job as director of the Institute. This would hurt him personally and professionally. Merv Hogan is in a unique position being a 33rd degree Scottish [Rite] Mason, a Mormon, and a member of the Salt Lake Lodge. There are several dozens-perhaps hundreds of Mormons which are high Masons outside of Utah-George Cannon in Hawaii, for example, but the Salt Lake Lodge will not accept any Mormons, but Merv Hogan got into them by joining the Masons elsewhere in New York and was a member in Arizona and he has zealously held onto his Salt Lake Lodge membership in order to attempt to get them to remove the ban on Mormons. He says other American lodges do not like the rule-they disapprove of it
heartily. He says that Salt Lake Lodge has tried on several occasions to withdraw his membership, but they have not been successful because of the opposition of other jurisdictions outside of Utah. Brother Anderson told me the other day that when he was secretary to the First Presidency, he had written a number of letters to persons who had written to the First Presidency about the Masonic membership. He says that he had always written under the direction of the First Presidency that they should not be active Masons "because you cannot be a good member of two churches at the same time." I told him that I knew personally a number of Mormons who were both active Mormons and active Masons and mentioned several. He seemed to be surprised at this since it had been his understanding that all active Mormons had been instructed to become inactive Masons.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

90 years ago today - Sep 27, 1934

[President Heber J. Grant]

After the funeral today [of Counselor Anthony Ivins] Brother Clark called and I told him I thought we ought to decide on a counselor and asked for his suggestions. He said, 'I think anyone whom you want will suit me.'

I said, 'My mind had rested upon Brother McKay.'

He said, 'I am very glad; he is the man that I had thought of and would like.' He said, 'I started with the head of the Quorum, and when I got to brother McKay, I did not have any desire to go further.'

I sent for Brother McKay and notified him of our choice. He was very much surprised and pledged his absolute loyalty, and I felt sure he would do all in his power to aid in fulfilling the duties of the Presidency of the Church.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

115 years ago today - Monday, Sep 27, 1909

[Apostle John Henry Smith]

[Some of the apostles and First Presidency] met and heard read an Article on the Godhead by the Presidency but it was refered to some of the brethren to examine as to the questions of Developement. [Note: Talmage said this was "to consider a proposed article by the First Presidency on 'The Origin of Man'"].

Bros. A[nthony] W. Ivins, Geo. F. Richards and I talked over the question with Dr. Jas. E. Talmage of the purchase of his Copyright of his new book, The [Great] Apostasy. Our Committee recommended to the Presidency that we pay him $3,000.00 for it.

[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]

130 years ago today - Sep 27, 1894

[Heber J. Grant]

Called this AM and tried to get the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party to refrain from publishing and circulating the speech which I delivered in the Theatre some two weeks ago. I explained that I was glad to say something in favor of Mr. Rawlins and to thank him for the good work that he had done in Congress, but that to have what I said reported in party and circulated as a campaign document I felt was not fair to me. I want to maintain the best possible feelings with all of the Saints as I travel among them and speak, and I feel that to do active campaign work in the interest of the Democratic Party would make a feeling of resentment come into the minds of Republicans and this is the only reason that I wish not to have the speech used. ...

[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

130 years ago today - Sep 27, 1894

[Apostle Francis M. Lyman]

I had much talk with Pres[iden]ts Cannon and Smith upon the advisability of Apostles, Presidents of Stakes, B[isho]ps and their counselors taking part in political questions. They thought it all right in relation to Constitutional convention matters, but ordinary politics they will do better to keep out of ... Pres[ident] Woodruff was home sick. A proclamation of Amnesty was sent in to us from Pres[ident] Grover Cleveland. It relieves all of disabilities who have kept the law in accordance with the proclamation of Benjamin Harrison. It will do some good but is not all that we wish. We did not conclude we could vote under it as we have kept the law of God instead of the law of the land and will not desert our families.

[Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

135 years ago today - Sep 27, 1889

Missionary certificates were issued to Bro[ther] Fred W. Taylor & Bro[ther] Elias S. Wright to go to study medicine & surgery & preach the gospel in the state of New York. Also to Bro[ther] Cha[rle]s M. Cannon to study dentistry & in the state of New York; also to Bro[ther] John M. Cannon to study law &c in the state of Michigan, also to Bro[ther] M. B. Shipp, Jr to study medicine & surgery &c in the state of Pennsylvania.

[First Presidency Office Journal, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

160 years ago today - Sep 27, 1864

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]

I Called upon F[ranklin] D. Richards to speak. He was quite sick & did not feel able. I felt moved upon by the spirit of God to lay hands upon him which I did with G[eorge] A Smith & He was healed & got up & spoke in the spirit & power of God & was followed by G[eorge] A Smith & W[ilford] Woodruff.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Sep 27, 1844 (Friday)

Gov. Thos. Ford visited Nauvoo with about five hundred troops and three pieces of artillery, ostensibly for the purpose of bringing the murderers of Joseph and Hyrum Smith to justice.

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

200 years ago today - Sept 27, 1824

In Palmyra revival breaks out among the Methodists when four are converted and the next day seven make profession at a prayer meeting at the home of Dr. Durfee Chase, son of the active Methodist family whose farm adjoined the Joseph Smith homestead. Among the seven converted is 19-year-old Lucy Stoddard, relative of the Stoddard who had been the principal workman in building the Smith home. This 1824-25 revival is described in Joseph Smith's History in the Pearl of Great Price but is misdated to 1820.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

40 years ago today - Sep 25, 1984

Richard Miller, a twenty-year FBI counter-intelligence veteran, is called into his Los Angeles field office subjected to polygraph tests, fired, then arrested and charged with espionage. Miller is described by his stepfather-in-law as an "active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" who "served well" in a variety of positions, including Sunday School instructor and home teacher. However, LDS church headquarters confirms Miller was excommunicated previous summer for reasons unnamed. The national press reports Miller was engaged in a "sexual affair" with Soviet spy and KGB "major" Svetlana Ogordnikov. Miller had asked for $65,000 in cash and gold in exchange for classified information. twenty-one months later Miller, a BYU graduate and returned missionary, is convicted of expionage and bribery and is sentenced to two consecutive life terms. He is the only (former) FBI agent ever convicted of espionage. In 1989 his conviction is overturned when the admission of
polygraph results is deemed an error. A third trial is held and Miller is convicted again and sentenced to 20 years. He is released in 1994 following a reduction of his sentence by a federal judge.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

115 years ago today - Sep 25, 1909


University Council met at 8 p.m. Prayer by President [George H.] Brimhall. 13 present. President Brimhall reported that he had been invited to a meeting of the First Presidency and Apostles to listen to an article prepared by Apostle O[rson]. F. Whitney under instruction from the First Presidency on the origi[ne] of the physical man. The purpose of the meeting of the Council was to discuss this topic as he desired the views of the council upon it. Each member present gave expression to his views.

[Brigham Young University Faculty Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

130 years ago today - Sep 25, 1894

[George Q. Cannon]

.... I referred to the conversation which was had at the Hoffman House with Colonel Trumbo when he came up from Washington to see me respecting certain propositions that he had. They were to this effect: that a large fund was being raised by different parties on account of the tariff, the object being to prevent injurious legislation to certain interests. This sum was represented by Colonel Trumbo to me as being very large, and it was proposed that Utah should be included in the arrangement. They were willing to have this done if they could have the assurance that two Republican Senators would come from Utah, and Colonel Trumbo had been sent to ask me if any pledge could be obtained to that effect. I had said I could not give a pledge of that kind, and I did not know any one else that could. I would do anything in my power to have Utah admitted as a State and to have it Republican, but could make no pledge of that kind. This seemed, I said, to satisfy Colonel Trumbo at the time; but
I said I want it distinctly understood now that I never knew until after the State was admitted, when I was told by Bishop Clawson, that money had ever been used to admit Utah'that is, solely for the admission of Utah. I did understand that it was to be included in the arrangement mentioned, and the pay was to be the securing of two Republican Senators. ...

[George Q. Cannon, 'Interview with General Clarkson and Colonel Trumbo', as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

150 years ago today - Sep 25, 1874

DESERET NEWS editorial about "immortal seven" Mormons who are excused form grand jury in Beaver because they cannot conscientiously indict anyone for polygamy.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

150 years ago today - Sep 25, 1874

Deseret News editorial about the "immortal seven" Mormons who are excused from the grand jury in Beaver because they can not conscientiously indict anyone for polygamy.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

200 years ago today - Sep 25, 1824

The body of Alvin Smith is exhumed from its grave to quell rumors that the body had been removed. Joseph Smith had said that the Angel Moroni instructed him to bring his brother Alvin to obtain the plates but Alvin had died before the Sept 22, 1824 date set by the angel. Four days later the Wayne Sentinal publishes a notice by Joseph Smith Sr. that, contrary to the rumors, the body had not been removed from the grave or disturbed.

[He also runs the add on the 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th of October and 3rd November.]

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

50 years ago today - Sep 24, 1974-Tuesday

[Leonard Arrington]

In the meeting with Brother [Joseph] Anderson this morning I mentioned the controversy over Mormonism and Masonry. Brother Anderson said Brother Melvin J. Ballard gave a talk on Mormonism and Masonry which we ought to be familiar with. We should be aware of this and try to get a copy of the talk for our Mormonism and Masonry file.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

70 years ago today - Sep 24, 1954

CBS television's Edward R. Murrow's program features Apostle Ezra Taft Benson's family have "LDS Home Night."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

95 years ago today - Sep 24, 1929

Heber J. Grant writes: "I am free to confess that I am disappointed with the Yosemite valley. It seems only about one-half as grand as the American Fork canyon" of Utah.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

180 years ago today - 24 September 1844, Tuesday

[Nauvoo Temple]

On Wednesday, the 25th, as the brethern were beginning to raise one of the capitals, having neglected to fasten the guys, the crane fell over with a tremendous crash, breaking it considerably. As soon as it was perceived that the crane was falling, the hands fled to get out of the way. One of the brethern, Thomas Jaap, running directly in the course of the falling crane, barely escaped being killed. The crane struck the ground and was within a foot of striking his head. This circumstance hindered the workmen some; but in a few days the crane was mended, reared, and the brethern again went to work on it.

...Jacob Morris ... stated that Miles had come with the intention of setting fire to the lumber, that the building might be hindered, as Lyman Wight had said the temple never would be built.

Whether this was the intention of Brother Miles or not we could not learn satisfactorily. However, enough was known to induce the authorities of the Church to advise the committee to have some of the old police guard the lumber and the temple night and day. The police have continued to guard it to this time. There has since been many threats thrown out from the Rigdonites and other sources that the temple never should be built, and no doubt an attempt would have been made to set fire to it if it had not been well guarded all the time.

[Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois. http://www.boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/clayton-diaries]

40 years ago today - Sep 23, 1984-Sunday

[Leonard Arrington]

Today I responded to a telephone arrangement with the New York LDS Institute in which Bill Cottam, director, had 20 or 30 persons in a New York apartment. We talked for almost an hour. Questions asked, to which I gave somewhat lengthy responses:

1. Why did the church decide not to publish the sesquicentennial history volumes?

2. Were there [plural] marriages performed with church approval after 1890?

3. Do you still believe, as you wrote in 1968 for Dialogue, that we ought to publish the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in histories?

4. Comment on the Martin Harris Salamander letter.

5. Comment on your Brigham Young biography

6. Comment on the new book by Robert Gottlieb and Peter Wiley, America's Saints.

7. Women and the priesthood in Church history? Priesthood ordinances?

I left, bearing my testimony that this is the Lord's Church.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

75 years ago today - Sep 23, 1949

[J. Reuben Clark]

Marion Romney called; he said the striking miners are stopping trucks on Solider Summit and the State Road Patrol are protecting those who want to come through, and he has told the Church trucks to come on through. Pres. Taylor of one of the Carbon Stakes says the situation is very tense, the men are pretty sullen; he does not think they can do much, the men are pretty well dominated by the unions; they understand the coal the Church is getting out is for hospitals and Church purposes. Bro. Romney said the unions had threatened to fine any of our members who worked in the Church mine for less than the fixed Union scale, they will let them work outside, but not go into the mines. Pres. Clark approved what Bro. Romney had done, but said that they did not want any accidents and have anybody killed. Bro. Romney said they had three trucks down there; that they only had 500 tons of coal which would only last the hospital a little while ...

Called Leo Young in Mark Petersen's office and cautioned the News on the way they handled the strike question, telling him of the trucks coming from the Church mine to the Hospitals; they did not want anything said that would incite the miners against letting the trucks through.

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

90 years ago today - Sep 23, 1934

[President Heber J. Grant]

[After learning of the Death of his cousin and counselor, Anthony W. Ivins] ... From the time we were little children we have been as intimate as if we had been own brothers. I never knew two sisters who were so congenial and had such unbounded love for each other as Tone and myself.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

115 years ago today - Sep 23, 1909

[Thomas A. Clawson Diary]

"After meeting Prest F M Lyman ask (Sic) Bishops Tingey Woolley Iverson and myself to remain and he said that inasmuch as elder (Sic) John W. Taylor and Mathias Cowley had been requested not to be talking in public If when they happened to come into our wards we did not invite them to talk it would save them some embarassment &c."

[Diary Excerpts of Thomas A. Clawson, Signature Books Library, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

125 years ago today - Sep 23, 1899; Saturday

President Snow and family moved into the Beehive house today.

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

135 years ago today - Sep 23, 1889

First Presidency Secretary L. John Nuttall records in his journal: "Prest. Joseph F. Smith had some very plain talk with Bro. Angus M. Cannon in regard to his persistent claim to the land known as the Barn Lot, west of the Lion House, which Bro. Cannon claims he purchased, bonafide. While Pres. Smith claims (it) was only in trust for its safety to the church. Pres. M. Thatcher and Bp. Wm. B. Preston held the same views as Bro. Smith and repudiated Bro. Cannon's claim. No decision was arrived at."

140 years ago today - Sep 23, 1884

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]

I attended the Lecture on Monday night 22 delivered in the Theater by John Nichelson upon the Massacree of the Mormon Elders in Tennessee and proved that Gov Murry, The Tribune and the Conspiritors ring in this City was in a great measure the Cause of the death of those Men. I do not think there were Ever as many people before in that building since it was built.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

140 years ago today - Sep 23, 1884

[Apostle Heber J. Grant]

The great majority of the people who spoke yesterday and today were decidedly in favor of continuing to labor in the United Order but most of them did not wish to do so unless the present system was changed and more responsibility was placed upon the individual members. ... At our evening meeting we had some spirited remarks. We had an excellent spirit present. I can't recall attending a meeting where I felt that more of the kind and peacful [sic] influences of the good spirit was present than I did this evening. It was decided by a unanimous vote to continue working in the United Order under the system of Stewardship, as found in the Doctrine and Covenants.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Sep 23, 1844

[Nauvoo Temple]

The first sunstone capital stone was placed on the temple walls. Each stone weighed about two tons and cost some $300. Each capital was composed of five stones: the base stone; the sunstone with the sun raising above the clouds; the trumpet stone with two hands holding trumpets; and two cap stones on the top. Benjamin T. Mitchell cut the first sunstone to be placed.

[Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple]

195 years ago today - Sep 23, 1829

In Abner Cole's Palmyra Reflector, he writes, "We understand that the Anti-Masons have declared war against the Gold Bible-O! how impious! / The number of Gold Bible Apostles is said to be complete. Jo Smith, Jr. is about to assign to each, a mission to the heathen. We understand that Abraham Chaddock intends to build the first house in Harris' New-Jerusalem.... / Some few evenings since, a man in the town of Mendon, had a loud call to go and preach the doctrines contained in the Gold Bible, under heavy denunciations." (May refer to Calvin Stoddard, who had a "loud call" according to Tucker (1867).)

[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]

95 years ago today - Sep 22, 1929

Senior Seventy's president and assistant church historian Brigham H. Roberts tells a congregation in the Salt Lake Tabernacle that "the Latter-day Saints are conscious of receding from that zenith [of early Mormonism] in that they are no longer flooded with revelation." On 3 Oct. in a combined meeting of the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve, and the Seventy's presidents condemns his statement. He apologizes to them.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

110 years ago today - Sep 22, 1914

Apostle James E. Talmage reads an article from Church magazine "The Improvement Era" to the First Presidency. The article, by non-mormon writer J. C. Homans (two years earlier Homans, writing under the name of "Dr. R. C. Webb, PhD," had published articles and a book attempting to defend the Book of Abraham against dismissals by leading Egyptologists) attempts to refute evolution. First Counselor Anthon H. Lund comments that it does not strike him as particularly logical in its assertions.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

115 years ago today - Sep 22, 1909

.... Elder Reed Smoot called attention to the fact that B[en]. E. R[ich]. had taken a wife since the Manifesto of 1890 by Pres[ident]. [Wilford] Woodruff and that at the examination before the Senate Committee on Elections of U.S. Pres[ident]. Jos[eph]. F. Smith had testified that if it were known to him that parties had violated that Manifesto he would deal with them for their standing in the church and Elder Smoot had testified that he would not sustain such in office. This is of record and to call one of this class to be one of the General Authorities would place the President in an awkward position perhaps later. Elder J[ohn]. H[enry]. Smith & Reed Smoot were appointed to bring these facts to the attention of the First Presidency. The results were that another name was presented [i.e., Levi Edgar Young] which to me means that no man having taken a wife since Pres[ident]. Woodruff's Manifesto can be sustained as one of the General Authorities.

[George F. Richards, 'Record of Matters of Special Importance,' pp. 31-32, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

120 years ago today - Sep 22, 1904

A meeting of the First Presidency and Apostles was held this morning. He [Joseph F. Smith] said he told them [church members in St. George] if they would pay their tithing until the Church debts are paid, the Church would do what it could to help them to re-possess the country now held by outsiders, which is regarded as the key to that southern country.

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

125 years ago today - Sep 22, 1899

Presidents Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith were at the office, and the former two met with Elders Brigham Young [Jr.] and John Henry Smith, Bishop Joseph S. Rawlins and Attorney F[ranklin]. S. Richards ... The allowance to Elder Samuel W. Richards, of $30.00 a month, for services as an ordinance worker in the Temple was today increased, at his request, by President Snow to $50.00 a month, $20.00 in cash and the balance in scrip.

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

135 years ago today - Sep 22, 1889 (Sunday)

Salim Inzil and Pharez Randure were baptized below the Egyptian colony, Yaffa, Palestine, by Elder C.U. Locander. They were confirmed the same day, the first named by Elder J.M. Sjodahl and the latter by Elder Locander. These were the first Arabs who joined the Church in Palestine. A few Germans had previously been baptized.

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

140 years ago today - Sept 22nd 1884

[Scott Anderson to John Taylor]

.... President John Taylor


Duty imperatively demands that as I am about to withdraw from the Church over which you preside I make known to you and to all whom it may concern the reasons which have compelled me to take this step.

... I joined your Church on the 20th of May 1879 and during the first 2 years of my membership I faithfully adhered to it and would have given my life to defend it, during all this time I never heard of Adam being God, never heard of Blood Atonement, never heard of polygamy being required of all men before they could attain to highest glory. Never dreamed that Brigham Young or any one else cooly threw the Bible overboard and preached whatever they pleased which I was bound to accept as the revelations of God. I do not and cannot accuse these men of having told my anything absolutely false, but they certainly withheld the horrible I was in the Church some five years before I heard or knew anything about these things--doctrines against which my soul revolts. ...

Judge my horror and amazement when I found that he [apostle Albert Carrington] constantly used language which I had only heard from the lips of the lowest blackguards and that his conduct generally was something disgraceful. I saw him myself in the presence of several hundred witnesses on board a tugboat in Liverpool conduct himself so disgracefully with a young girl, then a servant in the Mission House, that every Elder present held his head down with shame. ...

Brigham Young teaches I quote his words, "When our Father Adam came into the Garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body and brought Eve one of his wives with him. He is our Father and our God and the ONLY God with whom we have to do." At first I could not bring myself to believe that this doctrine was accepted by the Church, but on careful enquiry found to my horror and astonishment that it was really so. It is true a great many know nothing about it and are simply in ignorance....

Then there is the Doctrine of Blood atonement which to me is simply a doctrine of murder. Brigham Young says "I could refer you to plenty of instances where men have been righteously slain in order to atone for their sins." Again he says, "I have seen scores and hundreds of people for whom there would have been a chance if their lives had been taken and their blood spilt upon the ground as a smoking incense to the Almighty." ...

If he has no wife or wives (and you teach that he must have at least three or he cannot have the highest glory) God (Adam) is utterly unable to help him You have the keys and he must wait your leisure and pleasure. ...

Joseph F. Smith during last conference told the Priesthood meeting that to obey the higher law they must have at least three living wives at one and the same time, and that anything to the contrary was a damned lie. You yourself in the Ogden Tabernacle speaking of what the Gentiles were trying to do said "Who the Devil cares." Surely you do not think I can believe such language from the Holy Spirit of God.

I now request you to erase my name from your books, and only add in conclusion that I have had no quarrel...

Yours respectfully,

Scott Anderson

[Letter to Pres. John Taylor from Scott Anderson; Salt Lake City; Sept 22nd 1884 as quoted in Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthy Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]

170 years ago today - Sep 22, 1854

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]

The Snake Indians fought the Utahs & killed 6 & brought in the Indian scalps on poles through our streets & had a war dans.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

185 years ago today - Sep 22, 1839

[Joseph Smith Sermon]

Attended & presided at meeting--Spoke concerning the other Comforter &c &c &c.

[Joseph Smith Diary, by James Mulholland; The Words of Joseph Smith by Joseph Smith by Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook]

195 years ago today - Sep 22, 1829

The Painesville Telegraph publishes an article headlined "Golden Bible" that circulates in the Kirtland area. Although it apparently has no effect, it may have instigated negative perceptions among some of Sidney Rigdon's congregants.

[Mark Lyman Staker, Hearken, O Ye People: The Historical Setting of Joseph Smith's Ohio Revelations: A Selective Chronology of Significant Events in Ohio's LDS History]

200 years ago today - Sep 22, 1824

Joseph Jr. returns to the Manchester hill (without Alvin) and fails to get the plates . According to some sources, Joseph was instructed to bring Samuel Lawrence with him on his next annual visit , but other sources say that he was instructed to bring his future wife, whom he had not yet met . It is likely that no future visits were planned at this time and that Samuel Lawrence and Emma Hale are retrospective insertions into the story.

[Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]

45 years ago today - Sep 20, 1979-Thursday

[Leonard Arrington]

Lavina Anderson came by to tell me that [managing editor] Jay [Todd] had received a note from Elder [M. Russell] Ballard, [new] editor of the Ensign, asking him to respond to two matters. He said that this had been conveyed to him by Elder [Boyd K.] Packer. Lavina assumes that this means it came from someone higher than Elder Packer, such as, for example, from Elder [Ezra Taft] Benson or Elder [Mark E.] Petersen, but Elder Ballard did not reveal who had asked Elder Packer to convey it to him.

Anyway, the two matters were, first, some criticism of the Donna Hill book [a biography of Joseph Smith]; and secondly, a general criticism of my article in the September issue, "Six Lessons in Church History." Dean Jessee is preparing a comment with respect to the statements made about the Donna Hill book. Basically, they are suggesting that the book contains material that is both defamatory and incorrect, about Joseph Smith. After looking over the list of things, it is clear that these were not things that Donna Hill agreed with, but simply charges that she acknowledged were made against the Prophet, and she really provides an answer to them. So that criticism seems to be misplaced.

With respect to my article, there apparently were no specific criticisms but simply demanding a justification as to why the article was published, why I was asked to write it, and so on. So Lavina was trying to get something together to write up for Jay. Certainly I was not asked, in a formal letter, to write the article. It was something which was transmitted by telephone and not in one of our monthly meetings.

Anyway, there is, somewhere in the world, one person who did not like the article, nor did he/she think that I was qualified to write about Church history. Lavina assumes that I should not inform anybody of this, since she was not officially authorized to tell me. But she simply told me as a friend.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

115 years ago today - Sep 20, 1909

[Thomas A. Clawson]

.... Bro[ther] James E. Talmage was the speaker and the burden of his remarks were upon Church Organization, the Priesthood its powers and authority, the people and their authority and agency. In the course of his remarks he expressed himself as opposed to these persons, members of the Church, who go whisper about that the Church is not sincere in its declaration against the practice of plural marriage now. He went on to explain that there was only one man on earth at a time who held the Keys of this sealing power with authority to delegate it to others. ...

[Thomas A. Clawson, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

140 years ago today - Sep 20, 1884

Lorenzo Saunders was first interviewed by William H. Kelley [RLDS] on 17 September 1884 [regarding Joseph Smith in Palmyra, see http://bit.ly/ZwQNU5]. But Kelley evidently returned on 20 September with a different version of the interview, which rearranged and deleted a number of the questions and answers, but retained nearly identical wording. Following his brother's instructions, Kelley read this version to Saunders and had him sign it before a notary public.

[Lorenzo Saunders, Interviewed by William H. Kelley, 20 September 1884, 1-7, "Miscellany," RLDS Church Library-Archives, Independence, Missouri., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Lorenzo Saunders Interview]

150 years ago today - Sep 20, 1874

Orson Pratt preached: "Joseph Smith…was a boy about fourteen years of ageat the time the Lord first revealed himself…to him…he saw nothing excepting the light and two glorious personages…One of these personages, pointing to the other, said—'Behold my beloved Son, hear ye him.'

After this, power was given to Mr. Smith to speak, and…he said that he desired to know which was the true Church…immediately after receiving it, he began to relate it to some of his nearest friends, and he was told by some of the ministers who came to him to enquire about it, that there was no such thing as the visitation of heavenly messengers, that God gave no new revelation…he knew that he had seen this light, that he had beheldthese two personages, and that he had heard the voice of one of them…and he continued to testifythat God had made himself manifest to him…"("Journal of Discourses", Vol. 17, pp.278-280)

[A Documented History of Joseph Smith's First Vision, http://beggarsbread.org/2013/04/01/a-documented-history-of-joseph-smiths-first-vision/]

150 years ago today - Sep 20, 1874

Orson Pratt preached: "Joseph Smith…was a boy about fourteen years of ageat the time the Lord first revealed himself…to him…he saw nothing excepting the light and two glorious personages…One of these personages, pointing to the other, said—'Behold my beloved Son, hear ye him.'

After this, power was given to Mr. Smith to speak, and…he said that he desired to know which was the true Church…immediately after receiving it, he began to relate it to some of his nearest friends, and he was told by some of the ministers who came to him to enquire about it, that there was no such thing as the visitation of heavenly messengers, that God gave no new revelation…he knew that he had seen this light, that he had beheldthese two personages, and that he had heard the voice of one of them…and he continued to testifythat God had made himself manifest to him…"

["Journal of Discourses", Vol. 17, pp.278-280; A Documented History of Joseph Smith's First Vision, http://beggarsbread.org/2013/04/01/a-documented-history-of-joseph-smiths-first-vision/]

160 years ago today - Sep 20, 1864

President Young ... said "we are in the Land of Zion. It is known why we are in this land. This Country was not much known untill we Came into it. Since that time much has been known. Who printed the first Paper in the west, planted the first fruit trees, Penetrated the western wiles, Printed the first paper in the Rocky Mountains? The Latter Day Saints done all these things.

Most people thought that we should go to vancouvers Island. We were urged to go to Calafornia. Had we have gone there we should not have staid but a short time. We Could not have Staid there. The Emigration would have overwhelmed us. But we intend to Fill these mountains....

When we go to the Centre Stake of Zion we shall not have 600 Acres of Land Each to run over. No we shall have a small spot. There will not be a Chicken pig Cow horse or any animal in the City.

If you put in one Acre to grapes as it should be you Could take $5,000 for the use of it. Again tobacco. If you must use it raise it yourselfes. You Can raise 1,000 lbs on an Acre. At $2 per lb. itwould fetch $2,000. You have welth in the Soil here.... You do nothave so many foul spirits to Contend with as we doin the North, both from the Living & the dead."

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - 20 September 1844, Friday

[William Clayton]

The works of the temple moved on with astonishing rapidity, and on the 23rd of September the first capital was put up.

The stone weighed about two tons and when the stone was at its hight, and the men were attempting to draw it to the wall, the crane gave way at the foot of the wing or angle, which circumstance caused considerable danger. By great care the stone was safely landed and set without any further accident.

[Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois. http://www.boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/clayton-diaries]

180 years ago today - Sep 20, 1844

Heber C. Kimball tells William Clayton that he "shall yet have Sarah Crooks." Clayton had fallen in love with Crooks while on a mission in England. Clayton was married so did not pursue the relationship. Joseph Smith encouraged Clayton to send for Crooks after revealing plural marriage to him. Crooks arrived in Nauvoo but did not agree with polygamy or Joseph Smith and had already married another man by this date.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

180 years ago today - Sep 20, 1844

[Brigham Young]

went to the temple cauld at Sister Evens seald hir up to hir husban Horres hir oldest son stod as proxy lad hands on sister Durly the Lord is with me continuly

[Brigham Young Journal (1801-1877) Journal #2 July, 1837- Mar. 1845]

90 years ago today - Sep 19, 1934

[President Heber J. Grant]

I was delighted to find that the Associated Press cut out only the three articles of our faith and broadcast my talk made at the University chapel in Chicago. To get publicity of this kind in the newspapers is something new. The Associated Press as nearly as I can judge now is our friend.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

125 years ago today - Sep 19, 1899; Tuesday

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

....The matter of printing, for Sunday School purposes, the Lord's prayer as proposed at the Council of the First Presidency and the Apostles, held on the third day of last August, was brought up and considered by Presidents Snow and Cannon with Brothers Anthon H. Lund, Rudger Clawson and Heber J. Grant. The question considered was, which version of the prayer should be used, the one given by the Prophet Joseph Smith, or the one contained in St. Matthew's Gospel, the Council having postponed consideration of the matter, owing to the absence of President Cannon, whose opinion, as General Superintendent of the Deseret Sunday School Union, President Snow wished to have, before the question was decided. President Cannon now stated that while he favored the Prophet Joseph's version, from the sound point of doctrine, he thought it better to adhere to the scriptural version in the Sunday schools, for the reason that this version appears in the Book of Mormon, and if the new version were
adopted, questions might arise that would be confusing to the minds of the children. If the Scriptural version were used, proper explanation could be made, and the wisdom of the Prophet's rendering of the prayer would be appreciated upon comparison. President Snow acquiesced.

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

140 years ago today - Sep 19, 1884

By direction of President [John] Taylor I return herewith the request of Brother David B. Ott without the signature of the president who directs me to say that in regard to the second anointings it used to be usual for others to appoint and designate who should receive them. They now seem to come wrong end first. By this I infer that the president desires to designate the parties who should receive these ordinances without the application of the parties or other persons in their behalf. There may be some instruction given upon this matter at some of our meetings during the coming conference.

[L. John Nuttall to John D. T. McAllister, Sept. 19, 1884 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

160 years ago today - Sep 19, 1864

[Brigham Young Sermon]

.... When we read of the History of the City of the Zion of Enoch we find it a beautiful City So will it be with the Zion of God in the last days which we are called to build up. It will be 1500 mile's square and if this was the case it would reach nearly to the pacific Ocean

...I don't want to have the Elders testify that I am Joseph successor for all Earth and Hell knows it and it does not require any proof; ...

[Leonard J. Arrington Papers, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan.. (A reference reading LJA 12-55-5, 10, means LJA Series 12, Box 55, Folder 5, page 10.) 12-56-2, 17 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

180 years ago today - Sep 19, 1844

[Heber C. Kimball marriage]

wife #5. Sylvia Porter Sessions (Lyon Smith Kimball Clark), 1818-1882 [former wife of Joseph Smith]. Apparent separation from HCK, time only.

[Hatch, Charles M. and Compton, Todd M. editors, 'A Widow's Tale: 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney' p. 37]

180 years ago today - 1844 19 Sept.

Young begins marrying some of Joseph Smith's polygamous widows as his own wives.

[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]

180 years ago today - Sep 19, 1844

Brigham Young (aged 43) marriage to Louisa Beaman (1815-1850) (aged 29) plural widow of Joseph Smith, Jr. sealed to Joseph Smith, Jr. for eternity and Young for life; 5 children

[Wikipedia, List of Brigham Young's Wives, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Brigham_Young%27s_wives]

35 years ago today - Sep 18, 1989-Monday

[Leonard Arrington]

.... Writing good history requires brains, courage, access to archival sources, and appropriate intellectual training and formation. But it also depends on intuition, the daily inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and the inspiration that comes from Sacrament services and individual and collective devotional life. I have not yet come to feel the necessity of frequent attendance at the temple. I think I get as much inspiration watching birds, or looking at the mountains and the wilderness, as participating in the rituals there. The one regret I have is the failure of the Church authorities to recognize that by restricting the use of the archives they are concealing vast riches of inspiration and revelation.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

45 years ago today - Sep 18, 1979-Tuesday

[Leonard Arrington]

Moana Bennett telephoned this morning to say that she had been requested by Elder [Mark E.] Petersen to leave out all reference to the Expositor incident in [her Nauvoo pageant] "Because of Elizabeth." She wanted some alternative reason for the assassination of the Prophet [Joseph Smith] and his brother [Hyrum Smith]. So what could she portray? ... I told her I thought her play was very historic and that in the absence of mentioning the Expositor she'd have to adapt what happened in Missouri and Ohio or maybe fudge something like Tom Sharp's personal animosity against Joseph [Smith]. She said, "It surely is difficult to follow the Brethren, isn't it?"

Kathy [Stephens] says TV Channel 2's Extra [news program] had an interview with Sonia Johnson; ... She talked about the same things she always does: emphasized that the President [Spencer W. Kimball] wouldn't grant her or a group of her associates an interview. Mentioned a conversation with her bishop relating to that, and the interviewer reported that the bishop had denied such a conversation, and then five minutes later had said there was a conversation but he couldn't remember what was said. She stressed that the leaders didn't know how many women and men are feeling as she does, and insisted that there are a great many more than they realize. ... Also interviewed [general Relief Society president] Barbara Smith briefly on the subject. The interviewer pushed, rather rudely, to make her say whether the First Presidency's stand [against the Equal Rights Amendment] was based on opinion or revelation. She finally said, "I don't know, but it doesn't matter," and then
went on to say that whichever it was, it was their stand and it had been the result of careful, prayerful consideration and was "the" word to follow, because they are the First Presidency.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

50 years ago today - Sep 18, 1974-Wednesday

[Leonard Arrington]

.... They told a number of stories about them such as the daughter of a stake president, who was showing very heavily with child, who came into their home, saw a carton of empty coke bottles on the floor. "You certainly don't drink coke, do you," she said. Another girl, a daughter of a bishop, only fifteen years old, who was pregnant, stayed with them. The Christensens asked her which she thought was worse, to smoke or to commit adultery. She thought and thought, was very serious, and thought and thought, and finally she said she thought it was worse to smoke.

We talked about the matter of telling the truth in Church history to young people. Sister [Marlene] Christensen felt strongly that we must be very careful with children ages three through seven but that young people in their teens ought to be told enough to recognize that Church officials have their faults and shortcomings and ought to be told, for example, that Brigham Young once chewed tobacco.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

75 years ago today - Sep 18, 1949

CHURCH NEWS reports that Ute Indian Albert Harris has been "recently chosen to represent his race and Church on the Roosevelt Stake High Council."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

130 years ago today - Sep 18, 1894

[Francis M. Lyman]

[Summit] I proclaimed against us entertaining our political faith as our religion as some are doing.

[Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

160 years ago today - Sep 18, 1864

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]

.... I Caught a scorpean between my finger & the stone and he stung me in the middle Joint of my fore finger which gave me a shook through my whole system. It was a small one & I mashed him to peaces in lifting the stone. This alarmed me somewhat as the Sting of a scorpeon is Considered vary dangerous with us as some have died with it. I soon got some tobaco & bound on which took the poison out & I received no material injury from it.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Sep 18, 1844

[Nauvoo Neighbor]

.... Reprinted Story: Extermination Order is a Good Idea -- The New York--Republic -- States that the extermination of the Church would be "...a work of Philanthropy."

- Reprinted Story: "The Mormon Tragedy Again" - Refusal to retract the Murder Verdict -- The Allen Telegram -- Discusses the Warsaw Signal's persistence in asking this paper to retract their statement that the death of Joseph Smith was murder.

- Announcement: "City Proceedings" - O.P. Rockwell's Arrest -- Editorial -- Describes the arrest of O.P. Rockwell for Assault, as well as another arrest...


185 years ago today - Sep 18, 1839

[Heber C. Kimball]

Leaves for fifth mission, his second to England.

[Kimball, Stanley B. (editor), On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Chronology, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1987]

60 years ago today - Sep 17, 1964

Arch Madsen, president of the church-owned KSL, relayed to the First Presidency an inquiry from a committee of broadcasters charged with selecting a new president of the National Association of Broadcasters. The committee wished to know if Benson, who was on their short list, would be available on a full-time basis to serve in that position. "After hearing all the facts pertaining to the matter," McKay dictated in his diary: "I indicated that so far as the Church is concerned, Brother Benson would be available for such an appointment." Hugh B. Brown concurred with McKay's decision, but added a strong qualifier, saying "if Brother Benson severed his relationship with [the John Birch Society] and accepted this position as a non-partisan assignment for the benefit of the Church primarily, he could do a lot of good; otherwise, he could do us a lot of harm." Benson was not offered the position.

[David O. McKay diary as referenced in Gregory A. Prince and Wm. Robert Write, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press (2005)]

130 years ago today - Sep 17, 1894

[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary]

I called on Apostle Franklin D. Richars this A.M. and explained a conversation that I had had Saturday with Bro. Chas Penrose in which I had been informed that hte Presidency of the Church had told him, Brother Franklin D. Richards, that there was no objections to any of the brethren doing any political work that they might think best. In other words that they had said that all were at perfect liberty to do what they pleased as to making speeches for either party. That the same word was afterwards given to Bro. Penrose. I told Bro. Franklin that I should not have made any talk at the theatre Saturday evening [in favor of Rawlins] had it not been for my conversation with Bro. Penrose and asked to know from him just waht the Presidency had said in the premises. I learned that they fel that all shold be free but that it would be wise for the members of the Apostles not to make any speeches. I was sorry this exception had been made seeing that I made a talk Saturday and I hope that the
First Presidency will not feel annoyed because I did so. ...

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

135 years ago today - Sep 17, 1889

[President Wilford Woodruff]

Brother [George Q.] Cannon had an attack of the paralisis on the left side of his face which was vary painful to him. [Stroke]

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

140 years ago today - Sep 17, 1884

[Lorenzo Saunders Interview]

.... Q. Was you ever acquainted with young Joe Smith?

A. The first time I ever went to Sabbath School I went with young Joe Smith at the old Presbyterian Church.

Q. What kind of person was the old man Smith ?

A. Oh! he would go to Turky Shoots and get drunk; pretend to enchant their guns so that they could not kill the Turky. would blow in Q. How would he do that?

A. He would blow in the gun and feel around the lock then tell them it was charmed and they could not kill the turky.

Q. Did you ever see Joe's peep stone? A. Yes. It looked like a babies foot. The old man and Joe came into our barn <<their cooper shop>> one day when it was rainy; and I asked young Joe if he would not look and see if he could not see look something <<into futurity?>> Joe said he could not look into any holy thing. The old man had on the dirtyest and raggedest shirt I ever--saw all full of holes--and he <<said he>> cannot look into my shirt then.

...Q. How come you to go over to Smiths to eat sugar?

A. The Smiths were great sugar makers; they had a large bush and sugared off every day at their house and they wanted me to go over come over and eat sugar. They made seven thousand lbs. [pounds] one year and took the bounty in the County--of $50.00. They were pretty good fellows in their way, but they were shiftless and money diggers were in the money digging business.

Q. Did you ever see the Smiths dig yourself or [others?] for money?

A. I never saw them digging for money. I saw them dig in a hill, said to be for that purpose; that young Joe could look in his peep stone and see a man sitting in a gold chair. Old Joe said he was king i.e. the man in the chair; a king of one of the Nephites or Lamanites <<tribes>> who was shut in there in the time of one of their big battles. This digging was a mile from Smiths. Don't know as there was ever anything in the cave. The cave was on our place. This was in 1826. The cave had a door to it. We tore it off and sunk it in a pit of water where they got dirt to cover a cole [coal] pit. ...

Q. Did you ever hear Joe give an account of finding the plates?

A. Yes. He made the statement in gave the account in my father's house. He said he was in the woods at prayer and the angel touched him on the shoulders and he arose, and the angel told him where the plates were and he could take his oldest Brother with him in a year from that time and go and get them. But his oldest Brother died before the year was out. At the end of the time he went to the place to get the plates the angel asked where his Brother was. I told him he was dead. The angel told him there would be an other appointed. Joseph chose Samuel Lawrence. But he did not go.

Q. What kind of a woman was Joseph's wife?

A. Joseph's wife was a pretty woman; as pretty a woman as I ever saw. When she came to the Smiths she was very much disappointed and used to come to our house and sit down and cry. Said she was deceived and got into a hard place. Joe said in our house to my mother, the angel said he must get married him a wife and take her and go and and get the plates. Sam Lawrence took him over into Pennsylvania and introduced him to Emma Hale. I dont know as Joe had ever been in Pennsylvania before, but him and Sam Lawrence was had been deviling around--no telling where they had gone. Joe told Sam Lawrence that there was a silver mine over in Pennsylvania--told him if he would he might share in it with him; but behold he wanted an introduction to Emma Hale is the way it turned out. Sam Lawrence told me so.

After he was married and brought his wife home, the angel told him he must procure a black horse to go and get the plates. He come one night to get my Brothers black horse and went off and said he got the plates. He borrowed the horse. ...

[Lorenzo Saunders, Interviewed by William H. Kelley, 17 September 1884, 1-18, E. L. Kelley Papers, RLDS Church Library-Archives, Independence, Missouri., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Lorenzo Saunders Interview]

170 years ago today - Sep 17, 1854

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]

17th President Young preached this afternoon & spoke upon the Law of consecration & had an interesting conversation in our Prayer Circle. The subject of Elder Orson Pratt publishing the seer & the doctrin it contained was brought up in conversation. President Young said He ought not to have published the marriage cerimony. It was sacred & one of the last cerimonies attended to in the Endowments & ought not to have been given to the world.

Brother Pratt said that He thought it was no harm as the Plurality of wives & its doctrins was to be published to the world. He said He should not have done it if He had thought there had been the least harm in it.

President Young said He was satisfied that He intended no wrong in it. He said that the doctrin taught in the Seer that God had arived at that State whareby He could not advans any further in knowledge power & Glory was a fals doctrin & not true that there never will be a time to all Eternity when all the Gods of Eternity will scease advancing in power knowledge experience & Glory for if this was the case Eternity wood seease to be & the glory of God would come to an End. But all of celestial beings will continue to advance in knowledge & power worlds without end. Joseph would always be a head of us. We should never ketch up with him in all Eternity nor He with his leaders.

Brother Pratt Also thought that Adam was made of the dust of the Earth. Could not believe that Adam was our God or the Father of Jesus Christ. President Young said that He was that He came from another world & made this. Brought Eve with him partook of the fruits of the Earth begat Children & they were Earthly & had mortal bodies & if we were Faithful we should become Gods as He was. He told Brother Pratt to lay aside his Philosofioal reasoning & get Revelation from God to Govern him & Enlighten his mind more & it would be a great Blessing to him to lay aside his books & go into the canyons as some of the rest of us was doing & it would be better for him. He said his Phylosophy injured him in a measure.

Many good things wer said by President Young. That we should grow up in Revelation so that principle would govern evry act of our lives. He had never found any difficulty in leading this people since Josephs death.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Sep 17, 1844

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]

17th Left Detroit in the morning. Sail well through the day and evening untill 12 oclk at night a strong wind arose. The Lake was rough. The boat rocked badly and in the midst of it opposite the Cleveland lighthouse at midnight the cry of fire, fire, fire, was rung through the boat by the watch on duty.

We immediately leaped from our beds in our night Cloths and each one Caught a bucket the best he Could. I Caught a bucket about half full of water and run as I was barefoot to the stern of the boat looking for the fire while some was runing up stares I leaped into the engine room And saw the fire in one Cornor of the stern of the boat. I run over the pile of Coal and dashed my water into the fire which was not larger than a half bushel measure. At the same time a bucket of water flung by Capt Davis struck the fire and it was instantly extinguished.

Their is nothing more terrible or alarming than the cry of fire on board of a ship or steem boat at Sea or on any water out of reach of Land. It is far more terrible than a storm or wreck, for when fire gets the Control under such circumstances all hope is lost, and persons will plunge into the deep to escape its fury. But in this case the fire was out and the alarm over in the term of a minute.

On my return to the cabin I found one woman flung into convulsions with alarm. Mrs Woodruff was holding her in her arms. She did not get over it untill the next day.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

50 years ago today - Sep 16, 1974-Monday

[Leonard Arrington]

Had a minute's chat with T. Edgar Lyon this morning. ... Ed said she was not any very good model of Latter-day Saint womanhood. He said that he knew from close family connections that her first husband, who divorced her, was appalled at her treatment of the first two children, Leah Widtsoe being one of them. She was so anxious to get the children out of the house so she could do something worthwhile, from her standpoint, that she had them outside even at night playing in their nightgowns. He said that after she married Jacob Gates, she was so oblivious to housework that he had to do all the house cleaning, the dishes, cooking, the meals and everything else that a housewife or mother usually does. She went blindly on with her editing, her writing, her interviews and her contacts with important people.

Ed thought that poor Jacob Gates deserves a gold star in Heaven for keeping the family together.

... It will be remembered that Sterling was given that big interview by President McKay in which President McKay made the statement that the failure to give the priesthood was not a doctrine but a practice .... It will be remembered that President McKay came to the rescue of Sterling McMurrin when Sterling was about to be excommunicated from the Church. President McKay saved him. ...

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

85 years ago today - Sep 16, 1939

[President Heber J. Grant]

I had a chat with Brother B.S. Hinckley and John A. Widtsoe regarding some matters arranged to be published by the Council of the Twelve, in which it states that the Twelve have the right to nominate the successor to the President of the Church in case of his death. I told them that the Twelve had no such right, and that that would have to be eliminated when the long manuscript of several hundred pages is to be printed. Wilford Woodruff wrote me a letter from St. George to the effect that the day would never come when the President of the Twelve would not succeed to the Presidency of the Church unless he, the President of the Twelve, received a revelation naming somebody else. I asked that that letter be filed among Church papers, handing it to Brother Anthon H. Lund just after the death of President Joseph F. Smith. There was also a statement that Brother Woodruff had announced that the Presidency should be reorganized at once when a President died. If there were ever any such
statement made I never heard of it, but I do know that at the death of Brother Woodruff, at the first meeting of the Twelve after his death, on the suggestion of Francis M. Lyman the Presidency was reorganized at once. President Snow requested each of the brethren to express themselves and they all expressed themselves as desiring that the Presidency be organized immediately, and then Brother Snow told us that when he got the telegram telling of the death of Brother Woodruff he dressed himself in his temple robes and went into the celestial room in the temple (He was sleeping in the temple at the time), offered up the signs of the Preisthood (sic), and prayed to the Lord telling him that as He knew, he, Brother Snow, had often prayed that he might be called home to his final reward, in his advanced years, before Brother Woodruff passed on, and now that this burden had come to him he asked the Lord to direct him what to do; and the Lord told him to organize the First Presidency at
once, and he was wondering how this could be done, seeing there had been several years before John Taylor had succeeded President Young, and several years elapsed after the death of Brother Taylor before Brother Woodruff succeeded him. And it was very gratifying to him to have all of the brethren express the opinion that the Presidency should be organized at once. All of the brethren expressed themselves as having known that Brother Snow was absolutely entitled to be the President of the Church. Today there is no man living, except myself, who was at this meeting, as when the Presidency was organized Brother Lorenzo Snow chose Rudger Clawson as an apostle, and he is now the President of the Twelve.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

85 years ago today - Sep 16, 1939

[President Heber J. Grant]

.... we went to the Paris store, where there was an exhibition of television. I was one of the speakers, speaking about a couple of minutes.... I intdnded (sic), in my remarks, to make reference to Philo Farnsworth's work for television, but learning from Mr. Dreyfous they were not going to mention any names of the men connected with the invention, I decided not to refer to Mr. Farnsworth. I did, however, refer to Harvey Fletcher in my brief talk, as one of the greatest scientists, so acknowledged, working in the laboratory of the great Bell Telephone System.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

85 years ago today - Sep 16, 1939

At Salt Lake City's first exhibition of television, Heber J. Grant writes that since "they were not going to mention any names of the men connected with the invention, I decided not to refer to Mr. [Philo] Farnsworth. I did, however, refer to Harvy Fletcher in my brief talk as one of the greatest scientists, so acknowledged, working in the laboratory of the great Bell Telephone System." Farnsworth and Fletcher are the first Mormon inventors to receive national recognition since Jonathan Browning. A member of YM-MIA general board at LDS headquarters, Farnsworth develops television, while Fletcher invents stereophonic sound.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

125 years ago today - Saturday, Sep 16, 1899

[Apostle John Henry Smith]

Salt Lake City

I returned home and I spent the entire day trying to secure the Pardon of Frank Farr from the Penitentiary.

The Pardoning board took matter under advisement.

[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]

180 years ago today - Sep 16, 1844

At six a.m. Pres. Brigham Young, accompanied by Elder Heber C. Kimball, Gen. Charles C. Rich, Jonathan Dunham and other officers of the [Nauvoo] Legion, went to the ground secured for the arsenal, near the Temple in Nauvoo. They uncovered their heads and lifted their hands to heaven and Pres. Young dedicated the ground, by prayer, to the God of the armies of Israel. He took the spade and broke the ground for the cellar. -- Nauvoo, Illinois

[Journal History of the Church, Selected Collections from the Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints DVD 2 (2002) as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

195 years ago today - Sep 16, 1829

In Abner Cole's Palmyra Reflector, he writes, "The Book of Mormon is expected to be ready for delivery in the course of one year - Great and marvellous things will "come to pass" about those days."

[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]

75 years ago today - Sep 15, 1949

[J. Reuben Clark]

[A carpet for the First Presidency's room, costing $3,800, had been ordered without authorization by the Committee on Expenditures, and purchased through ZCMI. Emily Smith Stewart [daughter of George Albert Smith] asked to look at it for approval, was shown it by the ZCMI man who handled all purchases for the Church on a 1% commission basis. The next day] Mrs. Stewart said her father wanted her to have a part of the commission on the carpet [but it was decided by ZCMI that the full commission, about $36, would go to their representative as usual.]

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

90 years ago today - Sep 15, 1934

[President Heber J. Grant]

[At Chicago] I called on a Mr. Roderick Grant at the Associated Press. I was introduced to him by a Chicago Northwestern official. I tried to get him to insert the statement by the Presidency about the book 'Holy Murder' as a press dispatch. I gave him a copy of the document but I doubt that he will put it in.

["Holy Hurder" was a book about Porter Rockwell written by Charles Kelly & Hoffman Birney]

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

130 years ago today - Sep 15, 1894 (Saturday)

The Democratic convention, held in Salt Lake City, nominated Joseph L. Rawlins for Congress.

[Heber J. Grant is called to speak, and endorses Rawlins].

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

140 years ago today - Sep 15, 1884

Eliza R. Snow writes in EXPONENT, and LDS women's journal, of women blessing one another through laying on of hands and washing and anointing: "Any and all sisters who honor their holy endowments, not only have the right, but should feel it a duty, whenever called upon to administer to our sisters in these ordinances, which God had graciously committed to His daughters as well as to His sons; and we testify that when administered and received in faith and humility they are accompanied with all mighty power. . . . thousands can testify that God has sanctioned the administration of these ordinances [of healing the sick] by our sisters with the manifestation of His healing influence."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

140 years ago today - Sep 15, 1884 (Monday)

Wm. C.A. Smoot, jun., missionary in Germany, was arrested in Kiel, for baptising a woman. He was held a prisoner until Oct. 7th, when he was acquitted, but nevertheless banished from the city.

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

160 years ago today - Sep 15, 1864 - Thursday

[George Q. Cannon]

Heard Mrs. Wood in the evening burlesque Opera singing in a farce called Jenny Lind. She did her part excellently.

[The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]

170 years ago today - Sep 15, 1854

[Hosea Stout]

Friday 15 Sept 1854. To day the 2 indians Longhair & Antelope were executed, according to the sentence of the Court on the first instant.

They were hung some two miles below the Jordain bridge on the other side of the river. There was not a very large company of spectators present from the fact that the place of their execution was kept secret untill the procession started with the two Indians. Col Steptoe & a company of the U. S. Dragoons by request of the Marshal were present.

Nothing of importance took place on the occasion more than is common[.] This is the first execution ever had in the Territory of Utah

[Diaries of Hosea Stout]

195 years ago today - Sep 15, 1829

Prophet George Rapp of the Rappites or New Harmonists, predicts (14 miles south of Harmony, PA) that the three and one half years of the Sun Woman would end and Christ would begin his reign on earth.

[Brooke, John L. The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. p.282]

200 years ago today - Sep 15, 1824

WAYNE SENTINAL (Palmyra, N.Y.) reports "A reformation is going on in this town to a great extent. The love of God has been shed abroad in the hearts of many, and the outpouring of the Spirit seems to have taken a strong hold. About twenty-five have recently obtained a hope in the Lord, and joined the Methodist Church, and many more are desirous of becoming members."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

80 years ago today - Sep 13, 1944

A Family Home Evening Committee, formed under the direction of the General Board of the Relief Society, reported to the First Presidency that a "Family Hour," or "Family Get-Together" be adopted, in which the objective would for families to be united in teaching the Gospel and strengthening testimonies of family members. They also recommend that the Priesthood quorums and Auxiliaries support the program, with a major encouragement coming from the First Presidency itself.

[Correlation Timeline, Compiled by Lisle Brown]

80 years ago today - Sep 13, 1944

[Because of the war]

The attendance at the Conference (115th Semiannual) because of increasing difficulty in transportation, both by automobile and by railroad train, will be limited.

[1944-September 13-Original circular letter, L.D.S. as quoted in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]

130 years ago today - Sep 13, 1894

[Heber J. Grant]

At two attended meeting of the Presidency and Apostles in the Temple. .../I stated that I felt that the Presiding Patriarch of the Church should be told to keep the Word of Wisdom in regard to using tobacco or resign his office. There was no action taken on my suggestion. Nearly all of the brethren who spoke felt that there should be a reformation in the life of our Presiding Patriarch. Some agreed with me that he should resign if he did not reform.

[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

140 years ago today - Sep 13, 1884

Our Bishops and Presidents of Stakes cannot be too particular in giving [temple] recommends to parties, so that those who are unworthy may not have the privileges and blessings which are to be had in the house of the Lord. It is desirable that all recommends for sea[l]ings, adoptions and other anointings shall first be sent to the City for my signature as has been heretofore set forth in instructions given on those points.

[John Taylor to John D. T. McAllister and David H. Cannon, Sept. 13, 1884 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

185 years ago today - 13-Sep 14, 1839

[Lucy Mack Smith]

Joseph Jr. visits William Smith at Plymouth. His sister Lucy is healed at the sound of his voice downstairs.

[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books, http://bit.ly/lucys-book]

50 years ago today - Sep 12, 1974

Elder Gordon B. Hinckley offers an invocation at the U.S. Congress.

55 years ago today - Sep 12, 1969

President [N. Eldon] Tanner said that President [O. Leslie] Stone of the Salt Lake Temple had called to his attention the large number of marriages in the Temple and the problems involved in requiring members of families who wish to witness the marriages to remove their street shoes and wear white shoes. President Stone mentions the confusion that often develops, that shoes become misplaced and in some cases people take shoes that are not their own, etc. He wonders if this custom could not be changed and permit those who come to witness the ceremony to wear their street shoes. The brethren felt that we should continue the present rule that street shoes should not be worn.

[David O. McKay diary, Sept. 12, 1969 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

120 years ago today - Sep 12, 1904

You have seen the scheme of [Idaho Senator Fred T.] Dubois. He wants to disfrancise all the Mormons, and hopes to buil[d] up an anti-mormon party in Idaho that will carry him back to the Senate. He is one of the most cunning and unscrupulous men found. Pres[ident]. [Joseph F.] Smith said that when he was at Washington [D.C.] Dubois had just been brought out of a brothel, and could hardly talk to make himself understood until he got over the effects of his revelry, and yet the temperance women and the virtuous school marms hold him up as a defender of the purity of the home! ... There are hundred of apostates who would like to empty themselves of venom, and it will go before the nation as evidence [that the church was still sanctioning plural marriages]. Pres[ident]. Smith's position before the committee [that plural marriages had ceased] has made a good impression. Pres[ident]. [Theodore] Roosevelt said he honored him for taking it and if it can be proved that what he said about
the Church is true he will be our friend, but if he should find that the Church has broken its promises, he will be against us. ...

[Note: plural marriages continued by at least two apostles after the April 1904 2nd Manifesto. They would be removed from the quorum of Twelve.]

[Anthon H. Lund, Letter to Heber J. Grant, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]