[Franklin D. Richards]
Later the First Presidency arrived & the question was asked if a man can be severed from the Priesthood after having been ordained an Apostle without being cut off from the Church. Some thought he could, & some that he could not. After J[oseph]. F. S[mith]. H[eber]. J. G[rant]., B[righam]. Y[oung]. [Jr.] F[ranklin]. D. R[ichards]., (J[oseph]. F. S[mith]. again) F[rancis]. M. Lyman G[eorge]. Q. C[annon]. summed up If M[oses].T[hatcher]. If restored how, by vote or ordination. Pres[iden]t [Wilford] Woodruff said if he was cut off from the Priesthood, he would have to be ordained again.
[Source: Franklin D. Richards, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
120 years ago today - Mar 31, 1898
Met at 11 a.m. fasting a number of brethren spoke on depriving a man of his priesthood and still leave him a member of the Church. We differed considerably on this subject Presidency came in and they agreed to talk it over themselves Pres[ident]. Jos[eph] F. S[mith]. & Bro[ther] F[rancis] M. L[yman]. were the most energetic, but we all agreed to abide the decision of the Presidency on this matter. Pres[ident]. W[oodruff]. is very feeble.
[Source: Brigham Young Jr., Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Source: Brigham Young Jr., Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
125 years ago today - Mar 31, 1893
Bro[ther] [B. H.] Roberts case was talked over and he declared himself in full harmony with the Presidency and Twelve upon the manifesto and the policy of the Presidency in political affairs.
[Source: Francis M. Lyman, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Source: Francis M. Lyman, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
135 years ago today - Mar 31, 1883
Apostle Brigham Young Jr. tells a stake priesthood meeting: "There are many girls in Utah who have never had an offer of marriage from a man in the Church... Girls who marry outsiders are not worthy of the Sacrament."
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
160 years ago today - Mar 31, 1858
Ex-apostle Lyman Wight dies in Texas from alcoholism and opium addiction.
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
180 years ago today - Mar 31, 1838
Henry Root and David Thomas, owners of land in DeWitt, Carroll county write Joseph, proposing a Mormon settlement on a bluff overlooking the confluence of the Grand Missouri rivers. It would be a convenient location for a port. The first Mormons arrived in July. Several hundred Canadian Saints under John E. Page arrived in September, but all were expelled in October.
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
75 years ago today - Mar 30, 1943
[Heber J. Grant]
Brother Anderson and I went upstairs, and I dictated a number of items for a conference talk. I dictated altogether too much I think. I have handed it to President [counselor to Grant] Clark and requested him to please take a lot out of it, which I think he will do.
At 12:15 attended the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company Executive Committee meeting at the Hotel Utah. I got quite excited about some of the extra high salaries which are being paid in the Sugar Company. There would not have been any sugar company but for the Church going to their rescue, I said, and it annoyed me that some of the men professing to be Latter-day Saints are not honest with the Lord in paying their tithing.
[Source: The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
Brother Anderson and I went upstairs, and I dictated a number of items for a conference talk. I dictated altogether too much I think. I have handed it to President [counselor to Grant] Clark and requested him to please take a lot out of it, which I think he will do.
At 12:15 attended the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company Executive Committee meeting at the Hotel Utah. I got quite excited about some of the extra high salaries which are being paid in the Sugar Company. There would not have been any sugar company but for the Church going to their rescue, I said, and it annoyed me that some of the men professing to be Latter-day Saints are not honest with the Lord in paying their tithing.
[Source: The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
110 years ago today - Mar 30, 1908
B. H. Roberts publishes an open letter open letter to Richard R. Lyman, a Democrat, future apostle, and son of Apostle Francis M. Lyman, expressing his opposition to the reelection of Apostle Reed Smoot as U. S. Senator. He says that Smoot's reelection would rekindle animosity against the church and that there were many others who could fill the position. Even though Roberts had once run for Congress himself (Congress did not allow him to take his seat due to his being a polygamist), he was now convinced that high church officials ought not to run for public office because of the bitterness against the church and anti-Mormonism it engendered. Smoot's reelection, he said, would cause another setback for the church.
120 years ago today - Mar 30, 1898
[President Wilford Woodruff]
Had a bad time with my throat last night. Could scarcly breath until I applied some fat bacon to my throat when I got relief & went to Sleep. I am better this morning. Have been very busy.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Had a bad time with my throat last night. Could scarcly breath until I applied some fat bacon to my throat when I got relief & went to Sleep. I am better this morning. Have been very busy.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
130 years ago today - Mar 30, 1888 • Friday
[George Q. Cannon]
There is a general feeling of relief at the change in the spirit that has taken place among us [apostles]. Of course, probably no one has greater cause to rejoice than I in this change [Cannon had been charged with financial mismanagement and favoritism to his sons]. I have felt very much oppressed in my feelings for a long time, – unusually so for me. Perhaps at no time in my life have I been a prey to feelings of sadness – at least, since I have been a man – as I have within the past few weeks. I trust that there will not be a recurrence of these scenes. I have thought that I was the most favored man in this generation, in many respects. ...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
There is a general feeling of relief at the change in the spirit that has taken place among us [apostles]. Of course, probably no one has greater cause to rejoice than I in this change [Cannon had been charged with financial mismanagement and favoritism to his sons]. I have felt very much oppressed in my feelings for a long time, – unusually so for me. Perhaps at no time in my life have I been a prey to feelings of sadness – at least, since I have been a man – as I have within the past few weeks. I trust that there will not be a recurrence of these scenes. I have thought that I was the most favored man in this generation, in many respects. ...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
145 years ago today - Mar 30, 1873
[Wilford Woodruff]
Again Presidet Young said Joseph the Prophet told me that the garden of Eden was in Jackson Co Missouri, & when Adam was driven out of the garden of Eden He went about 40 miles to the Place which we Named Adam Ondi Ahman, & there built an Altar of Stone & offered Sacrifize. That Altar remains to this day. I saw it as Adam left it as did many others, & through all the revolutions of the world that Altar had not been disturbed. Joseph also said that when the City of Enoch fled & was translated it was whare the gulf of Mexico now is. It left that gulf a body of water.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Again Presidet Young said Joseph the Prophet told me that the garden of Eden was in Jackson Co Missouri, & when Adam was driven out of the garden of Eden He went about 40 miles to the Place which we Named Adam Ondi Ahman, & there built an Altar of Stone & offered Sacrifize. That Altar remains to this day. I saw it as Adam left it as did many others, & through all the revolutions of the world that Altar had not been disturbed. Joseph also said that when the City of Enoch fled & was translated it was whare the gulf of Mexico now is. It left that gulf a body of water.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
155 years ago today - Mar 30, 1863 • Monday
[George Q. Cannon]
We have long felt grieved to hear that President W. G Mills has tried to seduce one of the sisters, and we begin to fear that it is really so, as iniquity abounds in the West Bromwich Branch without being checked, and some of the Birmingham Saints are beginning to feel bad about it. I should have written sooner, but Sister Smith prevailed on me to wait until we were more firmly convinced of the truth of it. ... A man in the occupation of Brother Mills, is calculated to do either a great amount of good or a great amount of harm. We thought it our duty to apprize you of it....
March 30th 1863.
Dear Brother Chauncey,
The enclosed [above] speaks its own tale. Please preserve it and keep its contents to yourself, for the charge may be utterly false. I would like you to take steps to prove or disprove the charge as soon as you can. ... Be careful about committing yourself by any expression to them which they can retail again. You will need to exercise wisdom. The charge seems quite incredible; but whether true and false must be attended to, as the feeling they (and it may be others have) must not be permitted to go unattended to. Accept my love in which Elizabeth and Brigham joins, also to Bro Chase. You have the prayers of Your Brother
(Signed) Geo, Q. Cannon
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
We have long felt grieved to hear that President W. G Mills has tried to seduce one of the sisters, and we begin to fear that it is really so, as iniquity abounds in the West Bromwich Branch without being checked, and some of the Birmingham Saints are beginning to feel bad about it. I should have written sooner, but Sister Smith prevailed on me to wait until we were more firmly convinced of the truth of it. ... A man in the occupation of Brother Mills, is calculated to do either a great amount of good or a great amount of harm. We thought it our duty to apprize you of it....
March 30th 1863.
Dear Brother Chauncey,
The enclosed [above] speaks its own tale. Please preserve it and keep its contents to yourself, for the charge may be utterly false. I would like you to take steps to prove or disprove the charge as soon as you can. ... Be careful about committing yourself by any expression to them which they can retail again. You will need to exercise wisdom. The charge seems quite incredible; but whether true and false must be attended to, as the feeling they (and it may be others have) must not be permitted to go unattended to. Accept my love in which Elizabeth and Brigham joins, also to Bro Chase. You have the prayers of Your Brother
(Signed) Geo, Q. Cannon
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
160 years ago today - Mar 30, 1858
[Hosea Stout]
Attended Bishops meeting where arraingements were made to move the people at the rate of some 40 families a day [evacuate Salt lake].
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
Attended Bishops meeting where arraingements were made to move the people at the rate of some 40 families a day [evacuate Salt lake].
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
180 years ago today - Mar 30, 1838
[Wilford Woodruff]
I was still sick in the morning. I had Prayers & was much better <after my wife laid hands on me and asked the Lord to heal me>.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I was still sick in the morning. I had Prayers & was much better <after my wife laid hands on me and asked the Lord to heal me>.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Late March 1838
Apostles Luke Johnson, Lyman Johnson, John Boynton and others leave Church
[Source: Chronology of Mormon History, http://followtheprophets.com/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
[Source: Chronology of Mormon History, http://followtheprophets.com/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
95 years ago today - Mar 28, 1923
In an Idaho Relief Society meeting, a Sister Nelsen, the mother of the Relief Society president, spoke in tongues after which her daughter interpreted, saying that the "Presidency of the Relief Society were chosen and set apart before they came into mortal life." The First Presidency instructed the stake president to inform Sister Nelsen that "the gift of tongues was given to the Church for . . . the purpose of preaching among peoples whose language is not understood. . . . This being the case, the sisters of Relief Society will readily perceive that it was entirely unnecessary for Sister Nelsen to resort to speaking in tongues on the occasion referred to, as all present spoke the same language. . . . It would be well to advise Sister Nelsen to let speaking in tongues alone and to confine her speech to her own language, and then she will be responsible for what she says."
[Source: First Presidency, Letter to Heber Q. Hall of Boise Stake, 28 March 1923, First Presidency Letterpress Copybook, LDS Church Archives, in Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993]
[Source: First Presidency, Letter to Heber Q. Hall of Boise Stake, 28 March 1923, First Presidency Letterpress Copybook, LDS Church Archives, in Dan Vogel and Scott C. Dunn, '"The Tongue of Angels": Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders,' Journal of Mormon History Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993]
130 years ago today - Mar 29, 1888
[Wilford Woodruff to Logan temple president Marriner W. Merrill]
Brother Lyman O. Littlefield has applied to me for the ordinance of second anointing for himself and his wives, whom he represents as 8 in number. Brother Littlefield is one of Zion's Camp and I think that he is entitled to this sacred ordinance. You will, therefore, please administer it to him and his living wife or wives, and to them also on behalf of his deceased wife.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff to Marriner Wood Merrill, Mar. 29, 1888, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
Brother Lyman O. Littlefield has applied to me for the ordinance of second anointing for himself and his wives, whom he represents as 8 in number. Brother Littlefield is one of Zion's Camp and I think that he is entitled to this sacred ordinance. You will, therefore, please administer it to him and his living wife or wives, and to them also on behalf of his deceased wife.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff to Marriner Wood Merrill, Mar. 29, 1888, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
130 years ago today - Mar 29, 1888
With no First Presidency formed yet the Quorum of Apostles meets and "vote to restore to G[eorge] Q. Cannon and Brigham Young Jr. $6,666.66 which they paid in the Settlement of the Suit against the Church" in regards to Brigham Young's estate. It is decided that no accrued interest should be paid Cannon and Young. Cannon's journal entry for this day has 2 1/2 pages torn out, plus approximately 5300 words redacted by the church history department.
155 years ago today - Mar 29, 1863
At night in Salt Lake City, cannon fire is heard from Fort Douglas. Mormons respond by sounding their own alarm, via cannon, and many Mormons hastily dress, grab their arms, and rush to Brigham Young's residence ready to defend against an invasion by the U.S. Army. The noise from Ft. Douglas turns from cannon fire to band music and Mormons later learn that the Army men are only celebrating their commander's promotion to brigadier-general.
180 years ago today - Mar 29, 1838
[Wilford Woodruff]
The LORD is manifesting his work in great condescension & mercy to the Blood of Ephraim & honest in heart upon these Islands of the sea both by dreams & vissions, signs, healings & wonders. One remarkable circumstance that happened on this day I will mention as follows:
Mr Ebenezar Carver had been earnestly investigating the subject of the gospel as we set it forth & while desireing that he might know the truth of it he walked to the sea shore desireing that he might have some sign and while the word of God was for him to meditate upon that there should no sign be given but the sign of the Prophet Jonas on a sudden their was a large fish arose on the water in the sea at a distance from him & suddenly sunk out of sight. He much desired to again see the sight. Immediately the fish again arose on the top of the water accompanied with another fish of the same specie & size & one of them swam on a strait line on the top of the water towards Mr Carver as he stood upon the beach. When the fish Came as near his feet as the water would permit him the fish looked at the man with a Penetrating eye as though he had a message for him. He then returned to his mate in the Ocean & swam out of sight & Mr Carver returned meditating upon this strange sight & sign & the wonderful condescenscion of the Lord.
It is worthy of remark that this was at a season of the year when fish of that size is not known upon these shores or coast & they never at any season of the year are known to come ashore as in this case. Mr Carver had dreams at night to Confirm him that these things was a sign to him. Great & marvelous are the works of the Lord.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
The LORD is manifesting his work in great condescension & mercy to the Blood of Ephraim & honest in heart upon these Islands of the sea both by dreams & vissions, signs, healings & wonders. One remarkable circumstance that happened on this day I will mention as follows:
Mr Ebenezar Carver had been earnestly investigating the subject of the gospel as we set it forth & while desireing that he might know the truth of it he walked to the sea shore desireing that he might have some sign and while the word of God was for him to meditate upon that there should no sign be given but the sign of the Prophet Jonas on a sudden their was a large fish arose on the water in the sea at a distance from him & suddenly sunk out of sight. He much desired to again see the sight. Immediately the fish again arose on the top of the water accompanied with another fish of the same specie & size & one of them swam on a strait line on the top of the water towards Mr Carver as he stood upon the beach. When the fish Came as near his feet as the water would permit him the fish looked at the man with a Penetrating eye as though he had a message for him. He then returned to his mate in the Ocean & swam out of sight & Mr Carver returned meditating upon this strange sight & sign & the wonderful condescenscion of the Lord.
It is worthy of remark that this was at a season of the year when fish of that size is not known upon these shores or coast & they never at any season of the year are known to come ashore as in this case. Mr Carver had dreams at night to Confirm him that these things was a sign to him. Great & marvelous are the works of the Lord.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
185 years ago today - Mar 29, 1833
Levi Hancock, successful in "his mission" to secure Fanny Algers who has a romantic relationship (possibly a marriage) with Joseph Smith, terminates engagement to Temperance Jane Miller and marries Clarissa Reed. Some assume Algers and Smith were married soon thereafter.
[Source: Chronology of Mormon History, http://followtheprophets.com/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
[Source: Chronology of Mormon History, http://followtheprophets.com/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
60 years ago today - Mar 28, 1958
[Marion G. Romney]
Early in the morning I talked to President Clark for a little while. He thinks that maybe Brother Mendenhall is trying to sell the idea of the Church taking over the public schools.
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015, Appendix 2, The Diaries of Marion G. Romney, 1941-1961, Abridged]
Early in the morning I talked to President Clark for a little while. He thinks that maybe Brother Mendenhall is trying to sell the idea of the Church taking over the public schools.
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015, Appendix 2, The Diaries of Marion G. Romney, 1941-1961, Abridged]
70 years ago today - March 28? 1948
Elders Spencer W. Kimball and Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Twelve to have charge of a program to assist Latter-day Saint girls coming to Salt Lake City and other large centers of population for employment and other reasons. The purpose of the program was to prevent loneliness, discouragement and the dangers of bad companions and resulting sin.
[Source: 1948-March 28-Original circular letter, L.D.S., in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
[Source: 1948-March 28-Original circular letter, L.D.S., in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
115 years ago today - Mar 28, 1903
Spencer W. Kimball is baptized in the family bathtub at eight years of age. He is baptized again in October 1907 because of concern about the appropriateness of his previous baptism.
125 years ago today - Mar 28, 1893
[Francis M. Lyman]
I had a long and interesting talk with bro[ther] Chas W. Penrose upon the course he took in politics. He justified himself in nearly everything. His chief hard feelings are against Pres[ident] Geo[rge] Q. Cannon for turning him out of the Deseret Mews office unceremoniously as he claims to give room for bro[ther] Cannons Sons. He disclaims all intention to oppose the Presidency in their policy. He is anxious to see the Brethren upon this subject and I left word for arrangements for a meeting At 3[:30] P.M. Elder John W. Taylor and I took train for Logan to see brother Moses thatcher about his sickness but particularly upon the matter of his opposing the policy of the Presidency. Bro[ther] Taylor and I had each been prompted to go to him upon the Subject. When I mentioned it to Pres[ident] Jos[eph] F. Smith he at once said you take bro[ther] John W. Taylor with you. When I spoke to Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Snow they quite approved of us going and said "God bless you. We will pray for you. It was 9 P.M. when we finished supper and reached the subject of our visit. When bro[ther] Moses learned the object of our visit he manifested a very bad spirit and would not hear any more of the complaints from the Presidency. We would continue to tell him what the complaint was against him and the Presidency and Twelve were one in censuring him severely. He had a spirit of justification and defiance and of cross charges against his brethren. He charged me with self righteousness and then said we are all more or less guilty of it. His talk was very bad. ...
[Source: Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I had a long and interesting talk with bro[ther] Chas W. Penrose upon the course he took in politics. He justified himself in nearly everything. His chief hard feelings are against Pres[ident] Geo[rge] Q. Cannon for turning him out of the Deseret Mews office unceremoniously as he claims to give room for bro[ther] Cannons Sons. He disclaims all intention to oppose the Presidency in their policy. He is anxious to see the Brethren upon this subject and I left word for arrangements for a meeting At 3[:30] P.M. Elder John W. Taylor and I took train for Logan to see brother Moses thatcher about his sickness but particularly upon the matter of his opposing the policy of the Presidency. Bro[ther] Taylor and I had each been prompted to go to him upon the Subject. When I mentioned it to Pres[ident] Jos[eph] F. Smith he at once said you take bro[ther] John W. Taylor with you. When I spoke to Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Snow they quite approved of us going and said "God bless you. We will pray for you. It was 9 P.M. when we finished supper and reached the subject of our visit. When bro[ther] Moses learned the object of our visit he manifested a very bad spirit and would not hear any more of the complaints from the Presidency. We would continue to tell him what the complaint was against him and the Presidency and Twelve were one in censuring him severely. He had a spirit of justification and defiance and of cross charges against his brethren. He charged me with self righteousness and then said we are all more or less guilty of it. His talk was very bad. ...
[Source: Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
135 years ago today - Mar 28, 1883
[Wilford Woodruff]
I had our ownly Cow bloated to the fullest Extent. We gave her soda then salt. Finally as the last resort I had an opening made in the ponch on the left side and put in a pipe with a quarter inch hole to let the gass out. She would have been dead without it. I also put a stick in her Mouth through all the operation she was saved. I put her in a warm Stable at night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I had our ownly Cow bloated to the fullest Extent. We gave her soda then salt. Finally as the last resort I had an opening made in the ponch on the left side and put in a pipe with a quarter inch hole to let the gass out. She would have been dead without it. I also put a stick in her Mouth through all the operation she was saved. I put her in a warm Stable at night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
175 years ago today - Mar 28, 1843
The "Young Gentlemens and Ladies Relief Society" is organized in Nauvoo. This is the first effort to establish an auxiliary for Mormon youth, but it apparently does not last a year. A churchwide youth program would not develop for twenty-six years.
Also on this day, "Josiah Butterfield [of the First Council of Seventy] came to my house and insulted me so outrageously that I kicked him out of the house, across the yard, and into the street." Butterfield was step-father of young Maria and Sarah Lawrence for whom Joseph Smith was legal guardian. Joseph Smith would formally marry the Lawrence sisters in the fall.
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]
Also on this day, "Josiah Butterfield [of the First Council of Seventy] came to my house and insulted me so outrageously that I kicked him out of the house, across the yard, and into the street." Butterfield was step-father of young Maria and Sarah Lawrence for whom Joseph Smith was legal guardian. Joseph Smith would formally marry the Lawrence sisters in the fall.
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]
180 years ago today - Mar 28, 1838
[Wilford Woodruff]
[Jonathan H. Hale sent] letter was Dated March 6th & it was a letter of great interest. It contained an account of the Saints leaveing Kirtland for the land of Zion & of the judgments of God that were comeing upon Kirtland & also upon the whole land.
He sent me the counsel of the Presidency of our quorum which was to teach the Saints upon the Islands of the sea to immediately sell their property & prepare themselves to go to the land of Zion which is a place of safety & deliverance that they may escape the just judgments of God that are at the doors.
I also perused the late Papers of the day. Found that all things indicate that great trouble is at the doors & that the Lord is nigh at hand. Both the signs in heaven & on earth are visible in fulfillment of the word of God.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[Jonathan H. Hale sent] letter was Dated March 6th & it was a letter of great interest. It contained an account of the Saints leaveing Kirtland for the land of Zion & of the judgments of God that were comeing upon Kirtland & also upon the whole land.
He sent me the counsel of the Presidency of our quorum which was to teach the Saints upon the Islands of the sea to immediately sell their property & prepare themselves to go to the land of Zion which is a place of safety & deliverance that they may escape the just judgments of God that are at the doors.
I also perused the late Papers of the day. Found that all things indicate that great trouble is at the doors & that the Lord is nigh at hand. Both the signs in heaven & on earth are visible in fulfillment of the word of God.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
200 years ago today - Mar 27, 1818
Joseph Sr. and Alvin Smith sign promissory note to Jeremiah Hurlbut for $65, "to be Paid in good Merchant Grain at the market Price by the first January next." The crop was to be raised on a portion of Hurlbut's land and in partnership with him.
[Source: Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]
[Source: Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]
100 years ago today - Mar 27, 1918
DESERET NEWS editorial urges federal government to give non-combat assignments for conscientious objectors.
175 years ago today - Mar 27, 1843
Joseph Smith dictates a letter to Sidney Rigdon "showing that [Joseph] believed said Rigdon was concerned [connected] with J[ohn] C. Bennet[t], Geo[rge] W. Robinson, and Jared Carter." Joseph states in the letter:."I now notify you. That unless something should take place to restore my mind to its former confidence in you, by some acknowledgments on your part or some explanations, that shall do away my Jealousies, I must as a conscientious man, publish my withdrawal of my fellowship from you, to the church through the medium of the times & Seasons, and demand of the conference a hearing concerning your case;" Willard Richards delivered the letter the same day Rigdon penned a conciliatory reply in which he denied all charges. At the next Oct conference Joseph Smith proposed that Rigdon should be dismissed but the proposition was defeated.
115 years ago today - Thursday, Mar 26, 1903
[Rudger Clawson]
There was some informal talk regarding the question as to whether there are, or would be, any women in hell. It was conceded that some women by their acts—namely, abortion, child murder after birth, and the poisoning of their husbands, and other criminal acts—merited a place in the lower regions. President [Joseph F.] Smith expressed the view that women who commit such crimes as those mentioned would receive punishment to the uttermost farthing, but that there would be no daughters of perdition. This, he said, was his view in regard to the matter, which also seemed to meet the minds of the brethren. ...
Elder Hyrum M. Smith at this point offered some criticism as to the character of several entertainments given in the tabernacle, which in his judgment had a tendency to desecrate the building. For example, when the Scotch band from Canada was here, the Highland fling and the sword dance were given, and other exercises of a vaudeville character. He remarked that after some of the performances a half a bushel of cigar stumps could be gathered up. He felt that this matter should have our careful attention. It was moved and carried that hereafter the tabernacle be not rented for entertainments in which dancing occurred or anything calculated to desecrate the house, and in fact not until after the program had been submitted to President Smith. Carried.
... Pres. Smith said that he did not want his children to patronize the Y.M.C.A. and was, therefore, opposed to affiliation.... It is required of us to keep ourselves pure and unspotted from the associations and organizations of the world. We should not affiliate or fraternize with them. ...
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
There was some informal talk regarding the question as to whether there are, or would be, any women in hell. It was conceded that some women by their acts—namely, abortion, child murder after birth, and the poisoning of their husbands, and other criminal acts—merited a place in the lower regions. President [Joseph F.] Smith expressed the view that women who commit such crimes as those mentioned would receive punishment to the uttermost farthing, but that there would be no daughters of perdition. This, he said, was his view in regard to the matter, which also seemed to meet the minds of the brethren. ...
Elder Hyrum M. Smith at this point offered some criticism as to the character of several entertainments given in the tabernacle, which in his judgment had a tendency to desecrate the building. For example, when the Scotch band from Canada was here, the Highland fling and the sword dance were given, and other exercises of a vaudeville character. He remarked that after some of the performances a half a bushel of cigar stumps could be gathered up. He felt that this matter should have our careful attention. It was moved and carried that hereafter the tabernacle be not rented for entertainments in which dancing occurred or anything calculated to desecrate the house, and in fact not until after the program had been submitted to President Smith. Carried.
... Pres. Smith said that he did not want his children to patronize the Y.M.C.A. and was, therefore, opposed to affiliation.... It is required of us to keep ourselves pure and unspotted from the associations and organizations of the world. We should not affiliate or fraternize with them. ...
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
130 years ago today - Mar 26, 1888 • Monday
[George Q. Cannon]
[[Approximately 3650 words redacted.]] I felt greatly relieved at the termination of this meeting. This is now four days that I have been under fire. In all my experience in the Church I have never seen anything like it. Of course, in the days of Kirtland, affairs were much worse; but I never knew an instance of several of the Twelve making statements concerning one of the Quorum of <the> character that had been made against me, and with so little cause. I do not want to boast, neither do I wish to indulge in any self-righteousness or self-justification; but it has seemed to me that the grave charges made against me have all been disproved, and that the others, if they were true, were so trifling as to be beneath the notice of men of our standing.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
[[Approximately 3650 words redacted.]] I felt greatly relieved at the termination of this meeting. This is now four days that I have been under fire. In all my experience in the Church I have never seen anything like it. Of course, in the days of Kirtland, affairs were much worse; but I never knew an instance of several of the Twelve making statements concerning one of the Quorum of <the> character that had been made against me, and with so little cause. I do not want to boast, neither do I wish to indulge in any self-righteousness or self-justification; but it has seemed to me that the grave charges made against me have all been disproved, and that the others, if they were true, were so trifling as to be beneath the notice of men of our standing.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
130 years ago today - Mar 26, 1888
Twelve Apostles meet and "we continued our talk over our little troubles with Bro. G[eorge] Q. Cannon and finally came to an understanding and forgave each other."
130 years ago today - Mar 26, 1888 (Monday)
The U.S. Senate Committee on Territories, to whom was referred the Utah State constitution and accompanying memorials, reported unfavorably for Utah's admission into the Union, and was discharged from its further consideration.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
135 years ago today - Monday, Mar 26, 1883
[John Henry Smith]
[on train from Leeds to Liverpool]
In the compartment I rode in were eight other men, all English and respectable appearing. I found them well informed but from their talk rather immoral. One of them said that no longer than the night before he had had sexual intercourse with his neighbor's wife and that he always took his satisfaction out of women when they would permit him to do so. I told him he ought to have his throat cut for his vileness.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
[on train from Leeds to Liverpool]
In the compartment I rode in were eight other men, all English and respectable appearing. I found them well informed but from their talk rather immoral. One of them said that no longer than the night before he had had sexual intercourse with his neighbor's wife and that he always took his satisfaction out of women when they would permit him to do so. I told him he ought to have his throat cut for his vileness.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
165 years ago today - Mar 26, 1853
Patriarchal Blessing of Thomas Cottam ... Thou art called to preach the Gospel to nations in a far off- and to many upon the Isles of the Sea, they shall believe your voice, the wise and learned, the great and shall, you shall baptise and lead them to Zion wit much of the Riches of the Earth, you shall [have] power over the waves of the sea to command them and they shall be still- do any miracle that will forward thy work- ... You shall have the minist[e]ring of angels to rejoice your heart, live to see the winding up scene of this generation and become acquainted with all the mysteries of the Redeemer[']s Kingdom Inherit all the blessings of the same with all your Father[']s House. Amen.
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]
180 years ago today - Mar 26, 1838
[Wilford Woodruff]
I was quite Ill. The destroyer made a severe attact upon me & I had a sick night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I was quite Ill. The destroyer made a severe attact upon me & I had a sick night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
140 years ago today - Mar 25, 1878
[John Taylor to F. Spencer, Mar. 25, 1878] You understood Bro[ther] Joseph F. Smith rightly with regard to those only being accepted at the Endowment House who have been re-baptized. We do not think that the blessings of the House of the Lord are for those who are either too careless or too indifferent to give heed to the servants of God, when a call is made for repentance and renewal of covenants. The only exceptions that we make to this rule are with those whose first baptism has occurred within a few (say six or eight) months.
[Source: Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
[Source: Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
60 years ago today - Mar 25, 1958
At BYU Hugh B. Brown tells the student body: "Now I have mentioned freedom to express your thoughts, but I caution you that your thoughts and expressions must meet competition in the market place of thought, and in that competition truth will emerge triumphant. Only error needs to fear freedom of expression. Seek truth in all fields, and in that search you will need at least three virtues: courage, zest, and modesty. The ancients put that thought in the form of a prayer. They said, "From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth, from the laziness that is content with half truth, from the arrogance that thinks it has all the truth-oh God of truth deliver us."
180 years ago today - Mar 25, 1838
Martin Harris testifies publicly that none of 8 BoM signatories saw or handled physical records.
[Source: Chronology of Mormon History, http://followtheprophets.com/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
[Source: Chronology of Mormon History, http://followtheprophets.com/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
30 years ago today - Mar 24, 1988
At a dinner commemorating the 350th anniversary of the first Swedish settlement in the United States, the king and queen of Sweden entertain a group of guests that includes President Thomas S. Monson, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, and his wife, Frances.
120 years ago today - Mar 24, 1898
[George Q. Cannon]
Among other business, Brother John Henry Smith announced his desire to be a candidate for the United States Senate in case his party, the [William F.] McKinley wing of the Republican Party should get in power here. He said he was desirous to serve his country, etc., etc. It was moved by President Joseph F. Smith, and seconded by President [Lorenzo] Snow that there were no objections to his trying to get this position. The proposition did not strike me very pleasantly, as I think the highest office any man can hold on the earth is that of an apostle, and to magnify that properly, it seems to me, requires all his time and is powers. I myself, however, have gone to Congress while an apostle, but it was because I was urged to do so, and not from any desire of mine. I would rather have gone on any mission to preach the gospel than to have gone there, and so told President [Brigham] Young when he proposed that I should go to Washington [D.C.].
[Source: George Q. Cannon, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
Among other business, Brother John Henry Smith announced his desire to be a candidate for the United States Senate in case his party, the [William F.] McKinley wing of the Republican Party should get in power here. He said he was desirous to serve his country, etc., etc. It was moved by President Joseph F. Smith, and seconded by President [Lorenzo] Snow that there were no objections to his trying to get this position. The proposition did not strike me very pleasantly, as I think the highest office any man can hold on the earth is that of an apostle, and to magnify that properly, it seems to me, requires all his time and is powers. I myself, however, have gone to Congress while an apostle, but it was because I was urged to do so, and not from any desire of mine. I would rather have gone on any mission to preach the gospel than to have gone there, and so told President [Brigham] Young when he proposed that I should go to Washington [D.C.].
[Source: George Q. Cannon, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
160 years ago today - Mar 24, 1858
[Wilford Woodruff]
The whole City of the great Salt Lake is stired up and packing up for leaving [as the U.S. army advances]. ...
I presented before the meeting [of the Presidency andn Council of Twelve] the case of O. Pratt who did not believe in some of the teachings of President Young and thought Presidet Young had reproved him unjustly. The subjet was discused at length by the Twelve and President Young. Much instruction was given. At the Close Orson Pratt Confessed his faults and said that He would never teach those principles again or speak them to any person on the Earth. We all forgave him and voted to receive him into full fellowship.
[The church eventually adopts Pratt's views over Young's.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
The whole City of the great Salt Lake is stired up and packing up for leaving [as the U.S. army advances]. ...
I presented before the meeting [of the Presidency andn Council of Twelve] the case of O. Pratt who did not believe in some of the teachings of President Young and thought Presidet Young had reproved him unjustly. The subjet was discused at length by the Twelve and President Young. Much instruction was given. At the Close Orson Pratt Confessed his faults and said that He would never teach those principles again or speak them to any person on the Earth. We all forgave him and voted to receive him into full fellowship.
[The church eventually adopts Pratt's views over Young's.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
200 years ago today - Mar 24, 1818
Red Jacket opines that the Indian race has been "brought low" by divine judgment for sin, but suggests that this will not last forever. He begs for the US president's protection from white depredations. Such protection would benefit not only Indians but also whites themselves, lest God "should turn his hand and visit our white brothers for their sins" against the Indians. Red Jacket further warns, "let not the cries of your injured red children ascend into his ears against you."
[Source: Letter from Red Jacket, Palmyra Register 1, no. 18 (March 24, 1818): 3 (compliments of Christopher Smith]
[Source: Letter from Red Jacket, Palmyra Register 1, no. 18 (March 24, 1818): 3 (compliments of Christopher Smith]
130 years ago today - Mar 23, 1888
[Wilford Woodruff]
We spent this whole day also in bringing forth Accusation & trying to settle up our difficulties but it was also A painful day. I think the most so of any one. The more we tryed to get to gether the wider apart we were. Erastus Snow Accusations were [-] & fals. Here we have spent four days in listning to the Accusations of five Apostles against G. Q. Cannon and six sustained him. I never saw as much bitterness manifest against one good man by 5 Apostles since the days of the Apostate Twelve against the Prophet Joseph in Kirtland and all through Jealousy as Br Cannon was first Councillor to John Taylor and the blame of any acts of Presidet Taylor that five of the Twelve did not think was right was laid to George Q Cannon. It is painful to record these things but it is true. We have tryed to settle these things but so far we are still apart.
Erastus Snow accused Br Cannon & in some measure applyed to myself that we were men worshipers sycophants & todyism And it Stird my blood & showed up Erastus Snow life & Course And I think I done wrong & went to far in the matter, but when our Meeting Closed we were not to gether but we adjourned untill Monday at 10 oclok.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
We spent this whole day also in bringing forth Accusation & trying to settle up our difficulties but it was also A painful day. I think the most so of any one. The more we tryed to get to gether the wider apart we were. Erastus Snow Accusations were [-] & fals. Here we have spent four days in listning to the Accusations of five Apostles against G. Q. Cannon and six sustained him. I never saw as much bitterness manifest against one good man by 5 Apostles since the days of the Apostate Twelve against the Prophet Joseph in Kirtland and all through Jealousy as Br Cannon was first Councillor to John Taylor and the blame of any acts of Presidet Taylor that five of the Twelve did not think was right was laid to George Q Cannon. It is painful to record these things but it is true. We have tryed to settle these things but so far we are still apart.
Erastus Snow accused Br Cannon & in some measure applyed to myself that we were men worshipers sycophants & todyism And it Stird my blood & showed up Erastus Snow life & Course And I think I done wrong & went to far in the matter, but when our Meeting Closed we were not to gether but we adjourned untill Monday at 10 oclok.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
160 years ago today - Mar 23, 1858
[Wilford Woodruff]
The Brethren [of Rush Valley] have not overtaken the indians. Wilford said that He herd Tabby a friendly Indians say that the Chiefs had been to the soldier Camp and Col Johnson or Harny had told them that Brigham Young had charmed their Children and they had died and Brigham Young wood kill them all. The Officers said that Joseph Smith was a great Captain and they Cut his head off easy and Brigham Young was a Small Captain and we will Cut off his head much easier and in this way they stired up the Indians to war against US.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
The Brethren [of Rush Valley] have not overtaken the indians. Wilford said that He herd Tabby a friendly Indians say that the Chiefs had been to the soldier Camp and Col Johnson or Harny had told them that Brigham Young had charmed their Children and they had died and Brigham Young wood kill them all. The Officers said that Joseph Smith was a great Captain and they Cut his head off easy and Brigham Young was a Small Captain and we will Cut off his head much easier and in this way they stired up the Indians to war against US.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
165 years ago today - Mar 23, 1853 • Wednesday
[George Q. Cannon]
After breakfast held meeting again and we [had] an excellent time; Bro. Woodbury spoke in tongues and it went like fire through me for he spoke with power after he got thro' Bro. Allred who presided in the meeting called upon us for the interpretation of it. I felt impressed to get up and speak and I done so although I did not know whether I had the interpretation or not. When I opened my mouth it came spontaneously with force and it was prophecy in regard to us and the work which was very cheering. [Another attendee reported that "the interpertation was that we should be blessed in as mutch as we would goi [go] ahead .. Magnify our offices Callings and put our trust in him and keep his Commandments goi in faith".] Held blessing meeting this afternoon for the natives.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
After breakfast held meeting again and we [had] an excellent time; Bro. Woodbury spoke in tongues and it went like fire through me for he spoke with power after he got thro' Bro. Allred who presided in the meeting called upon us for the interpretation of it. I felt impressed to get up and speak and I done so although I did not know whether I had the interpretation or not. When I opened my mouth it came spontaneously with force and it was prophecy in regard to us and the work which was very cheering. [Another attendee reported that "the interpertation was that we should be blessed in as mutch as we would goi [go] ahead .. Magnify our offices Callings and put our trust in him and keep his Commandments goi in faith".] Held blessing meeting this afternoon for the natives.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
175 years ago today - Mar 23, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary]
Mercury 1 Deg[ree] below zero at sunrise. * Semicircle near the Zenith. [Williard Richards, Joseph Smith's scribe, includes a third drawing of circles at this point.]
* [Richard includes at this point a fourth drawing of circles, with the following written sideways on the page, along side the drawing:] Parhelion. Appearance of the Sun. March 23d 1843 at 7 1/2 o'clock A.M. Parhelion. The colors of the circles were of the hue of the rainbow only brighter.
[Signs in the sky receive a lot of attention during early 1843.]
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
Mercury 1 Deg[ree] below zero at sunrise. * Semicircle near the Zenith. [Williard Richards, Joseph Smith's scribe, includes a third drawing of circles at this point.]
* [Richard includes at this point a fourth drawing of circles, with the following written sideways on the page, along side the drawing:] Parhelion. Appearance of the Sun. March 23d 1843 at 7 1/2 o'clock A.M. Parhelion. The colors of the circles were of the hue of the rainbow only brighter.
[Signs in the sky receive a lot of attention during early 1843.]
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
85 years ago today - Mar 22, 1933
The Quorum of the Twelve unanimously recommends Eldred G. Smith as the new Patriarch to the Church. Since 1932, Heber J. Grant has told the apostles that he wants his son-in-law Willard R. Smith as the new patriarch, but he expects them to nominate him. Otherwise "people would say he had set aside Hyrum G. Smith's son in order to give position to his own son-in-law." President Grant refuses to accept the Twelve's unanimous recommendation of Hyrum G.'s son in 1933, and the stand-off leaves the office vacant for another nine years. Excluding the patrilineal office of Church Patriarch, twenty-nine sons of general authorities are appointed during the first century of the Mormon hierarchy. This accounts for 23.6 percent of the total appointments. Only eight sons of former general authorities are appointed as general authorities from 1932-1996: one in 1938, two in 1941, one in 1942, one in 1945, one in 1969, one in 1975, and one in 1996.
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
90 years ago today - Mar 22, 1928
Elaine Low (Jack), later twelfth general president of the Relief Society, is born in Cardston, Alberta, Canada.
125 years ago today - Mar 22, 1893
[Wilford Woodruff]
I met with the Twelve Apostles & my Councillors upon the position that Moses Thatcher occupied towards the Presidency of the Church and the Twelve Apostls. He was not in Harmony with us. He was in danger of his standing. [Thatcher is dropped from the quorum three years later.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I met with the Twelve Apostles & my Councillors upon the position that Moses Thatcher occupied towards the Presidency of the Church and the Twelve Apostls. He was not in Harmony with us. He was in danger of his standing. [Thatcher is dropped from the quorum three years later.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
125 years ago today - Mar 22, 1893 • Wednesday
[George Q. Cannon]
I spoke at some length concerning the situation of affairs and the feelings that had arisen in consequence of the political division. Now is the time to heal these differences before we went into the Temple. Now is the time to find out what are the brethren's views respecting the First Presidency and the authority of the counselors to the President. If the First Presidency were overstepping their bounds, or if the counselors were exceeding their proper authority, it was time that it should be known. Then I went on to give my views of the authority of the First Presidency and the authority of each of the counselors. There had been a course taken during this recent campaign to place the First Presidency in a false position and it was time now that this should be corrected, and that a recurrence of such things should be prevented. I spoke with a good deal of the spirit and with power, though I was scarcely able to speak when I arose, as I was suffering very much from the influenza...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
I spoke at some length concerning the situation of affairs and the feelings that had arisen in consequence of the political division. Now is the time to heal these differences before we went into the Temple. Now is the time to find out what are the brethren's views respecting the First Presidency and the authority of the counselors to the President. If the First Presidency were overstepping their bounds, or if the counselors were exceeding their proper authority, it was time that it should be known. Then I went on to give my views of the authority of the First Presidency and the authority of each of the counselors. There had been a course taken during this recent campaign to place the First Presidency in a false position and it was time now that this should be corrected, and that a recurrence of such things should be prevented. I spoke with a good deal of the spirit and with power, though I was scarcely able to speak when I arose, as I was suffering very much from the influenza...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
130 years ago today - Mar 22, 1888
[Wilford Woodruff]
We spent this whole day in Council the same as the other 2 days hearing Accusation against G Q Cannon. The same Accusation over & over again. I told the Twelve to bring out Every thing they Could off[er] against him and they Continued to do it but it was all fals. I Could not sleep at night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
We spent this whole day in Council the same as the other 2 days hearing Accusation against G Q Cannon. The same Accusation over & over again. I told the Twelve to bring out Every thing they Could off[er] against him and they Continued to do it but it was all fals. I Could not sleep at night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
155 years ago today - Mar 22, 1863 (Sunday)
The overland mail coach, with four passengers, was attacked by Indians, near Eight Mile Creek Station, Tooele Co. Henry Harper, the driver, was killed and one passenger wounded. Judge Mott, delegate to Congress from Nevada, who was in the coach, took the reins, drove for life and escaped.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
180 years ago today - Mar 22, 1838
The Ohio Repository reprints Warren Parrish's letter about Joseph hearing the voice of the Lord instructing him to establish the "Banking-Anti-Banking Institution."
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
50 years ago today - Mar 21, 1968
BYU's DAILY UNIVERSE reports that officials have removed ten nude photographs from an international exhibit, "The Family of Man," sponsored by student body officers.
55 years ago today - Mar 21, 1963
Newspapers reported that more than a thousand LDS members of the Birch Society had written church headquarters with complaints or requests for clarification. The media may have obtained that information from McKay's secretary, Clare Middlemiss, who supported the Birch Society. In fact her pro-Birch orientation became the source of complaints by rank-and-file Mormons to the First Presidency.
[Source: "CROSS REFERENCE SHEET," Mrs. Joyce M. Sowerwine letter, 25 Nov. 1966, "re: Claire Middlemiss & John Birch Society," in "Hugh B. Brown's File on the John Birch Society." From D. Michael Quinn, Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflicts, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26:2 (Summer 1992), also in Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power Salt Lake City (Signature Books, 1994), Chapter 3.]
[Source: "CROSS REFERENCE SHEET," Mrs. Joyce M. Sowerwine letter, 25 Nov. 1966, "re: Claire Middlemiss & John Birch Society," in "Hugh B. Brown's File on the John Birch Society." From D. Michael Quinn, Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflicts, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26:2 (Summer 1992), also in Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power Salt Lake City (Signature Books, 1994), Chapter 3.]
60 years ago today - Mar 21, 1958
[J. Reuben Clark]
Elder Stapley called President Clark today and asked for his opinion as to whether or not the committee in charge or arrangements for the General Authorities' party should invite Sister Amy Brown Lyman, the wife of Richard R. Lyman [apostle excommunicated for a secret polygamous marriage], to the party. President Clark said that he had great sympathy for Sister Lyman and he felt that if she had been invited in the past, they should not fail to continue to invite her, in his opinion.
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
Elder Stapley called President Clark today and asked for his opinion as to whether or not the committee in charge or arrangements for the General Authorities' party should invite Sister Amy Brown Lyman, the wife of Richard R. Lyman [apostle excommunicated for a secret polygamous marriage], to the party. President Clark said that he had great sympathy for Sister Lyman and he felt that if she had been invited in the past, they should not fail to continue to invite her, in his opinion.
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
120 years ago today - Mar 21, 1898
Elder John Henry Smith, recently returned from Arizona, and Mexico, reported to Pres[ident]. Geo[rge]. Q. Cannon this morning that Pres[ident]. C[ollins]. R. Hakes, of Maricopa [Arizona] Stake, had informed him that our people were selling their capital stock in the Canal Co[mpany]., at that place, and he feared that the control would pass into the hands of non-Mormons. Bro[ther]. Smith said he had advised the leading brethren there to cooperate for the purpose of buying up such shares as might be offered for sale, so that the canal might be kept in the hands of our people.
[Source: Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Source: Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
130 years ago today - Mar 21, 1888
[Wilford Woodruff]
This whole day also was spent by the Brethren of the Twelve in bringing Accusation against George Q Cannon. I Called upon the Quorum to bring to light all the Accusations they had against Brother Cannon As the younger Brethren including Erastus Snow was filled with Jealousey against him And He proved Evry accusation against him to be fals. He was Accused of using church Money to for [sic] his Son John Q for Embezeling Church Money. He proved them to be fals. Th[en?] of paying large sums of Church Money in the Iron Mine that He proved to be fals. Also in dealing with the Beck Mine. That was proved fals and Evry other Accusation was proved fals. It was another painful day.
[Brigham Young Jr. noted "Continuation of charges and refutations until I am sick at heart [as the Quorum of Twelve debates whether to form a First Presidency]. All day this horrible work continued and night found much still unsettled." Three pages on this date of George Q. Cannon's journal were torn out.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
This whole day also was spent by the Brethren of the Twelve in bringing Accusation against George Q Cannon. I Called upon the Quorum to bring to light all the Accusations they had against Brother Cannon As the younger Brethren including Erastus Snow was filled with Jealousey against him And He proved Evry accusation against him to be fals. He was Accused of using church Money to for [sic] his Son John Q for Embezeling Church Money. He proved them to be fals. Th[en?] of paying large sums of Church Money in the Iron Mine that He proved to be fals. Also in dealing with the Beck Mine. That was proved fals and Evry other Accusation was proved fals. It was another painful day.
[Brigham Young Jr. noted "Continuation of charges and refutations until I am sick at heart [as the Quorum of Twelve debates whether to form a First Presidency]. All day this horrible work continued and night found much still unsettled." Three pages on this date of George Q. Cannon's journal were torn out.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
160 years ago today - Mar 21, 1858 (Morning)
Bro. Brigham spoke a little on the rise and persecution of the Church said that if Bro. Joseph Smith had been led by the Spirit he had, he would never given himself up and gone to Carthage but he would have gone right to these mountains and would have been alive today to lead this people. Said the sheep must follow the shepherd not the shepherd follow the sheep. Said it was not policy to shed the blood of our enemies and was better to leave our homes than to be driven from them. Spoke of us burning our houses and caching away our windows, doors, flooring, furniture, and provisions. Said he was going to send 500 families across the Desert to the White Mountains as soon as possible. Said some might think he was mistaken says he is the voice of God to this people and their salvation and you can do as you darn please but I am going there when the time comes. -- SLC Tabernacle
[Source: Diary of Charles Lowell Walker. Andrew Karl Larson, ed. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1980. 25-26, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
[Source: Diary of Charles Lowell Walker. Andrew Karl Larson, ed. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1980. 25-26, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
160 years ago today - Mar 21, 1858 (Afternoon)
Prest. B. Young Called on those in the congregation who had never been driven [out of Nauvoo, Missouri, Kirtland or New York] to rise to their feet (about 3/5 arose). He then proposed that those brethren who had never been driven should be the ones to go on this mission. Notified the Bishops to see what families will go from their wards, and report to Bishop Hunter tomorrow. [They were to take evacuate the poor from Salt Lake City before the U.S. troops arrived.]
Told the brethren not to burn up their houses, but leave them in the charge of those who remain. ...
Spoke of the spirit of apostacy, and said the first step to apostacy was to think in their own minds that their leader might be mistaken. -- SLC Tabernacle [A version of this talk is published as a pamphlet.]
[Source: General Church Minutes. Selected Collections from the Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints DVD 1 (2002), in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
Told the brethren not to burn up their houses, but leave them in the charge of those who remain. ...
Spoke of the spirit of apostacy, and said the first step to apostacy was to think in their own minds that their leader might be mistaken. -- SLC Tabernacle [A version of this talk is published as a pamphlet.]
[Source: General Church Minutes. Selected Collections from the Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints DVD 1 (2002), in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
175 years ago today - Mar 21, 1843
William Miller, who had visited Joseph Smith, predicts the earth would end sometime between Mar 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. Joseph Smith responded with his own predictions.
[Source: Brooke, John L. The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.]
[Source: Brooke, John L. The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.]
130 years ago today - Mar 20, 1888
[Wilford Woodruff]
I am sorry to have to record in my Journal that there is quite a Division in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Most of the younger Brethren are Bringing Accusations against G Q Cannon but He proves them all to be fals. We spent a painful Day. A spirit of Jealously has crept into the Quorum.
I presented the importance of organizing the first Presidency. The following Names sustained it: W. Woodruff Lorenzo Snow F D Richards B Young & John W Taylor /& D H Wells/ And the following Names opposed it: Erastus Snow Moses Thatcher F. M. Lyman John Henry Smith & Heber J Grant. We had a vary unpleasant day. I could not Sleep at night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I am sorry to have to record in my Journal that there is quite a Division in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Most of the younger Brethren are Bringing Accusations against G Q Cannon but He proves them all to be fals. We spent a painful Day. A spirit of Jealously has crept into the Quorum.
I presented the importance of organizing the first Presidency. The following Names sustained it: W. Woodruff Lorenzo Snow F D Richards B Young & John W Taylor /& D H Wells/ And the following Names opposed it: Erastus Snow Moses Thatcher F. M. Lyman John Henry Smith & Heber J Grant. We had a vary unpleasant day. I could not Sleep at night.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
130 years ago today - Mar 20, 1888
[Brigham Young Jr.]
Pres[iden]t Woodruff proposed a first presidency which was not received with favor by younger members. In my turn to speak presented the necessity of the Quorum being one previous to consideration of said subject. I knew there existed much ill feeling towards Bro[ther] Cannon by younger members of quorum. Investigation of charges began Bro[ther]s M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, Jno. H. S. & H. J. Grant and a little by E. Snow. Much valuable time is wasted in these comparatively groundless charges and their generally successful refutation. I tremble for the future if we continue these unrighteous proceedings. It seems that we do not forgive each other when difficulties are apparently settled.
[Source: Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Pres[iden]t Woodruff proposed a first presidency which was not received with favor by younger members. In my turn to speak presented the necessity of the Quorum being one previous to consideration of said subject. I knew there existed much ill feeling towards Bro[ther] Cannon by younger members of quorum. Investigation of charges began Bro[ther]s M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, Jno. H. S. & H. J. Grant and a little by E. Snow. Much valuable time is wasted in these comparatively groundless charges and their generally successful refutation. I tremble for the future if we continue these unrighteous proceedings. It seems that we do not forgive each other when difficulties are apparently settled.
[Source: Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
160 years ago today - Mar 20, 1858
[Wilford Woodruff]
Presidents Young and Kimball spent about 4 hours with us in reading history. We read President Kimball synopsis of his history which has Cost us vast labour and perplexity. We also read Amasa Lymans History. Both was approved of. I feel vary thankful that we in a measure are getting through with the History of the Twelve for it has Cost me nearly a years hard brain labor.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Presidents Young and Kimball spent about 4 hours with us in reading history. We read President Kimball synopsis of his history which has Cost us vast labour and perplexity. We also read Amasa Lymans History. Both was approved of. I feel vary thankful that we in a measure are getting through with the History of the Twelve for it has Cost me nearly a years hard brain labor.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Mar 20, 1853
[Wilford Woodruff]
20th Sunday I attended meeting. P P. Pratt Preached. Was followed by David Whitmore. Brother Pratt Preached upon the first Principles of the gospel. Said the Ancient prophets had a knowledge of the gospel & of Jesus Christ & bore testimony of him And the Apostles were called to preach it to the nations. I always was Anxious to have the same gospel esstablished in my day. A methodist once asked me if I did not rejoice to see that denomination prosper so. I told him no. I said I wished that denomination & all other would come down. He asked why. I said so The Church of Christ might be built up in its stead.
I had a man a few days since come to me with a flying Roll [Zechariah 5:1-4] from Gladden Bishop [Mormon break-off prophet] & wished to teach me. I herd him awhile. I then asked him if He believed Joseph Smith was a prophet of God & set up the Kingdom of God on the Earth & ordained Twelve Apostles to build up that kingdom in all the world.
He said He did. I then told him as I was one of those Twelve Apostles that I should be damned if I was not in a situation to Judge him & all Other men that I come in contact with whether their work was of God or the Devil And I know your Roll & work is of the Devil & not of God while you say I shall be damned if I dont receive it.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
20th Sunday I attended meeting. P P. Pratt Preached. Was followed by David Whitmore. Brother Pratt Preached upon the first Principles of the gospel. Said the Ancient prophets had a knowledge of the gospel & of Jesus Christ & bore testimony of him And the Apostles were called to preach it to the nations. I always was Anxious to have the same gospel esstablished in my day. A methodist once asked me if I did not rejoice to see that denomination prosper so. I told him no. I said I wished that denomination & all other would come down. He asked why. I said so The Church of Christ might be built up in its stead.
I had a man a few days since come to me with a flying Roll [Zechariah 5:1-4] from Gladden Bishop [Mormon break-off prophet] & wished to teach me. I herd him awhile. I then asked him if He believed Joseph Smith was a prophet of God & set up the Kingdom of God on the Earth & ordained Twelve Apostles to build up that kingdom in all the world.
He said He did. I then told him as I was one of those Twelve Apostles that I should be damned if I was not in a situation to Judge him & all Other men that I come in contact with whether their work was of God or the Devil And I know your Roll & work is of the Devil & not of God while you say I shall be damned if I dont receive it.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
175 years ago today - Mar 20, 1843
James C. Brewster publishes his claim that as part of an 1836 Ohio treasure-quest, Presiding Patriarch Joseph Smith, Sr., "anointed the mineral rods and seeing stones with consecrated oil, and prayed over them in the house of the Lord in Kirtland."
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]
[Source: Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]
175 years ago today - Mar 20, 1843
[Wilford Woodruff]
The signs in the heavens are making theire appearance. Theire has been singular signs appeared in & about the sun for sever[al] days this week. O Pratt has taken a sketch of the same which will appear in the Time & Seasons. Their has also been other signs. The light that has been represented as a sword has made its appearance for several nights past in the same place & also on the opposite of the horizen has been seem A black streak about the size of the light one. While one is as black as darkness the other has considerable of the appearance of the blaze of a Comet & some have contended that it was a Comet. But it cannot be a comet for it appears about 7 o-clock & disappears about 9 oclock remaining about two hours. Thus it appears that the signs that Joel & Jesus spoke of are making their appearance.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
The signs in the heavens are making theire appearance. Theire has been singular signs appeared in & about the sun for sever[al] days this week. O Pratt has taken a sketch of the same which will appear in the Time & Seasons. Their has also been other signs. The light that has been represented as a sword has made its appearance for several nights past in the same place & also on the opposite of the horizen has been seem A black streak about the size of the light one. While one is as black as darkness the other has considerable of the appearance of the blaze of a Comet & some have contended that it was a Comet. But it cannot be a comet for it appears about 7 o-clock & disappears about 9 oclock remaining about two hours. Thus it appears that the signs that Joel & Jesus spoke of are making their appearance.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
80 years ago today - Mar 19, 1938
[Heber J. Grant]
I then had a talk, I think of fully two hours, with [future apostle] Brother Adam S. Bennion, and he finally concluded to pay his tithing for last year, and to be a tithe payer in the future, for which I am very grateful indeed, and withdrew his resignation as a member of the Church Board of Education, and also I told him I would have his resignation withdrawn as a member of the Sunday School board. I have a great respect for Adam S. Bennion, for his ability and his marvelous energy, and thank the Lord that he finally concluded to withdraw these resignations. I feel sure in my heart that had he not done so he would drift away and become indifferent to the Church. I now have strong hopes that from this day forward he will progress in the Gospel.
[Source: The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
I then had a talk, I think of fully two hours, with [future apostle] Brother Adam S. Bennion, and he finally concluded to pay his tithing for last year, and to be a tithe payer in the future, for which I am very grateful indeed, and withdrew his resignation as a member of the Church Board of Education, and also I told him I would have his resignation withdrawn as a member of the Sunday School board. I have a great respect for Adam S. Bennion, for his ability and his marvelous energy, and thank the Lord that he finally concluded to withdraw these resignations. I feel sure in my heart that had he not done so he would drift away and become indifferent to the Church. I now have strong hopes that from this day forward he will progress in the Gospel.
[Source: The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
135 years ago today - Monday, Mar 19, 1883
[John Henry Smith]
Bro. Lambert and myself visited the Anatomical Museum of Liverpool. It shows the effects of vanerial diseases upon the parents also upon children born of diseased parents. It also shows the frightfull effects of masterbation on both men and women. ... The bad effects of tight lacing was also shown. We saw the Florantine model of Louisse Lateau, born in Belgium. She bleeds from the same parts of the body our saviour did.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
Bro. Lambert and myself visited the Anatomical Museum of Liverpool. It shows the effects of vanerial diseases upon the parents also upon children born of diseased parents. It also shows the frightfull effects of masterbation on both men and women. ... The bad effects of tight lacing was also shown. We saw the Florantine model of Louisse Lateau, born in Belgium. She bleeds from the same parts of the body our saviour did.
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
15 years ago today - Mar 18, 2003
In Salt Lake City, Brian Mitchell and Wanda Barzee were charged with aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault and burglary in the abduction of Elizabeth Smart, who was found with them six days earlier. Mitchell and Barzee were later found incompetent to stand trial.
[Source: Ratnikas, Algis, TimelinesDb, http://www.timelinesdb.com/listevents.php?subjid=201title=Utah]
In Salt Lake City, Brian Mitchell and Wanda Barzee were charged with aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault and burglary in the abduction of Elizabeth Smart, who was found with them six days earlier. Mitchell and Barzee were later found incompetent to stand trial.
[Source: Ratnikas, Algis, TimelinesDb, http://www.timelinesdb.com/listevents.php?subjid=201title=Utah]
125 years ago today - Mar 18, 1893
[President Wilford Woodruff]
I wrote some addition to the [Salt Lake Temple dedicatory] Prayer. I listened to a Communication from Prest Cannon to be published to the Saints before the dedication that they may Confess their sins and make reconciliation one with another befor they go to the Temple. I went to the Temple with my Councillors & went through it from top to Bottom. We are in hopes to get it ready for Dedication but it is a load upon us.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I wrote some addition to the [Salt Lake Temple dedicatory] Prayer. I listened to a Communication from Prest Cannon to be published to the Saints before the dedication that they may Confess their sins and make reconciliation one with another befor they go to the Temple. I went to the Temple with my Councillors & went through it from top to Bottom. We are in hopes to get it ready for Dedication but it is a load upon us.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
130 years ago today - Mar 18, 1888
[Wilford Woodruff]
I spent the day in the House. <I saw the [coward?] that told the lie [-]. I consecrated a seers stone that> Joseph <found in a well.> [Angled brackets indicate coded entries.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I spent the day in the House. <I saw the [coward?] that told the lie [-]. I consecrated a seers stone that> Joseph <found in a well.> [Angled brackets indicate coded entries.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
135 years ago today - Mar 18, 1883
First Counselor George Q. Cannon preaches: "So with regard to the periods occupied in the creation of the earth. Joseph taught that a day with God was not the twenty-four hours of our day; but that the six days of the creation were six periods of the Lord's time. This he taught half a century ago; it is now generally received as a great truth connected with the creation of the world. Geologists have declared it, and religious people are adopting it; and so the world is progressing."
160 years ago today - Mar 18, 1858
[Hosea Stout]
Attended a general Council at the Historians office of the first Presidency, Twelve, and officers of the Legion[.] The object of which was to take into consideration the best plan of opperations to be adopted to counter act the purposes of our enemies, whether to attact them before they come near us or wait untill they come near, or whether it is yet best to fight at all only in unavoidable self defense or in case a large force is sent against us this spring whether to fight or burn our houses & destroy every thing in and around us and flee to the mountains & deserts &c &c &c
It appears that the course pursued hitherto by Gov Young in baffelling the oppressive purposes of Prest Buckhannan has redounded to the honor of Gov Young and the Saints and equally to the disgrace of the President & his cabinet[.] Mormonism is on the ascendancy and now what is the best policy to maintain that ascendency. If we whip out and use up the few troops at Bridger will not the excitement and sympathy which is now raising in our favor in the states, be turned against us. Whereas if we only anoy and impede their progress while we "Burn up" [Salt Lake City] and flee, the folly, and meanness of the President will be the more apparrant and he and his measures more unpopular &c[.] This was about a fair statement of the subject matter in council[.] There was no definite measures adoptedmany spoke on the subject and the council adjourned till 8th April at 2 p.m. at the Tabernacle.
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
Attended a general Council at the Historians office of the first Presidency, Twelve, and officers of the Legion[.] The object of which was to take into consideration the best plan of opperations to be adopted to counter act the purposes of our enemies, whether to attact them before they come near us or wait untill they come near, or whether it is yet best to fight at all only in unavoidable self defense or in case a large force is sent against us this spring whether to fight or burn our houses & destroy every thing in and around us and flee to the mountains & deserts &c &c &c
It appears that the course pursued hitherto by Gov Young in baffelling the oppressive purposes of Prest Buckhannan has redounded to the honor of Gov Young and the Saints and equally to the disgrace of the President & his cabinet[.] Mormonism is on the ascendancy and now what is the best policy to maintain that ascendency. If we whip out and use up the few troops at Bridger will not the excitement and sympathy which is now raising in our favor in the states, be turned against us. Whereas if we only anoy and impede their progress while we "Burn up" [Salt Lake City] and flee, the folly, and meanness of the President will be the more apparrant and he and his measures more unpopular &c[.] This was about a fair statement of the subject matter in council[.] There was no definite measures adoptedmany spoke on the subject and the council adjourned till 8th April at 2 p.m. at the Tabernacle.
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
160 years ago today - Mar 18, 1858
[Wilford Woodruff]
60 or 70 men Started on horsback and many baggage waggons followed with instructions to take the indians and bring them in to this City and try them and shut them up and keep them as hostages for the good Behavior of the other.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
60 or 70 men Started on horsback and many baggage waggons followed with instructions to take the indians and bring them in to this City and try them and shut them up and keep them as hostages for the good Behavior of the other.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
175 years ago today - Mar 18, 1843
[Joseph Smith Diary]
Saturday, March 18th 1843 Most of the fore noon in the office in cheerful conversation. Closed letter to [James] Arlington Bennet. Laid down on the writing table with /back of the/ head on Law Books saying write and tell the world I acknowlidge myself a very great lawyer. I am going study law and this is the way I study and [then I] fell asleep and went to snoring. This was about noon.
In the afternoon rode out and about 4 [o'clock] took a game of ball east of Main street.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
Saturday, March 18th 1843 Most of the fore noon in the office in cheerful conversation. Closed letter to [James] Arlington Bennet. Laid down on the writing table with /back of the/ head on Law Books saying write and tell the world I acknowlidge myself a very great lawyer. I am going study law and this is the way I study and [then I] fell asleep and went to snoring. This was about noon.
In the afternoon rode out and about 4 [o'clock] took a game of ball east of Main street.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
185 years ago today - Mar 18, 1833
[At the School of the Prophets] Sidney requests that he and Frederick G. Williams be ordained presidents of the High Priesthood, equal to Joseph, as revealed March 8. Joseph ordains them (organization of what would become known as the First Presidency). Vision promised. Many see vision of the Savior and angels.
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
5 years ago today - 2013-03-17
Ordainwomen.org launches. The website calls for church leaders to consider the ordination of women.
[Source: Mormon Women's History Timeline, http://www1.chapman.edu/~remy/MoFem/mormonwomen.html]
[Source: Mormon Women's History Timeline, http://www1.chapman.edu/~remy/MoFem/mormonwomen.html]
30 years ago today - Mar 17, 1988
The SALT LAKE TRIBUNE reports of an appeal in a criminal case where two people were found guilty after a male in the jury "asserted his spiritual authority in the said religion [Mormonism]" and thereby "influenced his fellow adherents to submit the question of guilt to the will of God by joining him in group prayer" . . . . "Immediately following the prayer, the said juror expressed the "answer" to the prayer - that [the defendants] were guilty." After that all prayer participants changed their opinions, and a 6-2 vote in favor of acquittal became a 6-2 vote in favor of conviction without further evidentiary considerations.
70 years ago today - Mar 17, 1948
[J. Reuben Clark]
[When asked about making business investments:] I told him that the Lord had not given me any revelation about what He was going or intending to do, that I did not think the Lord gave revelations unless it was to serve the Cause which might be served by giving revelations to individuals, and that without that I could not tell him anything about what would happen ...
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
[When asked about making business investments:] I told him that the Lord had not given me any revelation about what He was going or intending to do, that I did not think the Lord gave revelations unless it was to serve the Cause which might be served by giving revelations to individuals, and that without that I could not tell him anything about what would happen ...
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
125 years ago today - Mar 17, 1893 • Friday
[George Q. Cannon]
To-day he [Wilford Woodruff] handed me the card which he had written for me. I shall preserve it in my safe, as it is written by himself. The following is the sentiment: "God has looked upon thee from all eternity and known thy blood. Thou wast ordained before thou wast born to hold the keys of the Apostleship and preside over thy father's house and the nation. Now fulfill thy destiny. Wilford Woodruff."
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
To-day he [Wilford Woodruff] handed me the card which he had written for me. I shall preserve it in my safe, as it is written by himself. The following is the sentiment: "God has looked upon thee from all eternity and known thy blood. Thou wast ordained before thou wast born to hold the keys of the Apostleship and preside over thy father's house and the nation. Now fulfill thy destiny. Wilford Woodruff."
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
150 years ago today - Mar 17, 1868
[Wilford Woodruff]
My Indian Boy Sarrowkeets was kicked in the Head with a Mule & Came near killing him. I washed his head in Cold water & put on tobaco & yarrow.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
My Indian Boy Sarrowkeets was kicked in the Head with a Mule & Came near killing him. I washed his head in Cold water & put on tobaco & yarrow.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
160 years ago today - Mar 17, 1858
Church historians wrote that Brigham Young "was attacked with the most violent fever [he] ever experienced" and after days of suffering and being administered to he "desired to be baptized in the river."
[Source: "History of Brigham Young," Deseret News, March 17, 1858, 9; Stapley, Jonathan and Wright, Kristine, '"They Shall Be Made Whole": A History of Baptism for Health,' Journal of Mormon History, Fall 2008]
[Source: "History of Brigham Young," Deseret News, March 17, 1858, 9; Stapley, Jonathan and Wright, Kristine, '"They Shall Be Made Whole": A History of Baptism for Health,' Journal of Mormon History, Fall 2008]
170 years ago today - Mar 17, 1848
Hosea Stout tells Salt Lake high council: "It has been my duty to hunt out the rotten spots in this Kingdom]. . . . even now I have a list [of] who will deny the faith." Stout reassures the council that "I av tried not to handle a man's case until it was right."
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
175 years ago today - Mar 17, 1843 - Friday
[Joseph Smith]
settled with Father [Asahel] Perry gave him a deed of 80 acres of land & city lot & prophecied that it wo[u]ld not be 6 mo before he could sell it for cash
[Source: Joseph Smith, "President Joseph Smith's Journal," 4 vols., Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843 (Willard Richards)]
settled with Father [Asahel] Perry gave him a deed of 80 acres of land & city lot & prophecied that it wo[u]ld not be 6 mo before he could sell it for cash
[Source: Joseph Smith, "President Joseph Smith's Journal," 4 vols., Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843 (Willard Richards)]
50 years ago today - Mar 16, 1968
U.S. troops in the "Charlie Company" massacre 400-500 civilians at the village of My Lai, South Vietnam. One of the soldiers later says he does not participate until he sees his Mormon buddy, recently returned missionary, shooting Vietnamese women and children. Two days earlier, the other Mormon in the "Charlie Company wrote a letter about an unrelated incident in which his "friends" shot a woman working in a rice field, "kicked her to death," and then "emptied" their weapons into her head. "It was murder [and] I've seen it many times before," Greg Olsen wrote his father. "My faith in my fellow men is shot all to hell." After the remorseful participants and news media unravel the military's cover-up, the officer-in-charge is court-martialed and imprisoned for giving his troops a direct order to kill everyone in My Lai on suspicion that they are Communist sympathizers. Most published accounts emphasize the religious background of the two Mormons at My Lai but say nothing about the religion of the other soldiers involved in the massacre.
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
130 years ago today - Mar 16, 1888
President Wilford Woodruff thought that as the Seventies have now over 100 quorums organized, it is time that they hold up and not select indiscriminately any and all but choose the best and most capable Elders in any and all the wards they visit. It was decided that the Presidents of the Seventy be instructed that it is inexpedient to continue further ordinations of other Seventies until otherwise instructed by the Twelve Apostles.
[Source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
165 years ago today - Mar 16, 1853 (Wednesday)
After being confined in prison for several months, Svend Larsen was liberated from the Frederikstad jail, and ordered to preach "Mormonism" no more in Norway.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
180 years ago today - Mar 16, 1838
Motto of the Church of [Jesus] Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Constitution of our country formed by the Fathers of Liberty. Peace and good order in society. Love to God and good will to man. All good and wholesome Laws, And virtue and truth above all things, And Aristarchy live forever!!! But Wo to tyrants, Mobs, Aristocracy, Anarchy and Toryism, And all those who invent or seek out unrighteous and vexatious lawsuits under the pretext or color of law or office, either religious or political.
Exalt the standard of Democracy! Down with that of Priestcraft, and let all the people say Amen! That the blood of our Fathers may not cry from the ground against us.
Sacred is the Memory of that Blood which bought for us our liberty. ...
Quest[ions] on Scripture
1st Who is the stem of Jesse spoken of in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th verses of the 11th Chap[ter] of Isaiah?
Ans[wer] Verily thus saith the Lord, It is Christ.
Q[uestion] 2d What is the Rod spoken of in the 1st verse of the 11th Chap[ter] that should come of the stem of Jessee?
Ans[wer] Behold thus saith /the Lord/, it is a servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a de[s]cendant of Jessee as well as of Ephraim or of the house of Joseph, on whome thare is laid much power.
Q[u]est[ion] 3d What is the Root of Jessee spoken of in the 10th verse of the 11th Chap[ter]?
Ans[wer] Behold thus saith the Lord, it is a de[s]cendant of Jessee as well as of Joseph unto whom rightly belongs the Priesthood and the kees of the Kingdom for an ensign and for the geathering of my people in the Last days.
Questions by Elias Higby
=1st Q[uestion] What is me[a]nt by the command in Isaiah 52d Chap[ter], 1st verse which saith, "Put on thy strength O ZION," and what people has I[sa]iah referance to?
A[nswer] He had reference to those whome God should call in the last days who should hold the power of Priesthood to bring again Zion and the redemption of Israel. And to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood which She (Zion) has a right to by lineage. Also to return to that power which she had lost.
Q[ues[tion] 2d What are we to understand by Zions loosing herself from the bands of her neck, 2d verse?
A[nswer] We are to understand that the scattered remnants are ex[h]orted to return to the Lord from whence they have fal[l]en which if they do the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them or give them revelation. See 6th, 7th, and 8th verses. The bands of her neck are the curses of God upon her or the remnants of Israel in their scattered condition among the Gentiles.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1838, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
The Constitution of our country formed by the Fathers of Liberty. Peace and good order in society. Love to God and good will to man. All good and wholesome Laws, And virtue and truth above all things, And Aristarchy live forever!!! But Wo to tyrants, Mobs, Aristocracy, Anarchy and Toryism, And all those who invent or seek out unrighteous and vexatious lawsuits under the pretext or color of law or office, either religious or political.
Exalt the standard of Democracy! Down with that of Priestcraft, and let all the people say Amen! That the blood of our Fathers may not cry from the ground against us.
Sacred is the Memory of that Blood which bought for us our liberty. ...
Quest[ions] on Scripture
1st Who is the stem of Jesse spoken of in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th verses of the 11th Chap[ter] of Isaiah?
Ans[wer] Verily thus saith the Lord, It is Christ.
Q[uestion] 2d What is the Rod spoken of in the 1st verse of the 11th Chap[ter] that should come of the stem of Jessee?
Ans[wer] Behold thus saith /the Lord/, it is a servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a de[s]cendant of Jessee as well as of Ephraim or of the house of Joseph, on whome thare is laid much power.
Q[u]est[ion] 3d What is the Root of Jessee spoken of in the 10th verse of the 11th Chap[ter]?
Ans[wer] Behold thus saith the Lord, it is a de[s]cendant of Jessee as well as of Joseph unto whom rightly belongs the Priesthood and the kees of the Kingdom for an ensign and for the geathering of my people in the Last days.
Questions by Elias Higby
=1st Q[uestion] What is me[a]nt by the command in Isaiah 52d Chap[ter], 1st verse which saith, "Put on thy strength O ZION," and what people has I[sa]iah referance to?
A[nswer] He had reference to those whome God should call in the last days who should hold the power of Priesthood to bring again Zion and the redemption of Israel. And to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood which She (Zion) has a right to by lineage. Also to return to that power which she had lost.
Q[ues[tion] 2d What are we to understand by Zions loosing herself from the bands of her neck, 2d verse?
A[nswer] We are to understand that the scattered remnants are ex[h]orted to return to the Lord from whence they have fal[l]en which if they do the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them or give them revelation. See 6th, 7th, and 8th verses. The bands of her neck are the curses of God upon her or the remnants of Israel in their scattered condition among the Gentiles.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1838, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
175 years ago today - Mar 15, 1843 - Wednesday
Joseph prophecied in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that [Orrin] Porter Rockwell will get away from the Missourians, [Rockwell was arrested in St. Louis in early March 1843 for the attempted murder of Missouri's former governor Lilburn W. Boggs.] ...
Dream.— last night dreamed of swimming in a river of pure water clear as crystal, over a school of fish. of the largest <size> I ever saw. they were directly under my belly— I was astonished & felt afraid they might drown me or do me injury. they were the largest I ever saw
[Source: Joseph Smith, "President Joseph Smith's Journal," 4 vols., Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843 (Willard Richards)]
Dream.— last night dreamed of swimming in a river of pure water clear as crystal, over a school of fish. of the largest <size> I ever saw. they were directly under my belly— I was astonished & felt afraid they might drown me or do me injury. they were the largest I ever saw
[Source: Joseph Smith, "President Joseph Smith's Journal," 4 vols., Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843 (Willard Richards)]
175 years ago today - Mar 15, 1843 (Wednesday)
Joseph Smith prophesied that O. Porter Rockwell would get away honorably from the Missourians.
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
[Source: Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
175 years ago today - Mar 15, 1843
One week after Joseph Smith is sealed to his 20th plural wife TIMES AND SEASONS states: "We are charged with advocating a plurality of wives, and common property. Now this is as false as the many other ridiculous charges which are brought against us. No sect has a greater reverence for the laws of matrimony or the rights of private property; and we do what others do not, we practice what we preach."
180 years ago today - Mar 15, 1838
Meeting of the high council and bishopric in Zion: Joseph gives "a history of the ordination of David Whitmer, which took place in July 1834, to be a leader or a prophet to this church, which was on condition that he did not live to God himself."
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
185 years ago today - Mar 15, 1833
Doctrine and Covenants 92. 1835 heading: "Revelation to Enoch" (IE Joseph Smith). Fredrick. G. Williams should be received into the United firm.
[Source: Kenney, Scott; Saints Without Halos, 'Doctrine and Covenants,' http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/s/_dc.phtml]
[Source: Kenney, Scott; Saints Without Halos, 'Doctrine and Covenants,' http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/s/_dc.phtml]
185 years ago today - Mar 15, 1833
Brother Lake's preaching license is withdrawn because he claimed to receive revelations. He was under the influence of an evil spirit.
[Source: Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
[Source: Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
175 years ago today - Mar 14, 1843
[Wilford Woodruff]
14th At about half past Seven oclock in the evening the sword which had made its appearence for several evenings past moved up near the moon & formed itself into a large ring round the moon. Two Balls immediately appeared in the ring opposite of each other sumthing in the form of sundogs. Ann-other half ring is hung from those Balls sumthing in the shape of a horse shoe extending outside of the first ring with one line runing through the centre of the moon ... [Joseph Smith calls it "A union of power, combination of Nations" as signs of times.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
14th At about half past Seven oclock in the evening the sword which had made its appearence for several evenings past moved up near the moon & formed itself into a large ring round the moon. Two Balls immediately appeared in the ring opposite of each other sumthing in the form of sundogs. Ann-other half ring is hung from those Balls sumthing in the shape of a horse shoe extending outside of the first ring with one line runing through the centre of the moon ... [Joseph Smith calls it "A union of power, combination of Nations" as signs of times.]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
170 years ago today - Mar 14, 1848
[Hosea Stout]
There was as much dissension now as ever I saw in Nauvoo or at any other period of the Church history.
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
There was as much dissension now as ever I saw in Nauvoo or at any other period of the Church history.
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
170 years ago today - Mar 14, 1848
[Brigham Young]
Just as Brother Joseph Smith said, now I prophecy that we can never be driven from the valley unless we drive our selves by mutiny. But he would be prepared for that
[Source: DJLD 1:27, The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
Just as Brother Joseph Smith said, now I prophecy that we can never be driven from the valley unless we drive our selves by mutiny. But he would be prepared for that
[Source: DJLD 1:27, The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
190 years ago today - Mar 14, 1828
The Knight's Templar candidate swore "to advance my brother's best interest by always supporting his military fame, political preference in opposition to another" (Wayne Sentinel, 14 Mar. 1828). In the same issue the Royal Arch obligation for the candidate for the degree is printed: "Furthermore do I promise and swear, that I will vote for a companion Royal Arch mason before any other person of equal qualifications." Again, the candidate swore "that a companion Royal Arch mason's secret given me in charge as such, and I knowing him to be such, shall remain as secret and inviolate in my breast as in his own, when he communicated it to me, Murder and Treason, not excepted."
The New York County sheriffs had the power to select and summon grand juries for courts in their jurisdiction. In those counties where the Morgan incident took place and in which there were trials, the sheriffs were all Masons, possibly all Royal Arch Masons. The Genessee County grand jury met in February 1827, where the foreman was a Knight Templar and so were several jury members. In Niagara County, where Eli Bruce was sheriff, sixteen Masons and several friendly to the Lodge were summoned for jury selection in January 1827. In April Bruce summoned the grand jurors—of twenty-one members present several were friendly to the Lodge and sixteen were Masons—the Niagara County court of Oyer and Terminer. Two of the jurors were themselves later indicted for the Morgan conspiracy. A majority of Masons were on the jury at the May session and half of the September session jurors were Masons.
The following are some of the passages which deal with these topics. Combinations: 2 Ne. 9:9; 26:22; Alma 37:21-32. Secret oaths and covenants: 2 Ne. 26:22-23 (compare the contrast that Smith draws with God, who opens his courts to all, vs. 24-30); Alma 37:27, 29; Hel. 6:25; 4 Ne. 42. Masonic secrets already revealed and known: Alma 37:23-26; Ether 8:20; 2 Ne. 30:17; Mosiah 8:17, 19. Masonry out to take over and destroy the government and all freedoms: Alma 10:27; Hel. 6:39; Ether 8:9-25; 9:1, 5-6, 26; 10:33; 11:7; 3 Ne. 6:21-30. Masonic judges control the courts: Alma 11:20; Hel. 6:21, 23; Mosiah 29:28-32; 3 Ne. 6:21-30. Masons claim the right to punish their members according to their own laws and not the laws of the land: Hel. 6:21-24.
[Source: Wayne Sentinel; Robert Hullinger, Joseph Smith's Response to Skepticism]
The New York County sheriffs had the power to select and summon grand juries for courts in their jurisdiction. In those counties where the Morgan incident took place and in which there were trials, the sheriffs were all Masons, possibly all Royal Arch Masons. The Genessee County grand jury met in February 1827, where the foreman was a Knight Templar and so were several jury members. In Niagara County, where Eli Bruce was sheriff, sixteen Masons and several friendly to the Lodge were summoned for jury selection in January 1827. In April Bruce summoned the grand jurors—of twenty-one members present several were friendly to the Lodge and sixteen were Masons—the Niagara County court of Oyer and Terminer. Two of the jurors were themselves later indicted for the Morgan conspiracy. A majority of Masons were on the jury at the May session and half of the September session jurors were Masons.
The following are some of the passages which deal with these topics. Combinations: 2 Ne. 9:9; 26:22; Alma 37:21-32. Secret oaths and covenants: 2 Ne. 26:22-23 (compare the contrast that Smith draws with God, who opens his courts to all, vs. 24-30); Alma 37:27, 29; Hel. 6:25; 4 Ne. 42. Masonic secrets already revealed and known: Alma 37:23-26; Ether 8:20; 2 Ne. 30:17; Mosiah 8:17, 19. Masonry out to take over and destroy the government and all freedoms: Alma 10:27; Hel. 6:39; Ether 8:9-25; 9:1, 5-6, 26; 10:33; 11:7; 3 Ne. 6:21-30. Masonic judges control the courts: Alma 11:20; Hel. 6:21, 23; Mosiah 29:28-32; 3 Ne. 6:21-30. Masons claim the right to punish their members according to their own laws and not the laws of the land: Hel. 6:21-24.
[Source: Wayne Sentinel; Robert Hullinger, Joseph Smith's Response to Skepticism]
120 years ago today - Mar 13, 1898
[Thomas A. Clawson Diary]
"In October [1897] the regular Semi Anual (Sic) Conference convened in this City and among the events which transpired was the filling of the vacancies in the Quorum of the the Twelve Apostles the Lord revealing that Owen Woodruff and Mathias Cowley were the men. This was a great surprise to many because they had it all arranged in their own minds as to whom they thought ought to be appointed. However the Lord knows whom he wants and if we will only sustain them he will bless us abundantly in the same."
[Source: Diary Excerpts of Thomas A. Clawson, Signature Books Library, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
"In October [1897] the regular Semi Anual (Sic) Conference convened in this City and among the events which transpired was the filling of the vacancies in the Quorum of the the Twelve Apostles the Lord revealing that Owen Woodruff and Mathias Cowley were the men. This was a great surprise to many because they had it all arranged in their own minds as to whom they thought ought to be appointed. However the Lord knows whom he wants and if we will only sustain them he will bless us abundantly in the same."
[Source: Diary Excerpts of Thomas A. Clawson, Signature Books Library, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
125 years ago today - Mar 13, 1893 • Monday
[George Q. Cannon]
I passed a bad night last night. My throat seemed as though it would stop up and I was filled with cold and fever. Frank had me a gargle made by my directions, and also secured me some bacon sprinkled with black pepper, to tie on my throat.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
I passed a bad night last night. My throat seemed as though it would stop up and I was filled with cold and fever. Frank had me a gargle made by my directions, and also secured me some bacon sprinkled with black pepper, to tie on my throat.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
140 years ago today - Mar 13, 1878
[Wilford Woodruff]
W Woodruff was sealed at the Altar for 141 Couple of the Woodruff family and had 1 dead person Isabella Sproul sealed to him. John D T MCAllister done the sealing...
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
W Woodruff was sealed at the Altar for 141 Couple of the Woodruff family and had 1 dead person Isabella Sproul sealed to him. John D T MCAllister done the sealing...
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
165 years ago today - Mar 13, 1853
[Wilford Woodruff marriage to Sarah Brown]
Sarah was nineteen; Wilford was forty-six. In his journal, Woodruff writes, Wilford Woodruff and (Sarah Brown born in Hendersen County New York Jefferson County New York Jan 1st 1834) was sealed for time and Eternity By President Brigham Young at 7 oclock PM March 13, 1853." ...
[Source: Compton, Todd, 'The Wives of Wilford Woodruff', http://toddmcompton.com/WWfamilies.htm]
Sarah was nineteen; Wilford was forty-six. In his journal, Woodruff writes, Wilford Woodruff and (Sarah Brown born in Hendersen County New York Jefferson County New York Jan 1st 1834) was sealed for time and Eternity By President Brigham Young at 7 oclock PM March 13, 1853." ...
[Source: Compton, Todd, 'The Wives of Wilford Woodruff', http://toddmcompton.com/WWfamilies.htm]
165 years ago today - Mar 13, 1853
[Wilford Woodruff marriage to Emma Smooth Smith]
Emma was fifteen; Wilford was forty-six. Woodruff wrote, Wilford Woodruff & (Emma Smith born March 1st 1838 At Diahman Davis County Missouri) was sealed for time & Eternity by President Brigham Young at 7 oclock P.M. March 13 1853." Alexander writes, He probably refrained from sexual relations with Emma until she became older, since she did not bear her first child, Hyrum Smith Woodruff, until October 4, 1857, seven months after she turned nineteen." ...
After Phebe's death in 1885, Emma became Wilford's public, legal wife. She died in Salt Lake City on March 4, 1912.
[Source: Compton, Todd, 'The Wives of Wilford Woodruff', http://toddmcompton.com/WWfamilies.htm]
Emma was fifteen; Wilford was forty-six. Woodruff wrote, Wilford Woodruff & (Emma Smith born March 1st 1838 At Diahman Davis County Missouri) was sealed for time & Eternity by President Brigham Young at 7 oclock P.M. March 13 1853." Alexander writes, He probably refrained from sexual relations with Emma until she became older, since she did not bear her first child, Hyrum Smith Woodruff, until October 4, 1857, seven months after she turned nineteen." ...
After Phebe's death in 1885, Emma became Wilford's public, legal wife. She died in Salt Lake City on March 4, 1912.
[Source: Compton, Todd, 'The Wives of Wilford Woodruff', http://toddmcompton.com/WWfamilies.htm]
175 years ago today - Mar 13, 1843
Joseph wrestles with William Wall, the best wrestler in Ramus, and throws him. That evening he blesses 19 children and records, "Virtue went out of me, and my strength left me, when I gave up the meeting to the brethren." The next day he explains the reason for this virtue going out of him. He states that he saw the influence of Lucifer and strove with all his might to protect the children against it. For this reason he becomes weak and has still not recovered by the next day.
[Source: Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
[Source: Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]
180 years ago today - Mar 13, 1838 - Tuesday
[First entry of new Joseph Smith journal, "The Scriptory Book—of Joseph Smith Jr.—President of The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latterday Saints In all the World"]
[Upon travelling to Far West] ... We were immediately received under the hospitable roof of George W. Harris who treated us with all kindness possible. here we refreshed ourselves withe much sattisfaction after our long and tedious Journey and the bretheren braught in such necessaries as we stood in need of for our presant comfort and necessities. [Joseph would live with the Harris's for two months. By some accounts, Joseph Smith would marry Lucinda Morgan Harris during this time, making her perhaps his second plural wife.]
[Source: Joseph Smith, "The Scriptory Book—of Joseph Smith Jr.—President of The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latterday Saints In all the World," Journal, Mar.–Sept. 1838]
[Upon travelling to Far West] ... We were immediately received under the hospitable roof of George W. Harris who treated us with all kindness possible. here we refreshed ourselves withe much sattisfaction after our long and tedious Journey and the bretheren braught in such necessaries as we stood in need of for our presant comfort and necessities. [Joseph would live with the Harris's for two months. By some accounts, Joseph Smith would marry Lucinda Morgan Harris during this time, making her perhaps his second plural wife.]
[Source: Joseph Smith, "The Scriptory Book—of Joseph Smith Jr.—President of The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latterday Saints In all the World," Journal, Mar.–Sept. 1838]
15 years ago today - 15 years ago - Mar 12, 2003
Elizabeth Smart, the 15-year-old girl who'd vanished from her bedroom nine months earlier, was found alive in a Salt Lake City suburb with two drifters.
[Source: Ratnikas, Algis, TimelinesDb, http://www.timelinesdb.com/listevents.php?subjid=201title=Utah]
[Source: Ratnikas, Algis, TimelinesDb, http://www.timelinesdb.com/listevents.php?subjid=201title=Utah]
30 years ago today - 30 years ago - Mar 12, 1988
A First Presidency statement supports Child Abuse Prevention Month and encourages Mormons to combat this "pernicious problem."
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
55 years ago today - 55 years ago - Mar 12, 1963
[Lela Benson to Clare Middlemiss]
Lela Benson, wife of Ezra Taft Benson's son, Mark, sent a handwritten request to McKay Secretary Clare Middlemiss. The letter gives the appearance of having been engineered by other Bensons: "Yesterday I talked to a Bishop who said he would like to see one of 'those' letters that President McKay has sent out regarding the [far right] John Birch Society. However he claims that it won't hold much weight unless it is signed by the President and not you. (I disagreed of course—but he stands firm!) Therefore, could you possibly send me one and have it signed by President McKay himself? I understand from Father Benson and his family that you are a dear, sweet, loyal [to the John Birch Society], true blue soul."
[Source: Lela (Mrs. Mark A.) Benson to Clare Middlemiss; Gregory A. Prince and Wm. Robert Write, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press (2005)]
Lela Benson, wife of Ezra Taft Benson's son, Mark, sent a handwritten request to McKay Secretary Clare Middlemiss. The letter gives the appearance of having been engineered by other Bensons: "Yesterday I talked to a Bishop who said he would like to see one of 'those' letters that President McKay has sent out regarding the [far right] John Birch Society. However he claims that it won't hold much weight unless it is signed by the President and not you. (I disagreed of course—but he stands firm!) Therefore, could you possibly send me one and have it signed by President McKay himself? I understand from Father Benson and his family that you are a dear, sweet, loyal [to the John Birch Society], true blue soul."
[Source: Lela (Mrs. Mark A.) Benson to Clare Middlemiss; Gregory A. Prince and Wm. Robert Write, David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press (2005)]
65 years ago today - 65 years ago - Thu Mar 12, 1953
[David O. McKay Office Journal]
Patriarch Eldred Smith called at the office. Said he does not know where he is at, that he is receiving letters asking why he does not call the patriarchs together and have a meeting. I explained that such a meeting is being called for Conference time, and that it will be under the direction of the Twelve, at which time they will be given instructions. He said he could not understand why he is not the presiding patriarch. I said that is explained in a letter from the Twelve, that his is not an administrative office. The patriarch mentioned that he is told not to give any blessings other than patriarchal blessings here, and yet when he is in the stakes the Brethren will not permit him to do any setting apart or ordaining, but if anybody wants a special blessing they invite him to give it. [Later] The Brethren of the Presidency felt there was no reason why he should not assist in setting apart high councilmen or high priests quorum president, but that he should not ordain bishops or presidents of stakes.
[Source: McKay, David O., Office Journal]
Patriarch Eldred Smith called at the office. Said he does not know where he is at, that he is receiving letters asking why he does not call the patriarchs together and have a meeting. I explained that such a meeting is being called for Conference time, and that it will be under the direction of the Twelve, at which time they will be given instructions. He said he could not understand why he is not the presiding patriarch. I said that is explained in a letter from the Twelve, that his is not an administrative office. The patriarch mentioned that he is told not to give any blessings other than patriarchal blessings here, and yet when he is in the stakes the Brethren will not permit him to do any setting apart or ordaining, but if anybody wants a special blessing they invite him to give it. [Later] The Brethren of the Presidency felt there was no reason why he should not assist in setting apart high councilmen or high priests quorum president, but that he should not ordain bishops or presidents of stakes.
[Source: McKay, David O., Office Journal]
120 years ago today - Mar 12, 1898
[Angus M. Cannon]
[At Salt Lake Stake conference:] Pres[ident]. [Joseph F.] Smith followed deploring the spirit of war that is abroad in the land. He said if it were not for war we would not be burdened with the pension list, that costs our nation Millions of dollars.
I spoke to Bro[ther] Done about being particular about what he wrote of Pres[ident]. Smiths remarks as enemies would be sure to garble what he said. He said D[esere]'t News would publish nothing of any of First Presidency's remarks.
[Source: Angus M. Cannon Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[At Salt Lake Stake conference:] Pres[ident]. [Joseph F.] Smith followed deploring the spirit of war that is abroad in the land. He said if it were not for war we would not be burdened with the pension list, that costs our nation Millions of dollars.
I spoke to Bro[ther] Done about being particular about what he wrote of Pres[ident]. Smiths remarks as enemies would be sure to garble what he said. He said D[esere]'t News would publish nothing of any of First Presidency's remarks.
[Source: Angus M. Cannon Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
125 years ago today - Mar 12, 1893 • Sunday
[George Q. Cannon]
I had my throat examined to see if there was anything like diphtheria. I did not know but I might have contributed contracted diphtheria through administering to the children of Brother Grant; but Frank told me my throat was very much inflamed, but no dipthritic spots were apparent.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
I had my throat examined to see if there was anything like diphtheria. I did not know but I might have contributed contracted diphtheria through administering to the children of Brother Grant; but Frank told me my throat was very much inflamed, but no dipthritic spots were apparent.
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
130 years ago today - Monday, Mar 12, 1888
[John Henry Smith]
I spent most of the day at the office with the brethren and in the evening attended an underground gathering and had a pleasant time. [The "underground" refers to a network hiding polygamists from federal authorities.]
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
I spent most of the day at the office with the brethren and in the evening attended an underground gathering and had a pleasant time. [The "underground" refers to a network hiding polygamists from federal authorities.]
[Source: Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
150 years ago today - Mar 12, 1868
Apostle Orson Pratt tells his legal wife, Sarah, that he will spend equal times with all his wives. She later says the her marriage ended on this day: "I believed, when he decided to enter upon the practice of polygamy, that he did so not from any violence of individual passion, but from sheer fanaticism." Orson told her that he considered it "his duty to take other women besides myself to wife," but that "this would make no difference in his affection for me, which would continue pure and single as it had ever been. . . . By and by he told me that he intended to put these five women on an exact equality with me [by spending] a week with one, a week with another, and so on, and that I should have the sixth week! Then patience forsook me. I told him plainly that I wouldn't endure it. I said, 'If you take five weeks with your other women you can take the sixth with them also.'"
120 years ago today - Mar 11, 1898; Friday
[Heber J. Grant]
I learned that Cannon, Grant and Co[mpany] had presented their petition to Pres[iden]t [Wilford] Woodruff asking him to accept the notes as of such of the members of the firm and for him as Trustee in Trust of the Church to pay our debt to the Zion's savings Bank and that he, had agreed to do this. I never had a thing in my life that I felt more humiliated over than to be a party to making such a request and when it was first proposed I was in direct opposition to making the request, but realizing that it was impossible to close up the business of the firm without assistance from the Trustee in Trust I finally consented to sign the document making the request. I feel that the condition of the business of Cannon, Grant and Co[mpany]. has had much to do with the worry that has brought on the sickness of Pres[iden]t George Q. Cannon.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Diary, August 1, 1898]
I learned that Cannon, Grant and Co[mpany] had presented their petition to Pres[iden]t [Wilford] Woodruff asking him to accept the notes as of such of the members of the firm and for him as Trustee in Trust of the Church to pay our debt to the Zion's savings Bank and that he, had agreed to do this. I never had a thing in my life that I felt more humiliated over than to be a party to making such a request and when it was first proposed I was in direct opposition to making the request, but realizing that it was impossible to close up the business of the firm without assistance from the Trustee in Trust I finally consented to sign the document making the request. I feel that the condition of the business of Cannon, Grant and Co[mpany]. has had much to do with the worry that has brought on the sickness of Pres[iden]t George Q. Cannon.
[Source: Heber J. Grant, Diary, August 1, 1898]
125 years ago today - Mar 11, 1893 • Saturday
[George Q. Cannon]
I went into the President's room, and was met very cordially by President Cleveland ... I said that I could assure him, as a representative of the Mormon people, that there was every disposition on their part to conform to the law and to give no trouble in any form to the administration. I said, however, there was a peculiar condition of affairs existing there. It was not an easy thing for men and women who have been united as they supposed for time and all eternity, and have had families, to throw off all obligations, and for the men to cast aside their wives and their children; but, I said, as the law had been construed in Utah, a man could not visit a plural wife without exposing himself to the charge of unlawful cohabitation. Men had been sent to prison merely for visiting the houses of their families. He replied that that was a very bad condition and very wrong. I said there was a certai disposition on the part of a certain clique, who desired to prevent the admission of Utah as a State and to keep up the old fight and animosities, to make trouble with cases of this kind, and have men arrested under the pretext that they were guilty of unlawful cohabitation. I said that all we asked was that we should be treated as other men, and that the law should be applied to us in the same way that it was applied to others; but we thought it wrong to single us out and apply the law to us expressly, when others were exposed to it as much as we. ... In making these remarks he responded affirmatively, and spoke very highly of us as a people, and also later stated that he would bear in mind what I said, and that he accepted my statement as authoritative concerning the disposition of the people. He asked me if we had done pretty well under President Harrison's administration. I told him, yes, we had [gotten?] along very well; and then he referred to Judge Zane and asked about him. I said that while he was on the bench he had been exceedingly harsh and severe in his decisions upon cases that had been brought before him, yet after the Manifesto was issued he accepted it as sincere and had changed his attitude entirely. ... Our conversation lasted about 15 or 20 minutes, and we were alone until a few minutes before the conclusion, when the whole of those who had been in waiting in the other room were ushered in. The President shook hands very cordially with me when we parted...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
I went into the President's room, and was met very cordially by President Cleveland ... I said that I could assure him, as a representative of the Mormon people, that there was every disposition on their part to conform to the law and to give no trouble in any form to the administration. I said, however, there was a peculiar condition of affairs existing there. It was not an easy thing for men and women who have been united as they supposed for time and all eternity, and have had families, to throw off all obligations, and for the men to cast aside their wives and their children; but, I said, as the law had been construed in Utah, a man could not visit a plural wife without exposing himself to the charge of unlawful cohabitation. Men had been sent to prison merely for visiting the houses of their families. He replied that that was a very bad condition and very wrong. I said there was a certai disposition on the part of a certain clique, who desired to prevent the admission of Utah as a State and to keep up the old fight and animosities, to make trouble with cases of this kind, and have men arrested under the pretext that they were guilty of unlawful cohabitation. I said that all we asked was that we should be treated as other men, and that the law should be applied to us in the same way that it was applied to others; but we thought it wrong to single us out and apply the law to us expressly, when others were exposed to it as much as we. ... In making these remarks he responded affirmatively, and spoke very highly of us as a people, and also later stated that he would bear in mind what I said, and that he accepted my statement as authoritative concerning the disposition of the people. He asked me if we had done pretty well under President Harrison's administration. I told him, yes, we had [gotten?] along very well; and then he referred to Judge Zane and asked about him. I said that while he was on the bench he had been exceedingly harsh and severe in his decisions upon cases that had been brought before him, yet after the Manifesto was issued he accepted it as sincere and had changed his attitude entirely. ... Our conversation lasted about 15 or 20 minutes, and we were alone until a few minutes before the conclusion, when the whole of those who had been in waiting in the other room were ushered in. The President shook hands very cordially with me when we parted...
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
165 years ago today - Mar 11, 1853
Church Historian's Office records death of Ike Hatch and notes that "Bill Hickman" ambushes him in "Big Field." Hickman later writes that LDS president expresses satisfaction for his killing a man whom "Brigham wanted me to watch."
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
170 years ago today - Mar 11, 1848
Benjamin Covey is excommunicated for having sexual intercourse with two girls "less than Twelve years of age" who are his foster daughters. He is rebaptized and serves as bishop of Salt Lake City Twelfth Ward from 22 February 1849 until 1856.
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
175 years ago today - Mar 11, 1843
Joseph said he had tea with his breakfast. His wife asked him if [it] was good. He said if it was a little stronger he should like it better, when Mother Granger remarked, "It is so strong and good I should think it would answer Both for drink and food." ...
The words of Joseph: "While conversing about the sign in the heavens last evening, as sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens, and as sure as he ever spoke by me. So sure there will be a speedy and bloody war, and the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof."
... In the eve[ning] Joseph pulled up Bro[ther] Moses with one hand pulling sticks.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
The words of Joseph: "While conversing about the sign in the heavens last evening, as sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens, and as sure as he ever spoke by me. So sure there will be a speedy and bloody war, and the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof."
... In the eve[ning] Joseph pulled up Bro[ther] Moses with one hand pulling sticks.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
45 years ago today - Mar 10, 1973
(10-11) Major Robert Jeffrey and Captain Larry Chesley, recently released as LDS prisoners-of-war for seven years in North Vietnam, are honored in Texas and Idaho.
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
75 years ago today - Mar 10, 1943
[J. Reuben Clark]
Mark Garff'Came in about wisdom of furnishing FBI with photos etc. of Denmark. We gave them names of our missionaries. FBI wish assistance both from Bro Garff and missionaries. I told him I thot. he should furnish what he had; that I doubted he had much they did not already have, as the British knew Denmark as they knew the British Isles; but that I thot. they shd avoid spy service based on acquaintances they had made while preaching the gospel.
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
Mark Garff'Came in about wisdom of furnishing FBI with photos etc. of Denmark. We gave them names of our missionaries. FBI wish assistance both from Bro Garff and missionaries. I told him I thot. he should furnish what he had; that I doubted he had much they did not already have, as the British knew Denmark as they knew the British Isles; but that I thot. they shd avoid spy service based on acquaintances they had made while preaching the gospel.
[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]
75 years ago today - Mar 10, 1943
This war which has cast its shadow over all the world seems to get darker each day. The wickedness of man is great. The atrocities committed by Germany and Japan beggar description. Millions of innocent people have been killed in cold blood, who were not in any sense engaged in this wicked conflict. Surely there will come a day of retribution.
[Source: Joseph Fielding Smith, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Source: Joseph Fielding Smith, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
115 years ago today - Mar 10, 1903
The first polygamous marriage since 1898 for a non-resident of Mexico performed by stake president Anthony W. Ivins, by written authorization from the First Presidency.
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
155 years ago today - Mar 10, 1863
Colonel Patrick Edward Conner, commander at Ft.Douglas in Salt Lake City reports to his superiors: "Flag yesterday was the first raised by Brigham in this Territory. Was a signal to his people, who assembled armed to number of 1,500; two pieces of cannon. They are determined to have trouble, and are trying to provoke me to bring it on, but they will fail. They swear I shall not be re-enforced, and if attempted will cut them off in detail and attack me. I am not giving any cause of offence."
Rumors (unfounded) had been circulating that the army was going to arrest Brigham Young. In addition to the Mormon militia surrounding Young's residence there was also a telescope on top of the Beehive House trained on Ft. Douglas.
Rumors (unfounded) had been circulating that the army was going to arrest Brigham Young. In addition to the Mormon militia surrounding Young's residence there was also a telescope on top of the Beehive House trained on Ft. Douglas.
155 years ago today - Mar 10, 1863
Brigham Young is arrested for bigamy. He appears before a federal judge and is released on $2000 bail but charges are later dismissed.
170 years ago today - Mar 10, 1848
Congress approves the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which cedes much of Mexico's western territory, including Utah, to the United States.
[Source: Whitney, Helen, Timeline: The Early History of the Mormons, A Frontline and American Experience Co-Production,
[Source: Whitney, Helen, Timeline: The Early History of the Mormons, A Frontline and American Experience Co-Production,
175 years ago today - Mar 10, 1843
Fifteen-year-old Thomas Morgan says that Orrin Porter Rockwell told him "Joseph had taught that it was right to steal . . . which was the means of drawing Thomas into the practice of stealing." Smith's next remark about his boyhood friend: "conversed much about Porter, wishing the boy well." Another 14-year-old boy is charged brought up on suspicion of stealing but since there is "no positive testimony appearing against him Mayor [Joseph Smith] ordered his father to take him home and try him. If he found the boy guilty to whip him severely." Joseph Smith also "decided that he had no objection to having a brewery put up by Theodore Turley."
Willard Richards sees "a stream of light in the south west quarter of the heavens. The rays of light were in the form of a broadsword with the hilt downward." Joseph Smith comments on this sign: "As sure as there is a God who wits enthroned in the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke to me so sure there will be a speedy & bloody war & the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof."
Willard Richards sees "a stream of light in the south west quarter of the heavens. The rays of light were in the form of a broadsword with the hilt downward." Joseph Smith comments on this sign: "As sure as there is a God who wits enthroned in the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke to me so sure there will be a speedy & bloody war & the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof."
180 years ago today - (Sat) Mar 10, 1838
William W. Phelps and John Whitmer were excommunicated from the Church by the Council at Far West, Missouri. Marcellus Cowdery was disfellowshipped. Some time afterwards W. W. Phelps was received back into the Church by baptism.
[Source: Broadhurst, Dale R., Mormon Chronology, http://olivercowdery.com/history/morchrn2.htm]
[Source: Broadhurst, Dale R., Mormon Chronology, http://olivercowdery.com/history/morchrn2.htm]
65 years ago today - Mar 9, 1953
David O. McKay tells the president of the University of Utah that it "is an LDS Institution."
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
105 years ago today - Mar 9, 1913; Sunday
[Anthony Ivins]
No nonpayers [tithing] in Bunkerville. No users of tobacco among young people and only 4 among older men.
[Source: Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) - http://bit.ly/AnthonyIvins]
No nonpayers [tithing] in Bunkerville. No users of tobacco among young people and only 4 among older men.
[Source: Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) - http://bit.ly/AnthonyIvins]
155 years ago today - Mar 9, 1863
[Wilford Woodruff]
... [in] the afternoon the flag was raised upon Presidet Youngs House for a signal to gather together. All armed Men and many hundreds gather together and formed an Encampment in President Youngs yard & Premises, also in D. H. Wells Premises. Some 700 men stood guard through the night. This was in Consequence of the report that Gov Harding, & Judge Wait & Drake had issued a warrant to arest Brigham Young for Poligamy & had put it into Col Cornor's Hands to serve the writ through military force and the Citizens were resolved it should not be done.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
... [in] the afternoon the flag was raised upon Presidet Youngs House for a signal to gather together. All armed Men and many hundreds gather together and formed an Encampment in President Youngs yard & Premises, also in D. H. Wells Premises. Some 700 men stood guard through the night. This was in Consequence of the report that Gov Harding, & Judge Wait & Drake had issued a warrant to arest Brigham Young for Poligamy & had put it into Col Cornor's Hands to serve the writ through military force and the Citizens were resolved it should not be done.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
175 years ago today - Mar 9, 1843
William Clayton goes for an afternoon walk with Joseph Smith: "the prophet invited me to walk with him. During our walk he said he had learned that there was a sister back in England to whom I was very much attached. I replied there was, but nothing farther than an attachment such as a brother and sister in the church might rightfully entertain for each other. He then said, 'Why don't you send for her?' I replied, 'In the first place I have no authority to send for her, and if I had, I have not the means to pay expenses.' To this he answered, 'I give you authority to send for her, and I will furnish you the means,' which he did. This was the first time the prophet Joseph talked with me on the subject of plural marriage. He informed me that the doctrine and principle was right in the sight of our Heavenly Father, and that it was a doctrine which pertained to celestial order & glory. After giving me lengthy instructions and information concerning the doctrine of celestial or plural marriage he concluded his remarks by the words, 'It is your privilege to have all the wives you want.'"
185 years ago today - Mar 9, 1833
Doctrine and Covenants 91: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, March 9, 1833. HC 1: 331-332. The Prophet was at this time engaged in the translation of the Old Testament. Having come to that portion of the ancient writings called the Apocrypha, he inquired of the Lord and received this instruction.
1-3, The Apocrypha is mostly translated correctly but contains many interpolations by the hands of men that are not true; 4-6, It benefits those enlightened by the Spirit.
[Source: Doctrine and Covenants, http://amzn.to/DoctrineandCovenants]
1-3, The Apocrypha is mostly translated correctly but contains many interpolations by the hands of men that are not true; 4-6, It benefits those enlightened by the Spirit.
[Source: Doctrine and Covenants, http://amzn.to/DoctrineandCovenants]
145 years ago today - Mar 8, 1873
Presidet Young gave instruction to the [missionary] Company. About 100 answered to their names. Presidet Young said he wanted them to Settle upon a Cooperative principle and not ask what they are going to have for their labor but labor to build up Zion & Convert the Lamanites to the gospel & baptize them & set them to work.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
155 years ago today - Mar 8, 1863
Brigham Young preaches: "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the while man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so."
160 years ago today - Mar 8, 1858
Hosea Stout lists "[Howard] Egan, [Orrin Porter] Rockwell, [Ephraim K.] Hanks and several other of the 'Be'hoys'" which was American slang for "gang member" or "thug." William A. Hickman refers to himself as one of "Brigham's boys."
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[Source: The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
160 years ago today - Mar 8, 1858
[Wilford Woodruff]
We had an express in this morning from salmon River bringing sorrowful news. The Snakes and Bannocks made a break upon the Brethren at the fort and drove off nearly all ther stock. Left them but 4 Horses and a few Yoke of Cattle. They killed two or three of the Brethren and wounded several more. They wounded Capt Smith. The Indians were lead by a white man named Powell.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
We had an express in this morning from salmon River bringing sorrowful news. The Snakes and Bannocks made a break upon the Brethren at the fort and drove off nearly all ther stock. Left them but 4 Horses and a few Yoke of Cattle. They killed two or three of the Brethren and wounded several more. They wounded Capt Smith. The Indians were lead by a white man named Powell.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
170 years ago today - Mar 8, 1848
[Hosea Stout]
This evening Mother Calkins mother of L. H. Calkins and Br Fisher were married[.] Both over seventy but peart & lively. She left her former husband because he followed off Wm Chubby the Negro prophet before noticed.
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
This evening Mother Calkins mother of L. H. Calkins and Br Fisher were married[.] Both over seventy but peart & lively. She left her former husband because he followed off Wm Chubby the Negro prophet before noticed.
[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]
175 years ago today - Mar 8, 1843
Heber C. Kimball preaches and "made use of the figure of the Potter and clay, and showed that O[rson] Pratt was stiff and had to be cast off the wheel and A[masa] Lyman put on it." Pratt was upset after learning that Joseph Smith had proposed plural marriage to his wife, Sarah, during Pratt's absence on a mission.
Kimball marries Thirty-seven-year-old Joseph Smith to 22-year-old Eliza Partridge who becomes his 20th wife. Joseph married her 19-year-old sister Emily four days earlier.
Kimball marries Thirty-seven-year-old Joseph Smith to 22-year-old Eliza Partridge who becomes his 20th wife. Joseph married her 19-year-old sister Emily four days earlier.
180 years ago today - Mar 8, 1838
[Regarding a letter from Kirtland received by Wilford Woodruff Woodruff]
Numbers had been cut off from the church for transgression. Their is divisions among the people. The printing Office is burned to the ground with all its contents of Books worth about $1,500 dollars. Warren Parrish and others that had been cut off from the Church were Joining with the world to injure the influence of the Saints. Joseph & Sidney had gone to the far west with their family & the faithful are to follow them for Kirtland will be scorged. Often have I herd Joseph Prophecy of these things for a year past.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Numbers had been cut off from the church for transgression. Their is divisions among the people. The printing Office is burned to the ground with all its contents of Books worth about $1,500 dollars. Warren Parrish and others that had been cut off from the Church were Joining with the world to injure the influence of the Saints. Joseph & Sidney had gone to the far west with their family & the faithful are to follow them for Kirtland will be scorged. Often have I herd Joseph Prophecy of these things for a year past.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
185 years ago today - Mar 8, 1833
D&C 90 (Kirtland): Only Joseph to receive the oracles of the Lord. Sidney and Frederick to to be equals with Joseph in holding the keys of the kingdom. Joseph to complete Old Testament "translation," then preside and study. Tell Zion [that Joseph?] will preside over them in the Lord's own due time. They are to repent.
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
[Source: Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]
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