180 years ago today - Mar 28, 1835 (and November 1831)

Section 107, known as the "Revelation on Priesthood," is a composite of two revelations, and verses 1-58 were received while the Prophet met with members of the Twelve on 28 March 1835. In the late afternoon of the day, members of the quorum confessed their sins, committed themselves to greater service, and received instruction from Joseph Smith. Knowing that they would soon depart for the East, members of the quorum requested that the Prophet "enquire of God for us and obtain a written revelation (if consistent) that we may look upon it when we are separated that our hearts may be comforted." ...

Organizationally, verses 21-37 were significant because they tempered the earlier supremacy of the presidency of the high priesthood by equally dispersing presiding priesthood authority among five quorums of church government. Verses 76 and 82 established the machinery of Church government by which a member of the presidency of the high priesthood could be tried for misconduct. The revelation specified that such a case must be heard by the "common council" (i.e., a bishop, his counselors, and twelve high priests).

[Source: Cook, Lyndon, Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, http://amzn.to/RevelationsofJosephSmith]

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