120 years ago today - Apr 4, 1895

[Apostle Brigham Young Jr.] [On 1 April, Brigham Young had a discussion with B. H. Roberts in which Young defended suffrage for women, arguing that their votes would be in the interests of morality and good order.] Twelve met at 10 a.m. in Temple. Excellent spirit we are united in about every thing. Presidency came in at 11:40 Bro[ther] G. Q. C. came just arrived from East. his talk was conservative and very good, but soon we were much divided on Womans Rights. Bro[ther] C. wanted it drawn out of convention and the Pres[ident] was to do it. My feelings were against interfering perhaps I was too pronounced on the subject. Pres[iden]t S. was decididly too strong. Had sacrament, good pure wine & bread.

[Source: Diary of Apostle Brigham Young Jr., http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

1 comment:

  1. "S." was either Lorenzo Snow or Joseph F. Smith.


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