215 years ago today - 1801. June 1

(Brigham Young) : Born in Whitingham, Vermont, Brigham Young was cousin to Apostles Franklin D. Richards and Willard Richards. He was son-in-law of Albert Rockwood (First Council of Seventy), and brother-in-law to Lorenzo Snow, Amasa Lyman, Heber C. Kimball, and Church architect Truman Angell. He was Heber C. Kimball's uncle by marriage.

Soon after [his] birth, his family moved to Sherburne, New York. "When I was young," Brigham recalled, "I was kept within very strict bounds and was not allowed to walk more than half-an-hour on Sunday for exercise. … I had not a chance to dance when I was young, and never heard the enchanting tones of the violin until I was eleven years of age; and then I thought I was on the highway to hell, if I suffered myself to linger and listen to it."

[Source: Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 01, 2016

    very curiously, BY's old nemesis, former U.S. President James Buchanan, died on this day in 1868 near Lancaster Pennsylvania, age 77. BY referred to him sarcastically as "King James."


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