160 years ago today - Aug 10, 1856

[Brigham Young]
I propose that each Ward form female relief societies and not buy so much gew gaws ribbons bonnets shawls and shoes and to relieve the men from those things. The sisters are ignorant of the kind and quality from these societies and relieve themselves from a gallon of tea or coffee a day and your flum a diddles. We cannot see your knee or your shirts unless we go to bed with you or pull up your skirts and that we don't want to do...

I foresee the government of the United States as laying a plan to rush in by societies of 10 or 50 to come six months previous to the sale and buy up the land when it comes into market and so wipe up our inheritances. I know their hearts all I want to know. I am not afraid of it...

Women why do you want to deceive us all the time? You cannot make us believe you have not shape and form like men ladies. Stop this running to the store and buying ribbons and fine things, it is virtually husband [-] I want to grind you into the grave so that you may have your liberty again. go away to hell as soon as you like.

[Source: Thomas Bullock Minutes,in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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