65 years ago today - Jul 16, 1952

[J. Reuben Clark]
At Mr. Hoover's invitation, I lunched with him today in his suite at the Hotel Utah. We entirely agree on everything. From what he told me, this is one of the most corrupt conventions we ever had. Money was passed freely where money was not the source of bribery, it was a promise of position. The great institutions of the country, all except Crystler Corporation, were for Eisenhower, and they were for him because they want a continuation of the existing situation economically'a situation of war and talk of war ... He thinks if Eisenhower does not win, or even if he does, efforts should be made to form a Conservative Party, conservatives being in the majority in this country; that to that end that we should try to get the Southern Democrats to join in a move where such a party could be established ...

I urged Mr. Hoover to continue the efforts to somehow secure the organization of a Conservative party that would go across the Mason and Dixon Line and bring the conservatives together ...

[Source: The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

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