155 years ago today - Oct 8, 1862 (Morning, Conference)

President Brigham Young said no man had any business to enquire whether he would apostatize or not, nor should any Latter Day Saint ask what the Almighty was going to do with him when he got him into the kingdom of heaven. He had made some remarks relative to the blood, or lineage of individuals, and he would further say that there were a very few in the Church who had in their veins the blood of Judah, but they could not stay in unless that was purged out, but if they were faithful the Holy Ghost would come upon them of the Ishmaelitish blood that br. John spoke of, as well as those of Judah, and it would purge that blood -- SLC Bowery

[Source: Deseret News. Also Deseret Evening News, Deseret News Weekly, Deseret News Semi- Weekly, and Deseret News Extra. Salt Lake City; 1850-current. 12:125, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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