[President Wilford Woodruff]
I requested my sons their wives and my daughters & their husbands to meet with me this evening at home as I wished to talk with them on some important matters. ...
I referred to my labors in Arizona some 18 years ago and related my experience among the people of [-] Brigham City &c in the united order and of my going into the San Francisco Mountains where I staid with some of the brethren who were herding sheep /some 10 days/. I was very busy reading the Book of Doctrine & Covenants. On one night I had a vision and in the morning a revelation [instructing the apostles to curse government leaders due to their opposition to the church] which I wrote and afterwards sent a copy to President John Taylor and the apostles.
I said I wanted my family to hear it read as many things in it were now transpiring & coming to pass in our day. Many of the things spoken of in the revelation were attended to by President John Taylor and the apostles at that time. ... I made some more remarks by way of explanation and requested all to try and remember these things, but it was not for them to mention them or speak of them in any place, until after they were made public by action of myself & the twelve apostles. ...
Sister Woodruff passed a Carnation to each one present with a request to have it pressed in commemmoration of this event.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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