150 years ago today - Oct 8, 1870 (Afternoon, Conference)

When the motion was put to the Conference to sustain President Brigham Young as Trustee-in-Trust for the Church, he arose and tendered his resignation of that office. At this the congregation manifested strong signs of disapproval. And, when Elder Cannon stated that there were two motions before the Conference, one to sustain President Young as Trustee-in-Trust, and the other to accept of his resignation of that office, thousands of the people shouted '"no,'" '"no;'" and, when the first motion was put, the vast congregation, agitated by one common feeling, moved and surged for a few moments, and, not satisfied with merely holding up the right hand in token of sustain the motion, great numbers rose to their feet and held up both hands and a murmur went up from the human sea. Many of the strangers present held up their hands as if impelled by the same spirit that moved the great assembly. The scene was one which will never be forgotten by those who beheld it, and but few persons present could prevent feelings of intense emotion swelling up in their bosoms. There stood the veteran, faithful leader of a people who had been led by him through the most trying scenes that have proved him to be their best earthly friend as well as spiritual guide, and the people uttering a united protest against his resigning to act for them in a position of trust. ...

[Deseret News Extra, Salt Lake City; 1850-current. 19:419, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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