60 years ago today - Jun 10, 1961

[J. Reuben Clark]

Dictation'Ideas by J. R. C.

I recall a very sage remark made by Dr. Brimhall, formerly President of the Brigham Young University:

There are two occasions in a man's lifetime when it becometh a man to say little: One is at the beginning of his service when he is yet to prove himself, and the other is at the end of his service when he has made his record.

Memo by J R C on above: At the beginning a man has little but hope and aspiration and what ability and determination as he may bring to his service; the other is that at the end of his service when his record is made, it speaks for itself.

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

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