130 years ago today - Jan 11, 1893 • Wednesday

[George Q. Cannon]

There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. at 8:30 this morning. We attended to a good deal of business, and declared a 2% dividend. I was very much gratified by the expression of feeling on the part of the brethren in my favor. After allowing Brother H. J. Grant $2000 for services, also an allowance for the secretary and treasurer and executive committee, it was suggested that I should have something allowed me. The proposition was made by President Jos. F. Smith. I declined to receive anything, and the matter went over for awhile; but afterwards President Smith renewed the proposition, and moved that I receive $500. This was seconded and carried unanimously, over my protest. I told the brethren I appreciated it very highly, because of the good feeling that had prompted it. It came to me utterly unexpected; but I was in a position to use it to advantage. I accepted it as a birthday gift, I said, for this was my birthday; at which all present joined in congratulating me and wishing me all manner of good things.

[The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]

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