150 years ago today - Feb 5, 1874

Patriarchal Blessing of Mary Rollins Lightner given by Jonathan Crosby ... I seal Blessings for thee in Common with thy Companion the prophet [Joseph Smith] who is gone behind the vale [veil] and is working further in the presence of our Father & our god ...

Sister Let thy Heart rejoice for thy Last days shall be thy best days, & then shalt be Comforted & freed from all Your afflictions for thy Husband shall visit You & Comfort You so that thou shalt rejoice and praise the God of Joseph for he is Like unto Moses to Lead Israel. and thou shalt be Comforted by his Ministrations while You Remain in the Flesh for thy name shall endure & thy Kingdom & dominion, for thou shalt be a Queen to Reign with thy Husband in the Kingdom & dominion that are appointed unto him, when thou hast prayed & Humbled thyself before the Lord thou hast Been Comforted but greater shalt thou Receive from this time forth of the Comforts & Consolations By Visions & Manifestations which shall Come through the Ministrations of thy Companion thou shalt Live until You are tired of Life of Life [sic] have part in the first Resurrection arise with thy Companion to meet the Lord at his Coming & Receive dominion Glory & a Kingdom for thou shalt Reign with him
through out the Endless ages of Eternity I seal all former Blessings upon You which thou hast received in the Temple of God, and I seal the[e] up unto Eternal Lives in the Name of Jesus Amen

[Patriarchal Blessings]

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