120 years ago today - Jul 6, 1904; Wednesday

[Francis M. Lyman speaking:] We are just now where the eyes of the people are upon us and in consequence we should be very careful in our conduct. He felt that the Manifesto of President Wilford Woodruff had releived [sic] us from further responsibility so far as plural marriages are concerned. He thought that what is said here, should be entirely confidential and should not be spoken of outside the council, and he did not talk of things said and done here, even to his family. In conversation with one of the brethren who was a practicing physician, he had learned of a number of girls who had been married in polygamy and this brother did not understand how it had been accomplished and still be consistent with the statement of the Presidency. President Lyman advised that such things could not be done by authority and such things should not have been done. It was not by sanction or approval of the President of the Church. He had himself interfered and stopped a number of prospective
plural marriages. We must take a firm stand and be united against plural marriages that no more should take place in the future. The mind and will of the President of the Church should be followed, and if any of the Twelve were of a different mind they should place themselves in harmony with the Presidency of the Church. ...

Elder John Henry Smith said he had listened carefully to President Lyman's remarks and was of the same mind. While he had enjoined upon all the necessity of maintaining the families they already have, he had taught tha[t] none could marry or give in marriage plural wives. He felt that there were some of the people who believed, because of things they see and hear, that the leaders of the people were two-faced, and he wished to enter a solemn protest against any one driving the young people out of the Church by assuming an arbitrary stand against the authorities and falsely accusing them and also declaring that they could not engage in any business pursuits.

[Excerpt from the Minutes of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]

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