120 years ago today - Thursday, Jul 7, 1904

[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary (quarterly conference of the Twelve)]

.... Elder Hyrum M. Smith ... Regretted that the brethren of the quorum had differed somewhat in their views regarding a certain question. The church has been brought prominently before the world, and as to whether the hand of the Lord was in it all, he could not say. He thought that the members of the quorum who are absent should be asked to make a weekly report of their labors in writing. The apostleship should be regarded as of more importance than any other consideration, and those who hold it should not engage in business pursuits—at least that was his feeling. ... He wondered how far the apostles should engage in politics, if at all.

...The brethren now repaired to the Apostles' Room and partook of the sacrament, Pres. Lund being mouth in blessing the bread and wine. While at the table Pres. Smith arose and said that he had been impressed to name a certain brother to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Elder A. O. Woodruff and he now submitted for the consideration of the brethren the name of Chas.. W. Penrose. Upon motion of Pres. Lyman, seconded by Elders Jno. H. Smith and R. Clawson, the nomination of Pres. Smith was approved by unanimous vote. Many expressions of satisfaction followed the said action. Brother Penrose was sent for. The brethren returned to the Presidency's Room, and when Elder Penrose entered, they sang, "Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion"—a hymn composed by Brother P[enrose].

Pres. Smith arose and said that he had been impressed to nominate Brother Penrose to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Brother Woodruff, and although Brother Penrose was somewhat advanced in life (being a little past 70) yet the Lord in this selection recognized the faithfulness of his servant. Elder Penrose was asked to express himself regarding this call, and he said that he would accept it as coming from the Lord and his brethren and would do anything and everything in his power to assist in the upbuilding of the kingdom of God. He was then ordained under the hands of the brethren, Pres. Smith being mouth. Pres. Lyman was set apart as president of the Twelve, Pres. Smith being mouth. Under the direction of Pres. Smith, Pres. Lyman delivered the charge to Elder Penrose. (Elder Geo. A. Smith left the meeting before the brethren sat down to the table, having been called away to attend a funeral.) Meeting adjourned. Benediction by Jno. Smith.

[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

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