125 years ago today - Jul 5, 1899

The First Presidency were at the office, and President [Lorenzo] Snow there gave an audience to Sisters Mary Isabella Horne and Bathsheba W. Smith, upon the subject of the connection of the Latterday Saints Relief Society with the Women's Societies of the outside world. These sisters did not favor the amalgamation, from principle, and they were opposed to it from a financial standpoint, the alliance having already cost the Relief Societies the sum of $2,000. They felt that this burden was more than they were able to bear. They had been called upon, and were continually being called upon for means to send a few sisters to Washington, D.C., and some members of the Society were getting very tired of this, which appeared to them a needless expense. They felt that if the Church wanted these sisters to go East, the Church should defray their expenses, and not the Relief Society, as its means were collected and designed for purposes altogether different. The President deferred expressing
himself until the question could be considered also by his counselors.

Elder David H. Cannon met with the First Presidency in relation to an appropriation of $1,800 for the per diem workers in the St. George Temple. The amount was appropriated for one year. ...

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

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