90 years ago today - Sep 6, 1934

[President Heber J. Grant]

Went to the temple at ten o'clock where we held the regular weekly meeting of the First Presidency and Apostles. The question of a successor to Hyrum G. Smith was discussed at some length. Brothers Widtsoe and Callis knew nothing of the original discussion regarding this matter, neither did Brother Clark, so this afternoon we held a meeting with them and read the report of the Council of the Twelve recommending that Hyrum G. Smith's son Eldred be made the Patriarch.

[Grant would leave the office of Presiding Patriarch vacant until 1942 when Eldred's cousin would be appointed. Upon his cousin's early release, Eldred would be made patriarch in 1947]

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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