65 years ago today - Wed Feb 3, 1960

[David O. McKay]

"I referred to a letter which I had just received from the First Presidency asking me to obtain all tithing information concerning faculty members from the First Presidency. I reminded him that in April of last year he consented that I obtain this information direct from the Presiding Bishopric. I asked if there had been complaints that I had been obtaining the information from local Bishops. He told me that they had received a letter of criticism to the effect that all secretaries in my office and other places knew the amounts paid by faculty members. I assure him there was no truth of any kind to that statement, that no one had the information except me. He said he had himself assumed that fact but that he was glad to have this assurance. He suggested I take this up with the First Presidency when I met with them."

7. Richard Durham. I told President McKay that I understood Richard Durham, a seminary teacher who was taking courses on our campus this summer, had written him a letter complaining about the orthodoxy of teachers at the BYU. As I started to explain to President McKay that, in my opinion, Brother Durham was an extremist in this respect and that his criticisms were much overstated, President McKay replied that I need not fear about his reaction to the letter, that anyone who wrote a letter as partisan as the letter of Brother Durham did not make any impression on him at all, that things couldn't be as bad at the BYU as Brother Durham said they were."

[Part of a memo by Ernest L. Wilkinson concerning a meeting held with McKay on this date, McKay, David O., Office Journal]

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