110 years ago today - Jan 26, 1904

[Patriarchal Blessings] [Patriarchal Blessing of [[future first counselor]] Hugh B. Brown on January 26, 1904]

...thy duty shall be made known unto thee by prophetic vision. The angel who was given thee at thy birth has watched over thee thus far and preserved thee from the evils of the world, the power of the destroyer, and from those who feign would have led thee into forbidden paths. And it is necessary that you reflect upon the past, present, and future, for in this wise the vision of thine understanding shall be opened. ... And when necessary thou shalt prophesy, for thy guardian angel will often whisper in thine ear and open the eyes of thine understanding.

... it shall be thy lot to feel the hungry and clothe the naked and provide for widows and the fatherless. ... thou shalt preside among the people. Therefore, remember that when doubts cross thy mind, to ask the Father for the gift of discernment, and it shall be well with thee. ...

[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]

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