120 years ago today - Mar 25, 1894

Apostle Abraham H. Cannon writes: "Bro. Roskelly of the Logan temple is having a considerable number of persons who are dead sealed and adopted to him. This is right where people request it, but he should not try to induce them to take this course through their surviving relatives, or in their own cases, if alive. Pres. Woodruff will write him to not try to get people to be thus sealed to him, but where they ask it of their own free will it will be proper."

1 comment:

  1. The rest of AHC's journal excerpt for that day is even more interesting:

    ". . . I also encouraged love in the family. Bro. Grant spoke the remainder of the time. He said in the course of his remarks that it is said truly in family affairs that “Men hold the lines, but women tell them where to drive;” this was said to show the sisters that their influence over the men is very great, either for good or evil."


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