130 years ago today - Mar 3, 1884

... Oliver Cowdry never to my knowledge denied any part of his testimony, on the contrary as I have done protested against every fabrication made by designing persons & parties & emphatically testified as written in the Book of Mormon until Death which occured in this place[.] his wife & child yet living furnish one of the best pictures of a living faith in what their father testified to before death as written in the B[ook] of M[ormon].

David Whitmer

per [George W.] Schweich

{Editorial Note:

On 3 March 1884, David Whitmer wrote to Edmund L. Kelley (1844-1930), a prominent member of the RLDS Church then debating Church of Christ minister Clark Braden in Kirtland, Ohio. Whitmer described the Book of Mormon manuscript in his possession and reaffirmed his and Oliver Cowdery's testimonies. Whitmer's letter was written in response to an inquiry from Kelley}

[Source: David Whitmer to E. L. Kelley, 3 March 1884, Whitmer Papers, RLDS Church Library-Archives, Independence, Missouri., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: David Whitmer To E. L. Kelley]


  1. EMD 5:117-118.

  2. http://signaturebooks.com/2010/02/early-mormon-documents-volume-five/


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