130 years ago today - May 1, 1885

First Counselor in the First Presidency George Q. Cannon editorializes in "The Juvenile Instructor," and warns against the "Vain and delusive hope" that the "people of god" would renounce plural marriage. "To comply with the request of our enemies," he adamantly argues, "would be to give up all hope of ever entering into the glory of God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, the Son." Cannon denounces the "costly bargain" which the Saints were asked to make: "So intimately interwoven is this precious doctrine with the exaltation of men and women in the great hereafter that it cannot be given up without giving up at the same time all hope of immortal glory."

[Source: On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]


  1. AnonymousMay 01, 2015

    J.I. 20:9, p.136.

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2015



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