115 years ago today - July 21st 1900.

... Bro. Cluff here to get supplies for his S.[outh] A.[merica] Expedition ...The idea had been conveyed that this was a Church expedition. Read letter of instruction from Pres. Snow...that it was the unanimous opinion the the Pres. & Apostles that the expedition disband, but if reasons exist which we do not know that a part of the expedition proceed. Cluff must assume the entire responsibility....

Bro. Cluff spoke. Said he greatly desired to go forward. If he returned now the expedition would be a failure & his reputation was worth more to him than his life. He would rather fail on the Isthmus or on the banks of the Magdelena River than turn back now. He did not desire to go forward, however, unless he could do so with the blessings of the Lord....

Pres. Smith made remarks. Bore strong testimony that the work of the Lord would spread till the L. D. S. would control in this land, (&) U. S....

[Source: Diary Excerpts of Anthony W. Ivins, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]


  1. AnonymousJuly 21, 2015


  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2015


  3. AnonymousJuly 21, 2015


  4. AnonymousJuly 21, 2015

    The Magdalena River is thought to be the Sidon River in the BOM.

  5. AnonymousJuly 22, 2015

    The only people who are going to have absolute control over all the land of the Americas in the not-too-distant future are the aboriginal/indigenous people of the land, aka, the American Indians, after the Choice Seer, the future full-blooded American Indian Moses comes forth out of the land of the 48 states.

  6. AnonymousJuly 22, 2015

    The LDS Church, as are all heretical splinters, are going to tumble to the dust of the earth and great shall be the fall of them.


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