160 years ago today - Sep 23, 1855 (Evening)

[Brigham Young] If Christ is our elder brother and Adam's Son, he must be half brother or half uncle...Did you ever think that Adam had power to eat the forbidden fruit, and then redeem himself? God had power to beget a child in the womb of the Virgin Mary - he was begotten of his Father without falling but of his mother he partook of death and had to die. Jesus Christ's advantage, he had power to lay down his life and take it up again because power was given to him to redeem the human family. He was the Son of his Father. -- Salt Lake City

[Source: Leonard J. Arrington Papers, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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