115 years ago today - Thursday, Jan 2, 1902

... Hull, who had been appointed by the Y.M.M.I.A. board to investigate the propriety and wisdom of erecting a monument to the memory of Joseph Smith, the prophet, the same to be dedicated on the centennial of his birth in 1905. The report was read, received with thanks, and laid on the table for further consideration. The committee suggested that either a statue or memorial building be adopted as the form of the memorial. ... Remarks were made by Apostles Teasdale, Jno. H. Smith, Reed Smoot, and myself favoring a memorial building. Apostle Jno. H. Smith felt that such a building would eventually become the "Westminster Abbey" of the church. Apostle Clawson said that the report did not fully cover the views of the committee in respect to a memorial building. They thought that said building should be provided with a rotunda where a statue of the prophet in marble might be placed and that the building should be used for office purposes by the First Presidency, the Twelve, the Seven Presidents of Seventies, and the Presiding Bishopric, with an apartment set apart for a library.

Pres. Smith spoke at some length and very interestingly upon the subject. He favored a memorial building and thought it should be provided with a rotunda for the placing of a statue of the prophet, or perhaps the "martyrs"; niches should also be provided for statues of the presidents of the church, also paintings of our leading men; ...

[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]


  1. such a building was dedicated on Jun.27, 1993 in SLC.

  2. after a 6-year major renovation of the old Hotel Utah. Cost was ???

  3. the statue of JS is 9 feet 5 inches high & weighs 3,950 pounds.


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