... I [Brigham Young] am near [$]1000. in debt. [I]f you['l]l place the books bef[ore]. me I can settle it'& will pa[y $]2.00 for every [$]1.00 I owe'[W]hen I get every thing raked out in the Valley we'll have a Jubilee, [and] make a burnt offering, of every thing'I just [k]no[w] they owe me money'I can bring the Ch[urch] in my debt'[W]hat do I care for that damned concern of John Taylor's'or [the] Furness purchase[?]'[J]u[s]t [to] get life of the K[ingdom] for 5 min[utes]: is better than [getting] all the trash in Babylon'...
Its the Church'The last da[y] we were in Nauvoo we went into the Temple, clothed ourselves, & handed it over to the L[or]d. I appointed the Tr[ust]ees myself'Babbitt for [a] lawyer'[and] Fulmer for [a] Bulldog & growl'[and] Heywood to settle debts'[T]hat was a perfect wall between us & the mob'I dont want the Temple sold'I sa[y] O Lord God Almighty hedge up the wa[y] that they can not sell the Temple'I bel[iev]ed you cov[enan]t[ed]. not sell it'& I bel[ieve] you cannot sell it for [$]10.00'I am just determined to have truth & righteousness. ...
A[lmon]. W. Babbitt[:] I wish now to tender my resignation as a Tr[ust]ee into the hands of the Ch[urch]. I have labored for 5 y[ea]rs'& have not had [$]200. for my services'I have taken no man's Gold or Silver'[O]ne error I made of [$]84.00 I have acted in good conscience'[T]hese papers shew that we have embezzled money'I now hold a note of [$]2000. ag[ain]st. [the] Ch[urch]'& a note of [$]2300. on the Lawrence Estate'& [$]700 on notes. I sa[y] to this Council now pa[y] me [$].50 on [the] $ & I will settle all things'I can get my living in the world'or by plowing'many bre[thre]n have attached their property'...
B[righam]. Y[oung]. related his dream of repairing the Temple'We want it preserved'the Lord can preserve it in the hands of our enemies as well as in our own hands. [S]uppose the keys were left with Esq[ui]re [?] Owen[?]'We shall never go back to possess the place until the laws of right takes place'[T]he Sheriff will sell it to some religious body, who will preserve it. ...
[Source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
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