[Wilford Woodruff]
There is a good deal said about the Govornor [Dawson] getting badly whiped [including a partial casteration] at Ephraim Hanks in the mountain by a set of Rowdies.
This is one of the most important days in the last dispensation. The inhabitants of this City met in a Mass meeting for the purpose of appointing 9 men to meet in Convention with others from this Territory to frame a Constitution and organize a State Governmet to Elect our own Governor Judges & peace officers and to ask Congress to be admitted into the Union. And if they will not admit us we will go on independant of them as our Fathers did in the Begining & God will sustain us in it.
The Tabernacle was filled with men the Bone & sinnew of these mountains. It was the Highest Tribunal among men upon Earth. It was not ownly an assembly of the people from whence Emanates all power, Law authority and Government among freemen But it was an assembly of Prophets Apostles Priests & Saints of the Most High God who are inspired and Appointed to build up the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
[Source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]