[George Q. Cannon]
I forgot to mention in the history of yesterday¿s proceedings a conversation I had after afternoon meeting with Bro. Paulo Maewaewa and some others on the doctrine of plurality of wives in which I explained the doctrine to them with its object. Attended meeting this morning and spoke unto them on idolatry and on the foul spirits and power of the devil that was being made manifest among the children of men, and cautioned them to forsake all such things together with all their gods, and all the traditions that had been instilled into them about such things, and to teach their children also to have <no> confidence in them; telling that there was a power that was not of God and also a power that was given, owned, and blessed by him, and besought them to seek after this power and the devil <& agents> would have no power to injure or afflict them¿if they put their confidence in the Lord they need not be afraid of being prayed to death by the pule anana and hoopiopio for they (their enemies) can have no power over us, the saints of God, if we do right. [[Pule ¿ana¿ana is a term for black magic. Ho¿opi¿opi¿o was a form of imitative magic in which it was believed that the practitioner could touch a part of his body and cause injury to his victim¿s body at the same spot (Pukui and Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary, 24, 332, 478).]]
[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
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