[Hosea Stout]
In the morning I went to the Temple and was roughly accosted by Brs Cahoon & Cutler about a circumstance which took place last night at the Temple. They said that the Old Police had beat a man almost to death in the Temple. To which I replied I was glad of it and that I had given orders to that effect in case anyone should be found in the Temple after night and they had only done as they were told, or ordered, that they had been imposed upon long enough while on duty and I was determined to bear it no longer. This created considerable warmth of feelings in them and the bye standers, however after they understood the matter they seemed satisfied and said the guard only done their dutyfrom thence I went to John Higbees from thence to Gullys store, and there met with Br Carn and told him the circumstance at the Temple and we concluded to lay the matter before President Brigham Young and get his advice, as we went we met Brother H. C. Kimball and while relating the matter to him
Brother Brigham came to us and we related the matter to him and he approved of the proceedings of the Police and said he wanted us to still guard the Temple after which he & Br. Kimball went to the Temple to regulate the matters there which was done to our satisfaction and justification. ...
[Diaries of Hosea Stout]
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