Bishop Orson F. Whitney has been selected to write a history of Utah. Among other important subjects that will have to be mentioned is what is known as the Mountain Meadow Massacre. Many facts have already been published concerning this affair; but there is an opinion prevailing that all the light that can be obtained has not been thrown upon it. Many of those who have personal knowledge concerning what occurred at that time have passed away. Others are passing away; and ere long there will be no person alive who will know anything about it only as they learn it from what has been written. We are anxious to learn all that we can upon this subject, not necessarily for publication, but that the Church may have the details in its possession for the vindication of innocent parties, and that the world may know, when the time comes, the true facts connected with it. ... We remain your brethren, WILFORD WOODRUFF, GEORGE Q. CANNON, JOSEPH F. SMITH.
[Office of the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Jan. 21, 1892, "To whom it may concern," 1892-January 21-Autobiography of Andrew Jensen, pp. 197-198, in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
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