March 1, 1877 I Wilford Woodruff record in my Journal A History of the Celebration of this my Seventieth birth day. I arived at the Temple of the Lord in Saint George Washington County, Utah, at 8 oclok in the Morning. I was there Surrounded with one hundred and fifty four virgins, Maidens Daughters and Mothers in Zion from the age of fourteen to the Aged Mother leaning upon her Staff. All had assembled for the purpose of Entering into the Temple of the Lord to make me a birth day Present by being washed And Anointed and receiving their Endowments for and behalf of One hundred and Thirty of my wives who were dead and in the spirit world the majority of which had been sealed to me and the remainder were to be. These persons had been sealed to me during the last fifteen years by Presidets Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Daniel H. Wells, G. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Also twenty four near relatives were added to this list of wives for whom these beloved Sisters in Zion were to receive their Endowments this day. As this was to be Confined to the Sisters alone No men were to receive their Endowments to day.
... And when this record was All made out the Sisters occupied all five of the washing Bathes in the Temple....
When they had all assembled to gether in the Creation Room I presented myself before them Clothed in my white Doe skin Temple dress. I there delivered unto them a short address, But I had not Enough of immortality about me to fully answer my mind. ...
I went through the Endowments of the day more like being in vision than a reality. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]
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