[Heber J. Grant]
George F. Richards, David O. McKay and James E. Talmage called and made a report that they thought it would be a serious matter to have Eldred Smith made the Presiding Patriarch. They gave a detailed account of what they had discovered regarding the Young Men's activities, and while they thought he was g good young man they were a unit that it would be a mistake to have him made the Presided Patriarch at least until after he has had years of training and development. We discussed the propriety of changing and having one of Joseph F. Smith's sons made the patriarch. The names of Calvin and Willard R. Smith were suggested. My own impression is that it is almost providential to have a faithful, diligent outstanding Latter-day Saint grandson of Hyrum Smith made the patriarch instead of having a great great-grandson of Hyrum Smith through the line of John Smith. We discussed the matter until nearly seven o'clock.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
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