Brigham Young permits woman to select faithful elder to act as "proxy" to father children for her sexually impotent husband writing, "if I was imperfect and had a good wife I would call on some good br. to help me that we might have increase; . . .You may show this letter to your husband and Bishop and let this be the end of it. and keep it from every body else." Young performs polyandrous ceremony "for time," and the relationship lasts several years producing two sons, (1858, 1861). Mother's legal husband raises the boys with her, and later tells them he loves them as much as if they were his natural sons. Both boys grow up to become devoted Mormons and polygamists. This is last known case of authorized polyandry.
A Mormon man in Filmore, Utah writes to Brigham Young: "there were 56 single men besides all the married ones that were anxious to get more wives, and only four single women. Now, sir, would it not be a good policy for me to go on a mission to the states or England if you thought best. I know of some good women in the states of my own baptizing that might be got, besides many more."
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