185 years ago today - Aug 11, 1837

Patriarchal Blessing of Amanda Rogers given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ...

At a blessing meeting held in the Lord's House in Kirtland ... God will reveal himself to thee, things now hid from thine eyes shall be unfolded to thee, so that thou shalt see them. Thou shalt see blessings that are not now conceived of in thy heart. Thou shalt behold the great judgments poured out upon the earth, thy heart will be troubled, thou shalt say let me lay down in the grave a little season rather than live to see the vials all poured out, rather than suffer the great afflictions, but thou must be patient, thou must come up to thy Redeemer through affliction; thou must wash thy robes in the blood of the Lamb. I bless thee with the blessing of a father to make thee equal to thy brethren. ...

[Patriarchal Blessings]

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