30 years ago today - Aug 5, 1992.

The 13th Annual Sunstone Symposium convenes in Salt Lake City with about 1,500 attendees. According to Salt Lake Tribune religion editor Peggy Fletcher Stack, who does not disclose her sources, "Several departments in the LDS Church Office Building threatened employees with dire consequences if they attended. But the Public Affairs Department sent six `observers,' as they have for years." At least one BYU faculty member, Michael Allen, is "advise[d] against" participating. Sunstone editor Elbert Peck acknowledges that some BYU faculty "chose not to participate" while others "made a point of participating" and describes the impact of the 1991 First Presidency/Council of the Twelve statement as being "to make presenters much more thoughtful and careful than they have been in the past."

[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1]

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