125 years ago today - Sep 2, 1898; Friday

President Woodruff died at the home of [non-member] Col[onel]. Isaac Trumbo, whose guest he was while in San Francisco. He breathed his last surrounded by every comfort that loving hands could provide. His wife Emma was with him, as were Pres[iden]t. Geo[rge]. Q. Cannon, Bishop H[iram]. B. Clawson and their wives, who were sojourning in the same hospitable home. The President had suffered occasionally from asthma and from kidney and bladder troubles, but when he left for the coast on the 13th of August, he was well and cheerful, and in fact remarked to a friend, "I wish Pres[iden]t. Cannon was as well as I am". At a dinner given in his honor at the rooms of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco, a few evenings before his death, and of which no man under eighty was permitted to partake, Pres[ident]. Woodruff, though in his 92nd year, was voted the smartest of the party. The day before he died he was talking of going out fishing. Thursday night, September 1st, he complained of feeling ill, and Dr. Winslow Anderson, his physician, after a consultation with Drs. McNutt and Buckley, decided that there was little hope that he would see another day. He passed away peacefully at early dawn.

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

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