[Heber J. Grant Presidency]
[Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark Jr., and David O. McKay to Stake and Mission Presidents, Oct. 17, 1938, in MFP, 6:60-61; emphasis in original] Some unfortunate and untoward incidents following the giving of endowments to wives of Church members who have not been through the temple, and to the wives of non-members, have brought this matter again in review by the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve. ... Hereafter you will not give a recommend, under any circumstances, to a wife whose husband is not a member of the Church. ... You will give recommends to wives of members of the Church who have not had their endowments only if the husband is absolutely willing that the endowment should be given to his wife. You will therefore be expected personally to interview the husband in order to assure yourself that he has no objection whatever, and, in addition, he must express his willingness and consent in writing. This written consent must be attached to the recommend itself, which must be signed by the Bishop of the Ward and the President of the Stake, or, in the case of people living in the missions, by the President of the Branch and the President of the Mission. Unless these requirements are fully complied with, it will not be possible for the woman so recommended to go into the Temple. ...
[Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
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