Abraham Owen Woodruff ... Referred to the fact that he had no children. He loved children and so did his wife and did not know why he was not blessed of the Lord with children.
Expressed great delight with the promise of the Lord through Pres[iden]t [Franklin D.] Richards to Bro[ther] [Heber J.] Grant yesterday that he shall live to have sons. ...
One of the brethren of this Quorum had said unless a man had seen the face of the Savior was not worthy of being a special witness of Jesus Christ. Bore strong testimony of his knowledge of God, Jesus Christ & that Joseph Smith was a Prophet although he had not seen the face of the Savior, He had seen the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Franklin D. Richards told Bro[ther] Woodruff to have no uneasiness but to be willing to wait the due time of the Lord to have fulfilled All of the promises made to you. They are sure to come. Things are going to take a turn and brother Grant will have things turn around and he will have things easier than he ever had them. He shall maintain his good name and have great influence financially. Feel the same regarding Bro[ther] Jno [John] W Taylor. Brother Woodruff will be blessed abundantly.
We must become separated for the world. I feel full of prophesy [sic] & great things are to happen among the people. Times will come that all those who are not willing to labor for God and His Kingdom will find it so warm here that they will want to dispose of their property and go elsewhere to live....
Some day we may find it necessary to build temples in New Zealand & other places. ... Said if we were faithful that sooner or later we will see the face of the Savior.
John W. Taylor said Bro[ther] Woodruff had had very great promises made to him and they will come true and they must come through his wife. Spoke of many of the Prophets of God being born of women who for a time were barren. Believed God was preparing Bro[ther] Woodruff's wife to perform her part in bearing Bro[ther] W[oodruff]. a son.
[Heber J. Grant, Diary]
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