Brother Clawson inquired if a Brother Patterson, who is acting in the capacity of a healer among the Saints, was doing so under the sanction of the Priesthood.
Brother Cowley stated that he believed that Brother Patterson had the gift of healing and that success had attended his labors.
Brother Lyman remarked that he once had a little prejudice against Brother Patterson, but he had since become convinced that he was doing more good than harm; in fact, very little harm, if any. Some people had a great deal of faith in him, and the speaker understood that he had been fairly successful in his administrations. Brother Lyman referred also to a Brother Blackburn of Minersville [Utah] as a man who was doubtless doing a great deal of good among the sick, without receiving very much for his services. He reported a case of a woman in Tooele [Utah] who sold consecrated oil in a little store and of another merchant who complained of this woman's getting all that trade. This brought up the subject of consecrated oil being sold at the Temple gate for individual profit, and Brother Grant stated that he objected in his feelings to having consecrated oil on shelves sold in this way. He thought it would be better for the Temples to control it. Brother Merrill remarked that
the practice in Logan [Utah] was for the people to send their oil to the Temple on a certain day of each week, to be consecrated.
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
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