[John Nuttle]
Received the following as come by Telegraph. "The case of George Reynolds was decided yesterday P.M. by the Supreme Court of the United States and they decided that Congress had the right to make laws prohibiting Polygamous Marriages in Utah, and that the law was Constitutional." Operator Thus the Judicial Power of the Government (the only power remaining), has decided against the Lord and his Work on the earth -- every other arm of the Government having previously declared themselves and been arrayed aginst him and his people nd purposes for some time past. surly [sic] now their cup of inequity is full, and the Lord will shortly come out of his hiding place and vex the nation. so that he who will not take up his sword against his Neighbor must needs flee to Zion for safty. All the safe guards of the Government are broken and gone. and it behooves the Latter-day Saints to draw near to God and prepare themselves for his Kingdom and coming. and for the judgm(e)nts that must shortly
come upon the wicked & ungodly & those who fight against God --
[Diary Excerpts of L. John Nuttall, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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