[Brigham Young]
We have assembled here to have music & danceing. The world have had vary Strange Ideas Concerning these things. They have supposed it was a vary wicked thing for a christian to dance or hear music. Many preachers of the day have said that fidling & music Came from Hell But I say that their is no fiddleing or music in hell. Their is not a fiddler in hell or any music of any kind. Music belongs in heaven to cheer God, Angel, & man. If we could hear the music their is in heaven it would overwhelm mortal man. The Lord gave us that organ that makes music so delightful to man & the Devel has Stolen music & many other things that was ordained of God for the Benefit of man & has turned it to an evil use but music & danceing is for the benefit of the Holy ones & if those that come here tonight are not Holy & righteous & feel to worship & Praise God they have no business here. ...
I will say a word concerning danceing with the Gentiles. As I have got up this party If I had felt disposed to have invited some Gentiles here would they have contaminated me or this company? No because the priesthood rules here with the keys of power truth light & knowledge. ... But if any Elder in this church was to follow after Gentile parties they would submit themselves to their spirit partake of their evils & go to the devel. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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