125 years ago today - Thursday, Oct 26, 1899

[Apostle Rudger Clawson]

Apostle J. H. Smith reported that he had been to Ogden to visit Pres. F. D. Richards and said that he was very seriously ill, being afflicted with nervous prostration. His mind also, he said, seemed to be failing. Apostle A. O. Woodruff made a similar report.

The clerk read a report showing the status of polygamy in Utah, as follows, to wit:

The number of polygamists in 1890—



The number of deaths since then—


The number removed from the U.S.


The number divorced



Leaving a balance of



37%—died, left, or divorced.

Apostle H. J. Grant said that he thought he could get managing control of the Salt Lake Herald, if it were thought advisable. As it is now, the paper is run on anti-Mormon principles, but might be used to favor the church. I moved that Apostle Grant be authorized to do what he could in the matter of securing control. Carried by unanimous vote.

The question of a presidency for the Cache Stake was introduced by Pres. Snow, and he asked the brethren how they felt about it. Apostle Lyman suggested the name of Chas. W. Nibley. ... Apostle A. H. Lund was in favor of a man who would have some influence with the Moses Thatcher faction. He did not think C. W. Nibley would be altogether the most suitable, he being a Republican in politics. Pres. Snow proposed the name of Apostle M. W. Merrill. Seconded and carried by unanimous vote....

[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

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