Today in Mormon History - Oct 30

In Hiram, Ohio, Joseph Smith receives Doctrine and Covenants 65 (according to the Kirtland Revelation Book), which he designates as a prayer. This is the first of fifteen revelations received by the Prophet in Hiram. (1)
-- 180 years ago today - Oct 30, 1831

[U.S. Religious History] Lawsuits were filed on behalf of three lawyers who sought the removal of Roy Moore's Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial Building. The suit claimed that the monument "constitutes an impermissible endorsement of religion by the state." (2)
-- 10 years ago today - Oct 30, 2001

The custom has developed in some of the temples of selling consecrated oil, books and records, and of renting temple clothing, the object being to accommodate persons who come to do work in the House of the Lord. Trafficking in these commodities is hardly in keeping with the sacredness of the temple, and we would, therefore, like you to discontinue this practice after December 31, 1911. In the meantime, arrange with the Bishops to sell consecrated oil and records and to rent temple clothing, all profits (if any) over and above expenses to be turned in as temple donations once a month. In view of the sacredness of temple work the Latter-day Saints should be encouraged to prepare temple garments, the workmanship of their own hands, and every effort should be made to discourage the practice of renting such clothing. [Joseph F. Smith and Anthon H. Lund to Temple Presidents, Oct. 30, 1911] (3)
-- 100 years ago today - Oct 30, 1911

1 - The Woodland Institute 'On This Day Historical Database,'
2 - Cline, Austin, History of American Religion: Timeline
3 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,

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