120 years ago today - Nov 1, 1892

[Francis M. Lyman] [With Franklin D. Richards to Rock Springs, Wyoming:] We talked much with the Bishop [Joseph Soulsby] and bro[ther] Fletcher over the political situation. The men here of our people lean strongly towards democracy, yet to be consistent they will generally support the Republican State ticket as they did two years ago. Bro[ther] Fletcher is a nominee for the state senate on Democratic ticket. He is a pronounced Democrat. But few of our brethren have alined themselves with either party and such are generally Republican. Bro[ther] Fletcher said he could not change his position now and we told him he should not, neither should those who supported the Republican ticket two years ago. The Bishop is of the opinion they will generally vote as they did there.

[Source: Francis M. Lyman, Diary]

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