Howard Egan's wife committed adultery with James Monroe. Howard Egan killed Monroe on account of the crime. W[illia]m M. Egan is the issue of the adultery. Question. * To whom does W[illia]m M. Egan go as a child * to Howard Egan or his father? Decision of the First Presidency and 12 [Apostles][,] April 19, 1894. He belongs to Howard Egan, by virtue of the mother being Howard Egan's sealed wife, and no ordinances needed.
[Source: Book of Temple Ordinances, Apr. 19, 1894; p. 37 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,]
It goes without saying that it would be very very interesting to know how the lives of these 3 individuals turned out in the end if it is possible to know this thru the historical records, etc.