Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith: Many of the Patriarchs have felt that they are not given the attention they are entitled to, in being placed before the people. Said he thought it a good policy for the presiding officers in the wards and stakes to point these brethren out and give them a place of honor in the midst of the people, and that occasionally a prayer be offered in the ward and stake for these men, that their work may be advertised before the people. Stated that during the year 1332 people have received their patriarchal blessings from him, while in the ninety stakes, 4931 blessings were given by over 200 patriarchs. Stated that he would prefer that more of the people go to the local patriarchs. The speaker said he was converted to the fact that there is but one patriarchal blessing to each person. ...
President Grant said that he was inclined to think that in future we would have to make a rule that no man can be a patriarch after he gets eighty years of age, because it is that kind of men who have been inveigled into the idea that they can perform plural marriages.
[Source: Special Priesthood Meeting, Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
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